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  1. atepem

    Favorite Horror Film?

    The Babadook is a brilliant movie and I recommend it everytime. It scares without needing cheap jumpscares (which I'm all for but it's nice to change it up a bit). Also, the Grudge is a childhood favourite. Watched it, cried and screamed, 10/10
  2. atepem

    Hey, new here

    Good that you figured that out early haha. I guess second step is just looking up the RP you wanna get into after being approved. You could check out the interest check tag or there are even some people who use the chat
  3. atepem

    Hey, new here

    Hey man, welcome to the site! Being new to RPing is definitely ok, everybody here's pretty chill so you'll get the hang of it (from personal exp lol). So do you know how to get your account approved?
  4. atepem

    Storyteller's Circle Article Assistance

    Regret central, but in a good way :emoji_thumbsup:
  5. atepem

    Psychological Thrillers

    I absolutely adore The Babadook and if you haven't watched it, I strongly recommend you do. Ngl, it is kinda weird and some scenes I thought were kinda funny but the horror isn't like the ones in those cheap jump scare films, there's a definite tension that builds so that's pretty cool too.
  6. atepem

    How Intresting Are You?

    Fun fact: I was almost kidnapped and my aunt hired me a bodyguard when I was getting bullied in school. Also I can make my hands look like crab claws. :emoji_point_right::emoji_point_right:
  7. atepem

    Phobias and Scares

    ^^Don't click the spoiler yeeesh Pretty bad, considering I'm not a kid anymore but the dark? It's just what could possibly be in the dark that just freaks me out a little. I can sleep with the lights off but I'd be damned if I slept without my duvet lol