Recent content by Sintacts

  1. Sintacts

    From the perspective of a veteran (where to begin)

    Thanks, guys, I'll definitely check it out as soon as I can! Thanks for the warm welcome.
  2. Sintacts

    What is your favourite genre to RP in and why?

    Fantasy has always been my thing. Although, I did some horror/modern/fantasy-esque RP's with some friends (yes, I know that's a strange mix of genres) a long time ago and got a kick out of it. I like the unexpected, I think. Especially when friends would pull NPC's out of nowhere that had crazy...
  3. Sintacts

    From the perspective of a veteran (where to begin)

    So, I suppose I should make the subtle announcement that this is my first post here at StoryTeller's Circle. Hello, all. I am Sintacts. I propose a question gently coupled with somewhat of a look into my background in RolePlaying. When I was a boy, around the age of 11, I discovered Yahoo...