Recent content by Sour Rocks

  1. Sour Rocks

    (World Building) What Effects Would Affordable Anti-Gravity Have?

    All of these are fair points, but I had supposed that power would be a non-issue at the start of my post. Since we're suspending our disbelief for anti-gravity devices, it's not that far a stretch to also believe that whatever civilisation built them would have unlocked some method of making...
  2. Sour Rocks

    How to describe a voice?

    That's maybe overdoing it but you've got the idea, yeah.
  3. Sour Rocks

    Sour Rocks' Crappy Character Compendium

    It's 3 AM, I'm on a caffeine binge and I'm not sure how much of the world exists at this time of night. Let's get down to it.
  4. Sour Rocks


  5. Sour Rocks

    Urban Fantasy Bestiary

    I really like the idea of a "love vampire", especially one that relies on camouflage and disguise. It'd be interesting to explore the thought process of a being that has adapted to fake a lifetime of affection and devotion for another person, only to then move on to the next. These by themselves...
  6. Sour Rocks

    How to describe a voice?

    Language is meant to convey meaning, and in particular metaphorical language is used to convey feeling. Describing something only needs to be dry and factual when the object in question is unknown to the reader or particularly complex; if you're describing some manner mechanism whose function...
  7. Sour Rocks

    (World Building) What Effects Would Affordable Anti-Gravity Have?

    It vastly depends on three things: how portable it is, how easy it is to use and how affordable it is. Also, let's suppose that power is a non-issue. Assuming the answer to all of these is "as much as possible", levitation would become like second nature. The world would be changed...
  8. Sour Rocks

    New User Welcome!

    Thank you all for your kind words. I will strive to have some kind of standard and not embarass anyone, though the success rate may vary.
  9. Sour Rocks

    New User Welcome!

    Thank you, Bearest of Leaders. I will strive not to disappoint your ursine self and the rest of the gods of your pantheon.
  10. Sour Rocks

    New User Welcome!

    To me. I am welcome. Hopefully. Best case scenario, the title attracts attention and people reply; worst case, I've at least managed to receive one welcome, even if it's from myself. Hi, I'm Whisky/Sour Rocks/Other aliases as well, and all of the other stuff I thought up for a title and intro...
  11. Sour Rocks

    Slime time.

    Slime time.