Photography Hunt Contest February + March 2017


Draconic Administrator/Mentor
So! I thought I would combine two fun activities into one joint contest series. Each contest will provide a list of objects, events, or themes to capture in photography. Everyone who manages to accumulate a full set will have their photos judged by a panel of three judges based on image quality, artistic quality, and uniqueness.

To clarify upon these three points, I will first say that this is not a professional contest! Don't feel like you need state of the art equipment to participate! But if your photo is blurry and out of focus? It's not going to rank very highly. If your image evokes a sense of feeling and emotion in its viewer? It's going to rank higher than one that does not. How common your photo is will impact things as well (this plays into the hunt aspect of the contest).

Difficulty of capturing the image will factor into the common nature of the photo also. A dog may be a common theme, but snapping a mid flight photo of a dog launching itself off a trampoline is going to rank higher than a picture of someone's dog sitting on the kitchen floor looking up at you for a snap shot. conversely if you manage to snap a picture of a black bear launching itself off a trampoline you're probably going to get a lot of points for sheer uniqueness AND for being a difficult to capture shot. Also if you have some really great shots, but can't quite get a good one for a certain theme or object, don't be afraid to bomb a specific submission. Odds are other people will have weak shots also in certain areas.

As this is the first installation of this contest, I'm going to go ahead and post this competition's list up early to give people extra time to start hunting up photographs. So rather than the planned 1 month span, this first contest will span a month and a half. Deadlines to have your photos submitted is March 31st.

I encourage people to post some of their individual photos into this thread as they acquire them rather than waiting until they have accumulated a full set. This will also give people an idea of the competition in play, to step up their game, or even to just share 'fail' shots to keep this thread engaging throughout the competition. You do not need to reveal if you intend to utilize any specific shot in your final submission though! So feel free to share your second best while hiding your best one in reserve ;)

Full/complete/finalized sets should be PMed to myself rather than posted into this thread (once submitted these are final!). After the deadline closes I will post up the full sets for everyone.

Okay, here's March's Set! I'm keeping it simple this time around for people to get the hang of it. For the themes, feel free to think outside the box or to rely upon abstract ingenuity if necessary. Note: Objects do not need to follow the themes, they're separate submissions.

Objects (please only submit one image per object):
  • Flower
  • Mammal
  • Favorite Food
  • Historic Landmark
  • Water
  • Clock

Themes (please only submit one image per theme):
  • Blue
  • St. Patrick's Day

Rules: All photographs must be appropriate for a general audience, and must have been taken by the individual submitting them (older photographs are fine, as long as they follow these two guidelines). People found to be cheating will be disqualified from participating in any future contests.
Some of my first submissions for the contest.





For personal fun I'm going to be trying to get a complete set also :) (For obvious reasons my set won't be submitted into the competition).


I just went to the zoo yesterday and took a lot of pictures! So I would love to partake in this fun little event :D! I am not sure if I want to submit a whole set just yet but I would like to share some for funzies right now =)! I might enter them at a later date though!


My Nana grew those flowers and so they are my favorite =)!





Deviled eggs are my favorite food and I make them all by myself=)! My Nana taught me how and no one else makes them as good as Nana or me =P!
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Also a historic landmark:

Isn't the best shot. Might need to get out and try to take something better :)
Not my favorite food, but the had this at work a while back and I snapped a picture :p
