Adenovirus 423 Pentagon: Living Quarters



Description: With the Headquarters (Pentagon) being comprised of multiple corridors that span 17.5 miles in its entirety both above and below ground, many of the members have made makeshift living space out of the massive building that covers 6.6 million square feet. Many of the key members of Thanatos Instinct, however, live in the underground levels. In the case of a breach, there are numerous underground tunnels and networks that spread out across D.C Although it is important to note that many of these tunnels go unchecked.

Located Within: Pentagon: Headquarters
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Ishade had come back from scouting around No Mans Land, he had not discovered anything important, so he didn't go look for Ulric immediately or inform of anything.

He yawned, a little tired from the long run. The young man didn't enjoy stopping in the same place for too long, so he tended to move constantly. Today he hadn't noticed anything new. Same or similar people, same buildings. He had collected a few things but that was all, really.

The boy sat down and decided to read a book called 'the end of the Homo Sovieticus.' A really old book, not the kind he usually read... but it didn't matter. It was interesting anyways, and it taught him how government worked before the virus was spread, much before that.

The book mainly spoke about communism, socialism and capitalism somewhere really far away, the Sovietic Union. Their names were so weird over there, Marx, Stalin... but again, his own name wasn't exactly common.

He yawned and decided to walk around a little after reading for a short while, missing some company. Was he really that early that no one else was free at the time?
Claudia left her husband's side shortly after Ishade and Ghost appeared to inform them of important news. She giggles to herself as she heard Ulric berate them for just doing their jobs. She knew that he meant well, and wouldn't harm them he if he threatened to for she knew well enough that he need them. She made her way down the long corridor to the large production kitchen where she joined the kitchen staff that had been hard at work for at least the last couple of hours making the dinner for the compound. She greeted them warmly, and looked over what was being prepared for tonight's dinner. Proper nutrition was important to Claudia, and seeing as how none of her co-workers in the infirmary wanted the task of making sure that everyone received such a thing this task also fell into her hands. Claudia wasn't upset about this though as she knew that marrying the leader of Thanatos Instinct would mean that she would that she would have to take up many different tasks to help maintain the things that Ulric couldn't. Not that he didn't have the heart to deal with people he just lacked the skills was all. After giving final approval to the kitchen staff, and taking three small containers for herself, they placed everything into serving dishes, and then onto carts to wheel out to everyone who was starting to gather in the commons room in the living quarters.

Claudia however, had another, more somber task to take care of. She grabbed a set of keys from her bag and headed into the pantry room. There wasn't much in the pantry, but there was a large box with a padlock that contained a few special items in it. She didn't like getting into this box, and even more so with others around because it had been now known as the 'Death Box,' but Claudia preferred the name 'Sweet Relief.' The box contained candy and sweets that was still intact, and more than edible. The only time a member of Thanatos Instint got anything of the sort was when it was their last day had arrived. It was Claudia's way of bringing peace to the person who would be taken by the virus sometime that night while everyone slept. It hurt her to know down to the day when someone would be leaving them based off their symptoms, but it was a task that she knew she must attend to knowing that she would be a puddle of tears in Ulric's arms when they went off to bed.

She grabbed several small strawberry candies from the box knowing that patient would just adore them. Quietly she made her way to the scouts room, and gently let herself in. There in the small room was a young man laying helplessly in his bed waiting for death to be kind to him, and end his pain. Claudia greeted the man, and sat next to him in a small chair. She handed him his dinner with a soft smile as her propped himself up on the bed, and greeted her with a weak voice. They talked while he ate his dinner like they had over the last several nights. Once he was done Claudia took his container and threw it away, and then instead of telling him goodnight like she had in the past she back down next to him taking the small candies from her bag, and placed them gently in his hands.

"So......This is it?" The young man asked softly while looking down at the candies in his hand. She figured that he was mostly asking this to himself, but nodded and gave a soft yes in return. The man sighed heavily, but smiled at the candies as he slowly unwrapped them. He noted how cute they were, and even reminisced on the day that he found them while on a scouting expedition for different supplies for the compound. He noted how sweet they where, and tasted nothing like strawberries, but loved them none the less. They spent several hours taking about his different expeditions, and the things he found, and the projects he helped with. He was a rather handy man, and had learned to to many things in his short life. All of which he was more than happy to share with her. Soon it came time for her to take her leave, and join Ulric in their room for dinner. She hugged the man one last time, and said goodbye before walking over to the door.

"Claudia.....thank you for are too kind for this world." She heard him just barely breath out as she had her hand on the doorknob. Holding back tears she thanked him for everything he had done for the compound, and then left.

She quickly made her way down to her's and Ulric's room holding back her tears the entire way down. Once she got there she swung the door open, and slammed it behind her making her way to their bed. She plopped her bag next to the bed, and placed her's and Ulric's dinner on the small nightstand, and then collapsed onto the bed, and finally allowed the tears to pour from her eyes.
Ulric Zion Driscol, as played by Meliodas

They had walked away from the infirmary with a buzz in the air; their every step followed by hushed whispers and rising skepticism. As they wandered the halls towards the living quarters, people stood back and watched silently, talking amongst themselves as they stared on. Rumors and gossip would follow, but Ulric only needed a few days to stamp out the blunt of it. He would say nothing himself but would begin spreading his own rumors soon enough, leaving most of Thanatos Instinct lost in what really had happened. As far as anyone knew, he was twenty years old, and still had some time to burn before he contracted the virus. It may not be the truth, but, it wasn’t out of the question to say he just caught the flu or ate something that didn’t agree with him. A problem he would worry about in the morning after he hopefully reclaimed his senses for the time being.

With little idea of what Ulric’s wife Claudia had been through, Ulric and Ishade stumbled through the door abruptly, with Elijah and Isaiah not far behind. “Shut the door.” Ulric hoarsely grumbled. Guiding Ishade to the bed where Ulric was sat up on the edge of, the man sighed, running a hand through his white locks before brushing the loose strands from his face. Turning to look over his shoulder, he noticed Claudia, fresh tears welling in her eyes which were full of concern. Emotion overcame him as he reached over, his palms warm as his hands wrapped around her face – thumbs caressing her cheeks tenderly. He had a suspicion of what was bothering her, but it didn’t take long for Ishade’s questions to flood the room, breaking Ulric’s focus – his priority was undoubtedly Claudia, but he knew Ishade wouldn’t be satisfied unless he got the truth out of him. It was bad enough Ishade took some slight interest in him this morning in the library, and now this. Ulric thrust Ishade into the midst of the situation, so there wasn’t much left to do but try and explain himself before it was too late.

“Ishade… when I first came to the West, I was nothing more than a scared boy. Who can really say what goes through a child's mind? Or what motivates them? I was twelve years old when I first came to the West… and that was ten years ago.” Ulric hoped Ishade would manage to consider the math considering most believed he was only twenty, which would have made it impossible that he was only twelve years old ten years ago. "Ishade...?"
He was twelve, ten years ago...
No, no he wasn't. It couldn't be, he was twenty, not twenty tw- Oh. No, come on this couldn't be happening, could it?. Ulric was two or three years older than he had said to be, since he first met them?!.

He heard his name being called again, ishade clenched his fists and took a deep breath.
"So are you telling me you have lied to everyone for teen bloody years?!. To the whole gang!, to my brother Lukias, to ME?!. " Ishade was angry, and he was also hurt, skeptical, he wouldn't have believed it if he had found out from anybody else, if this wasn't a serious situation. He didn't want to believe it, he wanted to believe he was having a bad nightmare and that he would wake up in his old uncomfortable bed with back pain again, from sleeping curled up. "Why?, I thought... I know you are the leader, but I kind of thought we were friends, what else is there that I should know about??" Ishade practically barked out the questions.
"Ishade! How rude of you to not only question your leader, but to also question the integrity and loyalty of someone who considers you family in a way!" Claudia snapped at Ishade while standing up from the bed abruptly.

"I will not allow such a thing to happen in this room, and especially while Ulric is ill, and can't defend himself properly. Almost as dirty as shooting someone in the back." She continued as she made her way to a small table that a had few items that she needed for emergencies as such placed upon it. To help treat Ulric's condition in secrecy she kept a small amount of supplies in their room. A few small containers containing different herbs, a mortar and pestle to combine her ingredients, some medical pill bottles that have a couple of pills, some slices of bread, a couple water bottles with small cups next to them, and a couple of inhalers. She slowly placed what she need into the mortar, and began grinding them together with the pestle.

She remained silent as she did this so as to hold back her tears. She just had to let someone know that this was their last night on the planet, and now this. The thought of losing Ulric terrified her that it often made her restless at night. Once the mixture was ground together she grabbed a small empty gel pill container, and carefully poured the mixture into. She poured some water into a cup and walked over to Ulric sitting down lightly on the bed next to him, and placing the pill in one hand and the cup of water in the other. She reached for the small plate of food that she brought into their room and placed on her night stand earlier holding it in her lap, and looking down at it continuing to remain silent. After a very long silences she took a heavy breath, and then addressed Ishade again.

"As I'm sure you have figured out by now Ishade, Ulric is at the age where he is starting to contract the virus. You must never tell anyone of this. It is for the safety of the compound that they do not know Ulric's true age. If anyone asks what has happened to their leader tonight you are to tell them that he has caught the cold that has been spreading around the compound as of late. You must assure them that he is fine, and just needs some rest to get back to full health is all. If anyone needs Ulric tell them you and Caius will be handling for the next or two while Ulric rests. You may leave now...............Goodnight Ishade." Claudia stated in an unusual for her, deadpan tone. She was sure to never look up at him so as to not let him see the pain in her eyes as gave out this order. A heavy emphases was placed on the word never, and if you listened closely it almost sounded as if she growled the word so as to give warning of punishment if he were to tell anyone. She continued to look down at the small plate of food, and waited for Ishade to follow her order and leave the room, and for Ulric to request the food from her, remaining silent as ever until these things had happen.
Ulric Zion Driscol, as played by Meliodas

Although he never showed it, people rarely realized that Ulric’s greatest fear had really culminated into the choices he had made up until that point. He didn’t want to die, which is why he’d devoted his life to the ideals of the West. More than anything, he wanted to get his hands on the cure so that maybe he could have just a few more years with his friends – Claudia especially. The man knew how rough around the edges he could be, but that was simply just the way he was. Ulric projected himself from a point of strength in the belief that it would push people to make the sorts of decisions they needed to in order to survive. This dream however wasn’t something he could do alone, and if he were to die, he had to leave a legacy behind that would motivate people enough to somehow find a way to move forward.

Placing his hand over Claudia’s briefly in order to calm her nerves, Ulric sighed, looking away from Ishade as a sign of disappointment. Not in Ishade, but himself. This was always how he pictured it, but he didn’t expect it to unfold until it was too late. Everyone crowding around him, desperate for answers as he choked on his own breath. Nobody could quite understand the pain of knowing you have no control over your destiny. No, that wasn’t true. Even if he had to die to find the cure, or the Key for that matter, it would be a sacrifice he would be willing to make for the better good of humanity. Of course, this isn’t something Ulric would ever publically make known. It was a weakness, one he couldn’t express openly in fear of what not just his own would think, but the other gangs.

As he curled his fingers around Claudia’s, he made the attempt to stand, staggering to his feet. “Ishade, I’m sorry-.” Before Ulric could finish the sentence, he grew faint, losing his balance as he fell forward…
Ishade was shocked when he heard Claudias words, he did not mean that at all!. And she was being exagerated, he would never, ever shoot Ulric or the gang in the back.
She was also acting weird, too cold. He had seen her angry before but this was a little too much.
And he had the right to be angry about such important information having been... hidden from him!, he deserved to know!. The young man folded his arms, uncomfortable, and looked away from the couple, sighing. He was going to continue talking... or maybe leave, yeah, that was a better option.

He was about to turn around when Ulric stood up and started an apology, which had all of Ishades attention.
But then his friend stumbled, losing his balance. Ishade gasped, hurrying forwards to catch Ulric before he hit the floor, wrapping his arms around him in some sort of hug as he helped him stand, it was a little awkward but he had grabbed him on time and that was what mattered.

"Fuck!. Ulric... " Ishade said as he looked at the other, eyes wide with concern... hell, he was dying, dying... this was Just another sign of it, as if the way he found Ulric in the bathroom before, doubled over on his knees and coughing his lungs out, and Claudia flatly saying it... but this...
"Ugh Ulric, I'm sorry too okay?... I'm always going to be here by your side, I swear... no matter your condition i'll be here. " he assured him, biting down his bottom lip... " well uh, not like this exactly, but you get me, right?... " he finally let go of Ulric, because he had continued to hug-hold him just in case. " I'll be here, I swear... I'm really sorry about my outburst. " he said, embarrassed...
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Ulric Zion Driscol, as played by Meliodas

"Thank you... Ishade." Whether Ulric feigned a smile or was even sincere about it was unknown, but nonetheless he hid it from Ishade as he clutched onto the boy, trying to regain himself. It was bound to be a rude awakening for Ishade in the years to come, years in which Ulric wouldn’t be there. If that wasn’t heartbreaking enough, the thought of Claudia living in a world where he wasn’t there to caress her cheek or grip her hand in the cold was. With Ishade’s help, Ulric was placed back on the edge of the bed, where he grew a tad bit serious if not overly sarcastic. “Now, stop being a wimp and get out of here so I can get some sleep.” Just as Ishade was about to walk away, Ulric spoke again. “And Ishade? Remember, nobody finds out. And I do mean nobody.” Ulric waited a few minutes until the room was quiet again, and he was alone with Claudia. With the door shut, Elijah and Isaiah stood guard, but would soon be replaced so they could catch a few hours’ sleep before resuming their posts in the morning.

With his attention now solely focused on Claudia, he eyed the plate in her lap with a groan. “You really are trying to kill me.” It wasn’t long after that sleep found them both, Ulric’s arms draped around her waist with his head nestled comfortably into the nape of her neck. Ulric said very little of the encounter and made a simple decision to leave the day behind him in anticipation of tomorrow.
After assuring Ulric no one would know about it and waving the couple Ishade left their room. He went towards his own and went to bed, taking some time to read a few pages of the book -the end of Homo-sovieticus-, however, he really wasn't able to concentrate after everything that had happened through the day... it had been rough, quite rough. He sighed and curled up around his book, yawning. So tired...
Ishade fell asleep quickly in the following minutes.

In the morning, he yawned and stretched with a groan of complaint. Ughhh... he rubbed his eyes, sleepy, changing into new clothes and making sure he would wash the ones he was wearing at the moment, but later. He'd go have something to eat and then scouting, nothing better than a morning run to start the day. Oh!, and he had to visit Lukias, he didn't go talk to him yesterday...
Ishade came back into his room and looked around for the famous rifle his brother had always chosen to use. There it was, Ishade had kept it clean and had practised with it even if he never used it in a real battle.
Sanjay Kau, as played by Meliodas

It was a myriad of rooms and corridors that made up the living quarters, and in the state that he was in, Sanjay grew almost lost and confused trying to find his way to his room - which was tucked away in one dark corner or another. Being that he was from the East, his accommodations were far from the finest the West had to offer. He must have looked like a mess, still wearing just a plain hospital gown that showed more skin that he cared to share. That, as well as the gauze which wrapped his right shoulder and the top of his head, really made him look out of place. Sanjay had still yet to assess the damage himself, though between needing new clothes and eating, it was the last thing on his mind.
Ishade was coming out of his own room, rifle in hand and ready to go scouting when he ran into the guy he had rescued a few weeks ago. Looking pretty disorientated and still wearing the hospital gown.
Ishade approached him immediately "hey!, hey how are you doing?, and why aren't you in the infirmary resting?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, sorry... I'm the one who found you all the way out there, more than a little hurt... so I was pretty worried. Name's Ishade " he said offering a hand to shake.
Sanjay Kau, as played by Meliodas

Sanjay struggled to see straight, and his coordination was off, to say the least; he had to almost squint to make out the person standing in front of him. They looked familiar, someone he’d taken brief notice of earlier standing over him in the infirmary. Further, he had the faintest recollection of the same figure a week ago after… Taking notice of the hand in front of him, he clumsily shook it while taking note that Ishade was missing a pinky. He was never this unstable. Whether it was from the lack of fluids or fresh air was debatable, but he should have rested a few more days before trying to be optimistic about his current situation.

“Sanjay.” The man didn’t really say much, and kind of overlooked the rest of Ishade’s questions as he looked around the corridor, trying to make out where he was at or where his room was. Needless to say, he was more than confused.
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