Chains of Retribution Law Enforcement of Lutetia


Draconic Administrator/Mentor
Law Enforcement

Lutetian Law Enforcement is comprised of a single national police agency that is comprised of multiple branches within one single over-arcing agency.
Within Lutetia City itself, the Lutetian law enforcement are often a formidable adversary for the more criminally minded. They are both well trained and well equipped to handle most day to day crime within a city ripe with supernatural elements, and sub-human criminals. One should note though their influence and resources often waver - or are absent altogether - in the poorer regions of the city, while their presence is especially prominent within the wealthier quarters of the city where tourism is highest.

Another point worth note is that there is a great deal of tension between the Lutetian Police officers, and the church. In matters of local crime, the police maintain jurisdiction over criminal cases and any arrests of citizens made by the church, are expected to be turned over to the police for processing, with any potential extradition of citizens having to be handled through lengthy official channels. However the church is oft known for skirting the letter of the law to expedite their own ends.