Elemental Academy - Mystery Thriller (1/1 romamaro and Bee)

"Much worse." He agreed. In the case of the Chemistry incident they had known what had happened and how to fix the situation there and then. Sure it had been a lot of work for just the two of them, and they'd been very busy for the following months making sure no permanent damage had been done to any of those involved but it had been a question and answer solution. This... this was something else entirely. Nurse Lee let the girl's eye close, moving over to the far side of the bed and looking to her other eye as well, no closer to figuring out what was wrong than he had been before. From there he tilted her head to the side in order to find the pulse point, careful not to obstruct her airway. Her heartbeat was steady, aside from the changes in colour to her hair and eyes and the cooler body temperature she appeared to be uninjured.

"She seems stable at least, and aside from the bruising she's unmarked. We should be able to take care of her for a while, though if she doesn't wake up then we are going to have a problem." Nurse Lee stated, his eyebrows furrowing at the exclamation from Nurse Banks. They hadn't had a power outage or anything else that could have broken the phone yet this year, not to mention that with it being in the nurses office it was used fairly regularly. "If I didn't know any better I'd say that something is dampening her elemental abilities, but that's almost impossible. She's not even wearing an EII."

Normally the mention of being excused from classes was something that Charlotte would have jumped at, however she only perked up slightly glancing from the janitor to the door to the nurses office and back again. "Thanks Wyn." She echoed Robyn, managing to pry her fingers from the death grip they had taken on the edges of her chair.

"Do you think that means we can go back to the dorms, or do we have to wait for the headmistress to arrive." Charlotte asked once the janitor had turned the corner and was out of earshot. "I kinda just wanna go..." Though it wasn't a common topic of conversation it was known throughout the school that the headmistress was both a Fire Elemental and a Time Elemental. Not only did she posses abilities from two elements but one of them was exceedingly rare and likely quite powerful. Even though they technically shared an element the headmistress had always made Charlotte nervous. She had always come across as very nice, but that didn't change the fact that she was a woman who commanded attention, you could see it in every aspect of the way that she presented herself.
Nurse Banks put the phone back on the wall with a frustrated sigh, making a mental note to call one of the janitors to tend to it, though she would likely forget to do so. She walked back over to the side of the bed, looking the girl over again. "What if it's not her uniform?" She said. "She could be another type of elemental, just with the wrong uniform, or a friend's uniform," she proposed, though her theory was very unlikely as trading uniforms was forbidden and very harshly punished in the school. She seemed to realise this herself, then saying: "It might not be the case, but maybe we should do some tests anyway?"

Robyn considered the situation for a moment. "I think Miss Neoni will want us to talk about it," she stuttered, the thought of the somewhat intimidating teacher obviously not doing much to calm her down. She crossed her legs, still holding the lavender close to her nose. The last thing she wanted was to stay in the infirmary any longer, with it's sick stench of antibiotics and a mysterious girl only a couple feet away, behind a closed door.

You could tell Miss Neoni was coming from a mile off, as she always wore this high, wobbly heels that were the loudest things on the planet. They couldn't have been very practical, since the troublemakers in the school could tell when to put away their cigarettes. Robyn cringed at the sound and shuffled down in her seat as if to make herself smaller just as the head teacher entered the infirmary area.

Cecelia Neoni was surprisingly young for a teacher of such high position. She couldn't have been much older than twenty-seven. Despite her young age, she had a firm hold over the school and such power that she might have as well been a queen. She stood tall over Robyn and Charlotte, smiling despite a very business-like gaze from behind her purple cat-eye glasses. Robyn shrunk down a little more. "Good afternoon, girls. I'm so sorry about this," she said, softening down her voice a little more than she usually would. "Could you two please stay for a moment? I have to check on the girl myself."
"I agree. In any case, it can't hurt and anything we can learn about why she's-," Nurse Lee paused, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked the girl over again. "-like this, will be helpful if it ever happens again." He stood up straight, smoothing down the creases in his jacket. "You're alright to keep an eye on her while I go get the cart? I would get an IV as well but we need to be positive of what type of Elemental she is before we can hook her up to anything." From there Nurse Lee made his way toward the door, his expression worried.

"She could talk to us later..." Charlotte replied, though she didn't sound all too convinced of it herself. They'd probably get in trouble if they tried to leave, and while she normally wasn't afraid of a little trouble or a few days in detention this seemed like it was a lot bigger than anything she had gotten herself into before. And she hadn't even done anything this time!

The sharp click of heels against the floor had her straightening up in her seat, glancing at Robyn and the now bruised lavender plant she held as though it would help her to find some more confidence. "Good afternoon Miss. Neoni." Charlotte echoed, forcing a smile onto her face. "It won't be too long right? Robyn's not feeling well and Wy- Miss. Thompson said we could go back to our dorms for the rest of the day."

The headmistress looked from Charlotte to Robyn and back again, her thin eyebrows slanting and creating a slight crease on her forehead. "We can talk about that after I check on the girl, just hang on a bit longer." She replied, offering the girls a painted smile before heading back further into the infirmary picking up her pace as she saw Nurse Lee open a door and step out.

Nurse Lee closed the door to the room behind him so caught up in his thoughts that he nearly ran head first into the headmistress, only just able to side step in time to avoid crashing into her. "Oh- Miss Neoni." He said, almost sounding surprised to see her. The combination of both his shorter than average height and her taller than average heels had Nurse Lee nearly having to craning his neck to look up at the headmistress. She had made it to the infirmary awfully quick. A glance back into the main room had him note that while the two girls - Robyn and her friend - were still there Winifred - the janitor - was not. That would explain the appearance of the headmistress but it was strange that the janitor herself hadn't come back. "If you'll excuse me I have to grab some things from the other room. Nurse Banks is in there with her right now, she can fill you in." He said, making his way around the woman and towards one of the back rooms labeled 'Nurses Only'.
Nurse Banks nodded, but she really hoped that once the girl was out of the infirmary, she would never see anything like it again. It was disturbing, to say the least. Once Jason left the room, the door was open for just long enough for Sally to catch glimpse of the headmistress. Instantly, her shoulders froze up. Her mind went back to her first time in the school, for the interview for the job as nurse. Her first impression of the woman was one potential employee who left crying after the interview. How Sally got that job, she'll never know, as all through the interview she was absolutely petrified.

Miss Neoni gave another tight-lipped smile. "Yes, that's fair," she said, though perhaps wishing that she would not be left to hear everything from an assistant nurse who she wasn't too eager to hire in the first place, even if she was the only person there who really fit the requirements. Once Nurse Lee moved out the way, she walked into the infirmary. She walked straight past the petrified Nurse Banks, but not right up to the bed. She looked over at the girl from that distance. "So, what've you been able to gather?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at the nurse in the room.

Nurse Banks was frozen for a few seconds more, before clearing her throat. "Ah! Well, we think she's a fire elemental. However, her body temperature is low, and her hair and eyes are brown. She has bruises, and rope burn on her wrists. She's not got an EII, either." She shuffled closer to the bed. "Jason was going to get the supplies for testing elements."

Miss Neoni walked closer to the bed. "I can test for fire myself- oh. Well, look at that." She raised her eyebrows as she looked down at the girl, her dim brown eyes having opened. Even if she was obviously awake, her face was blank of all emotion and she may as well have been dead.

Nurse Banks stood beside Miss Neoni, her eyes wide in astonishment. "Oh my goodness," she said under her breath, looking down at the girl. Even though she was awake, she didn't make any efforts to speak, or even move. She stared blankly at the ceiling, eyes occasionally drifting. "I'll go get Jason!" She said, rushing out of the infirmary and towards the Nurse's Only cupboard. "Nurse Lee? She's woken up!"
Nurse Lee had managed to half fill a tray with the supplies needed to rum elemental tests as well as more standard tests when he heard the door to the room down the hall swing open fast enough to hit the wall with a muted thud. Immediately he stopped what he was doing managing to just get a plastic sleeve of syringes onto the cart, nearly dropping them onto the floor in his rush. Forgetting about the cart he made his way back to the door to the supply room, meeting a panicked looking Nurse Banks half way.

"What happened, is everything- ?" He asked immediately, abruptly stopping when he processed what Nurse Banks had said. "She's- She's awake, she woke up." Nurse Lee repeated, glancing around Nurse Banks and back tot he room that she had come out of as though that would give him some more insight on the situation. It didn't of course, even with the door open he was unable to see into the room. Without waiting any longer he rushed back into the room, brushing past the headmistress on his way to the cot bed with little more than an 'excuse me' which earned him a cool glare from the woman, her eyes narrowing behind fashionable glasses.

Upon reaching the bed he sucked in a quick breath of air that turned into an involuntary gasp, while she was awake in the sense that she no longer seemed to be passed out she didn't seem fully conscious. She stared blankly up at the ceiling, gaze drifting as though she were watching motes of dust but not seeming to actually focus on anything in particular. Her breathing hadn't changed from when she had been passed out, chest rising and falling slowly as though she were still sleeping. He could only imagine that her heart beat was much the same, consistent but still in the same low beat rhythm typically induced by sleep. Instinct had him wanting to check but they still had no idea what had caused her to become like this, touching her could cause her to lash out and he didn't want that.

"Hi, I'm Nurse Lee." He began, speaking slowly and watching her for any reaction. "Do you know where you are? Can you tell me your name?"
The brown haired girl's eyes drifted lazily from where they'd been wandering to Nurse Lee's face. Her breathing halted for a moment, before she took in a huge gulp of air, pausing for three long seconds, and letting it out. Everything she did, even though it was very little, seemed to be at half speed. She moved her hands to either side of herself and pushed upwards into sitting, looking around the nurse's office. She didn't seem to have any intentions of responding to Nurse Lee's questions.

Miss Neoni shifted her weight to one side, holding her chin in one hand with his lips pursed. "I know this student. I can't believe I didn't recognise her until now." She muttered, putting one hand to her forehead and shaking her head. "Her name is Jennifer Allan, she's been missing for a month, maybe two, now." She explained. As she did, Jennifer turned her head to look at her. Her face showed a faint recognition, but not much more.

Nurse Banks went white as chalk. "Are you sure?" She whispered, remembering the story from one of the staff rooms.
Miss Neoni nodded. "I'm certain. But...just for good measure..." she turned to the girl, who was staring at her blankly. "Is your name Jennifer Allan?" She asked, keeping the question as basic as she could manage.

The room was quiet for a moment, the girl blank as a slate. "Yeah...that's me." She said quietly, as if she didn't quite believe it herself. Her voice was monotone apart from that, frighteningly robotic. After that, she lay back down and closed her eyes, as if that tiny thing had exhausted her.