Tapestry of the Ages Korvesa: Retaking the Armory


Draconic Administrator/Mentor
Grimbold, Teressa, and Xenia's arrival at the armory was met with two dozen militia volunteers and a handful of employed guardsman gathered out front of the building. The armory itself was modest in size given the small town, but whatever lay within had been enough to keep the townspeople at bay. No light from outside seemed to penetrate an unnatural darkness that lay within. A warning perhaps of what they might find inside could be seen at the corners of the doorway. Sticky webbing clung to the wooden frame.

"Sir," a guardsman greeted Grimbold.

"What do we know?" Grimbold replied.

"Not much," the guardmsn answered. "We tried to go in, but we couldn't see anything. Our torches couldn't seem to penetrate the shadows. Some magic is afoot in there. And chittering. There's chittering everywhere. We lost three men as soon as we stepped inside. "

Grimbold's expression remained grim, but determined.

"Okay, you two, what have you got?" he asked with a look to Teressa and Xenia. "Weapons and armor you said? We need these men outfitted. Any other talents at your disposal?"
It surprised Xenia at the amount of people out in front. She didn’t have a chance to give the rune away to one of the townsfolk before departing to get to the armoury. She kept it safe in her palm. The light still illuminated through her hand, breaking through her fingers clutched tightly around it. Xenia stood an arm’s length away from the others, leaning on her staff whilst listening to the other relay information.

Chittering?’ It made her skin crawl just imagining the sounds. It sent chills down her spine. The Necromancer turned her attention to the man calling on her and the under dressed woman. Xenia spoke up first, “I can make armour and weapons. It may take some time, but I can get it done.” She said. That was the only proper set of skills she could offer at the moment. Everything else would be off the table since she wished to not out herself, at least not yet.
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Grimbold narrowed his eyes upon Xenia as if scrutinizing her. "How long?"
"Technically 10 - 14 days for a full suit of armour and weapons, but seeing as its urgently needed. I can make pieces of armor and weapons in several hours. I can show others how to make them too, to get things going along faster. If that helps." Xenia retorts.
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Teressa tried to listen for the mentioned chittering, but all she could hear was the creaking of wood and the snorting of the horses. She gave the armoury a suspicious glance. The shadows she had fought before seemed mindless and simply attracted by living creatures. They didn’t show any signs of intelligence as far as she could tell. Taking over the armoury was however a strategic move, one that she simply couldn’t picture a bunch of mindless shadows doing. The webbing on the frame was another indicator that something else was at work here. And Teressa hated the fact that she had no idea about what it might be.

She turned to the others and spoke her mind: “I don’t think this is the work of the shadow creatures. It seems too... sophisticated. We should tread carefully.” She noticed that her stallion also seemed to be weary of the building which increased her nervousness even further. “Regarding my skills... well I know how to handle a blade. I don’t have any more practical talents, I fear. We will definitely need some sort of plan, if we are to enter that building.” She looked to Grimbold. “Anyone got any ideas?”
Grimbold stared at Xenia with an almost deadpan expression. Clearly the Marshal had mistaken her for a summoner or a transmutator of some sort. Her rather straight forward answer left him inwardly facepalming that he hadn't inquired to the nature of her ability to make weapons and armor sooner.

"That won't do," he muttered. "We need these men armed now."

"That torch, let me see it," he said to one of the gathered militia volunteers.

He quickly tossed the lit torch through the doorway to land on the stone floor just inside of the armory. Just as the guardsman reported, the light did little to penetrate the shadowy interior of the building. Its glow had diminished so greatly that it cast barely more light than that of a dying candle.

He looked to Teressa and then his men, scowling at the situation. He had men without weapons and a warrior without a means to see her enemy.

"Unless you can fight blind?" he remarked wryly in response to Teressa's inquiry.

The whole night was turning into one big shit-fest as far as the marshal was concerned. But if they didn't get these men armed, there where going to be a lot more casualties before this was over.