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  1. Captain Cannonfists

    Returning User Set Sail Again!

    Probably the slow pace of things around here, my desire to write is pretty inconsistent, so I like an environment where I can either be constantly involved in roleplay or can easily jump in and out. Storyteller's Circle has neither of those qualities for two reasons: The small size of the site...
  2. Captain Cannonfists

    Returning User Set Sail Again!

    Captain Cannonfists sails the high seas once more! Not sure what made me want to come back, but that's okay 'cause I also don't remember why I left! I guess I just get a hankerin' to rp every couple of months, that probably counts as a bad habit because it's a bit tough to just jump right into...
  3. Captain Cannonfists

    New User Hiya!~

    Well, that 's easily the most efficient introduction I've seen so far. Welcome to the site, mate, you seem to have all the qualifiers.
  4. Captain Cannonfists

    Soo... whatever THIS is...

    No problem, just keep in mind that it won't be a substitute for socializing. Learning about you is still more important to the staff than learning about your writing style.
  5. Captain Cannonfists

    Soo... whatever THIS is...

    Heyo, if you're looking to get your account approved in a timely manner, I would suggest posting something in the creative writing forums as well as the more socially inclined threads. Having something to work on while you wait for others to reply is handy and your work might help staff get a...
  6. Captain Cannonfists

    New User How do you do?

    That's some solid logic you've got there mate, I think you've come to the right place. If you're into sci-fi there's a roleplay that's still being worked on called Alone Together, Out There that you might want to check out once you get approved. I'd suggest posting something in the creative...
  7. Captain Cannonfists

    New User Hi! I'm Evinia and I'm new here. ^-^

    Heyo, names Captain Cannontits and I"m pretty new here myself. Best advice I've found so far? Don't be afraid to jump right in. There isn't a lot of complexity to the rules, and people will be totally understanding if you do something wrong, so don't hesitate to get started.
  8. Captain Cannonfists

    New User Good Evening All!

    How could you forget to mention that you're my brother? That's like the best part about you!
  9. Captain Cannonfists

    New User Sup. New guy here

    I think names like that will be free for awhile, we're not a huge site yet But you're helping with that, aren't you? Welcome to the site, man, you'll find more fantasy here than you know what to do with!
  10. Captain Cannonfists

    New User Knock knock.

    You can't... I don't... It, uh... Alright, you win this round.
  11. Captain Cannonfists

    New User Knock knock.

    Adrian Crognis Wafflstuffings, you of all people should know the answer to that.
  12. Captain Cannonfists

    New User Knock knock.

    I think you and I will get along just fine Commander Cracker-knack.
  13. Captain Cannonfists

    New User Knock knock.

    You have just made a grave mistake, my friend. Anyway, welcome to Storyteller's Circle Corporal Fuzzytits, I'm guessing this won't be your first experience with this sort of site. Tell me, Mutton Flops, what sort of genres do you prefer? I'm a sci-fi man, myself, but have no fear, your royal...
  14. Captain Cannonfists

    New User Greetings Internet

    Ayy, finally someone else who gets hyped for sci-fi. Name's Captain Cannonfists, part time arrogant dick, full time hype man.
  15. Captain Cannonfists

    New User Meh

    Ye think it be R, but a pirate's first love be the C. I feel like I've heard that one before but I can't remember the punch line.
  16. Captain Cannonfists

    New User The Doge has arrived.

    You aren't the only one. I seriously don't remember typing half of that. Like I remember the "a meme killed my brother," joke but that's about it. I should really go to bed.
  17. Captain Cannonfists

    New User Meh

    Sounds like you'll fit in fine, just one question: what's a pirate's favorite letter?
  18. Captain Cannonfists

    Sleep is for the weak

    That's some solid logic right there. As for what kind of rp I like, as long as there's some action I'm down. Like I said I haven't rp-ed recently and I wasn't any good at writing back when I did, so I'll probably dabble in several genres until I find one that suits me.