T T Traceless123 Apr 28, 2017 Would you like to buy some Demon Slaying swords or holy power armor? or maybe a book to summon eldritch abomanations hehehehhe
Would you like to buy some Demon Slaying swords or holy power armor? or maybe a book to summon eldritch abomanations hehehehhe
T T Traceless123 Mar 31, 2017 *Summons Airplane familiar and starts shooting down his home* HAHAHAHAHAHHA
T T Traceless123 Mar 29, 2017 *You have been Invaded by Dark Spirit Neptune* *Immidiately Starts firing Holy Laser Beams at his children* AHAHAHAH I'm BACK!!!!!!!
*You have been Invaded by Dark Spirit Neptune* *Immidiately Starts firing Holy Laser Beams at his children* AHAHAHAH I'm BACK!!!!!!!