
The lush and magical world, recovering from a cataclysmic event a millennium ago, now populated by resilient societies living amidst ancient relics of a once advanced civilization. This is where our heroes and artisans bring the legend alive.


This expansive landmass is a study in contrasts, a symphony of nature's most exquisite creations. From emerald forests teeming with strange and wondrous creatures to azure coastlines with shimmering sands, from snow-capped peaks reaching for the heavens to vast plateaus dotted with fragrant, blooming flora. Ancient structures rise from the landscapes, some still resonating with an ethereal glow of their bygone makers, while others lay silent, their stones whispering stories of a time long past. Rivers sparkle like veins of silver, connecting the different regions with their life-giving waters. Elenathara is alive, a pulsing heart of vibrant hues and resonant sounds, calling the brave and the bold to explore its hidden depths. It is a land where the old and new collide, where ruins and relics of yore sit comfortably amidst burgeoning societies, where magic ebbs and flows like the tide, palpable in the air, as real as the terrain underfoot.


Bathed in golden sunlight and caressed by the cool sea breeze, this region exudes a serenity that belies its complex history. Verdant, rolling hills stretch as far as the eye can see, their green expanse interrupted occasionally by quaint, rustic settlements. Azure coastlines meander around the edges of this land, their waters mirroring the infinite sky. Hidden within the serene façade, however, are remnants of the world that was - ancient secrets waiting to be uncovered. From intricate, weathered carvings on hillside boulders, to eerie, silent ruins deep within the forests, every stone has a story to tell.
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Mood: Determined to get Storytellers' Circle new development started.
♫I will build a bridge above you, or I'll tunnel underneath you; I will eat you and excrete you and I'll feed you to the flowers.
If I need to, I'll go through you and absorb your fucking powers; I put in hour after hour let's be crystal clear,
I'm gonna get there if it takes a day or fifty years.
I'll finger-bang my fears, I'll fucking punch a dragon; Even with the Himalayas in my way it's gonna happen.♫
Happy International Bat Appreciation Day to those of you whom absolutely love those cute avian mammals!
Been a long time since I have logged in. Things have been crazy in Lobos & my life as first time parents.
The ember never leaves the ashes; the flames around it move on. Yet it smoulders on, ready for kindle.

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