Recent content by Glow

  1. Glow

    Looking for RP partner(s)

    Hello all. Looking for some RPing to do - either 1x1 or a group RP. I'm not picky about genre, but I am mostly familiar with Sci-Fi and Fantasy. I don't have anything specific in mind, so if you have an idea, awesome, or we can come up with something together via PM. A few disclaimers: I'm...
  2. Glow

    Deus Ex Machina The Eclipse - In-Character News

    Day - Unkown Darkness reigns over Auroris. Not even the moon remains. The stars have gone too, leaving the sky barren. The temperatures have dropped below freezing. The city is dead. Those who still remain are the sick and the elderly; huddled around tiny fires fueled by what little is left to...
  3. Glow

    General Evan Wilson

    Thank You!! :D
  4. Glow


    To the men in red and blue Who fought in the bloody snows of Valley Forge To protect our fledgling country And her right to fly free Thank You To the men in olive green Who sat in the red-mud trenches of France and Germany Who in protecting our own freedom Gave the world back hers Twice Thank...
  5. Glow

    General Evan Wilson

    When Aaron awoke, his room was still dark. Was it early morning? Or was it still night? He really hoped it was still night, because if not— He winced as the searing white fluorescent lights suddenly flicked on. Nope, definitely morning. "Up and 'em Wilson. Let's MOVE!" Aaron scrambled out of the...
  6. Glow

    Deus Ex Machina Twilight River

    Sid - Twilight River If the automaton could raise an eyebrow he would have. The human did appear to be in serious pain. However, he did meet a son of Joaquin that tried a similar trick on him, so he wasn't ready to believe what he was seeing quite yet. "I'd advise caution madam," he said in a...
  7. Glow


    Me A simple word Referring to one speaking Self Slightly longer Similar in meaning I A letter But has the same purpose You Overuse of the first three Makes this one worthless
  8. Glow

    A Poem

    I wrote a poem I posted it on the web I got a like Yay
  9. Glow

    Deus Ex Machina Character Sheets and Acceptance

    @Drakey Approved!
  10. Glow

    Deus Ex Machina Twilight River

    Sid - Twilight River Sid thought for a moment. Ah. It came to him. The river was the perfect place to dispose of a weapon... Then he thought some more. But only if you where a common criminal. This was a goddess. Wouldn't there be better ways to dispose of a weapon? He was distracted from his...
  11. Glow


    They seek the place where dark things lie Where evil breeds Where hope goes to die My question is Why? They touch the things that are black and grim That dwell in holes And places dim My question is Why? They love these things But at what cost? If you tread dark places You risk becoming lost
  12. Glow

    The Person

    Consider the person, and like all people, this person is flawed. This is a person who has lied about what they've done so they can appear be the person they want to be, rather the person they actually are. A person who can barely contain their anger at being asked to do the simplest thing for...
  13. Glow

    Deus Ex Machina Character Sheets and Acceptance

    Name: Sebastian Holmes Gender: Male Age: 35 Class: Human Godly Parent: N/A Relationships: Victoria Watson - collegue/crush Janet Moriarty - cray cray sister Role: Consulting Detective Personality: Sebastian is a quiet man, but not unfriendly. He prefers his own company and has very few people...
  14. Glow

    Deus Ex Machina The Docks

    Aaron - The Crimson Dutchman Aaron burst into the room where Sylvia and Lucian were; his face pale. He rushed over to Lucian and whispered something in his ear. Lucian's face immediately changed to concern and nodded. The two assassins spun around and rushed out of the ship at full speed. Aaron...