Recent content by eightofswords

  1. E

    The Nightbane Festival

    Hey-o, this is neat. Can I ask for one of the apprentice slots? I'll post up a bio when I'm not being murdered by linear algebra ;^;
  2. E

    Leviathan's Gift [Space opera]

    Well, I haven't seen anything on here that quite scratches this particular itch of mine... so, here we go. I may expand this into something multithreaded in the future - galaxies are quite large, or so I'm told - but for the time being, I'd like to ease myself into this. Feel free to read the...
  3. E

    Some questions about GM'ing a particular idea

    I'm glad you brought this up, because NPCs outshining the PCs is a real problem in many genres. NPCs have the advantage of being developed as part of the backstory, while the player characters are developed by mere players, who can neither edit the backstory the way the GM can, nor read the...
  4. E

    Handling hidden information in a roleplay

    Ten... Nine... Eight... Deep in the bowels of the station, the assassin silently counted down ten seconds. On the other side of the door, the sound of booted footsteps marched toward her with milspec precision. She whispered a hurried prayer to the gods of science that her cloaking field last...
  5. E

    Worried About My Descriptive Skills

    Oh, that reminds me! Another really good trick is reading things out loud, or better yet, having someone else read them to you. It might sound silly, but verbal language is much lower in the brain than written language, so hearing your prose makes it easier to notice awkward phrases and repeated...
  6. E

    Writer in need...

    Oh, MxF is fine by me. Whichever you'd prefer~ Let's go with the first option, then. : ) Do you have a preferred format for character sheets?
  7. E

    Writer in need...

    Well, I'm intrigued by all three of these, haha~ For option 1, do you have a backstory in mind for "CB", or is that something we'd come up with together? I think I'm most interested in option 1 if I don't know CB's story, and option 3 otherwise. Do you want MxF pairings, or is FxF okay? I'm fine...
  8. E

    What do you look for in a 1x1 search?

    It's difficult to have too much information, as long as it's organized well. Good use of bullets, emphasis tags, and good old-fashioned summaries can make even the longest infodump easily readable. If I can get the pertinent information out of a post quickly, then read back for details as...
  9. E

    Is This a Good or Terrible Idea for a DnD Campaign?

    fWell, tabletop RPGs have one extremely peculiar factor, which is that they're played by a group sitting around a table together. As long as everyone's on the same page, everything can work. Ultimately, the thing that makes a campaign concept good or terrible is, more than anything, whether or...
  10. E

    New User Yes, I am in fact familiar.

    Hello from one new user to another! So, what sort of weird stuff are we talking about here?
  11. E

    New User The Eight of Swords

    from users import inkdragon inkdragon.get_greeting().acknowledge("Pleased to meet you!"); Good to know, thanks! I'm aware, don't worry. I know how to keep things classy. :) I certainly will. Nice to meet you, my draconic friend.
  12. E

    Worried About My Descriptive Skills

    Hey, Tatsuo, I feel you on this one, since description is something that I never feel I get right. With that in mind, take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt - I'm not under any delusion that what works for me will necessarily work for someone else; but, hopefully, working through the...
  13. E

    New User Hi!!!!!

    Hello, fellow new person! Going off your self-description, I get the sense that we'll be running into each other pretty often.
  14. E

    New User The Eight of Swords

    Why, hello there. I'm eightofswords, but you can call me Naomi if you prefer. Once upon a time, I was a pretty active roleplayer; I'm here to get back into it, hopefully with a more, erm, mature attitude this time around. (Cough.) My preferences tend towards the unusual and the macabre (those...