Life on the Edge

Live the day to day life of a mercenary, on the fringe of society, where many engage in illegal or semi-legal acts or life-styles. One day we go complete a dangerous job as a team, another it's groceries.

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♫ I'll always come through; Don't waste your breath shouting ever at the moon. No, it will feel like; if the sunlight came up too quick too soon.♫
Trying to knock the rust off, but it's hard to tell where the rust ends and the metal begins.
I feel like hugging this site. So glad it's back and still alive!
"Every life I have taken, every soul sent into the abyss, I carry the weight of their absence upon my shoulders. Each fallen comrade... A ghost that whispers of what might have been. In the heat of battle, I sought victory at any cost, heedless of the toll it would exact upon my soul."

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