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  1. ViceVersus

    New Posts Coming Soon™

    New Posts Coming Soon™
  2. ViceVersus

    MASKS (Open World Superhero RP)

    Sag ripped off his League wrist-link, and threw it to the ground. He regretted it immediately. The act was uncharacteristic. Brittany's head lolled back. The marksman cradled her close. He rose, the last of the nylon straps slumping away. Hurt foot? Girl intact. Sag's mind spun. I'll take it...
  3. ViceVersus

    MASKS (Open World Superhero RP)

    Metal tore, and they were all knocked off their feet. Sag grabbed hold of the bulkhead and opened the hatch with a single blow. With the nylon packs distributed, Sag pulled Brittany close. He strapped her in to him. Over the sound of the shrieking alarms, he heard her sobbing. As buckles jangled...
  4. ViceVersus

    What sort of roleplay are you interested in? :)

    What sort of roleplay are you interested in? :)
  5. ViceVersus

    Implemented Dark Mode Theme!

    It was pointed out to me! Thanks Tiko.
  6. ViceVersus

    Implemented Dark Mode Theme!

    Hi Tiko & all, I'd love to see a dark mode skin for the website. Currently rocking one of the blue ones, but a cool dark gray and black would be welcome. Thanks!
  7. ViceVersus

    Doing ok

    Doing ok
  8. ViceVersus


    Iosine Lammergeier padded through the first class halls, cutting a striking figure. She was taller than most men, her eyes were piercing, and every inch of exposed skin revealed her as a body-hacker. The MAGNIFICA crew regarded her with wariness usually held for attack dogs of uncertain loyalty...
  9. ViceVersus


    Of all the people to be seated next to her, Alysanne could not have been more surprised to see Casey Hart. This was not her first time seeing the controversial, talented young inventor, but the two had never been formally introduced. She knew his face well, plastered on magazines and newspapers...
  10. ViceVersus


  11. ViceVersus

    Storyteller's Circle Rap Battle/Poetry Bash

    What's up you fucks. Let's get a little flame going. Shamrocks For my real friends Real rocks for my sham friends Happy Saint Patrick's Day - don't tell me that I'm late (Was I gonna pay my tax today?) - questions to procrastinate Let's carve it up and throw down Some words and role play in...
  12. ViceVersus

    MASKS (Open World Superhero RP)

    Sag's stomach leapt to his throat. The shift of their nosedive sliced a flashback clean through him - of airstrikes in the desert, of helicopters pitching to the ground. "What do we do, sir?" "Pray we die quick." As the alarms screeched around them, the marksman did his best to ignore the...
  13. ViceVersus


    On the first evening of the MAGNIFICA's maiden voyage, a grand dinner was to be had in the Concord Ballroom. Although it was located on the second-class deck, it was the MAGNIFICA's largest single-room space. The Concord took advantage of the towering heights that the interior of such a mighty...
  14. ViceVersus

    MASKS (Open World Superhero RP)

    Matter manipulation. Although the figures on the bright screen Element held were strange to him, Sag understood the gist of what was being said. This was the world they lived in. Sagittare had spent years of his life honing marksmanship, adhering to a strict military code - but some poor person...
  15. ViceVersus


    Peals of laughter rang out over the second-class skydeck. Star Tribune junior reporter Petyr Holmes drew a small crowd of families, joking and chatting as he snapped pictures. He made an odd nucleus to this atom of attention, tidy in a blue suit and slicked hair. His natural charm amplified by...
  16. ViceVersus

    MASKS (Open World Superhero RP)

    Kinnnnnnnn There it was. Dust flew at them in ripples from the vertical draft of the NEST shuttle. For a flash, Sag was reminded of a helicopter settling into a bed of sand from his military days. As the onboard platform extended, Sag walked forward grimly. The NEST agent flopped the girl...
  17. ViceVersus

    MASKS (Open World Superhero RP)

    "It'll work," Sag drew and fired a shot. It buried into the block of dirt-specked ice, electricity arcing. It was one of his suppression rounds. Sag lowered his bow, surveying the damage done to the street. The fire hydrant still gushed across the block, whisking sand away in trails from the...
  18. ViceVersus


    Even with the MAGNIFICA moving, off the ground, Alysanne could not relax. She stood at one of the ship's 18 wide decks, with other first-class passengers, her fingers curled around the bronze-plated railing. Wind whipped at her shoulder-length hair, and her eyes watered from the sun. She watched...
  19. ViceVersus

    MASKS (Open World Superhero RP)

    OOC: Hey gang. Here's the official OOC thread for the RP! When the tank erupted, Sag jerked his sights to the left. He felt a fresh thrill of fear watching wriggling life become sand. If fish could scream .. The interior of the restaurant was just wrong. The overturned tables and chairs...
  20. ViceVersus


    This is the OOC thread for the open-world superhero roleplay MASKS.