Recent content by Jackattack34

  1. Jackattack34

    New User Hi there!

    This place really is friendly! I'm definitely staying, and looking forward to speaking with everyone
  2. Jackattack34

    General Evan Wilson

    This is really good! I haven't met this character yet but I can already tell his personality from this short story. I enjoyed that you showed us the father's overbearing nature instead of telling us.
  3. Jackattack34

    New User Hi there!

    Thank you ^.^
  4. Jackattack34

    New User Hi there!

    Hello Everyone! I'm new and hoping to get a feel for this new (to me) place. I've already read through the rules, but any information about where to go to RP and the formatting of said RPs would be nice to know. Here's to hoping this place is as welcoming as it looks! ~Jackattack, AKA Gem