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  1. 0rganist

    The World of Equinox

    After hearing his name Zachriel's eyes were drawn to the druid as he sent Grendel away to hunt alongside him. With a raised eyebrow he proceeded to follow the tall blonde male as he headed off the road and towards the surrounding forest. Zach was confident that he could easily hunt for the whole...
  2. 0rganist

    The World of Equinox

    Zachriel has never been one for horseback riding, mainly because he didn't need one other than to transport goods from home to a nearby town. But the need had never presented itself to justify him getting himself a horse. Regardless, he spent a while looking at them as the rest of the group...
  3. 0rganist

    The World of Equinox

    A tired sigh was let out from between Zachriel's lips, as everyone settled for the night. He studied each body individually as they made their way to their resting place for the night, measuring out their visible strengths to have a semi-clear picture of what he was to put up with within the...
  4. 0rganist

    The World of Equinox

    Zachriel listened intently as the man raved on about death and honor and all the stuff that really didn't interested the hunter in the very slightest. His left shoulder was pressed against the pillar closest to him, watching as the group negotiated and pledged to the cause. Uh, I best say...
  5. 0rganist

    The World of Equinox

    His long dark hair stuck to his face, strands of it were muddied and tangled, but the journey was over. Zachriel's legs ached like they hadn't in years, but the ruins before him felt almost like this whole trip was worth it already. It appeared that there was a great hall where he stood...
  6. 0rganist

    The World of Equinox

    Zachriel had lost track of time, his feet ached, his back was tired. I've been walking for what feels like forever... he thought to himself, his lungs feeling as if they were ready to give up on hi any minute now, where am I going... and why... That he did not know. It had been a rather...
  7. 0rganist

    The World of Equinox

    In.... Out.... Zachriel's chest expanded and collapsed as he tried to time his breathing to that of the elk's. The beast grazed around an empty snowy hill; looking around the dense forest, cautiously moving as to keep its muscles warm in case it needed to spring its step once again, as he had...