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  1. ForestDivinity

    Commission Info + Art Work Examples

    A mood board for Cyrus
  2. ForestDivinity

    Commission Info + Art Work Examples

    Created this mood board for Adrian
  3. ForestDivinity

    Commission Info + Art Work Examples

    Lined and cleaned up this pic of Adrian !
  4. ForestDivinity

    The City That Never Dreams

    "There a couple in the break room at the back, I'll grab you one in a minute." He said as he took the money, narrowing his eyes at Rois but after a moment he vanished into the back room to grab a rickety wooden chair, carrying it through to Clementine. "Sorry it's not great but this place is old...
  5. ForestDivinity

    The City That Never Dreams

    Adrian blinked when Clementine walked in, sitting up a little in his chair and raising an eyebrow at her first question. “I’m a potions ingredients supplier not a drying rack. I have a towel in the back if you want but there’s nothing here that just… dries people. I can give you a warming potion...
  6. ForestDivinity

    The City That Never Dreams

    [/LEFT] Current Players 6/6 Forest Divinity - GM - Adrian Yoda - romamaro - Kbeligratis - TheGreenerGrey - Lucifer - Spheryn - [/SPOILER] February was cold in Perrenvale – not the nice sort of cold that brings snow and rosy cheeks and smiles to faces. It was cold enough for frost and...
  7. ForestDivinity

    Modern Witchcraft (Small group rp 6/6 spaces filled)

    Ahh, I'm sorry for this reply being late, I've been ill and barely able to get out of bed :0 All better now though! If you're both still interested then I'd be happy to have 7 people in the rp but after this there are no more spaces! Also being a Mortal Human would be fine! Please message me...
  8. ForestDivinity

    Modern Witchcraft (Small group rp 6/6 spaces filled)

    Hey guys, sorry this reply is late :0 I've been a little ill the last few days and then I knocked a tooth out :/ Thank you for your character sheets though! They both seem super cool and interesting and I will add you to the list! Just waiting for one more person now
  9. ForestDivinity

    Modern Witchcraft (Small group rp 6/6 spaces filled)

    I like her! It's nice that you branched out instead of just choosing an average Demon and she has an interesting set of powers. I will add you to the list and let you know when the rp starts :)
  10. ForestDivinity

    Modern Witchcraft (Small group rp 6/6 spaces filled)

    Nice! I hope you have a fun time creating your character. Just a note is that I prefer written descriptions over pictures, though they're fine as a supplement! If you have any questions shoot me a pm!
  11. ForestDivinity

    Modern Witchcraft (Small group rp 6/6 spaces filled)

    Hey! I'd love to have you, and a lupine-esque demon would be interesting to have :) In regards to your questions Fae can't shape-shift or appear as animals because their power comes from the elements rather than from animals so unless its a spell cast by a witch it wouldn't happen :0 However...
  12. ForestDivinity

    Modern Witchcraft (Small group rp 6/6 spaces filled)

    A vampire would be fine! In regards to having him in the mafia I'd be okay with that as long as he wasn't highly over-powered in regards to the other characters. If you want to write a little description and send it to me over a conversation I can review it!
  13. ForestDivinity

    Modern Witchcraft (Small group rp 6/6 spaces filled)

    I'd be happy to have you, do you have any idea what sort of character you'd like? :) A Demon would be cool! We haven't got one yet :) Feel free to message me with any questions when building your character! :)
  14. ForestDivinity

    Commission Info + Art Work Examples

    It was with a textured brush on SAI, I can't take much credit for it actually :0 the brush did most of the work :o Other than that it was just painting general fire shapes and using a luminosity layer to make it look bright and hot :)
  15. ForestDivinity

    Commission Info + Art Work Examples

    Adrian A young witch without much money
  16. ForestDivinity

    Modern Witchcraft (Small group rp 6/6 spaces filled)

    I'd love to have you on! Ghouls tend to be washed out in colour? Think of someone who's been de-saturated? If you go for a Fae instead they are usually a bit shorter than humans and prefer natural colours such as greens/blues/browns to wear. Most have long hair whether male or female, though...
  17. ForestDivinity

    Modern Witchcraft (Small group rp 6/6 spaces filled)

    They can use their own forms of magic, yes. I should have explained that better :0
  18. ForestDivinity

    Modern Witchcraft (Small group rp 6/6 spaces filled)

    Overview A world similar to our own. There are phones and laptops and technology is booming. At first glance it doesn’t seem any different and yet if you look closer the differences are profound for along with modern life witches and warlocks (as well as a variety of other magical persons) exist...
  19. ForestDivinity

    What is your preferred group size for role plays?

    I mostly rp 1x1 but small groups are okay too. I tend to get overwhelmed with larger groups :0
  20. ForestDivinity

    Commission Info + Art Work Examples

    Harry Potter