What is your greatest weakness as a role player?


The Wanderer Returned
Simple, straightforward question. I'm thinking on what sorts of topics and guides I might want to write in the future, but, I don't even know what exactly people feel they're weakest on. So I figured I'd ask the question here, and see where people think they're most deficient. Writer's block? Lack of knowledge? Lack of people to write with who like your ideas? Your writing is deficient? Grasp of language is bad? What is it, where do you think you're weakest?
My greatest weakness... hm. I would have to say that my organization has always been my least refined ability. The pace in my posts can feel off, sometimes due to my impatience to get to a destination and rushing the traveling. The overall vocabulary and creativity are, in my own proud opinion, not very lacking, but the structure of my writing can be heavily improved hopefully.
I have a really hard time writing characters that aren't defiant, stubborn, or otherwise strong-willed. Also I naturally write in long sentences with lots of commas, which gives my writing a weird flow.
I seem to write differently depending on how I'm feeling at the time, so sometimes I may be having a happy character when I'm sad, and all of a sudden my character may become sad. It doesn't happen often, but I've done it before. Not to mention I sometimes stray off my character's personality, going off what I remember of them rather than what's written down.

Also, sometimes I feel like posting, and sometimes I just.. don't xD
I really struggle with the level of variety in my posts- I can always feel the format of how I reply to posts forming into a standard set of responses, and it always gets to the point where it feels weirdly formulaic. It's probably a useful way to be able to post in high quantities regularly, but when I'm trying to write less frequent more diverse posts it's hard not to fall back into the same patterns.
I would not say that lack of people to write with is a weakness as it's something out of my control, even if it does have a large, negative effect in regards to holding me back.

On a more personal note, I think my biggest problem right now is confidence. I've found it quite difficult to find a place where I feel like I fit in due to some horrible experiences with people bullying me and it's not an easy thing to get past. There was a time when people's behaviour didn't bother me so much, but it accumulates if it goes on for too long. The need to write is still there, of course, but it's not easy getting back the heart that was there before, so I'm hoping that a change of environment will help me regain that lost confidence.
My weakness would be questions and conversations. Sometimes, the partner or the other player would set me up in a conversation or ask me a question whose reply will be extremely short. I don't want to make my post a one liner or short lest I appear lazy and unenthusiastic. But, if I forcefully extend the sentence like;" He pondered over it for a bit and...","He paused to lick his chapped lips which..." and so on, it kind of looks unnatural and awkward to me. So, what should I do? Does anyone has any suggestions? By the way I tried reading other roleplays.
Pacing a written out scene, especially when it comes to visual descriptions. I'll write something, then later on it's like "Oh, crap, I should've added this or that."
Also lack of confidence due to some pretty offish experiences. But the good experiences I had keep me searching.
Not fitting in.
A lot of rps are world-based, fan fiction is setting-based, and original fiction is your original characters only. But I'm all over the map with where I want to stick my characters, so prefer a general setting where original and famous fictionals come and go and interact, but definitely not by shipping or Mary Sue. Unless it's comic badfic. So just finding an rp I might feel at home in is a challenge.
I feel that sometimes I'm a bit controlling, or a little harsh. For example, committing a crime in a city can escalate really quickly. I don't if that is on me as a knee-jerk reaction, or because they really had it coming. I also sometimes have a stick up my ass about certain things. Most of the time I think I bottle it up, and just complain outside of the RP to people who aren't in it, but sometimes that bottle pops open and I go nuts. "You did X, Y, and Z, and you really expect something good to happen? You should already be dead." Then I end up stonewalling, just flat saying, "no" to a lot of things. I start being too easy on people to being overbearing.

One thing I particularity stone wall is cloaking devices. I've just had so many people turn invisible, and think they are invulnerable and just go anywhere doing anything. So I end up having facilities and characters with some kind of detection because me as a player is sick of it. I try to play fair, but I've pretty much made invisibility useless against all my guys because I'm too paranoid/untrusting/tired/I don't know. It's bad, it's not fair, but it's not fair for me either when your character just waltzes in and starts shooting up the place and nobody can find them.

I suppose another fault for me which excludes me from a lot of RPs is that I've just stopped roleplaying as humans. I don't know why really. I guess I find playing as one uninteresting? Maybe it's because I think I can put more personality in someone who isn't human. Maybe I have disconnect with my own life. Either way, I end up passing a lot of RPs because the only race are humans. Or elves, dwarves, and all that generic stock fantasy races. I'm tired of them too.
A weakness differs on what it interacts. As for me, perhaps a great weakness,, as well as common, not greatest, is keeping up with the flow.
The faster the roleplay, the harder it is to keep up, and when that happens, you'd lose confidence and might even try to give up. You'd try another one, yet you have to make another sheet or requirements, that usage of time will sometimes allow you to be left behind.

Well not actually feeling those at the moment. Considering I'm new here would mean natural to feel like it.
My greatest weakness is having a good flow to my writing. If I am writing a really intense scene that I am fully engaged in, then my sentences and paragraphs seem to flow more naturally, but if I am having writer's block or trying to get a post out quickly just to get past a scene, then my writing doesn't always have a nice flow to it.
A weakness differs on what it interacts. As for me, perhaps a great weakness,, as well as common, not greatest, is keeping up with the flow.
The faster the roleplay, the harder it is to keep up, and when that happens, you'd lose confidence and might even try to give up. You'd try another one, yet you have to make another sheet or requirements, that usage of time will sometimes allow you to be left behind.

Well not actually feeling those at the moment. Considering I'm new here would mean natural to feel like it.
Oh! Having to make charactrr profiles, submit character sheets, answer questions about the character before getting into a game. *Freezes* It feels too formal, like an audition or job interview, and with so many other characters and their extensive info, who is going to keep track of yet another? My head explodes when I read through character sheets, particularly when they are using special terminology for powers, moves, etc. that I'm not familiar with.
I feel like sometimes I can get carried away with my character and "do it for the cool". I tend to make such characters that can get away with it such as martial artists and such who can be dramatic and it will be kinda acceptable. However I realise it might not always fit into the zone of the RP.

Another problem is I don't think I can do small talk or romances in RP, but I think that's just more to do with the kind of person I am... Looking for intense, intentional drama in my storylines.
I have a few weakness in the role play world one being a lack of being able to do roleplays based off animes most because I have not seen very many of them. Another one is a lack of people to write with and share ideas with.
Variety, I suppose. I tend to have a comfort zone and don't typically stray out of it. Female characters aren't something I play very often. Also most stories placed within slice-of-life settings are very difficult for me. I find real life boring and just am uninspired by it, unless the plot is wild and out there and very not slice-of-life.. So..
I have weakness in terms of keeping up with a paragraph chaos, where in a day or something there's like 100 paragraphs in the RP that I have to read. Also, since I'm mostly busy w/ university and stuff, I have a weak flow keep up level. In other hand, I am not good in in-depth descriptive roleplaying.
where in a day or something there's like 100 paragraphs in the RP that I have to read.
*feeling guilty*
*hides in shame*

In other hand, I am not good in in-depth descriptive roleplaying.

My greatest weakness as a roleplayer would be my difficulty to get things organized and describing things lively.
However, my greatest weakness as a GM, a quite fatal one I can say, is the difficulty to provide a clear, organized summary about what happened before and during my roleplays.
Uh... My greatest weakness? Probably, over time, going totally away from their personality, or simply not developing them enough to actually have a clear, set-in-stone personality. I do tend to develop personalities as I roleplay, but usually whatever I do have planned ahead of time is just... gone a few months down the road. They're basically not the same character anymore.

Also, actually posting instead of just stalking, even when I have enough time for a good, proper reply.
I can get a little repetitive when I write. I get excited to get my ideas all down and then realize later that the opening and closing text are describing the same action. There are certain words I use too often.

Also, just taking the first steps to put myself out there can be difficult. I get very anxious.
I get bored with a long term RP if a plot is not planned out so I know something exciting is coming up to write, because usually this means that when the first main event in the RP is over, there isn't anywhere planned to go. I also find it difficult to play mean or evil characters.