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  1. Axl

    Legend of Renalta Book One: Awakening

    A Soldier, an Assassin, and Faith Collab between Laurenz Eckhart and Emilia Lang Lehmann @Nilum Laurenz returns to his room to find the door itself unlocked. A mixture of curiosity and alarm wash over him as he flings the door open to find one of the group standing in his room, hunched over...
  2. Axl

    The IEF Venture

    AVSTERE snapped to attention with a sharp "Yes, Sir!", before simply stating something as an afterthought. "Respectfully, sir, a toaster is just a death ray with a low power output, sir." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The next twenty-three hours went by without much action for...
  3. Axl

    The IEF Venture

    AVSTERE was one of the first to arrive on the shuttle pad. He had spent the previous few days saying his final goodbyes to his former squadmates, and so he had nothing left to do on the day of the departure. Most of his time was spent at parade attention off to the side of the pad, with what...