New User Newb here, be help plz!!!

I am a newbie as well.. and i have no idea what the hell i am doing.. help mah o-o

I've got to go about any second now, so I'm gonna direct you to my above post about the Bullentin Board and advise you make a Introductory page for yourself. It's how you'll get the permissions to post elsewhere on the site.
Also, tagging @Tiko to help you guys out.
Don't tag me! My shift at work is starting shortly! I'm going to go ahead and approve your account AngelicDemon. That will allow you to get into the roleplay areas of the forums to start trying to find some groups :)

For Avalon, we can get you approved also once you get your owm introduction thread posted :) just make a thread in the introduction forum introducing yourself and telling as a bit about you. I'll get some of our wardens over to help you get situated once you get your thread setup.
You're very welcome :) If you're still having truble finding something to join tonight, I have the next two days off so I can lend you a personal hand if need be.