1x1 search

  1. Mistress of Anarchy

    Open JoJo Fandom RP

    Hello there! I’m back and hyperfixated on JJBA! I want to do a fandom RP, but I don’t really know where to start. I’d love to bounce ideas back and forth with anyone who is interested!
  2. mikayre

    Open Searching ♡

    Introduction Hello! My name is Mikaela, but you can call me Mika! I'm nonbinary, my pronouns are he/they. I'm 16! I love psychology, mythology, and marine life! About Favorites Ideas TBA Thank You For Reading! My PMs Are Open!
  3. Valkyrie

    1x1 Fantasy Ideas/Plots

    Hi, hi! I've been lurking around the site for a while; figure it's time to get a post up for searching. All of these plots are fantasy based. (Eventually I'll be posting around with other plots for other genres; this is what I had saved on my email account.) I'm looking for a partner that's at...
  4. 0rganist

    Seeking RP Partner (s)

    Okay! I feel like I’m horrible at these things, but here goes… For all intents and purposes, you can call me Nist (hi!). I seem to have slowly lost all my roleplay partners and groups – such is life, I know - but entropy is only natural, right? Anyway! I’m sure I’m going to scare people off by...
  5. Kierri

    The Other Side (1x1)

    What if we could contact the dead? Communicate between two worlds? With breakthroughs in technology this is possible, organisations such as the CIA, MI5 and more are researching ways to bring together the two worlds, for better or for worse? Year 2040 The Department of Paranormal Activity has...
  6. Steely

    Partner Search!

    Hi there! On this thread, I'm making a little search for partners for some 1x1 roleplays. I don't exactly have a ton of rules to follow, aside from being civil, having a decent grasp of the English language, and of course, effort! Post lengths may vary with the scenes, as some are simply...
  7. Cinnamon Bear

    Let's See How This Rolls Out....

    Hello everyone! I am looking for a 1x1 roleplay partner. I typically roleplay as human, but my favorite stories like The Plague Dogs and Watership Down are animals enduring really intense, mostly realistic situations, and idk I've just been itching for something like that. We don't have to do...
  8. Drackana Darastrix

    Looking for some 1x1 or group RPs

    So I am rather new here so I thought I might post something up right here and start up some RPs! So a few things to note about what I like to RP. I like Fantasy the most but I also enjoy Sci-Fi, Modern (though I love a touch of paranormal or magic with it), and Medieval. I prefer to RP...