Roleplay Forum - Storyteller's Circle's Roleplaying Forums

Welcome to Storyteller's Circle's Roleplay Forums!

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We STILL Welcome you to Storyteller's Circle's Roleplay Forums!

A multi-genre roleplay forum designed to support a wide array of stories and player interests.

It is STILL our vision to see Storyteller's Circle become one of the best roleplay forums around with a thriving community of writers and roleplayers, and to be a place where writers of all skill levels can feel safe and welcome. We STILL offer a supportive staff, numerous features to help support roleplays of all types, a live discord, and above all ELSE, a healthy dose of enthusiasm and inspiration derived from a group of people dedicated to seeing Storyteller's Circle PROSPER.

If you're a roleplayer looking for a fresh start on a new TIMELESS site and who VALUES a healthy community and supportive environment, then I welcome you to come join us at Storyteller's Circle.

Among our offered features, we provide personal forum space for large roleplays or tabletop roleplays that include multiple sub-forums for sorting threads, tabbed threads for organizing information, an integrated bbcode dice system, google document embedding, moderator privileges over the roleplay's forums, optional co-GMs, and a custom feature on our front page.

Your voice as a valued member also MATTERS here; if there is a feature or change that would help enable your creativity, I ENCOURAGE you to directly contact me with your idea. It WILL BE considered and discussed with you. If we can make it happen TOGETHER, we will. If it's something that can't be done or that is beyond our current capabilities, you WILL get a straight answer.

We also support all creative outlets and have made available our Creative Forums for sharing artwork, photography, short stories, poetry and more.

Before you get started though, make sure you familiarize yourself with our Site Rules and swing by our Introductions & Departures forum to introduce yourself.

If you need any help getting started, please reach out to us through our Help Desk!

Interest Check The Mummy: World War II

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Imhotep was gone for good.

But the evil legacy of the Hom-Dai lives on.

As World War II rages on, a new evil has arrived in Egypt in the form of the German Nazi forces. The Nazis have recently learned about Imhotep and the curse that gave him his powers, and now they want that power for themselves. With an army of soldiers wielding the power of Imhotep, the Nazi forces would be unstoppable.

The Medjai, the sacred guardians of the immense supernatural powers within Egypt, are now hopelessly caught in the middle. Severely weakened after the Battle of Ahm Shere, and unaccustomed to taking sides in political conflicts, the Medjai remain equally wary of both sides of this war, seeking only to keep the magic they guard out of the hands of those who would abuse it. Nevertheless, the Nazis have made no attempt to respect the Medjai’s neutrality. The Medjai know the secrets of the Hom-Dai, and for that, they must yield to the Nazis’ will or face utter extinction.

Here begins the O’Connell family’s next great adventure. Never quite losing their thirst for adventure, the patriotic Evy O’Connell and her swashbuckling husband Rick enlisted as spies for Britain very early into the war. Now, as the only ones with any real experience in dealing with the Hom-Dai, Rick and Evy have been dispatched to Egypt once again to thwart the Nazis’ plans and finally put a permanent stop to Imhotep’s curse.

Closed A Nexus Roleplay Arc: Random Access Memories; Read Only Soul

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You and up to four other hapless souls will get to embark in the journey of a timeline to a desolate post-apocalyptic alien world in a quest to uncover the deepest secrets of an extinct ancient alien race and the hyper-advanced servitor race they spawned.

In this Story Arc, I will be playing solely the role of gamemaster (or dungeon master), writing out overall narration over the adventure, scene setting, and writing for NPCs (of which our setting will be the biggest NPC, an active force that will react to the characters actions). The conflict "level" and whether the resolution of such conflict is violent is entirely dependent upon the type of characters that join up. I am prepared to accommodate tremendous flexibility in the "spirit" of the Nexus. If all of the characters joining are superhero tier fighters, we will have plenty of combat encounters a'la tabletop RPG without the dice. A group full of normal human high school students would get more of a thriller with the scope adjusted to match. You bring who you want and I'll make it work. Mostly; don't over do it if everyone else is clearly going for something else.

The plot revolves around a mysterious rift discovered within the sub-cellar of the Leaky Servo, a popular AI ran bar where the Va'nyrians make their home base in the Nexus. Through the rift lies an image that is very familiar to Nilin, the Va'nyrian All-Mother. A landscape where neither she nor indeed any Va'nyrian can safely enter. And yet, it is one where treasures and dearly sought answers await. It is thus that Nilin has contacted her liason with the Wayfarer's Guild and posted a sizeable bounty seeking not just Wayfarer's Guild members but any visitor to Nexus City to apply at the Leaky Servo to journey into the rift on commission by the Va'nyrian Consensus.

Open Heavenbreaker: The Future of Tamriel (Elder Scrolls, but with Tech)

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High-Ranking Heavenbreaker Cultist
Hey all, Mythy here. Had an idea to use the setting, races, and concepts (magic, divines, and daedric princes among others) in a Tamriel that had advanced in tech, if not style. Energy bows, laser-edged blades and the like, as well as tech-magic foci. The racial concepts and tensions still exist, and conflict occurs, but it isn't until recently that tempers have begun to flare across the land.

Enter the Techno-Wizardry Cult that is "Heavenbreaker". A secretive cult that has been growing in reputation over the years, it is said that their leadership and devotees gain bodies more machine than human.

The game will be set in Cyrodiil mainly, and the Player Characters will wake up imprisoned by a sect of Heavenbreaker due to the spark of a divine within each of them (I am counting Talos as a divine, so I can have a maximum of 9 player characters). After their escape, the PCs will need to come to terms with their burgeoning powers, as well as try and unite Tamriel before it is too late.

Open We're all Mad Here (epic roleplay)

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Imagine a world... with no rules.

Go ahead - imagine it.

It sounds pretty good, right? A world where you can make whatever kind of character you want, with no limits? To create whatever you want? Sounds pretty good, right?

I'm not joking. This isn't that false advertising some people put onto their sites "Be whoever you want, DO whatever you want", this is a world with as few rules as possible. I'm not kidding. So far we have, like, one, I think.

So, come on down with your craziest ideas, your most far-fetched of worlds. This world is your oyster. You can befriend it, ride in it, see the world, live in it, or suck the last ever-loving marrow from its bones. The choice is yours. Just be careful. Even you aren't exempt from the consequences of your own actions.

After all, we're all mad here.

Won't you join us?

Open Multi-Genre Sandbox/Multiverse Roleplay: Nexus

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Nexus is open and looking for players!

Nexus is an open-world, multiversal, sandbox RP set in a fractured universe. Essentially, the universe was shattered and fragmented. Nexus the city serves as a stabilizing force to slowly rebuild and reconnect the broken fragments of the worlds and realms. Within Nexus city is a place called Wayfarer's Point that sits as a hub between all of the connected fragments for players to traverse from world to world. This allows for players to have larger continuous roleplay if they want.

Alternatively there's also multitudes of smaller or unconnected fragments that allow people to split off to do smaller or private stuff.

Any and all genres are welcome! You can mix and match genres, or have worlds that predominately lean towards specific genres as well.

Open Wolf Roleplay: Spectral

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Welcome to the world of Spectral:

This role-play takes place in an alternate reality where the mega-fauna never went extinct. Most animals exist from our world the only creatures that do not exist are all primate related. This world is solely inhabited by standard creatures with unique hues as such the role-play is semi realistic in nature.

The animals that occupy the land we will be experiencing are wolves, saber-toothed tigers, along with multiple other creatures. We interact with each other and can talk; each species of animal has their own unique language, but each language can be learned by another species if it is studied.

We are open to all whom wish to experience life's lessons though the eyes of an animal.

Interest Check Space Fantasy Faction Roleplay: Powerbolt

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Powerbolt: A Space Fantasy Faction-Building RP

In a magical world, in its far future, Humans make war, Elves dabble and plot in mortal affairs, and kings make way for an almighty Bank to rule the way. Powerbolt is a high-fantasy roleplay in space awaiting you to be it's mighty hero, diabolical cult leader, ravaging warleader, or shrewd merchant, or anything else you can think of!

Powerbolt is a pseudo-nation building RP (I call it 'faction building') where you can play as the leader of anything from a whole nation to a single ship's crew in a Galaxy that waits as a canvas for your imagination. I want to build the world alongside you guys, so imaginative ideas new and old are always welcome here!

If you're interested in my free form nation build with an emphasis on world building, check it out here: Powerbolt: A Space Fantasy Faction Build.

Open Supernatural Modern Horror Roleplay: Lockdown at Cordova

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Lockdown at Cordova

Cordova was like any other normal High School. The kids complained about being bored and the teachers complained about the misbehaving students. It had been this way for eons and all assumed it would remain this way for years to come. That all changed however one autumn day when it was least expected. Best friends Meridian and Mataiya were set to meet after one of their classes in order to walk to drama, but when Meridian didn't show, her bestie went searching for her in the restroom. The door opened with a squeaking noise and Mataiya walked in only to stop in horror. In the floor beside the first set of stalls was Meridian. Her body had been ripped to shreds, most of her guts and organs were lying on the ground beside a pool of blood. There was blood all over the walls along with huge scratch marks. Screaming, Mataiya ran to the office to tell them of her horrific discovery. That very minute, a loud screeching noise blasted across the PA system. Just as abruptly as it started, the noise stopped but the silence didn’t last long. Those that ran outside found it impossible to get beyond the school grounds and it was as if no one could even see or hear them on the outside. The students, teachers, administrators, and security officers were trapped inside the one place they felt was safe. The two main questions that formed in everyone single person’s mind was in regards to what was doing the killings and how they were going to escape.

Okay, the point of this RPG is simple. It takes place in our world [on Earth] in the normal time period. You’re either going to be a student, teacher, or other faculty type person, such as a security officer, or even a cook. The phone lines are down and there’s no contact with the outside world, not even e-mail, or cell phones. No one in the outside world can hear or see them, it's as if the school and the accompanying grounds were stuck in some warp zone.

RP information and signups can be found here: Lockdown at Cordova: Can You Escape Before Being Decimated

Full High Fantasy Roleplay: Aelora - Realm of the Lost

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Aelora: Realm of the Lost

[Looking for 2-3 Players]

Aelora is a land forgotten. Legend tells of a blight known only as the Void that spread through Aelora two millennia ago. As nation after nation fell the last of the Aeloran races joined together to seal the continent of Aelora away in a final effort to contain the blight from spreading to the rest of the world. A veil was erected and Aelora was lost to time and memory.

For two millennia the veil held and none could enter nor leave Aelora, and for two millennia the war with the Void raged on. Nations were shattered, and entire races driven into extinction. What survivors remained retreated into mountain strongholds until the tides were turned with the return of the Elysian Vanguard - a fabled order of heroes and legends.

With the blight driven back the races of Aelora have stepped forward to reclaim their ancestral homes. It will be an enduring struggle though as much of the land remains tainted by Void corruption and unforgiving wilderness.

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Been a long time since I have logged in. Things have been crazy in Lobos & my life as first time parents.
The ember never leaves the ashes; the flames around it move on. Yet it smoulders on, ready for kindle.
Omg I am back I haven't been on here in a while sorry about that. Happy Friday all!
Today is National Black Cat Day. Cool.

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