Kirit stood under the awning of the airfield docking station inspecting the shipment of men and supplies being sent to Demos. The weaponry was all in order. Cushioned crates of new automatic rifles as well as sniper rifles sat in the cargo hold alongside enough armor piercing ammo for a small army and a few other long-range weapons. Building materials were packaged and sealed away with extra parts as requested and the men were climbing up the ramp to the unmarked Kaerelean cruiser in civilian clothing. They were soldiers but they wouldn't know their exact mission until they arrived at their destination in a little under 3 weeks.

Once the ship was inspected and underway, their ship headed out into Kaereal's night sky, Kirit pulled the hood on his PT jacket over his head and then stepped out into the rain for the long walk home. The rainy season was always a bit miserable on Pyrta and he had to wonder if Demos was more pleasant. Apparently, that's where Illya and the Councilwoman had gone when the order to go dark had commenced. Whatever they were planning was a game of patience and tactics, something needed after the devastating stalemate in open battle a month before. He had been over the loss statistics for their men and the estimated losses for the enemy. Both sides had heavy losses.

The Chippeqouti departure had left a hole in their structure on Pyrta that he had been charged to fill as the newly appointed General of the Alliance. He had started working on that right away to bolster the defense of the home planet. Since Calysta's absence, he had also been organizing the continents and dealing with their needs. It was like a never-ending waterfall of notes, reports, and requests. How in the Wilds was he supposed to be protecting the planet and half governing it at the same time? They all wanted to know where the Councilwoman was. Some were angry at her, others wanted to deal only with her. It was a mountain of paperwork that only made him marvel at how the two missing leaders hadn't gone mad with the pressure. Everything had been on their shoulders, and now it was on his. Tugging at his goatee, he grimaced as s few black hairs plucked free and he dusted his fingers over a puddle. In truth, he knew they had gone black and patience was needed, but the last month of his life had been the hardest he'd ever had. Hearing from the Councilwoman in an encoded message dictated by Illya had been both relieving and added more pressure. If it was a containment theory the General was planning, then they needed to keep it quiet and let the Federation spread themselves thin as they would. The men and supplies would be needed on Demos and he trusted the General's judgment as to their use.

He stepped up the steps to his cabin, realizing it was after midnight. This would be the 4th night in a row he had come home late and he knew the babies would be asleep and so would Tabit. Opening the door carefully, he tiptoed inside and shut the door behind him gentle as possible. It closed with a bump and he took off his coat which was dripping all over the floor, hanging it up on the hook to dry. He ran a hand through his hair and then went to check on the boys. Their little star night light glittered over the walls as each boy snoozed in their cribs.

Kirit peered over the rail of each baby bed to look over his sons. Mycah was sleeping on his belly, Az'rah snoozed with his thumb stuck in his usually open mouth, and Henyah's tiny hands grabbed at his feet his sleep. Henyah had an uncanny ability to know when someone was watching him and he twitched in his sleep, letting out a knowing grunt. "Shhhh...." Kirit slipped a finger into his son's hand and the boy grabbed it tightly, grumbling a few more times before settling down. Ensuring that his boys were alright, he left them to sleep then shuffled upstairs stripping as he went. By the time he made it to the bedroom, he was down to his boxers and gratefully crawling into bed next to his wife who was sleeping on her side.

If anyone had gotten the sore end of this deal it was Tabit. Sure, he was promoted and that came with a great honor along with a pay raise, but the additional workload had kept him working late. He didn't want to come home and be plagued with work. To only be paying half attention to his wife and children. He tried to keep work where it belonged, but it required late nights and there was no way around it. Scoot closer to Tabit, he wrapped a hand around her waist, before sighing into her pretty blonde hair. It always smelled nice and he actually missed his time with her. "I'm home," he mumbled as his eyes closed and he drifted off to sleep.


Calysta spent the rest of the afternoon helping the elderly and women clean the cave up, readying it for a battle or a siege if they had to stay inside indefinitely. Kensi worked in silence save for a few barked orders in her own Demosian. Calysta had no idea what she was asking for most of the time and it took a fair amount of pointing or angry grunts from the woman to understand what not to do. At one point she went to pick up a broom and Bentil's fiesty wife snapped at her before muttering 'Innas' and snatching it away. The day was long and frustrating between Kensi, cleaning, and keeping track of Cypher who wanted to pick up, touch, and occasionally lick anything that looked interesting. She knew he'd eaten some sort of bug he'd found crawling on the walls and had no problem running up to her with a cave spider clutched in his hands. It's spindly legs wiggled desperately as it's long pincers grabbed at the air, unable to reach the boy's hand from behind. "Looket Mam! Buggie Monster! Graaar!" With a fat fist, he threw the spider at her so she could see it real good. The massive bug landed on her pants leg, and she yelped before flicking her foot and sending the insect flying to the back of an elderly Silx man. "Cypher!"

In a shock of panic and instinct, Calysta scuttled up to the man swiping at his back to get rid of the bug before it decided to bite or worse crawled into his shirt collar. When he felt a tiny hand and brush over his back, the Silx turned with a stoic expression then tilted his head. "Oh...uh you had a bug," she said with a timid smile, "It's gone now." The man was mute and his Agan partner wasn't available, so he gave her a singular nod before returning to his work.

When the afternoon had set in and they had run several drills, it became obvious the elderly were growing tired. The women needed to go home and tend to their children and their husbands too. The group disbanded and Calysta collected a sleepy looking Cypher in one arm, a quiet Rose, and her baby Lohgan before heading toward the ship. On the way through the village a harsh voice called out to her and she found Kensi standing there with a bright bundle of material. "You wear it when you come with us Innas," she grumbled, "Beads for beauty and bright colors for energy, endurance. You need if you think you can keep up with Agan woman." Tossing the pack at Calysta, the tiny woman marched away toward her own house.

Later in the evening, once the children were in bed and Illya had his tea, she snuggled down into the bed with him. It was too much to resist petting at his wild curls. They were soft and felt silky running between her fingertips as she played. Almost soothing in a strange way. "I need a haircut eh?" She chuckled and smoothed his curls away from his face. "Aye, I suppose, but it can wait a little longer." When he mentioned a little work left to do her face tinged pink and she pulled him close with a wild look in her eye. She was tired, but when he was so close, whispering in her ear, it made her feel all the bolder in the last week or so. Despite the pink on her cheeks, she kissed him playfully. "Aye, I think we do have some more work to do."

The feeling of Illya's arms wrapping around her tightly woke her as the bed shook. Sleepiness didn't hang in her mind too long when he did things like that in the middle of the night. This sort of event usually meant he was having a nightmare about the war, judging by the way he was holding her. Sometimes, he would be so deep into a dream that he grabbed her close and thought she was something else altogether. It hadn't happened since they were on Terra but those were the worst she'd ever seen and there was no telling how wild he might get. The best thing to do was get out of the way and then try to talk him down before he hurt himself.

Her heart pounded as she wiggled out of his arms and sat up to look him over...only to see that he wasn't screaming like he normally did. He was laughing. "Uh huh." A satisfied smirk was stretched across his face. "You know that's not how you do it.....Mmhmm. I like it when you do that....." Illya was having another kind of dream entirely, and Lohgan cooed from her crib. Calysta inched over to the crib and picked up the girl, never taking her eyes off her Chip who was snickering. What in the Wilds was he dreaming about? It sounded a bit naughty. "Don't be so serious." Even in his sleep, he was telling her not to be serious! He rolled over and buried his head in his pillow before bursting into a fit of laughter that jerked him awake in confusion. "You were laughing in your sleep," she said with a hint of amusement. It was certainly a first and to see the merry expression still lit upon his face was funny. Lohgan was looking at her sleepily and there was no point in putting her back in the crib, for now, so Calysta crawled back in bed with the girl, chuckling at the look on Illya's face as he wrapped a hand around her waist. "It must of have been some dream," she replied, "What was it about?" She wanted to know exactly what it was he'd liked her doing, but between each statement he'd fallen asleep again, snoring softly beside her.

The next day she met the women and elderly group again for drill downs. They made timed exits from the square in the village all the way to the caved and then back again. Their times were getting better now that the way had been cleared and everyone had narrowed down the easiest path. On the last drill, they stayed at the cave to make the battle ready. Non-perishable supplies were brought and stowed in the former whipping room, older model guns were placed near the only accessible entrance for those who had been chosen to be on guard when the time came to hide. A freshwater hot spring bubbled in one of the caverns allowing for clean drinking water, though the smell of it was strange. While she was working with Lohgan strapped to her back, Calysta happened to notice a ventilation shaft which had been hastily made in the ceiling. That could pose a problem against an attack by Tannas soldiers. "Kensi, you know of the Stags and what they can do. Does that vent lead to the outside?"

The Agan woman glanced up at the grated hole above them. It was no bigger than a basketball in diameter, but the Innas was right. it could pose an issue. "It lead to another chamber, then to outside," she replied, "You think they find that tiny hole?"

"Aye," Calysta frowned, "I know they will." There was little that would stop a Tannas from phasing through but they could at least make it harder for them. "Do you have any metals? When the Stags came, did they come wearing jewelry? Bracelets?" Kensi considered the question for a moment and then shrugged. "If they do, we leave it on bodies in the sands. Stag belongings not worth Agan and Silx blood." At her reply, Calysta nodded and stared up at the hole, thinking on a solution. Tannas detectors would alert to their presence, but it wouldn't stop them. They needed metals to block them out. Maybe there would be some at the wreckage they had seen on the barrier island Bentil had shown them. It wasn't much to go on, but it was enough to warrant trying.

They worked side by side for the rest of the say in silent, but less hostile peace until the sun began to set. Taking inventory wasn't so hard in her Demosian outfit at least. All the while, Calysta had listened carefully to what was being said around her and she had picked up on a few words of Demosian while watching. "Deyat tu," she said to Kensi as she took Cypher's hand. The woman's dark brow furrowed and her eyes narrowed as if to size Calysta up. "Your accent is terrible." The words were decisive but as the woman stomped away, she threw a look over her shoulder. "And good sunbyes to you, Kalzda."

That night, Calysta crawled into bed feeling like she accomplished something, though she wasn't entirely sure what. She cuddled up to Illya and her night began with a few kisses, and chuckles between those sweet kisses. "'re not going to tell me about that dream are you?" she whispered in his ears as her hands roamed. "Mmmm...I'll do the work tonight." She knew he was tired from training the men all day, and from what she heard they had been less than helpful. Particularly, that nasty little one Tetsune. After both of their days the beach was sounding better and better.

After their evening love making, Calysta laid in his arms as they both went to sleep in contentment. It wasn't until 4am that a light woke her up. Her pad had lit up with a message of some kind. Rubbing at her eyes, she sat up and read what it said. Rose: Please come into my room! I'm sick!

She untangled herself from Illya quick as she could without waking him up, hefting his heavy arm off her waist and then pulled on her robe. There was no knocking politely when she got to Rose's door. Instead, she came in without delay to find Rose looking panicked as she tried to rub a red smear off the back of her pants. "Kalizda, it's everywhere! All over the sheets and my pajama's are ruined. I don't feel good..." She was worked up enough to burst into tears all over again and Calysta held up her hands, then rubbed her daughter's back as she cried. It had shocked more than anything and she probably felt terrible. This wasn't exactly what she had thought of waking up to at 4am but they would deal with it. "It's's okay. Go get in the shower okay? Just take it all off in the bathroom and take a good, hot shower."

Calysta guided Rose off to her shower and then began the cleanup. She stripped the bed, washing down the mattress with bleach along with piling the sheets into the washer with another healthy cupful of the disinfectant. The comforter had to join in with the sheets as it was covered in blood too. Rose's pajama's would have to wait until the next round, but she doubted that they would be going to sleep anytime soon. Hopefully, the shower would relax her and she would feel calm when she came out. Rose spent a long while in the bathroom and Calysta let her do what she needed to do. It gave her time to gather up some feminine product from her own room, then make some tea that would help with the cycle symptoms. By the time, Rose came out in a gust of billowing steam, Calysta had laid out fresh pajamas' underwear, and a few things that they were going to talk about. "Feeling better, yeah?" she said with an encouraging smile, "I brought you some tea and clean pajamas. While we're waiting on the sheets to dry, lets talk a little."

Explaining what her cycle meant was a much easier task than what she expected. Rose understood the basics and that was good, but when it came to finding a 'partner' when she was ready, Calysta had no idea what to say at first. How did she go about that odd detail? She rubbed at her temple and thought through what had made Illya the right partner for her. "Rose, when it comes to partners, I want you to take your time. Don't rush it," she said. The girl was meticulous in most things anyway, so she had little worry for that. "You want a partner who will respect you, and be honored to be yours. They will do this in their actions as well as their words. You are worthy of that respect. And a good partner will respect your body and your heart too. Then you can trust those things to them and you will honor them in return." It sounded so calculated when she put it that way and she knew there was more to tell. Describing it was hard. "Love will make the desire to do those things true and worthy of you."

They talked into the night until the bedclothes were done and she tucked a much calmer Rose into fresh sheets. "Now, don't worry. Get some sleep and feel better," Calysta whispered, "You were very mature tonight, and I'm very proud of you." With that, she kissed her daughter's forehead and returned to bed with Illya to claim whatever sleep she could get.

The next morning, everyone was awake early and ready for the beach. After breakfast was cooked, the beach going items gathered, and lunches made it was time to get dressed for their off day. Calysta sighed and dug through the drawers one more time, pushing past her few lingerie pieces to the back of the drawer with no luck. Where was her bathing suit? The bathroom door opened and Illya stepped out in his red trunks with Lohgan's tiny water suit in his hands. "I think I left my swim suit on Pyrta," she grumbled as she opened the next drawer, "I could have sworn I packed it but it's not in here."

By the time Illya stepped out of the bathroom in his trunks he suspected that Kalizda would already have her suit on. Lohgan's little suit had somehow got stuck in the leg of pants and that had at least solved one problem. They now had the baby'suit. It was a little disappointing to hear that Kalizda couldn't find hers. "Well, maybe yah jes wear bating suit like dey have here? Do dey have some bating suit for women here?"

"I'm not sure, I would assume they do, but I haven't been to the market since the first two days and Kensi was the one who got me the native dress," she replied, closing the drawer, "Maybe I'll help get the kids ready and then go take a look while you get them to the beach." The best thing about the beach was the water and not having her swimsuit was a bit disappointing. She had her sarong from their trip to the beach a year before but it wouldn't be suitable to get into the water with. If she couldn't find one then she would be on the toasty sand for the day.

After a moment Illya pulled open her dresser drawers and started to dig through just to make sure. "Ef yah dun have yah suit why dun yah jes put on short pants and shirt? Den yah could get wet anyway." There was no reason for her not to enjoy the day. "Ef yah dun have short pants I tink yah could borrow one of meh boxers." That likely wasn't ideal, but they would work.

Calysta tucked her hair behind her ear and shook her head. "I don't have shorts anymore. I donated all of my skycorp ones and those were the only ones I own." At the mention of wearing his boxer shorts she chuckled. "I don't think your boxers would stay on very well. I'll figure it out, hm?" She reached up and slipped Lohgan's swimsuit out of his hands with a wink. "I have Lohgan if you can get Cypher ready, yeah?"

"Ok," Illya took Cypher's swim trunks from the bed and he stared at them for a moment. Cypher was a little big for them if Illya had it all gauged right. Their son had grown a bit since their last visit to the beach. "I tink I jes have Cypher wear his boxers. Dese are too small."

She looked at the boxers held up in his hands and tilted her head considering them. She had bought them a size too big but looking at them now they did look too small for her chubby little boy. She didn't want him to be uncomfortable at least his boxes would cover everything. "Aye. I think you're right. He should be fine in just his boxers then. It's hard to believe he's grown so much." She started dressing in her sarong with purple flowers wrapping it around her body tightly so it wouldn't fall off. Then she turned to Logan and laid her out on the bed carefully to put her in her suit. About that time, Rose poked her head into the room without knocking and looked to her parents. "I think I just want to relax here on the ship today."

Since Cypher couldn't wear his swim trunks Illya's work was done. He would just pull Cypher's clothes off wen they got to the beach and then let his little boy run around in is boxers. Cypher would be happy enough with that. Finally it appeared that they were ready to go and then Rose popped her head in the door and decided not to go to the beach with them. Turning toward her Illya frowned a little. "Why dun yah want tah come to dah beach wit us?" Surely she wasn't pooping out when it was such nice weather and going to the beach was a perfectly enjoyable event.

The girl frowned and gave a noncommittal shrug. "It's hot and I don't want to swim really. I'd rather finish up this new story I'm working on." It wasn't her best excuse ever, but she was tired and not entirely certain why her staying behind would be such a big deal

Somehow the excuse just sounded lame. "Rose yah dun always have tah write. Et's good for yah tah go places and do someting different sometimes. Besides, ef yah dun have swimsuit ets ok. Jes wear some of ya oter cloting and et dun matter ef yah get yah clotes wet."

Rose gave him a grumpy look, her brow furrowing. She didn't want to go and Illya was making it difficult. "Wolf, I don't feel like going. I don't feel good and I just want to stay inside." Her voice was firmer and her eyes darted to Calysta pleading for assistance in her case, before shifting back to her father.

As soon as the girl said that she didn't feel good Illya's eyebrows raised. "Oh, well ef yah dun feel good den yah better off tah rest some. Maybe I can make some tea for yah tah drink while Kalizda get's Lohgan ready tah go out wit us." It was really too bad that the girl wasn't feeling well, but there wasn't a whole lot that he could do about it either. Perhaps she would feel better next time and then she could have fun with them. "Do yah want tah borrow meh hot blanket?

Calysta nodded at Rose and gave her an encouraging smile. "There some good tea for a stomach bug in the little white pouch in the cabinet," she said to Illya, " I think that would be best. The blanket will make you feel a bit better too." Rose looked to both of them and gave a small sigh of relief before nodding. "Tea would nice and the blanket too." She had yet to even change out of her pajamas and she didn't want to put any real clothes on right now. All she wanted was for Wolf to fix her tea and to write a little.

Since Rose wanted the tea and blanket Illya figured she really wasn't feeling good at all. Snatching his blanket off the bed Illya turned it up nice and hot. "Yah go lay down wherever yah wanna be, or ef yah feeling really sick and yah need a batroom really close yah could stay in meh and Kalizda's room. It was nice to have a completely private restroom and bedroom away from the rest. They even had a little couch in the room that she could lay on if she wanted to. Once Rose chose her spot to settle in Illya laid the blanket over her and tucked it in around her feet so she wouldn't get cold. "Ok, now den. Es et only yah stomach dat hurts?" If he was going to make a tea he might as well make it to fit her needs.

Rose decided to stay in Kalizda and Illya's bed, wanting more than anything to curl up and read or sleep, and their bed was much bigger than her own bed and bathroom. She shuffled over to the bed and stretched across the warming blanket before grabbing the corner to wrap up in it. The fuzzy blanket was already getting toasty and despite the heat outside it felt wonderful. Curling up until only her head was showing, she sniffled and looked up to Illya. "It's just my stomach and my back kind of hurts too. Kalizda said the stuff in the white pouch might help."

The girl really must have felt terrible if she opted to stay in his and Kalizda's room. Illya nodded a little when she said what hurt. Rose wasn't one to complain and it worried Illya that she was feeling so terrible. "I jes go make yah tea now and maybe Kalizda help yah put on some cream tah help wit yah back pain." Stepping out the door of their room he decided to mix up a little herb that would help deaden pain too. It wasn't really tasty, but it would help. A few minutes later Illya came into the room with a big mug and he set it on the nightstand nearest Rose. "Dere, yah have tea and Kalizda get some of dat cream on yah back?" Nodding a little he listened to her. Illya still was a little worried and he leaned in to study her face for a moment. "Yah want meh tah stay wit yah in case yah need anyting?"

When, Wolf returned Rose was wrapping herself back in the blanket again. She glanced to the tea steaming on the nightstand and reached for it, carefully bringing it over to her lap. The tea smelled strong as she sniffed it and then took a sip. It was a little bitter and as strong as it scent suggested, making her wince. Wolf was talking about staying with her and a panic started up. “No, I’ll be fine. Go to the beach and I’ll stay here.” There was no way she wanted him to stay behind just because of her and she didn’t like being sick in front of him. “If you would just bring me my pad and can Zuko stay in here with me too?” Her puppy was already scratching at the door, whining pitifully to get inside where his girl waited.

They weren't going to be far off at the beach, but Illya still wanted to make sure she was alright. "Ok, we'll go, but ef yah need anyting be sure tah call meh pad. I'll have et wit." He already knew this water was different and that meant that he, Cypher and Lohgan would stay in the shallows. He could make mud castles or sand castles with Cypher and when they got too hot they could go out and wade in the water for a few minutes. Wandering out of the room Illya checked Rose's room for her pad and then snatched it up and took himself back to the room. Zuko tumbled right in with him and that was exactly what Illya wanted. The dog would be able to keep her company. "Ok, yah have yah pad now and Zuko stay in here, but yah dun let Zuko on dah bed. Jes remember tah call ef yah need anyting. Dah beach esn't dat far away."

“Okay. I will,” she mumbled as she took a sip of her tea. A singular look from Kalizda behind her father told her that she was forgetting something. Quickly she reached out with her prosthetic hand and grabbed his big hand in hers, pulling him down to leave a kiss on his tan cheek. “Thank you, Wolf.” Zuko was already trying to climb up on the bed and Rose pushed him off, urging him to stay down on the dog beds by the floor. Calysta walked over and patted Illya’s back gently with Lohgan tucked in the other arm. “We’re just a message away, alright?” With a nod from her daughter, Calysta guided Illya out of the room where Aymos and Elijah ran up to greet them along with Monster and Cypher. It was a right crowd and Calysta had to step around animals and avoid stepping on her son’s toes as she beckoned them all down the hall. “I think we’ll stop by the market on the way home and get something nice for, Rose. I don’t think she’ll be feeling up to much for the rest of the week.”

When Illya started to turn away and head for the door he felt cool little metal fingers wrap around a part of his hand. Turning back toward Rose he studied her face for a second and leaned in closer only for her to kiss his cheek and say thank you. Saying thank you was very odd, but nice. "Oh, yah jes remember tah call ef yah need anyting." Stepping away he walked out the door with Kalizda. It was just part of being a father to take care of the children and yet it was nice to be thanked, though it wasn't necessary. Already the dogs were pouncing and ready to go play. It was like Elijah and Aymos could sense they were going to have fun. Illya was pulled out of his thoughts momentarily as they were walking down the corridor. "Yah tink Rose es dat sick?"

Calysta gave Illya a knowing look and nodded. It wasn't her news to tell persay but Rose was being shy and she didn't blame her a bit. There was no point in Illya being clueless though and he would worry about her if he didn't know something. "Aye, she might not feel well for about a week every month for a long time now, same as me. She's growing up," Calysta whispered back.

They were almost to the door of the ship when Kalizda told him what was wrong. Illya's eyes got wide and he stared at his agreed for a moment. "She can't be getting dat old already." He remembered her as a tiny little girl and she was close to becoming a woman, but he didn't really think about this part of it. One day she would agree with a man and then he would have grandchildren and that seemed so much closer than further away and it was strange in many ways. "Oh, I jes dun tink about dat."

Calysta chuckled a little and slipped a hand to Illya's waist. "It is a little hard to believe isnt it? She'll always be our daughter though no matter where she goes." The crowd of animals and children only dispersed slightly when they reached the living room. Thomas was waiting with the beach bags and the picnic basket along with half the toy chest Cypher though he was bringing along with them.

When they reached the living room Illya saw that Thomas was carrying everything. Walking over to the man Illya took the toy bag and the beach bags. "I carry dah beach bags." Setting the toys down he saw Cypher look at him. "Yah Chippequoti and yah learn tah carry yah own stuff. Ef yah want all dah toys den yah carry all dah toys." The boy couldn't carry them all, but he would learn to sort out and prioritize what was important even if he didn't like it.

Calysta tilted her head at Illya, studying his face. She didn't expect him to carry all those toys, but what he wasn't quite thinking like a child would. More like a general. Her son would undoubtedly try to carry everything and they would end up picking the toys up as he dropped them running all the way to the beach. They would end up carrying them anyways just to keep them from getting lost. "Why don't you get your bucket and pick three," she said, holding up three fingers, "Pick the ones you like best and you can carry them in your bucket."

Somehow Kalizda made it seem so much more simple and Illya watched Cypher pick through the toys and pick out his monster, snake, and a shovel to put in the bucket. Grabbing his little bucket he started to race for the doorway. He was still clothed, but Illya figured he could strip the boy down to his boxers when they got to the beach. "Ok, now we go."

They walked toward the beach and stopped by a traders stall on they way for Calysta to glance at a few bathing suits. Some of them were mere wraps of cloth meant to be tied together for a single piece and others were made of woven material and covered an area hardly suitable for a bedroom tease, much less public bathing. She settled on a modest two piece bathing suit finally, prompted mostly by Cypher's fussing about hurrying up. She'd never owned one before and it felt a little strange to change into it behind a small curtain near the outhouse along the shore. When she was done, she stepped out in the garments and looked to Illya feeling a bit ridiculous. How did people swim properly in these things? It felt like it was going to fall off at any moment no matter how tight she'd tied it.

Unable to keep their son at bay anymore, they made to the black sand beaches where Cypher made a bee-line for the water along with the pack of dogs and Cin who bounced along behind them. Thomas set up their blanket and umbrella, while she went with Illya and Cypher to the water with Lohgan in her hands. Surprisingly, the water was warm and felt nice washing over their legs. Cypher plopped down and began to splash her and Illya both, laughing wildly with every kick of his feet. Calysta chuckled, splashing him back over his bare chest. Lohgan's feet kicked at the water from her lap, giggling when the water tickled at her toes. "Oh you like that, huh?" she grinned, "Let's put those feet to work." She held Lohgan over the shallow waves and aimed her in Illya's direction so she could kick up as much water as she wanted at him. "Get Dah! Get'em good!" The girl squealed with delight, giving the water splashes for all she was worth.

After while, they were interrupted by a troupe of Agan and Silx running over the beaches as part of their training. The Silx were sore and tired, but not nearly so bad as the Agans. The tiny men were lagging behind their taller counterparts looking miserable. Over the last three days they had been pushed harder than they could possibly hope to keep up. Their legs were sore, their arms ached and they still weren't able to keep up properly according to their trainer who had found it a waste of his time if they couldn't manage. "All we do is run, run, run!" one complained in his own language. "When do we get to use a gun?" Bentil shot the man a look, rolling his eyes. "When you can hold one up properly, you limp noodle." One of them puffed up and scowled as they jogged, "Do you really think the Stags will attack again? Aren't we old news? This Innas pushes us to hard for an attack that might not even happen! They are strangers still and we work while they are laying around." A few of the men's eyes landed on the family, but most of them simply stayed quiet on that matter. "I think they will come again. I been living without my Silx for decades now and you don't want to lose yours by being lazy do you? If so, and you feel real raw about it, go join Tetsune at the front of the pack. Silx don't like it when you betray them." The group winced as they looked up to see Tetsune who was running at the top speed his aching muscles would allow. Behind him was his Silx counterpart carrying a thick stick with a cup carved on the end. They all knew that the vicious cutter bugs were inside the cup and if Tetsune slowed in his pace at all, his Silx would poke him with it, allowing the cutter bugs a nibble. He had been an embarrassment going against the judgment of not only his Silx but the entire island. Now, he would learn his place. He would earn it back. "He get us into shape and the Stags regret the day they come to Demos again," Bentil called. That earned him a bit of a war cry from a few, though it turned into more of a desperate pant to try to keep up with the rest. They would endure what they had to for an opportunity to exact a little justice.

Calysta watched as they passed by, and Illya surveyed them with his binoculars. It was somewhat satisfying to see Testune running as if his life depended on it. Would they be enough? Illya could whip them into shape, but only if they wanted to be. From the looks of it, at least they were trying and finally getting serious about the impending attack."Ahh! Mam!" Her thoughts were broken when Cypher cried out and started pointing out at the water. His favorite snake toy had washed away with an incoming tide and had rolled into deeper water. "Stay here and I'll get it." She quickly ran into the water, reaching for the toy that her son just couldn't lose. She was waist deep in rising waters when her fingers finally wrapped around the snake and she held it up. "I got it, little man!" Holding the snake up, she could see her boy clapping his chubby fists together happily that she had gotten it. As she waded back to the shore, an incoming wave crashed over her back and she stumbled into the water. The wash of water knocked her to her knees, pulling her back toward the ocean when it retreated then shoving her forward again. When she managed to get her footing, she stood up and immediately knew something was wrong. It was far too breezy. Her top was gone! Rather than the blue tie top, she saw nothing but herself in the buff. The dumb bikini top had come loose and was swirling on the waves, coming to a stop near Cypher and Illya.

Out of instinct, she wrapped arms around what small boobs she had and started calling for Illya who was still looking through the binoculars "Illya! Get my top!" It was all she needed for her bathing suit top to be lost at sea, leaving her exposed to the beach and the passing men.
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Training with the men had been long and Illya was more than ready for the day to be over. When he finally got to bed with Kalizda she got close like usual. Even if he was tired it was almost impossible not to be tempted. Those little pecks along his cheek and then moving toward his lips were just the trick to get that last bit of energy mustered. Returning the kisses Illya chuckled a little and gave a playful growl when he felt her fingers trace along his side. There wasn't any shirt to remove since he only slept in his boxers, but he still liked it when she would feel him up. Between the playful kisses Kalizda asked about the dream and he paused for a moment. "I tink yah might like et ef I told yah what yah did in meh dream."

The grin on Illya's face only got bigger when he looked at her. Kalizda's fingers were still training along his sides and inching their way around to his chest. "In meh dream yah kept telling meh dat dah Agan would run faster ef dey wore stilts." Just the thought of Agan wearing stilts made him start to snicker all over again. "Den I told yah dat et dun work like dat and yah told meh dat yah would prove et. From dere I dun remember what yah did, but next ting I know we're in dah bedroom and yah put on dose tings...Yah know dose long socks on yah legs. Eh...dah kind dat are eh...Dey come way up." Running his hand up her leg he let it rest near the top of it. "Dah socks dat come up dis high. Den I asked yah how dah stilts worked and yah get dis funny look on yah face." The dream was all over the place and even Illya wasn't sure where and how it all fit together. "I got a little worried for a minute and I tell yah nut tah be so serious and den all I tink about was dah Agan running around on stilts and et makes meh laugh again."

Despite his best efforts not to turn into a puddle of laughter it was happening all over again. Illya could just see the surprised faces of the midgets while they attempted to run on the stilts. "Yah..." Gasping between the fits of laughter he tried to describe their facial expressions. "Should...have seen dere eyes." The laughter started to fade as he turned his face away from her and coughed. Illya was almost to the point of wheezing he was laughing so hard. When he finally got settled down a little more he kissed her and started to chuckle all over again.

"I do like et when yah wear dose stockings." Chuckling all the more he wiped at his eyes with the back of one hand. It wasn't often that something made him laugh so hard his eyes watered, but it was one of the rare occasions. There was no way to describe the scene to her in a way that she would understand what was so funny about it, but she still had a quizzical little grin on her face. "Ok, I can be serious now." Even if he said he could be serious Illya ended up smirking even during the evening love making. Every now and then he would run his hands up her legs and grin broadly at her. She was hot and he couldn't help thinking about her wearing the stockings every now and then.


Sleeping in a little had felt good and they were finally on the way toward the beach. Illya knew some of the walk would have to be through the forest so he made sure everyone was still wearing good sturdy footwear. On the way they stopped for Kalizda to get a little bit of swimwear for Kalizda and it didn't seem there was a whole lot that would be appropriate for Kalizda to wear. Most of it looked like underwear. Finally, she decided on one that was more covering and even showed a little bit of her stomach. That made the outfit look enticing, but she wasn't going to change till they were at the beach.

While it was a day off, Illya was taking it to observe who would be the officers among the Agan and Silx. It would be the day he would have chance to see who had the drive to do what needed to be done and who would have the fortitude to push the others a little harder. However, the first order was going to be getting his son ready to play and holding onto Lohgan until Kalizda was ready to come out. Thomas was busy enough trying to set up the basket and put it someplace out of the sun, but safe from insects and other things that would love to share their lunch. Kalizda stepped around the corner of the small tarp to change and Illya chased Cypher around tearing his shirt off and pushing the boy over so he could take his pants off. "Now, yah kick yah shoes off and yah play in dah water. Jes remember dat yah sink ef yah get deep eh?"

Cypher hardly needed a second invitation to go play in the water. Racing for the water with his bucket he cheered loudly. Monster was on his heels happily prancing along. Cin would wander out to the water and wade into it before rolling in the water and then coming back to the sand to flop down happily. All the animals enjoyed the water and play day on the sand. Lohgan on the other hand squeaked and pointed at everything and she wanted to play too. Illya checked to be sure that everyone was alright. No sooner had he started toward the water and Lohgan spotted her mother. "Eeeee." Pointing to her mother she started to bounce in dad's arms. She wanted mom to hold her for play time. Illya turned around and took Lohgan back to her mother. While they were passing the baby from one to the other Illya leaned in and kissed Kalizda gently on the lips. "I love yah."

Thomas set up underneath an umbrella and he seemed happy enough to just relax and watch the family for a while. In the meantime Illya watched Cypher as the boy tried to dig in the sand and the water washed away his building. Walking over to where Cypher was Illya plopped down on the soggy ground with his boy. "Here." The two of them filled the bucket together and when the water washed up it didn't hurt anything. Once the bucket was full Illya got up with Cypher and the two of them walked up to the shore line and Cypher started to talk excitedly about making a fort. Illya nodded and the two of them worked on the fort a little bit before going back to the water.

While Illya was helping Cypher he heard a bunch of giggling and then the spray of water splash over his back. Turning slowly he saw his little girl was the culprit and mom was helping. Angling himself to the side he made a backward roll and found himself kneeling right next to his daughter. With a growl he reached over and tickled her little tummy before rolling through the sand and water to sit back down with Cypher. Lohgan laughed and squealed with delight to see her dad rolling around like that and bounced in her mother's arms merrily. While Illya was back with Cypher again she started to kick vigorously at the water. Water and sand tipped her toes and covered Illya's back and his hair, but she didn't notice.

After about half an hour of exercise the little girl was ready for a nap with Grandpa Thomas. Clutching tightly to the man she nestled in and pressed her chubby little cheeks into his chest. He wasn't dad, but he was still safe feeling and she settled in happily. By now Cypher had enough sand and mud that he felt satisfied and he had set to sculpting his master piece for his monster and snake to destroy. The dogs had busied themselves digging holes and biting the waves of the incoming tide. Illya took the time while it was all well to pull out the binoculars and prepare to watch who was actually pushing hard when they were out of view of the beach. At least out of view for the naked eye. They were approaching the beach and then Illya heard all the yelling for him and he felt his heart leap into the back of his throat. What was wrong?!

Whipping around he saw that all the kids were fine except that Cypher kept pointing toward Kalizda and making the grab motion with his hands and asking for his snake. Kalizda was wildly yelling about her top and Illya stared at her for a moment. How was he supposed to know where it went? She kept saying, "In front of you!" After a few seconds Illya spotted the top swirling around in the water and he snatched it up and jogged into the water to stand in front of her. The entire Demos army he was training was just about ready to pass by and they didn't need to see that. It was only for Illya and he pulled her tighter to himself. "I jes hold yah till dey pass." Once the group had passed by Illya let her go, but he still stood in front as a shield for her till she could get the top back on. Leaning down a little he swiped one arm behind her legs and started to carry her back toward the beach. Cypher ran out part way to greet them so he could get his snake back again.

Once the boy had his snake he set it high in his fort and continued to gather sand and play in the water periodically by stomping in it and giggling when his puppy, Monster would try to eat the droplets of water that sprayed everywhere. Then he and the dog would charge right back toward his fort and they would attack it with wild kicks and crush it and then Cypher would throw his snake and Monster would go catch it for him.

By the time lunch rolled around Cypher was wore out too and he crashed out for a nap after eating. Lohgan was still happily snoozing and there was a little time for Illya and Kalizda. A grin came to Illya's face and he held a big brown hand out to her. "Yah want tah see what I find dah oter day?" With her tiny hand tucked into his he started toward the edge of the beach. There was an interesting little cave and he'd seen a small tunnel in it with a few glints of what might be metal. Opening the pocket on his swim shorts he pulled out his waterproof tactical flashlight. "Dere es someting in dis little cave." They had to wade into water up to Kalizda's waist to get to it, but when they peered inside Illya turned on the flash light. There was a snake in small cavern, but that wasn't anything to worry about. What he was interested in was the fact that the glint he thought he'd seen was actually a small box. "Yah hold dah light."

While Kalizda held the light Illya pushed one hand into the little cavern and the snake hissed, but retreated. It didn't want to fight when there was an enemy it could tell had no fear. Pulling on the box Illya brought it out into the daylight, but there was a small chain connected to it. Pulling a little harder he felt it break and then he started for the shore with Kalizda again. Illya turned the box over in his hands a few times and studied it before a grin came to his face. "I tink dis es Federation charter box. Et will be very helpful. Yah help meh translate and den we know more about Federation plan for dis area and maybe dere original tactic and strategy tah take over."


A single ship flew overhead and Ehvan already knew what was happening. Somehow the Federation had found them. He didn't know anyone that might have betrayed them and yet here was the enemy. "Get under cover!" Even while he yelled the orders he saw the people scrambling. Their quite little community burst into blinding light and hundreds of screams went up. The ground shook as shell after shell was dropped. Dragging himself off the ground Ehvan grunted as he felt the blood start to run from his side. There was already so many dead.

Everything was seemingly on mute as he started to reach for his sword. He could barely make out figures marching on the ground toward them through the haze of the sand and he was far from hearing anything at all. They had been as prepared as they could be since arriving and he knew everyone of the people were armed and that included the children ages 10 and up. Any of them big enough to carry a weapon was prepared to fight. "To the South side!" Yelling to the men he let them know that they were under attack from this end and then he heard Duncan call out, "To the West!" They were already being pushed from two sides and it was going to be an attempt by the Federation to corner them. That was not something that Ehvan could afford and neither could the people.

There wasn't much left, but a couple of small ships and Asha looked around anxiously. Her men were all on the ground fighting and there were few that could fly a ship well enough to actually hold any kind of line. She spotted Amil struggling on his leg braces to waddle though the sand and carry the weapon in his hand. Running up behind the boy she grabbed him under his arms and by the back of his belt. "I need you to fly the second ship and we'll have to run the air together." She couldn't let the boy go into battle like that. He was not in condition to fight on the ground, but he was a fine pilot from his lessons he had with Kalizda. Good enough that he had proven to be better than many of the Kaerelean children in his age group. Maybe it was good enough to fight in the air and maybe not, but he would have more of a chance there then he would on the ground and she knew he was determined to fight.

Amil drug along with Asha and she thrust him up into a flier. "Follow me and put on the headset." Asha raced for her own ship and she threw herself into the cockpit. "Alright, your going to swing the door with me. We're taking the left to the right in a sweeping motion."


Gripping her stomach Ahvah did her best to support the baby. It was starting to get heavy and she reached for the gun. The Federation was drawing in closer and she knew that Ehvan was already doing everything that he could to protect them. From here it was her duty to protect herself and the baby. Setting up near the window of the small stone house she heard one of the men outside grunt as he was hit with a bullet. "Come around back!" Yelling to him she tried to let him know he could get in for cover and she would welcome the extra protection inside the house.

Another flash of light and more shells fell. The woman was thrown against the wall and she gasped for breath as she felt her stomach begin to clench. "No." Taking a deep breath she bit back the tears and crawled toward the mostly crumbled wall. She couldn't see anything, but the sand and she wiped at her eyes and shoved another clip into the gun.
Calysta listened had never seen him so tickled and by a dream no less. He could hardly get through the story of his dream he was laughing so hard with his eyes watering. The idea of Agan's walking on stilts was chuckle-worthy, but he was just jolly about the whole scenario. Then there was the fact that he admitted to liking the 'long socks' took her a second to realize he was talking about stockings. The bedroom style stockings. His hand slid up her leg to demonstrate exactly where the socks cut off and she leaned into the warm instinctively. "Oh, the those," she mused with a grin. When he went back to being 'serious' about their lovemaking she couldn't resist a chuckle or two as he smiled down at her. That little glint in his green eyes let her know exactly where his mind was at and it was on her both in present times and in imagination. When they were done, she laid with him and petted at his hair until he fell asleep, simply to enjoy the time with him. Every now and then, the image of Agan's running on little chopstick stilts came to mind and she giggled.

The next morning, she woke Illya with soft whispers in his ear as she traced her hands over his arms. "You get the hot water started and I'll be there in a minute," she whispered between nibbles on his ear. That was all the more motivation Illya needed to get up and head towards the bathroom. When he was prepping their shower, Calysta slipped over to their closet and pulled open her underwear drawer. Her few sets of lingerie were tucked neatly inside towards the back and she pulled them forward to inspect the set of stockings she had with ideas in mind to pick up a few more sets when she could.


Calysta wanted to point exactly where her top was but doing so would have resulted in a show that the entirety of the Demosian male population would see. He was looking around trying to find the top, looking lost. "It's right there!" she cried as another wave crashed over her. Finally, he saw the top and snatched it out of the water before running through the waves to meet her. She'd never seen him enter the water quite so quickly. Wading forward, she met him with her arms still wrapped around her chest and he stood in front of her. It was too late to put on the top by the time the men came jogging by. Instead, Illya held her close, wrapping his arms around her back. "I jes hold yah till dey pass." Not for the first time in their marriage she found his broad shoulders perfect to hide away in. Calysta tucked in close to his chest, keeping even her face from view as the men ran by. Hopefully, no one saw her but the idea of it made her face turn bright red. This wasn't the Chippeqouti bathhouse where no one would look with naughty things on their mind. She stayed hidden until they were gone then took her top from Illya. Pulling the soggy garment on was difficult and when she tied it, she was certain that it wasn't tied good enough, though her fingers had worked a decent double knot into it. This never happened with one piece bathing suits.

As soon as she announced the top was fixed Illya didn't hesitate to scoop her up and haul her back to shore. The fact that there had been an elderly couple and his Silx beach combing nearby didn't escape her. They had seen the fiasco and were grinning in their direction with knowing smiles as they walked along. Cypher couldn't wait to get his toy. He stumbled through the incoming wave with his hand outstretched for his snake toy. "Here you go," she said passing it down to him from Illya's arms. Cypher took the took with a happy squeal before running off to his fort with Monster jumping on his heels. Calysta kissed her husband's cheek before he sat her down. "Better than an Ira rescue," she chuckled.

The morning passed into afternoon pleasantly after that and Calysta managed to get some good hologram captures of the family. Her father was snuggled up with Lohgan while she napped and Calysta took a few captures of her curled up on her grandfather's chest. Cypher had a great hologram of him running through the surf, water splashing everywhere and a joyful grin on his face as Monster ran merrily beside him. She even managed to sneak a few good ones of Illya while he wasn't looking. Cypher would run up to his father with handfuls of sand or some other odd bits to show him. "Look et Dah!" Illya smiled while engaging his son in the 'look what I brought game' and it was the best time to close in on her husband's playful smiles. Those were ended when he found a fiesty crab he'd found scuttled in the shallows. The critter landed in Illya's lap and the Chip moved quick.

Lunchtime came and she passed out the sandwiches as they all sat together on the blanket. Cypher happily ate his, then zeroed in on his mother's sandwich asking for more. "There's plenty in the basket, hang on," she chuckled as he gave his sweet 'Pease!' She opened up their food basket only to hear Cypher squeal in protest. He didn't want a sandwich, he wanted her sandwich. Raising a brow, she held out her lunch. "I've already bitten off of it, silly goose." He didn't seem to mind as he snatched up the half-eaten sandwich and ran off into the sand with his puppy snapping up what dropping from between the bread.

Eventually, her son settled down and crashed out asleep on the blanket with Monster. Sand clung to his curls and his tan toes as he laid half tangled with Monster who occasionally licked his hands, looking for remnants of lunch or anything else it could find. Aymos, Elijah and Lady were chasing the awkward birds from their part of the beach like a troup of warriors on patrol, making a game out of giving the animals a fright. With the kids asleep, it seemed that there was time for just her and Illya.

When Illya offered his palm with a big grin, she brightened and placed her hand in his. "Yah want tah see what I find dah oter day?"

"Absolutely." The prospect of exploring with her Chip was irresistible. They walked down the beach hand in hand until the ground became a stone rather than sandy. A cave carved by the waves came up and pulled her over to it. "Dere es someting in dis little cave." Hopping into the swirling tide pool, Calysta took the flash light for Illya as they waded through to the back of the cavern. It wasnt large and the only inhabitant was a sea snake which gave them a grumpy hiss before slithering away from the beam of the flash light.

Illya let go of her hand and began to pry an object from the wall. It had a strange glint to it, a chain of some kind. Treasure? Her curiosity was brimming as she peeked around his broad shoulders. What was it? After some effort, Illya managed to pry it away and held it up. A charter from the Federation? She had only seen the Tannas language a few times alongside translation, but she could do it. "It must have washed up here from the wrecks," she smiled, "We could work on it tonight after some training, yeah?"

They tucked away the charter and returned to the beach. She wrapped her arm around his waist, curling her fingers over his hip to hold him closer as she tried to walk in tandem. Every now and then she looked up at him with a smile. These moments were her favorites. The times where they could just be together, explore and then return to their family. This place they were in was temporary and the war was always hanging over head. The federation was always there. These were the moments that made everything worth it though.

As they walked, clouds gathered overhead and little flakes of ash began to trickle down. Thomas began to gather up the children, meeting them halfway. Illya picked up their sleeping son and Calysta carried the bags while her father carried Lohgan. They put towels over the children and went back to the ship, their beach day cut short by the weather.

When they returned, Calysta stepped into the room with Lohgan to find Rose sleeping. Zuko had curled up on the bed, tucked to her chest. It was a sweet site bit Illya was none too pleased when he walked through the door to see the animal on the bed. "Let her sleep and then tell her later. We could work on the cargo bay for a bit, yeah?"

Together they tackled a few projects in the animal bay. Calysta had already built a few pieces with her father. A nice hutch for Keysha and Cin, then the seperate area for the chickens. Now, she wanted to work on the fountain. The internal plumbing would come first and she needed a boost into a ceiling panel. "Don't worry, all I need is a hand up," she chuckle. Rather than sitting on his shoulders, she took off her shoes and climbed up to stand on them. "Just keep my ankles steady." Two hands inched their way up her knees and she pulled the wrench from her pocket. Removing the panel, she started unscrewing a part of the pipe at the control panel and when it dropped free a gush of cold water fell over them. It was shocking enough, Calysta yelped and slid out of Illya's grip. Her butt hit his chest and kept right on sliding half to the floor before he caught her again. Sputtering, she glanced up to Illya with an apologetic smile. "Not the kind of shower with you I intended," she comment, her cheeks turning pink.

They trained that night and Illya showed her a new move that she became particularly good at. If someone had her pinned, all she had to do was shift his weight by lifting her hips and sliding her hands. The move sent him sprawling to the side while she scurried away everytime. After training, she offered to look at the charter. They sat together in his office as she wrote out the rune-like language. Some of the symbols she recognized....Tannas...numerals....a date from close to a 100 years ago....

"This is old," she whispered, "Definitely from the first attack."

He put into the next rune, asking if she recognized it. "Aye, some sort of contract. It must be the one Bentil mentioned."

They pick through the runes they knew together. As far as they could tell, it was a simple contract exchanging mines for protection and trade. So what had gone wrong? Both of them were tired and had to be up earlier in the morning so they retreated to their bed. Calysta cuddled up to Illya and let out a little sigh before kissing him gently. "It sounds odd, but I wish everyday could be like today. It was a good one," she whispered with a smile.

The next few days it was back to the usual routine. Illya went to train with the men who seemed to be improving and she helped the women and children prepare for an attack. The more they prepared the more eminent it seemed, and Calysta was determined to figure out the rest of the charter while learning more about the Agan and Silx way. "When the Stags came, they were foreigners. Innas. Why did your people make a contract with them? What was it they offered to make everyone take a chance on Outsiders?"

Kensi looked up from her work and sighed at the half formed question in her langauge before swapping to traders tongue. "Stags offer protection for other Outsiders and want mines in return. We do not like the Stag's on our own land, so exchanges made to let Agan work mine for pay. The mines became terrible place to work and the Stag's say they help take care of injured. Cave ins happened many times. Workers saved taken by Stags an never come home. We break contract and demand people but they refuse. They use Agan's for terrible things calling medicine. They take their blood and bone. When we try to get people back they attack. My brother die because of them. My father too. All beause they work for outsider."

The conversation ended there with both women looking at each other with a strange sort of understanding between them. It was a grim story, and a familar one. At one point, an aging Silx was brought to Kensi. His lips were tinged blue, as were his hands and feet as he suffered in silence. "What is wrong with him?" Calysta asked as she brought over the cream Kensi asked her to retrieve. The woman tutting and began some sort of ritual, giving him coconut water and lighting incense. "He close to death. Silx and Agan of the dust. The land in his bones comes to the surface. It happens to all of Demos."

Anyone else that might have looks like poor circulation but something the woman said made her pause and think. Land in the bones? "You mean the island land? Minerals? Metals?"

Kensi shrugged. "It is all from the mountain. It lies silent for ages, but it's life and anger still shows in the bones of are people. Death is a painful process when the bones release the earth like this."

The Silx didn't last long. The cream seem to help with whatever pain he was in, though it was hard to tell he was in any pain at all besides the pinched look on his face. In the end, the medicine seeped in and gave him some mercy from the pain. He reached up to his lifelong friend amd contract partner, who was a wizened old woman with wrinkled skin and shaved bald. She took his hand silently, and patted it gently until his eyes closed and his fingers went slack.

Calysta helped prepare the body for their burial ritual. He would be taken to the totems deep in the jungle and given back to the volcano. Thinking on what she'd seen and what Kensi told her, she went back to the ship and picked up the charter. "What did you do?" She sighed.

Pouring over it while Lohgan tugged at her braid, Calysta tried to decipher more, looking for words and checking the symbols against the chip files she already had. One stuck out to her fairly quickly and that was the symbol for 'bone.' They had wanted these people for their bones and their land. The land was born from a volcano, making it active in the air, the water, and the very inhabitants of the planet. And if there were mines that the Tannas wanted, it meant that the metal they wanted was everywhere, even imbeded in the bones of people. They had taken the people possibly to prove the theory, maybe even make poisons. There were a few words a out a mountain, she could only assume was the volcano and the word failure next to it along with a symbol for fire...or was it air... attack? She couldn't read the rest yet and her stomach was starting to twinge. Her body had just now regulated from having the baby and she could feel the telltale signs of an impending cycle, except for these were much worse than they ever had been before. Maybe it was because of the scar tissue? In an effort to ignore that particular issue, she kept Logan close and continued trying to decipher the words on the charter. She was so deep into her study that she nearly jumped when Illya came into the office. "Hey," she said with a sigh of relief. "So, I have a theory if you're up for it?"
The weather started to shift only a short time after Illya and Kalizda finished their little treasure hunt. While Thomas was busy picking up the picnic stuff Illya collected the larger kids. Kalizda took Lohgan and helped Cypher pick up his toys on the way back to the ship. The dogs were more aware of the weather than the children were and it was pleasing to see Monster trying to shuffle their son into the shift. It was as if instinct had told the dog that bad weather was on the way and he wanted Cypher to be out of the weather and back into his room where he was safe. Even after they were on board the ship the dog was trying to herd Cypher into his room.

There was still plenty more to get done after the day on the beach. Illya had to clean out his prosthetic again. It was becoming a regular part of every day. In many ways he was starting to look forward to finding another planet after all this. His joints were starting to grind a little on the prosthetic leg and he knew he would have to get it cleaned good again and oil it when they left. In the mean time there wasn't much of a point of doing the oiling on the joints. Oil would only make it so that the fine dust and ash on the planet of Demos would stick in the joints even worse. Illya started back toward their bedroom with Kalizda and their two dogs trotting behind them dutifully. He figured it would be a good time to check on Rose and make sure she was alright. She hadn't messaged them or anything while they had been on the planet, but he was a bit worried that she was maybe feeling worse.

Instead of discovering that she had followed the instructions Illya saw Rose was on the bed with her dog. That had been the only thing he asked her not to do. She had been given the option of staying in his and Kalizda's room because he thought he could trust her. Instantly his jaw dropped and he closed his mouth before opening it again to say something. Kalizda stopped him before he could begin and the two of them simply gathered a few things to change into at one of the other rooms while she slept.

It was beyond rude that Rose had defied such a small request. How hard was it to keep the dog off the bed? It couldn't have been so difficult that the girl had to find herself going against a single request. All it meant was that he would have to talk with her later. In the meantime, Kalizda recruited Illya to help her work on the ship to install a few adjustments for the animals. There was more than enough to keep them busy and Illya had got the impression that Kalizda would rather he wait to say anything to Rose at this moment. Perhaps it was better that he waited anyway. He did feel a bit irrational about the whole thing. Since Kalizda was the one that had all the good ideas for the adjustments to the ship Illya did his best to follow her instructions and he did the heavy work. She was too tiny to do most of the heavy lifting. Despite her size, Kalizda still liked to be as self sufficient as she could be. Her determination was to be admired, but at least it was tempered and she let him step in when it clearly too much for her to do.

As they drew down to the end of the project Kalizda wanted to make one more little adjustment and she wanted Illya to hold her up. Holding Kalizda on his shoulders wasn't so bad. In a way Illya sort of liked it. Kneeling on the floor he waited for Kalizda to start scrambling up his back. Her little toes caught on his shirt and pulled it tight to the front of his neck. At least she wasn't planning on staying there or choking him. Ultimately, Kalizda's goal was to sit on his shoulders. However, things were a bit different than Illya thought and instead he felt her fingers wrap into his curls as she placed her feet on his shoulders instead. Illya wrapped his hands around her ankles and he felt the semi cool skin against his hot palms. While he moved to stand up she still gripped his hair until he was steady and standing right where she needed him to be. Gradually her fingers slipped from his curls and she moved to stand. Kalizda's little feet flexed and she wobbled slightly as she worked on the valve above them. No matter how she wobbled on his broad shoulders he still held firmly to her ankles and kept her steady until a freezing wash of water fell over his head. With a shudder he let go of her ankles and stepped back. Kalizda started to tumble as he stepped out from underneath her and then he lunged forward to capture her again. The first attempt wasn't so good as he felt her rump make contact with his chest and then she slipped further before he caught her underneath her arms.

"Oooh, dat was cold." Illya looked her in the eyes and he could see the sheepish tint of pink in her cheeks. "I tink yah owe meh a better and warm shower after dat." Shivering a little he helped Kalizda back up and they finished making the adjustments before he wandered back to get dinner and a real shower with Kalizda. Showers were quickly becoming one of the daily activities that he looked forward to. She was truly an exciting and racy woman at times. The fact that she suggested such a wild thing made him feel like he was lucky.

The rest of the work was fairly fast and then they were off to trying to translate the charter. One of the first things that Kalizda noted was the year and Illya smirked. "Eh, I would tink et would be surprising ef et was more recent den dat." There were a few things about it that he recognized from the war before and he found it slightly funny that she was relying on the translation for everything. There were other parts to this sort of artifact that could tell you a little bit about it.

Illya did his best to read out the parts that he could figure out and then she would write them down and the odd words they didn't know right away got a blank spot in the sentences until they could figure them out. It was slow work, but there were little things about the charter that bothered him. Traces of what appeared to be a different metal than he'd ever seen before that sat in the bottom of the box. Illya let Kalizda pour over the charter after he had worked on it with her for a few hours and then he pulled out some of the metal from the box. He wanted to ask around about it.


Training continued about as expected. The men were more than sore, but they were starting to get a little faster and more efficient when they ran places. There was a gradual improvement that he was starting to see and it seemed to improve since they were highly inspired to get themselves out of the clutches of the Federation. As Illya dismissed the men for the night he nodded to them. "Alright, yah almost ready tah start running around wit some weight. Yah need tah be able to run wit all dat yah would need for a battle and nut lose yah speed." At least at this point they were capable of running faster than they looked like they should and no doubt faster than the Federation would have recorded.

"Den when yah stronger I train Silx tah fight close." Illya waited to see if the men would even try to run off. They were learning quickly though, and they remained standing. With a few more moments of waiting Illya was finally satisfied and he nodded to them. "Alright, yah dismissed." While the men were leaving Illya caught one of the Agan and he pulled the metal out of his pocket. "Tell meh what kind of metal dis es. Do yah know ef dis was what dah Stags wanted when dey come here?" If it was what they wanted then he needed to run a sample analysis and send the results to the Ehaui for a translation. Math he could figure out, but science was another story when it came to more specific things like this.

It was the end of a long day and Illya drug himself through the doors toward the office. They had a little more work to do on the translation. He had been a little frustrated with the lack of progress from the night before. What it all meant would maybe come out, but he hated to try and have Clark or any of the other Tannas translate it. In many ways Illya still didn't trust them. Kalizda jumped a little when he stepped into the office and he slumped into the seat next to her. Lohgan stuck her little arms out toward him and he took her from Kalizda for the moment. Lohgan happily played with the front of his shirt and bounced on his lap while he supported her with his hands under her arms and wrapped around her back. Since she wanted to talk about the charter Illya made sure to talk to her in Quoti about it. "What sort of theories you got?"

Calysta handed over Lohgan who was more than ready for some dad time. The girl grabbed at his shirt and giggled as Illya bounced her a little on his knee, though he looked exhausted from the day. She crossed her legs and sat up to him, trying to sum up her thoughts as best she could. It almost seemed unfair to bother him with work when he just came home from work, but this could be important. "We already know that the Federation tried to strike a deal for mines here. They need that metal to continue in a solid state. The deal they made was for the Agan's to work the mines in return for support and protection...but I think they were doing more. I saw a Silx pass away today and Kensi helped him...Illya...I think they have the same metal in their bones that the Tannas need and the Federation was using them. They were taking men injured in the mines and not returning them. When the Agan's demanded the bodies and men back, they refused and that's how the fighting started." Licking her lips, she took in a breath and looked into Illya's eyes. "I also think that there was some sort of contingency plan involving the volcano should the contract fail."

Despite the fact that Lohgan couldn't understand everything that they said the girl was still very much aware of the fact that whatever they were saying was serious. Her giggles paused and she still grasped Illya's shirt while she looked from her mom to her dad and back again. She was worried and she wasn't so sure that she liked how this was going, but neither of them sounded terribly upset. Illya kept on bouncing his little girl on his lap and he nodded to Kalizda. "What is the contingency plan?" He wasn't going to bother talking about the way the Federation used the people. It was just a fact even if it wasn't a pretty one.

"I don't know," Calysta sighed in slight frustration, "As far as I can tell it has something to do with the volcano. Maybe they were going to attempt to threaten the entire island with it. Strong arm it into complying? Of course the volcano could be a source of those metals too, if it were fully active again, but I can't read the exactly plan." She held up the charter and pointed to a symbol. "That's what I haven't been able to decipher."

Shifting to sit up and lean forward a little Illya looked at the symbol that she was pointing to on the page. "Oh, I don't know what that says either." With a sigh he leaned back into the chair. He probably wasn't all that helpful for the moment, but he was tired. "What other theories do you have?"

"I don't think they left this area entirely," she said, "They wouldn't just leave something like this. They're probably close by and simply can't get a large enough force to the surface to do whatever it is they had planned. I think we should investigate the crash more and the volcano just to make sure. There aren't any places to go for the Agan's and Silx if that's destroyed." She sighed and absently rubbed at her stomach before standing up, looking over Illya with a pinched brow of concern. "You looked tired. I can keep working on it if you want to rest for awhile. "

Illya let out a long breath. It wouldn't be surprising if they never completely left the area, but it would add more problems. For one thing they had to finish the training and for two, investigating the area could bring problems to them prematurely. "I wouldn't poke the Federation if they were there till the Agan and Silx have been armed. I'll have the men up the training a little more." For a moment Illya blanked and he stared at nothing for a long while before he looked at her again. "What?"

Calysta put down the charter as Illya advised her on what he thought was best, and she deferred if for anything, knowing he was right about those types of things despite what her gut told her to do. He grew strangely quiet and she glanced up to see Illya staring off into space, his green eyes blank. Unseeing to the room or anyone in it. She knew what it was but there was little she could do about it till the seizure passed besides make sure it didn't grow worse. Finally, he blinked and snapped out of it and asked her what she had said. Rather than repeating herself, she walked across the room and took up his hand gently in hers. "I said you looked tired and you should rest," she replied patiently, "Is everything okay?"

Why Kalizda would just walk across the room and grab his hand he didn't know. Momentarily he wondered what was wrong and she was asking him instead if he was ok. "Yes, I'm fine." Studying her face he blanked out for a brief moment and then he stared at her a while longer. "Why yah asking ef I'm ok?"

"Because you look stressed," she said, peering into his green eyes with her grey ones, "And I can tell. Did something happen I need to know about?"

"No, I'm nut stressed." Illya adamantly denied the accusation and he tried to look a little more lively. "Jes noting happen. Et was only training." He hated it how sometimes she would just look at him like that and act like he was somehow going to be freaking out. "Dere es noting wrong."

She studied him a bit longer and then relented. With a swift kiss to his cheek and a squeeze of his hand, she let him go. He still didn't look well, but nothing she said was going to convince him of that other than flat out telling him he had absence seizures and she wasn't about to start that little argument. He would deny it anyways. "I know you would tell me if there was," she said, "Why don't you take a shower, and relax a little then. I can work on dinner, yeah?"

Illya moved to stand up with Lohgan in his arms. "Yeah, I shower eh?" With Lohgan tucked under one arm he started for the hallway toward their room. "I put her in dah crib tah play and den yah nut disturbed during yah cooking." He felt a little tired, but nothing terrible. "When I'm done I come out tah help yah eh?"

Tilting her head, she looked at him, still feeling like something was off about the way he was acting. He seemed distracted and stressed. Slightly distant. "Sure," she said quietly as she rubbed at her stomach again. Her incoming period had never been quite this bad, but she didn't have the time for feeling ill. "Come to the kitchen when you're ready and bring Lohgan too. She missed you today."

Lumbering off toward the bedroom Illya picked Lohgan up a little higher and gave her a mini toss and caught her again. The girl giggle and squealed when she felt her stomach drop and then rise again in her throat. "Yah jes be patient and I come back and play wit yah." The girl giggled and laughed until she discovered what he was talking about. A look of indignation came to her face as she realized he had only taunted her and she sat in the crib with a serious scowl. Illya made the shower fast and when he got dressed he pulled Lohgan out of the crib and carried her over to the bed. Flopping on the bed, he held onto her and gave her a few more little tosses before heading back to the kitchen with Lohgan. When Illya got into the galley he saw Kalizda standing over one of the kitchen pots. "Yah want help wit anyting?"

Calysta went to the kitchen trying to think over both what she had read on the charter and about her agreed. She still felt like something was up, an instinct in her gut, but that very well could have been a good case of PMS. Which apparently came with the territory of her last babies effects on her body. Sighing, she pulled out a pot to start rice and then grabbed a few fillets of fish from their cold box. They had so much fish that she hardly believe that they could eat through it before it went bad, and she didn't like wasting the food, so it was fish again for the third night that week. She poured in the rice, and then used a wooden spoon to give the entire contents of the pot a stir just as Illya walked in. "If you want to keep an eye on the rice while I fry up the fish?" She asked casually with a smile.

"Jes watch dah rice." A smirk came to his face. "I tink dats easy." Standing near the kettle he stared at the closed lid intently and waited for Kalizda to notice how ridiculous the request was. "Sure dere esn't anyting else yah want help wit?" Lohgan coo'ed and started to mash her little face into his shoulder and gnaw on the shirt. She was probably teething again and Illya could feel the shirt soaking up the slobber.

He seemed a bit more relaxed now as his usual playful smirk crept to his lips when he checked the rice. Glancing up at him, she chuckled then nodded toward the cabinet where her fresh herbs had been growing "Hmmm.. Maybe you could help me with cutting up some herbs, yeah?" She started to pull out two knives one a paring knife for him to use in a plastic protective sheath. And the other a butcher's knife for the fish. She had grown so used to butchering her own meat fresh that she could cut the fish fairly quickly.

Illya reached up and took out a few of the herb plants to pick some sprigs off them and start cutting them. "Dere really wasn't anyting wrong. I jes feel tired and meh head hurts a little." Sometimes he got headaches and it wasn't too concerning since he had more headaches ever since the incident with Kent. "Maybe I dun read so much charter tahnight. I tink maybe all dah reading yesterday give meh headache." It had been a lot more focus than what he had put in on reading and other stuff like that in a long time. "Yah tink maybe tahnight we look at update from dah supply ship and I make sure dat I start working on prototypes tah make training faster."

Calysta's smile faded a little when she heard he had a headache and she started a kettle of tea while he talked. Some of the pain tea would help with that. When the water was set to boil, she started slicing the fish up. After getting rid of the skin, she slipped the knife along the pink flesh, making a thin ribbon. "Aye, I can work on the charter...and we can get an update with the ship. It should be close." Picking up the slice of raw fish, she held it up to Illya with a knowing smil, offering it to him. "What sort of prototypes?"

Unfortunately the charter did need to get translated, but he felt badly that Kalizda was the one going to be working on it tonight. "I jes work on prototypes while yah do dah charter." Illya took the slice of fish from Kalizda and he dropped it into his mouth and chewed slowly. "Mm, ets good fish." After he finished with the little snippet he couldn't help looking over at the meat from time to time. It wasn't that good to eat it raw, but he loved it. "I tink dat I make prototype of modification on guns for dah Agan. Dey need someting smaller and wit less kick so dey dun get blown away everytime dat dey fire weapon."

The image of an Agan firing a rifle as tall as him and flying away came to mind and the tiniest bit of a smirk came to her lips as she chuckled. "Aye. They're about like me. I can help test them if you want. If it doesnt blow me away it might be better for them." With a last cut to the fish, she grabbed a pan and placed it on the stove. The kettle whistled as the fish pan heated up, and she stood on her toes to get a mug from the cabinet. A few spoonfuls of his tea went into the strainer and then she poured the hot water over before passing it to Illya with a smile.

"Oh, I dun have any weapon tah make prototype wit yet. I dun want tah change mine. I jes work on it wit some mat and little bit of program." Illya wanted to see if he could get a few ideas through and then go with the best one when he made the first gun modifications. "I might have yah try dah first one when I make dah first adjustment to a new gun." Taking the tea from Kalizda he sipped at it. "Mmm. Yah make et good." He knew that she made it for the headache and in a way it was nice to be able to tell her and just have Kalizda make sure he got the right stuff in his tea. She was looking a little pale herself and he sipped at the tea again. "Yah sure yah dun need any of dah tea for yahself?"

"Aye that will work. I dont think most of them weigh more than a 100lbs." Her smile grew when he mentioned the tea being good and he knew exactly what it was for. Reaching for the butter, she set a measured slice into the hot pan, then laid the fish fillets over it to fry. Suddenly, he was asking about if she needed some tea and she straightened a little, immediately regretting the cramp in her belly. "Maybe a little. I'm not feeling the best," she admitted, "But I'll get dinner done first, yeah?"

A little frown came to Illya's face. "Et's nut right dat yah do all dah work and let meh do nut much when yah feeling bad." Handing to tea to her he nudged in and started to take over frying the fish. "Yah sit down for a little and let meh finish. Sip some on dah tea. We share et." Drinking out of the same mug wasn't a big deal since they kissed and shared a bed and everything else anyway. "Yah make meh take shower and rest some, so now yah rest little bit too eh?"

As soon as she said something he was up and nudging her over at the stove. At first, she stood her ground but another cramp reminded her that it might be a good idea to drink some of his tea. She shifted over and left a little kiss on his arm, the only place should could reach easily, and then took a sip of the tea. "We can tag team it," she smiled before easing into the chair where the herbs waited. In reality, the feeling in her gut was growing worse but she didnt want to worry him. She started to cut the herbs at the table, thinking of the training of the Agan men and the Silx. "Do you think they'll do well ..the Agan's?"

At least she let him help and that was important. Illya did feel a little better after the shower and a few sips of the tea. Kalizda however, needed to rest. While he worked on frying the fish up she asked about the training and Illya shrugged, "Eh, I tink so far dey are sore, but determined. Ef dey keep working hard den I tink dey will do well and dey could still win independence and know how tah protect demselves."

"Good," she said, taking another sip, "I want them to be able to. They shouldn't have to go through what they did again. The Chippeqouti either." Rubbing at her stomach, she sighed and finished cutting the herbs before offering the plate to Illya. "Maybe we can skip our training tonight?"

"Aye, I dun want Federation having control over dese people." Illya flipped the fish and he could hear the rumblings of the kids. They all knew it was close to eating time and little Lohgan was no different. She was strapped to his front and kept gnawing with a vengeance. As if that would make food somehow. "Yeah, we skip training tahnight. I dun feel like et and ef yah dun feel good eiter ets better."

"Aye," she nodded. Looking down at Lohgan, she saw the nice puddle of drool forming on his shirt as she gnawed. "Someone's hungry," she chuckled. Calysta couldn't help but wanting to lighten the mood a little and out of a spot of playfulness, she tapped his shoulder from the opposite side, just to see if he would look and give Lohgan a thrill.

When she announced the fact that Lohgan was hungry and tapped on his shoulder Illya glanced the direction of the tap and Lohgan squeaked. The girl reached up with a slimy fist and pulled on his chin. Illya pulled his lips in to give himself a gummy face and then he pretended to eat her fingers. "I'm hungry too." With a little growl he pretended to take more of her hand into his mouth and she started to bounce in the little strap on that she was sitting in on his chest. "I know, we jes hurry wit food." A broad grin rested on his face when he looked at his daughter. "Kalizda does good job making good looking babies."

Calysta chuckled when he looked the other way, then stole a slice of herbs while he wasnt looking, popping the leaf into her mouth. The herb was bright and filled up her mouth with the zesty taste. " Oh, I think I had some help with that. She looks like you, though those pretty red curls were a surprise. Dad says that runs in his side.of the family. She got just a little bit of me." Calysta leaned over and kissed her girls cheek.

Gradually a broad grin came to Illya's face. "Mmmhmmm. Dah likes practicing making babies." Lohgan stared at him with her bright green eyes and then she grinned. It was always such fun when he talked to her. When he was grinning at her it was even better. Who wouldn't like it if dad was smiling?

Her cheeks turned pink and giggled a little, as she looked away shyly. Her baby girl loved her father so much and it was evident when the two grinned at each other. Calysta reached up and tickled Lohgans toes to make her laugh and squeal at her father even more. "Oooh, he does. Practice makes perfect," she managed a little flirt. The rice was done and the fish was almost done, the smell wafting through the air. Soon the others would start walking in and she wanted to steal a kiss before then. She leaned up and left a peck on his cheek with a small laugh. Seeing her mam and dah smile together made Lohgan squeak in delight as she grabbed a fist full of Illya's shirt and pulled it into her mouth.

Illya was trying to focus and he didn't care to say much more, but he grinned lazily and then turned back to finish cooking the fish. While he worked on cooking the fish Lohgan peered over his shoulder and she gurgled at Kalizda. About time that Illya finished cooking the fish and he got it served onto the platter the troop had gathered in the kitchen. "Kalizda, yah serve dis time eh?" Normally he would serve the meal to everyone, but he figured she would still want to have done her part. He was usually the one to let her finish the meal and then he would get to serve everyone. It mattered very little to Illya that he had traded roles for the night.

Thankfully everyone else seemed to be tired enough that the kids went to bed without much complaint. Getting into bed with Kalizda was almost a relief. Kalizda didn't feel so good and she huddled under the heated blanket with Illya and he could close his eyes and maybe have some more relief from the headache. In the dark of the room it only took a few minutes for Illya to settle in and get himself comfortable. There was a slightly odd tension that had come to rest over them and Illya couldn't quite shake the feeling that Kalizda really wanted to know what was wrong. She had asked earlier and sounded a bit doubtful when he told her it was all fine. "I take some of the metal pieces out of the box and run analysis and then sent it to the Ehaui the other day." Whispering to her in Quoti Illya took a deep breath before continuing. "Got a little bit of news back and then decided to ask the Agan if this was the metal that the Stags wanted when they came to Demos."

It had been a long day of training and the news he got back from the Ehaui had been disturbing, but the Agan's report to him on the metal had been even worse. Of course this metal had been mined and it wasn't quite the same as anything that they had seen before. Something that was unique to Demos and just happened to have a sort of usefulness for the Stags. "Turns out that the Stags mined this mostly. It's different metal than all the others that they stole from regions where we were. This metal is what gives them the ability to regenerate. Otherwise they are much more vulnerable without it. If they can regenerate at an accelerated pace then their divided selves would be more difficult to kill. Ehaui said it wasn't a metal, but it was actually a mineral and it could be put into a gas state. So they would only have to drop little gas bombs everywhere and their soldiers taking the ground could regenerate." There were a few things that Illya had thought about to try and counter act that action, but he wasn't so sure that they would work. In the meantime he had to get the formula from the Ehaui of how to turn the mineral into a gas and then he would need to find a way to deprive the Tannas of it.

If they were stripped of the power to regenerate at an accelerated pace they would die far more quickly on the battle field. They were attempting to make themselves into the kinds of men that they feared. They had solid bodies and with this mineral they could regenerate, perhaps quickly enough to recover from a bullet or sword wound on the battlefield. Illya couldn't afford for them to make themselves more dangerous than the Chippequoti. If they could make themselves like this on the ground then no one would be able to wound them quickly enough or severely enough without drastic measures. Their only chance to wound them so severely was to ensure that the Tannas were in a solid state, but if the Tannas removed their metal they would be in a mass gas cloud and perhaps they could reform and perhaps not, but the army would never know if they were dead.

There was so much to do. Illya let out a long breath and he tucked Kalizda a little tighter under his arm. "I love yah." Mumbling in Kaerelean he kissed her and then started to rub at her back with his hand. Since he was still miserable at Kaerelean he switched back to Quoti. "Maybe when you're feeling better you can teach me to speak Kaerelean better?"


Amil looped around the opposite side as Asha and he prepared the weapons panel. There was only two of them in the air for now and it was dangerous. The Federation ships would only have two targets to try and shoot down, so their only advantage would be to fly close to the Federation men on the ground. It would taunt the Federation and they would shoot down their men. Would the Federation even consider losing their entire ground force? While he dove for the troops on the ground and fired his weapon he started to wonder. Would the Alliance be there to fight the ships? They were still in Alliance territory. Had they actually been abandoned because they left Pytra?

Most of the ground near the front of the line had been spotted with the blood of the men and women defending their temporary home. It showed even in the sand. There was so much that it wasn't soaking into the sand quickly enough to hide it. Amil's heart slammed into his chest. Was his father dead now? What about his mother and the baby on the way? Maybe they were all gone, maybe he and Asha weren't here in time.

It was against the rules and Asha knew it, but they couldn't last like this. Perhaps it would sound pathetic, but she wasn't about to let her people be slaughtered. She still had command of the Ombrey too. Asha knew better than to resign even if Ehvan said to. "Ombrey dis es yah commanding officer..." Calling over the radio she waited for a response and then continued.


Even in the sand a fire managed to start after the Federation dropped a huge load of oils over the makeshift city. Ahvah struggled to her feet after the second blast hit near her rubble of rocks she'd been hiding in. Already oil started to pour out over the city and she ran for dry sand. Anything that could soak up the oil and get it off. A flame blasted out from one of the ships and it lit the sands on fire. There was a dry spot that she could see from a distance and she was determined to get there. While the woman ran through the burning sands she felt her dress catch fire, but she didn't have time to stop. It was all fire and her only chance was to get to the sand before she was out of time.

Fires were going out quickly as the sand provided little ability for the fire to remain burning, but the dress was drenched. Ahvah reached the spot where the sand was done burning and she dropped to roll in it and tossed the sand over the burning dress. She barely managed to smother the flame, but she could feel the sand stick to the burns on her feet and ankles. Overhead there were ships firing at the two in the air and then suddenly they were re-directed. The ships started to fire at seemingly nothing and she stared up at them almost with blank eyes. She wasn't really registering what was happening even as one started to tumble out of the sky and the various parts of it spread out. One was falling for her, but she didn't even flinch.

Ehvan saw the ship blast to pieces and he drug himself over the rubble toward Ahvah. "Move, Ahvah!" Despite his yelling she barely managed to turn her head toward him. He could see that there was some blood and oil mixed on her dress and her legs were in terrible looking shape. Tripping over himself toward her he ignored the pain in his chest and continued to push forward. Almost falling on top of her the Chip pulled her closer to himself and rolled with her clutched to his chest. The chunk of metal sliced across his shoulders and then fell over the top of their heads. With a grunt he started to back out from underneath the metal chunk of ship.

One of the Tannas stumbled along on his way toward his objective. The Federation army and ships had been destroyed. An invisible ship had destroyed their army and the two measly little fliers had done well enough protecting their people left on the ground, but they had shot down at least one of them. Now, he was going to die, but he could at least kill as many as he could before he died. There was a large Chippequoti trying to pull another out from underneath a bit of searing rubble. Taking out a large blade he dropped his gun and half ran over to where the man was. Lifting his blade over the man's back he plunged it in as deeply as he could. The Chip cried out and fell flat to the ground before it started to roll to its side and the Tannas lifted the blade and stabbed haphazardly again. This time it only managed to catch on his ribs.

The second stab felt like a burning pain spreading across his ribs and Ehvan barely managed to kick his legs out and trip the attacker. Already the Tannas was starting to shift and pull the bracelets off. He was going to try and make more of himself. One part was dying, but the others could use the strength if it separated and lived now.

Struggling inside the ship Amil grunted. His legs were caught in the lower compartment of the ship. No matter how he squirmed he couldn't get out. If he could feel with his feet he might be able to get out, but he couldn't. Gritting his teeth with the effort Amil pulled one last time and he managed to get free. One leg was bleeding profusely, but he didn't have time. The ship would burst in flames or start to self destruct in only a matter of minutes. More metal started to fall from the sky as ships fell around his ship on the ground and he shoved the hatch open despite the damage.

Brushing his hair out of his face the boy stared at the open ground and his eyes widened as he spotted the Tannas standing over his father and mother. There was four of them and they were wildly trying to stab and beat on Ehvan. Hands fumbling the boy reached into the glove box of the ship and pulled out the handgun. Cocking it he prepared to start shooting the figures. One after another they fell and then he scrambled from the ship and drug himself across the blackened sands toward his parents.
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Calysta combed out her hair and put on her favorite fuzzy pajama bottoms with little stars printed all over them, and then crawled into bed. Illya was already there waiting for her, his heated blanket turned up to the maximum. The highest setting would be too hot during the night, but for now, it would loosen all of the knots in her muscles. They were almost causing to hunch over to avoid straightening her abs out again. Crawling into bed, Calysta burrowed under his blanket then cuddled down with her Chip slinking an ankle over his leg for the mere comfort of having him close. The heat began to sink into her tightened belly at a slow rate. Gradually, she relaxed into Illya's warms and rested a head on his shoulder. She could tell his head was still bothering him despite having a fair amount of tea. Nuzzling him a little, Calysta let out a long breath. "Mmm...I messaged and got an update on the Kaerelean vessel for you. They will be here day after tomorrow." Maybe that would relieve some of whatever was bothering him. He was tense underneath her and relaxing him in perhaps his favorite way wasn't an option at the moment, so she reached up an massaged at his shoulders and his neck hoping it would relax him.

Rather than finding comfort, he looked down at her and finally spilled what was wrong. The Federation had been mining a mineral here on Demos, not a metal. In fact, it was this mineral that allowed them to regenerate so quickly in their gaseous state before going solid again. They were hard enough to take down as it was, how would they ever manage to tackle a force of Tannas juiced up on regeneration vitamins? His worry made sense now, but there was little to be done about it but prepare and keep Demos safe. They were already doing all they could.

Illya pulled her closer, rubbing at her back and whispered that he loved her in Kaerelean. "I love you too," she replied, holding him to her. She still loved hearing him speak in her native language. His accent was terrible and yet strangely attractive at the same time. Especially when he whispered in her ear. If she could comfort him more or hold him closer she would have. Her Chip was under alot of stress and she knew part of it was her fault. He moved away from the subject and asked her something that surprised her. He wanted to learn Kaerelean? Illya had learned that song for her in Kaerelean and now he wanted to learn more. A smile came to her lips and she kissed him happily. "Aye, I would teach you." Thinking for a moment, she cupped his cheek and chuckled. "Hmm...we could start like this..." She leaned up and planted another gentle kiss on him. "Mysa...kiss..." They couldn't do much heavy petting tonight, but she would love on him any way she could show him.


Bentil met the other Agans and Silx at Illya's side for another morning of training. This time they would begin using the weights to simulate what it will be like to carry their own gear. Some of his fellow Agans weren't too happy about the idea of training with extra weight but saw the need. They could all tell that their trainer had grown more tense over the last day or so. Still it didn't stop them from having a little bit of fun.

While everyone was gearing up with their backpacks full of rocks to make weights, a few of the Agan men gave each other a look and sidled over to Tetsune. He had been such a little pill since the start of all of this and was easy to rile up. While one of them struck up a conversation with the fussy man, they swapped out his pack for one laden with jugs of water filled to the brim rather than rocks which would be far heavier. The water jugs probably weighed as much as he did. When Tetsune went to grab his pack as they moved into formation he found that it was near impossible to lift. Cursing, he grunted and groaned until he could lift the pack up to shoulders and slip his arms through. Was he that weak? He wasn't about to look that stupid in front of the others so we kept his mouth shut and begin jogging behind the rest. Still, his counterparts are making the weight look easy.

Sweat poured down the Agan's brow as he tried to keep up with the others in vain. Soon, Tetsune was lagging far behind the rest and no matter how hard he pushed, he couldn't quite catch up. Their calls to him weren't exactly helpful either. "C'mon Tetsune! Hurry up! You're going to get lapped!" That was the last thing the plaintive Agan wanted. Every time he was lapped he would have to run another round and at this rate, he would be looking at several extra laps that the Silx would enforce if not the bossy Innas himself.

It felt like the training session would never end when lunch break finally came. Tetsune dropped his pack by the gazebo with the others and leaned against the railing hardly able to talk as the others came by, patting him hard on the back. "Rough day with those weights...see you after lunch." He winced with each pat of encouragement over his back, then shuffled home with his feet dragging alongside his ever-silent Silx guardian. "What?" he snapped, "I'm not milking it. My pack is heavy!" The stoic Silx man let out a long breath and grabbed the Agan by the underarms, hauling him up to his shoulders. Tetsune could have walked but he was being slow and by the time they arrived at their house for lunch they wouldn't have to time to eat.

The men ate in a strange hurry, all so eager to return for the afternoon session of training. Wolfing down their fried patties of fruit and nuts served by the Agan women, they scurried off to get to the gazebo before Tetsune arrived. This time, the opened up his pack and pulled the water jugs out leaving it entirely empty. When the tired looking Agan returned at the end of the hour, his tribesmen were all talking amongst themselves with their packs already on their backs.

Tetsune gave them all a grumpy glare. He had sat down to eat, only to realize he was stiffened up when it was time to go back to the training. He hadn't wanted to go, but the Innas would just haul him through the window again if he didn't report. Grabbing the trap to his oh-so-heavy backpack, he wrenched it up with a mighty jerk...except this time it left the ground as if it were light as s feather. Tetsune lost his balance from the force and stumbled off the wooden paddock into the bushes. As soon as he disappeared into the foliage an uproarious laughter crowed through the Agan men at their little joke. Bentil was doubled over, clutching at his stomach and laughing. Tetsune growled as he fought with a vine, batting it away viciously before throwing his pack at them all. "I'll put cutter bugs in all your beds! Ash in your bread! So, help me I'll-" A stream of vengeful threats poured from his mouth until he freed himself from the bush and laid eyed on his Silx. Even his guardian thought it was funny! His mouth twitched in indignation and he started to say something smart when a call went out over the men.

A large, sleek looking ship was descending from the atmosphere with relative ease and heading for the docks. Bentil knew it was the promised shipment of supplies with meant for ensuring safety against the Stags, yet it still gave him a small uneasy feeling. This would be an entire shipload of foreigners and Innas to deal with. The sentiment was shared as they all stared at the gleaming ship disappearing behind the tree line. Bentil wiped at his eyes, then looked at Illya. "We go to meet them, yes?"

By the time Bentil made it to the docks it was obvious the Innas were making themselves right at home, unloading crates and supposedly equipment. Despite the initial reaction of distaste, the Agan man set his jaw and walked up to Calysta and the man in a tunic she was speaking quickly in another language with. The man stiffened when his grey eyes set and jet black hair. He set sights on the General and he squared his shoulders, giving away his military background in an instant. Calysta stepped aside to allow room for Illya and Bentil to join them in the conversation. "This is Lieutenant Rayshe, of the Ewen continent."

Rayshe looked over Illya and nodded. "Sir. I'm ready for debriefing."


The next few days were busier and with the activity, Calysta knew that it would make their plans more known. Their reinforcements unloaded and began working on an operable station on the second moon of Demos. Construction had begun and the base would take a few days to make it fully operational. In an effort to decipher or discover what the Federation plan had been regarding the volcano on the island. To aid with that, she had asked Rayshe to make several scans of the mountain using their surveying equipment. The images were relayed to her pad through a secure connection and she shared them with Kensi the morning the survey was complete. "There are so many tunnels in the mountain. Look at this one, it goes all the way to the center," she commented, "Did Demosian's build these? Or are they natural?"

"Some Agan and Silx make, others made by the fire from mountain," Kensi replied. Why the Innas woman was so fascinated by things like caves she'd never know. "That is good map. Maybe I we go mark safe caves today."

Her stomach was feeling like a twisted pretzel, but Calysta wasn't about to turn down the chance to explore. "Aye, after lunch. We can mark down the ones we want to visit first." Kensi agreed and they sat down at her small table to look over the images together. Some of the caves were connected, leading from one side of the island to the other. The mountain was entirely full of hiding places, which was both a good thing and a bad thing. Having this much space to work with was helpful, but Tannas could be lurking in anyone of those caves. A large, mishappen cavern caught her attention on the scan. The image was strange and seemed to go very deep into the volcano. "What chamber is this?" she asked, pointing to the black and white image.

Kensi leaned in to look with her beaded headband tinkling as she studied. "Heart of the mountain is hollow." It made sense for the volcano to have such a deep shaft and yet it was also interesting. What had kept the mountain dormant for so long? "Maybe we can look at this one first, yeah?"

Not long after the men returned for lunch. It would be the first day they had been training with there weapons, though they have not been modified yet. As far as she knew, Illya was still running the numbers on reissue and tinkering a little with one of the new weapons. When both their husbands walked through the door, sweaty and covered in volcano, Kensi gave them both a wet linen to wash off with before sitting down to lunch which was already sitting on the table. Calysta smiled at Illya as she fed their baby girl and kept her eyes on Cypher who was having a little fun with the stringy sea beans. He would pinch one up with his fat fingers and grin at her. "Baby snake!"

What he didn't eat was secretly being fed to the dog under the table. It was only when she heard the dog's tongue lapping that Calysta saw what was happening. "Cypher, monster doesn't need to eat baby snakes. They're not good for him." He ignored her the first time and she frowned. "You won't get any berries if you keep feeding him." Those words got his attention and he stopped playing with the dog at the table finally.

After their lunch of rice, sea beans, and fish made by Kensi, Calysta wiped down Cypher's fingers and face before setting him free to go play with the other Agan children. He jetted off, heavy feet thundering over the sandy grasses with Monster on his heels barking and yipping. The other Agan children squealed with the delight over the energetic puppy as they struck up a game of chase. Cypher was always toddling in the back.of the pack but when he managed to 'tag' he tended to tackle, knocking the children down. "Don't tackle, Cypher!" She called. He grinned with his tiny white teeth and kept right on running. Whether he heard her or listened they would know soon enough. Turning to Illya she took his plate to wash and gave him an easy smile. "Kensi suggested we go mapping the areas inside some of the caverns on the back side of the island. Just in case. Do you want to come with us?"

For whatever cheer she might have tried to bring him, she could tell he was still stressed. She was worried too but there wasn't anything they could do for it besides prepare as best they could. Calysta patted his arm gently, searching his eyes for a moment. His seizure medicine was sitting in her pack, ready for any moment he might need it and she was keeping a close eye. "Kensi and I will finish up here. Want to carry Lohgan?" Their little girl cooing in her bouncy seat was always ready for dad time and it tended to make Illya brighten a little to hold his girl.

Illya nodded a little when Kalizda offered for herself and Kensi to do the clean up. All he had to do was go get Lohgan. "Jes let meh know when yah ready." Getting up from his seat he walked over to where Lohgan was bouncing in her seat and he pulled her out of it. The little girl beamed at her father and kicked her little legs in excitement. Switching to Quoti he spoke to her. "My beautiful little Lohgan." Holding her like a little football he pressed his head to her stomach and made a little fart sound on her stomach. The girl laughed and kicked her feet all the harder. "I do it again." With a growl to start this one he pretended to attack her and she giggled while dad played with her.

Calysta smiled to herself at the sounds of her daughter giggling with her father as they finished the dishes. When that was done she called Cypher and walked up behind Illya, rubbing his back gently. "Ready?" Cypher heard his mother's call and squealed as he ran over, tackling his father's leg. "We go!"

The little hand on his back caught Illya's attention and he turned slightly so he could see Kalizda. At the same time Cypher came tearing into the room and he ran into Illya's prosthetic leg. The boy had learned that the hard leg was acceptable to tackle and wrangle. Most of the jerking around didn't bother Illya too much. "Mmhmm. I tink we're ready. Yah help meh get dah pack tah strap Lohgan to meh?"

"Aye." The pack was sitting ready on the hook and she grabbed it, holding it up by the shoulders for him to slip his arms inside. It was almost funny that she had to stand on her toes for him to lean into the pack. Once he was in it, she picked up Lohgan and hoisted her into the strap. "Ooh you're starting to get heavy my little dancer," she chuckled. It wouldnt be long before Lohgan was too big for her to carry easily and she would have to hold her little hand like she did Cypher. "If you not marry gaurdian you not have to stand on toes," Kensi said. It was half in jest and half opinion. She had learned the woman well enough to know that much. Calysta brushed Lohgan's curls out of her face, then took Cypher's hand. "C'mon big man. You have to stay a little closer this time." He giggled at her and tugged on her urging her forward as Kensi wrangled her own children in Demosian. Finally, they were set and Kensi started taking them deep into the jungle where the trails were much more narrow. They passed by an old hut overgrown by vines. "Agan not come this way for a long time. Hot metal from the mountain pour.down and destroy."

"Hmmm..." Illya glanced at Kensi and he grinned a little. "She likes having a big guardian tah share her bed wit. More of meh tah keep her warm." Naturally the grin on his face only grew bigger and he started down the path with them. As the trail got more narrow he also noticed the ground was becoming uneven and rocky. It was in sharp points and Illya figured that it was because of the mineral deposit. This was not a volcanic eruption that happened frequently. If it was more frequent the rocks from it would have been smoother and looked more like a pudding over the land.

Kensi snorted a little, shaking her head and Calysta blushed when Illya made his comment. It was still a little embarrasing even if it was absolutely true.

The craggy path lead them around the mountain to a cliffside where tiny caves began to appear, some were no bigger than a sparrow, some were massive as the one the would be defending when the time came. Cypher ripped away from her hand when he saw a cave spider, running full throttle into one of the caves at the cliff. "Cypher!" They had to be careful around here.and in the caves, it would be far too easy to get lost. She ran into the cave after him, and scooped him up as he tried to pounce on the spider. He threw his head back and growled for being denied the chance to play, fighting against her arms. "Stop, Cypher."

They had barely reached the little caves and Cypher was tearing away from Kalizda. Almost tripping over himself Illya lunged forward. Illya caught up with Kalizda as she captured Cypher and the boy started to fight her. Snatching the boy from over Kalizda's shoulder. With a sharp pop to the boy's rear end he stared the child square in the eye. "No, yah dun need tah be making trouble for yah mum."

Calysta could hardly keep her squirming boy aloft as he fussed until Illya snatched him up over her shoulder as if he weighed nothing. His little foot knocked her in the nose in the process, making her eyes water. "Ow." Rubbing her nose, she winced when the little pop to Cypher's bottom echoed in the cavern. The little boy stared at his father absolutely stunned for a moment before bursting into a fit of pitiful tears. "Oh, it's just hurt feelings," Calysta mumbled.

"Mmmhmmmm." Illya stared into his little boy's watery eyes. "Yah know I think dat maybe yah jes stay close wit yah mum and do what she says." Setting Cypher down again he let the boy toddle over to his mother and then he nodded to him. Illya held the boy's gaze for a long moment and then looked to Kalizda. "He behave now."

Calysta was only half aware of her son toddling over to her and grabbing her hand in his chubby fist. While rubbing her nose, her eye had caught on something odd on the ceiling. It was a length of rusted pipe leading further into the cavern. Taking her sons hand, she kept looking up and following the pipe length. That charter had mentioned the mountain and with the mineral so abundant here it was no wonder they had tried to mine on Demos. "Illya, look up." Turning to Kensi, she tilted her head. "Did stags come here too? Or is that Demosian?" The Agan woman shook her head. "That not Agan or Silx doing."

While Illya was trying to make sure their son would behave when Kalizda looked up toward the pipes. The answer from Kensi was disturbing only because it was clear that the culprit of the piping was likely to be the Federation. Demos was proving to be more dangerous and he hated to say that this was sounding like a bad place for Kalizda to be. "Eh, I tink dis es nut good place for dah kids. We take dem back to dah ship and den come look after."

Stepping back to Illya's side, she nodded, though her gaze stayed fixed on the pipes for a moment longer before meeting his eyes with hers. They didn't have to speak to know that something was amiss and they were in a dangerous spot. "Aye, lets go and we can come back to investigate with the place with the correct equipment."

They retreated the caves in an ominous feeling settle in to her stomach the Federation had a habit of making new weapons of war. I'm trying to extract the most from people with manipulation and force combined. They would have to go investigate this. It could be nothing, but it could be something big that needed to be dealt with.

Once they were back aboard the ship, she informed her father that the children had to play close to the ship or better yet inside of it for now. The chances of getting Cypher to play inside were slim, but it was better they stay close.

Calysta bent down at their bed and began lugging the weapons lock box from under the bed. Her spare pistol was there and she wanted to go back prepared as possible. "I know I'm not ready for the knife, so the pistol will have," she called to Illya.

The kids were off and playing in the ship like they should be and Illya checked one more time to be sure that he had his sword and his hand gun. This wasn't something he wanted to walk into empty handed. During the final check he heard Kalizda yell about packing her pistol, but not the knife. "Yah dun need dah pistol eiter. Yah stay here."

She checked the chamber and the magazine of her spare pistol before rising to her feet. Sje knew the danger and his concern but they were a team. "I've been mapping the caves with Kensi for awhile now. You might need me. Or at least someone small."

Illya should have guessed that she was going to be insisting on going. "I need yah so I can shove yah in a tiny hole tah hide?" Even if he knew very well what her reasons were for wanting to come he couldn't help pointing out the fact that her reasoning wasn't quite enough to convince him at this point.

He was being stubborn and a bit smarmy, which wasnt called for. Frowning, she stuck her pistol behind her waist band. "I'll hide if you tell me so, but it wont do any good to go if you get utterly lost trying to find the source of those pipes."

If there was anyone that could manage to bring him down to earth it was Kalizda. Reaching up Illya rubbed his head. "I can read a map, but I dun want yah tah be at risk. Ef dere es still Federation dere yah would be in danger. I worry about yah, Kalizda." Dropping the smarm for the moment he set a hand on her shoulder.

Her hand slipped up to his squeezing it tightly. She knew he worried and it was natural. "I know and I worry too. I wouldn't go if I thought I would be in the way. This time I can help. I will do what you tell when we go. I just...I don't want to be left behind when I can help."

"Yah help, how?" Illya wasn't quite sure what she thought she could do that he couldn't. Illya was perfectly able of reading diagrams and exploring caverns. He had done his fair bit of exploring in past years and if there was any space too small for himself then he wasn't wanting to put her in those places. She would be at risk and he couldn't do anything to protect her if she was going to be heading into places that he couldn't go.

"What if you can't fit...or what if you get lost or there's a cave in? It's not good to go alone and you trust me," she said quickly. It was obvious that she was starting to lose the discussion and being left at home again gave her a sickened feeling in her stomach. At this point, she hoped he trusted her enough that she could handle herself. That's what the training had been for after all.

"Yeah, I trust yah." Illya peered into her face, "But I won't get lost. I know how tah read and I know how tah call yah ef dere es a cave in." After a long moment he took a breath and then pulled her closer to himself. "Yah right dat I shouldn't go alone, but I get nervous tah take yah when ets obvious tah be Federation. Ef someting happens tah bot of us den what happens wit our children?"

Calysta tucked herself to him, keeping her chin titled up to him. Nerves tumbled into her stomach as he asked her what they would do with the children if they both died. Tears threatened to Spring to her eyes and she silently cursed her own more emotional state at the current moment. His point was a good one and yet it didn't make her feel any better. She still wanted to go with him but he was going to be more nervous with her there then he would be if he was free to move about on his own. Reaching up, she kept his cheek with her hand and then kissed him. "It's going worry you more if I go with you....then I wont go. But I want you to take a wrist link with you and stay in contact...and take Bentil. Please."

At least she was more open to listening to reason. Illya nodded carefully when she told him the terms. "I take wrist link and we go over protocol before I go and I take Bentil wit." In many ways he was concerned with her safety and the children's. "Kalizda yah very important to meh. Yah know dat ef anyting extreme happens dat yah have tah leave. Et will always be dat way. Et would be better for meh tah die den for all of yah tah die wit meh."

She hated hearing him talk like that and it made her grip tighten out of instinct. "It won't always be that way. One day we won't have to run anymore. Illya, you're just as important to me you know. It's not better for you to die and leave me, so that gives you only the option of coming back alive." She said it firmly and kept him close for a minute more, noticing the warmth of his hand and the smell of the oils on his shirt. I know the long deep breath she looks back to his eyes and nodded. "Tell me what you want for protocol."

Instinctively a grin came to Illya's face and he studied her little face for a moment. "Well, since yah limit meh options I tink I'll jes have tah take dah one yah offer. I'll come back alive. So far I do a good job keeping up wit yah demands." Taking a little wrist link he strapped it on and he programmed it to connect with a small headset he slipped on over one ear. "Meh protocol is dat yah jes have a link on too. I can talk to yah and let yah know what I see. I take pictures long as ets safe and den I let yah know what I find. Ef et's dangerous dere will nut be pictures, but I let yah know ef yah need tah get ship off dah ground for a few minutes. I jes make sure yah know where I am and ef dere es trouble eh?"


When the Omebrey arrived at the desert planet Simzen, a full-scale battle appeared to have begun, however they all knew by looking at the air power of the Federation that it was more like a culling than anything else. Jaiyme grit his teeth and gave the order. "Engage and keep the shields up." they would run invisible and then radio silence for as long as possible keep the enemy guessing. His men knew not to target the Kaerelean fliers. As soon as they open fire the Federation ships scattered like bees completely caught off guard and they didn't let up. While the Federation struggled to pull their Force back together, it allowed the chip flyers to take out several more who were more concerned with the sudden appearance of fire from thin air. Unfortunately, the air battle was taking place right over the civilians and there was little to be done about it. He could only hope that some would take cover. Their shields held steady giving only a mild jostle when someone managed to land a blow. "Sir, one of the Chip ships is down."

"Clear us a path." With all but one Chip flyer out of the skies they opened fire without reserve, carving a path and causing the enemy ships to drop. Some even crashed against the invisible shields, as they manueved through the air battle, tail spinning to the ground after they collided.

Jaiyme set his jaw and nodded. "Drop us." Without delay the Helmsman follow the order and swoop down a little lower over the land in the crash sight. They had to reveal themselves to open the bay doors, but now is the time for men on the ground as well. With a quick touch-and-go maneuver units of men were dropped to the ground that wasnt soaked in oil. Little fires were here and there making them pick they spread out quickly in a clearing formation taking cover as they could and killing any Federation soldiers in their way. They would save as many as they could. One spotted a small boy in the wreckage, prone on the ground, holding up a gun in the direction of several Tannas men slicing through. He made his way over to the boy fast. The fires would reach the tank soon and this ship would go up like a fireball. Hauling the boy up, he began to try dragging him away from the wreckage.

Jaiyme surveyed the wreckage on screen and gripped the arm of his chair tightly. The federation ship were gone but what remained of the Chips? "Open a line with Asha."

His orders were followed promptly and a channel was open. "Admiral Asha, Chief Airman Jaiyme, reporting. Let's get some sand on those fires and get your people out." Whether or not the Chippeqouti people would want to come remained to be seen but there was nothing left here.
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Even if Tetsune was a miserable runt he was turning into a stronger one. Someday he would be grateful for how hard he was pushed. Illya knew it for a fact that often times the most reluctant and troublesome recruits would either go bad all the way or they would turn into good soldiers. No matter the complaining, Tetsune was showing promise of shaping up.

Illya left the man to complain and shove whatever food he could into his mouth between his fussing. At least he was learning that fussing was limited when it took up valuable time. Time that could be spent eating. No sooner had he started toward where Kalizda and the kids were to start his lunch than a massive ship started to slip through the hazey hemisphere above them. Even though he knew it was one of his ships he ordered it still made his heart nearly explode. These sort of things reminded him of the old war and it only made so much of it worse. This war was real and it was going to get uglier before it was over.

Stepping off to the side Illya waited for the ships to start landing. He was going to have a full day ahead of himself getting the guns and weapons unloaded with the men. In the meantime he was going to have the Silx and Agan still run their drills if they felt that they could. In part he wondered if they would be too unsettled by the presence of so many foreigners. Part of him understood that feeling and he decided that it would be better if they were present for the unloading of the weapons and unpacking of crates. Just so they could see what he had ordered for them. Illya fully intended on making the men from Kaereleal retreat to the moons with their ships after he had what he needed on the ground. There would need to be a few days of working on the guns so he could get them figured about right for the little men.

Finally, the ships landed at the docks and Illya glanced down when he heard the little man suggest that they go meet them. "Aye, we'll help dem unload dah weapons and den I modify some tah see ef dey still work. Den we start training wit guns." This was the time that they would be working harder than they had ever before this. A young officer stepped out of the first ship and asked for orders. Looking the officer up and down Illya nodded. "Yah orders are tah unload dah weapons and detectors here. Den yah take mini fleet and run protection from dah moons. Only send supply ships here when yah need."

Getting the weapons all unpacked from the ships took a few hours, but Illya could see the people on Demos get a little glimmer to their eyes. "Nut yet. Yah have tah wait till I get some work done tah make some guns Agan size." No matter how badly he wanted to midget size he knew he had to stick with Agan size. The first few guns Illya distributed to the Silx and sent them off to begin some target practice, but they were not the same guns that he was holding for the Agan. "Yah gonna get single shot sniper rifles." Illya figured they would know what he had in mind for them now and that was fine. The Agan would like to be snipers as far as he could tell. "All yah running start tah make sense after dis. I have move and shoot. Good sniper never fires more den once from same spot." They would have to learn to relocate and quickly take position again to fire and be the most effective they could be during a battle.

While the little Agan were admiring the large weapons they were going to be using, Illya took one for himself and he disassembled the stock and started to draw out plans of how to make it shorter and more shock absorbent at the same time. It was going to turn into a couple of long nights for him, but he wasn't sure how much time he would have before he had to get the Agan training with their new weapons. By now the Federation had to have heard about the movement of Alliance ships to Demos.


There was no doubt that Kalizda didn't like this, but neither did Illya. He didn't like what they'd found and he certainly didn't want to go back, but he needed to. Turning on the little wrist band he nodded to Kalizda and then started out the door of the ship. The little monitor on it showed a steady heartbeat and gave her respiration readings. It felt like the walk to Bentil's didn't take nearly long enough, but that was how it went when a person wanted to avoid something. Illya had his sword strapped on, knife, and pistol. He figured he might need all of it. Knocking gently on the little man's door he waited for someone to answer.

Bentil had one boy wrapped around his ankle, using his foot as a seat to ride around the house wild has eldest girl I had her arms wrapped around his neck holding on to him for a piggyback ride. The second oldest boy was telling on his left arm asking for a turn to ride when he answered the door to find Illya standing there. The grim look on the man's face didn't bode well, making his smile fade. "Go find your mother," he told the kids as he pried them off. They all gave a sigh of disappointment before scurrying off into the back of the house as instructed. Once the children were out of sight, Bentil looked up to Illya. "I not expecting you. We have problem?" It was best just to get straight to the point.

At least the man knew it was best to dismiss the children. Illya waited till they were all out of sight and he nodded to Bentil. "Aye, we got problem. Yah need tah get whatever weapon yah feel comfortable fighting wit. Kalizda and I find someting bad during meh day off. Someting dat might tell us more about why dah Stags come here and den after she read we go exploring and find cave inside dah volcano wit pipes. Maybe dey still live dere and maybe et will tell us more witout much danger." Illya could be hopeful that it wouldn't contain too much danger, but he knew the Federation well enough that he doubted it. "When we go togeter yah stay close to meh, but nut too close. Dun want tah chop yah head off ef I draw meh sword." In the event that Illya needed his weapon he wasn't going to be worrying about where Bentil stood and the little man needed to have fair warning so he would know to stand on the opposite side of the sword.

The small Agan man's jaw set as he explained the problem at hand. It didn't surprise him so much as concern him and it was moments like these he wished he had a Silx going into this too. At least as an extra set of hands. Nodding, he shuffled away from the door as he called out to Kensi. "I'm going out for a bit, be back for dinner!" The less she knew the better and easier it would be. "Bye, little ones!" A merry call came from with the house as he strapped on a tiny .22 calibur pistol, a bandoleer of what appeared to be grenades, and a knife. "Let's go." As they walked into the jungle, he could see the man looking at the bandoleer strapped across his chest. "Not grenade...flash bang...and eh...smell bomb. Nose can be deadly too." He chuckled trying to lighten the mood and swallow down his own nerves. "Show me caves with pipe."

When the little man exited his house with nothing more than what amounted to a child's toy set of gun and a bandoleer Illya's eyebrows went up, but he didn't say anything. He was going to be so glad when he got the guns all adjusted to fit these little guys. Currently what they had wouldn't even do enough to hurt a man. Maybe break the skin if he got lucky. Perhaps the little grenades would do something more. Bentil waited till they were in the jungle before he described what he had on his bandoleer. Inwardly Illya cringed and he me the man's gaze for a brief moment. "Stink em out and den blind dem temporary so yah can pelt dem wit tiny bullets eh?"

The Innas had a way of making the weapons look small, but in his eyes everything was small. Bentil had been successfully protecting his family for a long time now without a Silx and without his family having a Silx contracted partner. Some of his children were too young and two of them should have had Silx pairs already, however, there were so few Silx left and the poison used by the Stags had left many who returned from the war barren that not many Silx children existed at all. Bristling a little, Bentil puffed out his chest a bit and gave Illya a confident look. "I protect family for long time without Silx, you know. Grenade no good inside cave. Use of them and you asking to be buried alive in wrong spot," he replied, "Smell make any man throw his stomach close by or right in face. Made from ferment eel guts and seaweed. That enough for me to stab or shoot.I watch out for sword. You watch out for small Agan with big stink." With that, he walked on trying not to the let the nerves get the better of him. Illya showed him to the aforementioned cave, and Bentil stepped inside, looking at the pipes. "They been here long time. Maybe for first Stag visit to Demos." Slowly, he stepped further and further into the cavern, listening to the drips from running water and condensation fall to deep divots filled with puddles on the stony floor. The further they went, the more humid it became, building sweat up on his dark skin. The chambers ranged from impossibly narrow, to massive open spaces as they traveled over craggy rocks, all the while following the pipes which were rusted completely in some areas. This was the kind of place that his size came in handy, and he took a small of bit of enjoyment watching Illya squeeze through the spaces he slipped into easily. Snickering, he waited on Illya to wiggle through between the walls, then continued. Finally, they came to a split and the pipes headed off into a different direction. "I not know they survey so far here," Bentil commented. The darkness was near complete with no sunlight filtering in a tall and with only a flash light for vision, seeing too far ahead was impossible. Suddenly the path dropped down and Bentil lost his footing. The little Agan man plummeted down with a yelp for what seemed like ages. In reality, it was only about 10 feet but in the dark it might as well have been an abyss. With a soft thump, he landed back first into a pile of soft ash. "Watch step!" he wheezed as he tried to roll away. The last thing he needed was for the big man to land on top of him.

The stink bomb sounded like an odd little idea. Naturally the little man was confident in his use of it, but Illya was concerned. Personally he had quite a few things that made him throw up and he'd done it in battle before without hesitating long enough to get killed. So long as Bentil didn't meet a man such as himself they would be fine. "Yeah, yah stink so I can puke too eh?" A smirk came to his face and he started into the cave. It gradually got more narrow and as the passage grew smaller Illya had to turn to his side. That part made him nervous. It left him vulnerable and so he started to send Bentil through first so that the little man could stink anyone out while Illya squeezed through. While he was forcing his way through a section of the cavern he heard Bentil yelp and the man disappeared from site. Illya moved over toward the place where the man disappeared and flashed his flashlight down into the pit. After a few moments the little man moved out of the way and Illya jumped down into the pit with him. When it came time to get out it was a good thing that Illya could get himself up and out of this mess. "Let's jes hope dey dun make et smaller down here. Et was getting tight up dere. Tink I scratched meh chest up."

He rolled away and stood up covered in ashes as he managed a smirk, which almost looked like an grinning mask with grime coating his face. Only the whites of his teeth and eyes were really visible in the dim light. "You just have little woman look at it later, guardian." Spitting grit out of his mouth, the glanced around, first at the floor, then at the ceiling...which the light couldn't reach. "I dont think we worry about not fitting here.This is big on." A call came over the comm-link and Calysta's voice echoed through the dark. "Put more light on the floor..." The little Agan man nodded, and pointed his beam at the floor. While they waited for her to assess whatever it is she was doing, Bentil walked a little further into the cavern feeling more nervous now that they couldn't see the pipes. A few clicking sounds later they heard the woman clear her throat. "You two are standing in the center of the volcano. On an ash cap of sorts," she informed them. Bentil stopped walking and turned back to the dim light that was Illya in the distance. "We stand in heart of volcano and have big problem." He had found the pipes again and they led to a large drill looking mechanism which was sunk into the ash cap nearly half way. On top of that were clay squares which were wired together to an electronics box. Some it looked old, but other parts looked fully functional. There were signs of pockmarks on the ground, deep divots in the ashes and let over gear in places. As if the crews working the area had run into trouble and suddenly vanished.

A grin almost on the verge of gloating came to Illya's face as he met Bentil's gaze. "Aye, I have a little woman tah tend to meh scratches. Even ef dey small she will be tender." Moments like these were good to brag about. It was part of what he loved to do. Kalizda frequently honored him and made him look a lot better than he was. For this kind of work that was essential and so bragging about her was a small thing. "I'm lucky man. She like meh and she agree tah be wit meh." Wandering along much more cautiously Illya examined the floor and the walls where they were. He was having a hard time locating the pipes that they had been following. The room had gradually grown silent and he stopped in his tracks when Kalizda's voice came through the headset. Being in the center of the volcano was a very bad idea. A little crunch sounded and Illya looked down. He was almost standing on the pipe underneath some of the ash and there was a little board of circuits. Glancing to Bentil he nodded grimly. "Oh, I tink ets more den big problem. Ets time we get out." Not that Illya was a chicken, but he knew trouble when he saw it and this wasn't the kind of thing he was trained to deal with. In fact, it was doubtful that it could be fixed. Anyone trying to remove the pipes would be vaporized and the whole mountain would be blown sky high. Who knew how big the magma chamber had become with decades of building pressure. Releasing it now would result in a massacre and their greatest hope was that the volcano was extinct or perhaps the magma chamber had grown to to the point that part of it was under the small ocean. If they could drill to the magma chamber there the water would boil, kill fish, and cause tsunami waves, and perhaps some earth quakes, but it would be far better than the impending doom it posed otherwise. "C'mon. We go now." Illya held out one of his hands. "I push yah out hole we come from and den I follow."

Bentil didn't have to be told twice. The little Agan man backed away in slight terror over the implications of what he was seeing and confusion. Why hadn't anyone see this for so long? Surely, someone would have come across it? Looking around as he retreated it became obvious some of the bundles of clothes were Silx. Chalk white bones half buried in ash surrounded the area. No one had a chance to tell anyone anything. His foot brushed against a long left pile causing him to curse as he scrambled back. "This is graveyard now...worse..they meant to wipe us out forever." Bentil returned to Illya and nodded, feeling slightly nauseous. "We go now..I need help up the wall." With that, he began to climb as far as he could, his feet sliding in the ash until Illya gave him a boost.

At least they were both in agreement that it was best to get out of here as fast as possible. Bentil seemed to take forever to get over close enough for Illya to boost him up on his shoulders and then above his head. Once the little man was thrust through the hole Illya started up after him. Jumping up and extending his hands above his head Illya caught the ledge and started to pull himself up. He was starting to get the same creeping feeling he had the first time he came in with Kalizda. Like there was something still horribly dangerous about this place and every gut instinct told him to run because he didn't know what it was and chances were it wasn't going be a fight that he could win on this ground. Not here. There wasn't enough space for a man his size to maneuver in.

Bentil hauled up into the hole only to stop in his tracks with Illya right behind him a sickeningly sweet smell met his nose and it was something he remembered well. "Stags." Turning back, he started shoving Illya back into the pit. "They are still here!" One began trying to form near the entrance, but almost appeared to be having trouble, as if it were taking a long time...struggling to become solid.

While they were yet working on getting out of the hole Illya smelled the gaseous sort of stench that came with the Tannas. A smell that he hated. It was something that he had come to know well enough. Instead of fighting the little man was trying to shove him back down the hole and Illya gave an indiscernible roar as he forced himself out of the pit. Whatever this Tannas wanted it wasn't going to succeed. There was nothing it could do to stop him and Illya knew it. Drawing his sword he prepared to slice whatever part it managed to take form with and kill it as best he could. If all else failed he could simply come back with a containment box and take care of them that way. If they were having trouble forming they would be easily drawn into a box and then contained. From there he could drop a little match inside and that would be it. There would no longer be any Tannas.

Rather than retreating to more open space, the big man called himself up and charged a head to the forming gases, half knocking Bentil over in his rush. The man teetered on the edge of the pit, but caught his balance quick enough to see the Tannas fully form. It looked older than others he had seen, with dark gray hair and dull eyes. Still, it lurched forward ready for a fight. A solid swing from Illya's sword revealed the man healed incredibly fast. The deep slice across the stress made him bellow in pain, but soon dissappeared. Another was forming to Illya's back and this time all his training on some things a bit useless. They could heal so fast! Rather than using the pistol or the knife which forming Tannas could simply heal from, Bentil opened up one of the pouches on his bandolier and flicked the top off of a potent stink pod. As soon as the face of the thing was solid, he threw the bomb into its jaw and watch the goo explode over its face.

If Illya could force the Tannas to form or move it would be easier to fight. They had to be solid if he was going to make an attempt to kill them. While he was still swinging and the Tannas was backing up slowly a step at a time a little grenade flew past Illya and into the Tannas's mouth. Bentil had one thing right about that little stink bomb. It was more than enough to make a man's stomach lurch. Despite his own stomach's protest Illya lunged forward and he tackled the Tannas to the ground. Grabbing one of its arms he ripped it from the body and then tore the next off. Each time it had to heal from such a serious sort of injury it would get weaker and the fact that it was old told him that it couldn't last long at this rate. In a final desperate attempt the Tannas evaporated to a cloud of gas and dove into Illya's mouth. Momentarily Illya's heart rate started to rise and his breathing became more erratic before it finally slowed again and he let out a long breath. There was something terribly unusual. The Tannas hadn't made an exit like they usually did and Illya couldn't feel anymore of the scratches on his chest. Scrambling to pull his down at the neck he peered inside and then pulled the shirt out of the top of his pants. Lifting the shirt up he saw some of the scratches on his chest start to heal right in front of his eyes. He had no idea that a Chip and Tannas mix could literally eat a Tannas like that. Gulping a few times and stunned he stared at his chest and then quickly shoved the shirt back into the top of his pants. "We need tah get out now." This was not something he knew about because no one had recorded it and for obvious reasons. According to the Chippequoti on Old Quoti he was part of a damned people and the Tannas were terrified for good reason. If they picked the wrong Chip they would simply cease to exist.

Bentil stared in at Illya unsure of what to think at all for a moment. Had he actually seen that? Man had swallowed a stag and lived to tell about it! Not only that, but he had taken the stink bomb goo with him. "That was gross," he panted as he started scrambling through the rocks, "How did you do that?!" He scraped his knees and elbows along with his chest as he scampered through the narrow spaces of the cavern constantly checking behind him to see if Illya was there or if they were being pursued.

A hiss of fear went through the Tannas left in the cavern. They had not seen a Tannas eater in hundreds of years and much less one that knew what they could do. Even if this one didn't know he could do it before, now he did. Retreating to their hiding place they let the two leave, but watched from a safe distance. Illya stumbled after Bentil and he felt almost sick to his stomach. That stuff in the stink bomb was crawling up the back of his throat and it tasted about 10 times worse than it smelled. Before they could even reach the entrance of the cave he stumbled for the nearest spot that looked safe to puke at and started to heaving. Not only had he lost lunch, but he was sure that he lost his appetite for anything else for a while. Whatever happened grossed him out and he had tried to ignore Bentil's questions. He had no answer for this sort of thing and he was a bit worried about it. Wiping his mouth off with the back of his hand he shuddered a little and did his best to avoid Bentil's gaze. "Dat stink bomb tastes like noting I ever have before. Yah better watch where yah trow et next time."

By the time they got out of the cave, Bentil's scratches were filled with Ash and burning from sweat. That was nothing compared to what Illya was experiencing as he heaved up his lunch and anything else that happen to be lurking in the bottom of the stomach. He had avoided the question on how he had just breathed in something like that without dying like everybody else. Now, the man wouldn't even look at him. That could only mean one thing. Bentil white at his face are they shook his head at the man. "You watch who you inhale next time," Bentil replied, "I cant help it you crazy. You not even know how, do you?"

There wasn't much that Illya could do now. The little man had seen it and it would leave him with only a few conclusions. One of them was something that Illya didn't even want to think about. If Bentil came to the conclusion he was a Stag it could become immensely dangerous. People weren't supposed to be able to just absorb a Stag/Tannas and then use their healing capability like that. "No, I dun know how I do dat. I know dat Stag can't kill meh dat way, but I dun know dat meh body jes eat dem." Just the thought of it made him feel like he had bugs crawling underneath his skin. "I need long wash after dis." There was still the fact that he had not explained how he knew that a Stag couldn't kill him through inhalation and Illya knew he would have to answer that at some point. "Bentil, I hate Stags, but yah understand dat I'm 1/4 Stag and maybe dis es why dey can't kill meh same as rest. I dun know dat I'm part Stag till only short time ago. Yah do wit dat as yah must, but I'm still going tah train yah people tah kill dem."

Bentil walked over the craggy volcanic Shoreline with a million thoughts running through his head. Most of them consisted of what he would do with Stags still on the island and the equipment he had seen. Most of all he wondered about how the Innas had just breathed in and lived to talk about it. That have been one of the most bizarre things he'd ever seen in his life and gave him the creepy crawlies. Even under all the ash the hair on the back of his arms stood up straight. His wondering was short-lived when Illya began to explain himself. That's what he was worried about? "You part Stag but a stag that ripped men apart over and over. I think you stag Innas who still want to kill them. I think we keep this between us though. Nobody need know you crazy stag who eats other Stag's. In fact having that secret knowledge felt like more of a secret weapon now. How much could the man consume? It would bode well to stick close to him in any case.


Amil hadn't quite shot the last of the Tannas that were stabbing at his father. He could see his father was still struggling to cover Ahvah even while the Tannas viciously attacked him. "No, no! It's meh dad and mum." Screaming loudly he wiggled and fought as hard as he could. The boy fought hard enough that he even managed to move his legs without realizing it. Still, no matter how hard he fought they were not putting him down.

Finally, one of the Alliance men killed the last extension of the Tannas that had been attacking his father and the boy stared in shock at the bloodied mess. Ahvah lay covered in her agreed's blood and she struggled to sit up underneath his weight. "Ehvan..." Tears had begun to roll down her face. Carefully rolling him to his side she looked all around wild eyed. There had to be someone that could help her. "Help! Someone get dah Ehaui!" Looking back down at her agreed's bright blue eyes she shuffled forward on her knees and tried to give his head a little support. Resting a hand in his black hair she combed it gently with her fingers and spoke to him in Quoti. "I have a brave man. I knew when I chose him that he would always protect me, but there are many years left. Wait for a while longer." Looking over the bloodied sands she blinked multiple times to clear the tears and dust from her eyes. Perhaps the Ehaui were coming from behind the swirling cloud of smoke. All the while she could hear the labored breathing of her agreed and she slipped a hand from his hair down to his shoulder and held it tightly in her strong brown hand. "Please..." It was half to him. She needed to him to hold on for her and it was half in prayer to the gods that it would be the Ehaui.


Those that remained had gathered on the desert grounds outside the ships. They had lost over a third of their people in the battle and Asha clenched her jaw as she looked over the ship in front of them. There was only one choice now. Running wasn't an option anymore and someone had to do something about the disaster they were in. "We will always fight, but we have allies and they proved this day that they will fight with us." Calling out over the desert in Quoti she waited for a response of any kind. "Come with me. I return to Pytra with all those willing to fight along side our allies."

The first man sneered at her and he spit at her feet before walking away. His agreed stared at him for a long moment before she took up stance next to Asha. Both of them glowered at one another on opposite sides for a long while before he turned his back on her and wandered over to the furthest section. Already the elders had begun murmuring among themselves. It was the first time that they had found themselves in a state of war and with no military leader with the ability to lead them. They were mostly dead or too severely injured to do anything, much less conduct a war. Edgar argued for the council to resume their authority with some support while others fought to continue in the tradition. There was going to be two ways of life and each had to choose their own.

Having a split people was difficult even for Asha. Edgar and his agreed stood by her side and watched as the last of the Chippequoti split. All of them knew this would be a final goodbye for some. There had been many battles they survived and a war that nearly destroyed them and now it was tradition that tore them apart. Now it was going to be a battle of a different sort. Edgar knew his grandson well enough to know that Illya hadn't really given up. He was out fighting the war in a new way and if he had gone dark there was no telling what would happen. If he conquered new territories then it would start a new war. If he returned he would find his people split and each group would want something different from him. However, he could talk to Kalizda. She would be the key to his heart and she would be the one to guide his sword.
The Agan's were more than ready to get their hands on what appeared to be massive guns. Even Bentil was looking over the sniper rifle which, rivaled him in height, with a sparkle in his eye. They were eager to learn about their new weapons, but the man said that they would need to be modified to be usable by the Agan’s. The Silx, on the other hand, took their weapons and inspected them in silence. These were newer than what they had been using, and the ammo designed with armor piercing rounds the likes of which they hadn’t seen. They would be good weapons. Bentil gave Illya a nudge and snickered. “I think you make Silx smile first time ever.”

The Innas man who had brought the provisions gave Illya a crisp salute. “Yessir. We will unload and return to the surveyed point for the base once we have restocked with water.” His eyes shifted down to the Agan standing the General. “Sir, with your permission, I would like to ask fresh provisions are available as well.”

Bentil’s eyes darted between all three of them as if confounded that someone would address him like that. “Uh…” he cleared his throat, and squared his shoulders a bit, “Yes. We have provisions for the Innas, you go to the market and speak to Kensi. She provide.”

The Kaerelean lieutenant nodded. “Aye sir.”

When the meeting was done, Bentil walked away with his chin held and a proud skip in his step. The sight of it made Calysta steal a glance up at Illya and chuckle.


Calysta kissed Illya gently on the lips before he left to pick up Bentil, gazing into his eyes. “You know my orders. Be careful.” Her hand trailed down his arm as pulled away, and she watched him go until he disappeared from sight. Her gut told her she should be going with him, and yet she knew she would be a point of worry for him if she did. Sighing, Calysta retreated to the bridge and set about preparing for an emergency take off as she listened to Illya over the comm-link. It took only a moment to clear the exhausts of any debris and flick the switch to fire the engines up. They purred to life, ready to go in an idling mode until she was ready to flick them off again. It was good to run them every now and then anyway.

With everything ready to go, she sat in the captain’s chair and sent a call to the base on the moon base. “Lieutenant Rayshe, bring the base to a level 2 alert and keep constant scans on the mountain here.”

“Aye, Councilwoman. Any specifics?” he answered back.

“Any movement. Specifically, on the back side of the island If it’s larger than 5 or more, I want you to alert me.”

“Yes ma’am.”

The comms crackled off and she sat back in her chair, watching the images Illya snapped with his wrist link when he could, and listening carefully. At one point, Cypher toddled in and tried to crawl into her lap. “Not right now, little man,” she told him, “Go play with Monster, yeah?” Her boy started to sniffle and then tears welled up in his bright blue eyes. He wanted to sit in Mam’s lap to play and take a nap. “Oh, don’t cry…” It was far too late for those words though as he let out a grumpy whine and whimpered. Her father heard the crying and came into the bridge, picking up Cypher with a grunt as he wailed. “I think he’s ready for a nap dad, maybe even a little bone sore...can you fix him some tea? I’ll be along in a little while.”

Thomas’ eyes flicked to the screen and he resisted the urge to ask what was happening. It might distract her from what she needed to be doing. “Aye. C’mon fella. Let’s get you some berries.” The prospect of berries, made the pitiful sniffles stop long enough Papa to get him to the kitchen. A pang of guilt went through her at being unable to tend to her boy, but this was important and needed her full conversation.

When she returned her eyes to the screen, Bentil and Illya had passed through another chamber, following the pipes. She could hear Illya’s chest scraping against the stone walls, making her grimace. He commented on his chest being scratched up, and the conversation turned to what she would do about that when they came back. Her face turned crimson, though Illya was miles away, and she bit her lip. Had they entirely forgotten she could hear them? Illya was bragging on her left and right, proud that she was his. Bentil’s glowing white grin in the dark only made the comment more embarrassing, and yet...slightly enjoyable at the same time. It was a compliment she took pleasure from.

Suddenly, the grinning face fell away, making her almost jolt up out of her seat. Where had Bentil gone? A few minutes of bumbling around and words she couldn’t quite hear followed, as she tracked their progress on the map. They were standing in the dead center of the volcano. Those pipes had taken them to the heart of the mountain which made her own heart slip down to her stomach. If they were Federation make, this wasn’t good at all.

“Illya, show me what you’re seeing…”

He did as she asked, and she told him exactly what she saw. They were standing on what appeared to be an ash cap. In the distance, she could see a glimmer of something illuminated by the flashlight. One good image came through on the screen something like equipment. A drill? She couldn’t make out the object before Illya stated they needed to leave immediaely.


His name slipped out of her mouth as adrenaline kicked in, but he didn’t hear her. Instead, she heard Bentil exclaim that ‘they were there’. A mighty roar blasted through her earpiece, making her cringe as she claimed her hand over her mouth to keep from yelling. They were fighting, and she was sure it had to be Tannas lurking. It was such an enclosed space! The grip on her own mouth turned to a painful vice. Choking and sputtering followed the bellow and she watched as his vitals spiked. It struck her that she was sitting here watching him die and there wasn’t a thing she could do about any of it.

His heart rate and blood pressure hit the roof, suddenly they dropped back to what would be considered normal. “That was gross! How did you do that?!” She could hear Bentil’s voice over the comm, but she couldn’t tell what happened. Illya urged them out of the cave and all she could do was send silent prayers that they made it out. No matter how fast she could hear them moving, it wasn’t fast enough to her taste.

Finally, they made it out and she could hear both of them panting as the spoke. He had swallowed a Tannas? Just thinking about the prospect of it made her sick to her stomach. "No, I dun know how I do dat. I know dat Stag can't kill meh dat way, but I dun know dat meh body jes eat dem."

He had basically eaten a person. Who knew what kind of effects that could have on him? Her stomach churned, as she forced herself to calm down. He was alive, and that was the important part for now.

The two men returned to the ship, and she turned off the engines before meeting them both in the cargo bay. Illya stood there covered from head to toe in ashes and a few specks of blood from his scratches which were no longer there alongside Bentil who was in the same state. Before any words were spoken, she marched down the gangplank and wrapped her arms around Illya’s waist. He covered in muck combined with sweat and smelled lightly of sweet Tannas gasses combined with a disgustingly potent stench of sting bomb. She didn’t care about that. He was standing in front of her breathing, and for a long moment, she hugged him for her own sake.

Bentil cleared his throat next to them, and stepped away, eager to go see his own wife. He had been gone the entire afternoon and she’d be ill, but he explained a bit perhaps not so much. “Your guardian give me good surprise with that trick. Maybe you treat him extra good tonight, huh?”

Calysta’s eyes scanned over Illya’s face carefully, looking for any absence in his eyes or signs that he might be sick. For now, he seemed fine and it was a small relief. Letting out a small breath she glanced at Bentil. “I’m not sending you back to Kensi, smelling like a toad’s backside.”

Bentil started to protest, but Calysta gave them both a firm look. “If you try to bathe like that you’ll clog the drains too.” She might have been useless while they were in the caves, but she could help them now. Walking back into the animal bay, she unfurled the water hose and started up the flow with a flick of the switch. As soon as they saw the hose coming, both men took a step back and she rolled her eyes some. “A little cold water won’t hurt.” Whether they liked it or not, she pressed the nozzle, spraying them both down without reserve. Muddy clumps of ash fell off of them, splattering to the sand as they danced around around. Illya become surprisingly light on his feet, dodging this way and that as she hosed them down. “Now turn,” she ordered. The little Agan man yelped as frigid water blasted his backside and he tried to dance away. “Ey! EY!” Illya was no better as he curled his shoulders and wiggled from side to side.

By the time she was done, they were both clean and shivering. Calysta retrieved a towel for both of them, which Bentil took gratefully, wiping down his face. “Kensi worry about me soon. We talk more about what to do tomorrow.” With that, he scurried down the street toward the direction of home.

Calysta took Illya’s hand gently and lead him into the ship to their bathroom before starting up the hot water in their shower. She could tell he was concerned about everything that had happened and she was too. “C’mon,” she said, “Let’s get you warmed up.” The shower would offer a chance for her to look him over more while he came down from the fight. If something was wrong she was going to make sure she caught it in time to prevent any damage she could.


All through dinner and the bedtime routine, Calysta watched him. He seemed fine physically. Better than fine if her eyes were any judge, but that didn’t include any internal views. What if it had damaged his lungs or worse? What happened when someone inhaled a Tannas and were simply absorbed. Her mind worked over wild possibilities as she deemed it necessary to check his forehead for fever for the second time while they climbed into bed. It probably made her into some hovering worry wort to be consistently checking him, but listening to what happened in the cave kept pushing back into her mind. He had been so close to dying and this strange ability had saved him. At what cost though?

Neither of them were feeling up to any ‘work’ so she settled against him, with a sigh. It had been a long day and tomorrow would be even longer because they would have to deal with the status in the volcano now too. They sat in the quiet together for a long while, keeping each other warm under the heated blanket. A warm arm was holding her close and that was enough for the night as her eyes began to droop.

Calysta gripped the babies blanket tighter, seeing the hole left behind in the pink fleece. Where was Lohgan? She called out her baby's name but the room was utterly empty except for the sound of gunfire outside. A spray came across the wall and she curled downward clutching to the blanket to keep from getting shot too. She couldn't get shot. She had to find Lohgan first. Grabbing the pistol on the bed, she kept the blanket with her and called for Illya. Had he taken her to safety? The holes in the wall let in hot air tinged with a sweet smelling taste and she ran....Calysta's grip tightened on the heated blanket as she rolled away from Illya, taking the entire set of bed covers with her and mumbling in her sleep. Her tiny feet only made matters worse when she kicked out, tangling the blanket all around her ankles as she struggled.

It wasn't a particularly peaceful night. Illya was more than troubled about the fact that he just swallowed and absorbed one of those things. Tannas were awful and he ate it. How was that even possible? There was a lot of research to do and perhaps he could see if the Ehaui had anything on this sort of event. Was this even normal? Judging by what he knew it wasn't. Even if Kalizda had fallen asleep he couldn't. Illya had laid on his side for a few hours now and tried to think of nice things instead. While he was trying to relax and settle in a little more he felt Kalizda pull away from him and then she took all the blankets with her. Immediately the cold rush of air traveled right up his spine and his boxers too. Moving closer toKalizda he pulled her back to himself and spread the blankets over his legs and torso again. It wasn't till he laid down next to her that he really noticed the mumbling. "Hey." Sitting up a little bit he rubbed her arm and side gently. "Yah ok?"

The Tannas were coming to kill them and she had to find Illya. He was the only one who could keep the children safe as possible. Running faster didn't seem to do much good as the sweet smell overwhelmed her and she found even Illya choking out on the floor, thrown into a violent seizure. "You can't do will make you sick!" Something grabbed her arm, spinning her around and she found herself face to face with Kent. She sneered. "Pathetic." Then turned to gas. Calysta choked, and struggled against the blankets and Illya's arms trying to get away from the creature crawling down her throat. Finally, her eyes opened and she was met with a concerned looking Illya staring at her, his green eyes shining in the twin moonlight coming through their window overlooking the ocean.

When Kalizda finally opened her eyes Illya rubbed her arm a moment longer. He didn't want to make any sudden moves while she was still getting her mind going in the right direction. After a moment he back down next to her and pulled her a little tighter. "Are yah alright?"

She blinked a few times, trying to pull herself away from the feeling of being unable to breathe as her mouth was set in a line. All she could do was nod to him and lay her head on his chest for a long moment. The sound of his heart beating brought her back down from the dream as she held him. It had been an awful dream, and she hadn't had one about the Terran desert in a few months. Not since Illya had come back to her. Taking in a deep breath, she cleared her throat and slipped a hand to his chest where it was warm. "It was just a dream. I didn't meant to wake you up."

: It wasn't often that Kalizda got dreams and Illya knew it was something a bit deeper than 'just a dream.' Closing his eyes he let out a long breath, "Et's alright. Yah dun wake meh." As badly as he wanted to sleep he hadn't even come close yet. "I tink maybe et was more den dream. What was et?" Opening his eyes again and tilting his chin so he could look into her face he studied her shadowed little face for several moments.

He had been awake too? She almost asked if something was keeping him awake until she thought about how strange he must be feeling. He could do something no one knew about and they had no idea if it was safe to do, what the side effects were or if it was a fluke even. She tended to think he was right about it being a genetic ability, but they didn't know for sure. Not only that, but he had no particular love of his heritage either, which is something she understood to a certain extent. When he asked about the dream, she instinctively curled around him more. The dreams were something that she couldn't help and she hadn't meant to worry him over it. If he was asking though, he deserved a full answer and would trust him with it. Tilting her chin up to meet his gaze, she told him while her thumb stroked at his smooth chest. "It usually starts on the Terran desert, when the Federation was there and I can't find anyone. The children are gone...and then the Tannas come. This time it was more." She swallowed and let her fingers continue petting his chest. "I found you seizing because you tried to breathe them all in..before I couldn't help...Kent was there choking me. I know it's just a dream...silly nightmares. But what happened worries me. Not because you can do it, but we don't know what it might do to you."

Illya listened to the dream and he stayed quite. Her little fingers stroked his chest and he could feel them rub over the scar from the heart surgery. Sometimes it sent a shiver through his body and little goosebumps would form on his arms and his torso. "I worry about et, but dere es nut any taking et back. Maybe I send message tah Ehaui and dey tell meh a little about why dis might happen." That was the only reasonable solution he could come up with so far.

She nodded, feeling slightly better that he would at least send a message asking about it. The Kaerelean doctor at the moon base could help, but with Chippeqouti and Tannas physiology, there was only so much he could do. "Aye," she whispered. A quiet moment passed between them, and Calysta tried to make him comfortable again, though that was hard to do when she knew he felt uncomfortable in his own skin right now. She adjust the blanket over him, covering them both gently, then glanced up to him again. "I know you're worried too, and we don't know what will happen. Maybe it will be a good thing." It wasn't exactly encouraging, and yet she wanted him to feel no shame in his own mixed blood, such as it was.

Sometimes her ideas were odd and Illya frowned. Taking hold of the blanket he clutched it a bit tighter to himself. "Oh, I tink dat et was nice how dah skin on meh chest jes heal fast. Maybe dat's dah only side effect eh?" He was hopeful, but there was no telling and this sort of thing always made him feel nervous.

"I hope it is the only side effect, though wasn't exactly talking about inhaling them for that reason," she replied, "I only mean...maybe they can't kill you by suffocating you at least. That would be a good thing. I rather like you breathing." She closed her eyes for a moment, listening to him breath until another sound caught her attention, this time it was her info pad. She sat up, and tucked a wayward lock of hair from her face before grabbing her pad from the beside table. Pressing her thumb to the scanner, the screen unlocked causing her eyes to sting with the brightness and revealing an official encoded message from General Kirit. She was so used to the encoding, she could nearly read it without the key on its own. As she read the message, the color drained from her face and she closed her eyes against the sickened feeling settled into her stomach. "The Omebrey was dispatched to a distress call on Samzin where the Chippeqouti fled. A Federation air attack was ended by Chief Airman Jaiyme. Total losses include roughly 1/3rd of the citizens. Please be advised equipment and extra medical personnel are requested."

"I like et when I breat too." Illya smirked a little. He was still trying to get to sleep. It was hard to get any rest tonight and he wondered if it maybe wouldn't be worth his time to just get up and work on the guns and modifications for a few more of the models to make sure that he had a consistent outcome before teaching the men to modify them for themselves. When he was about to say something about getting up the room lit with the glow from Kalizda's pad. Squinting at the bright screen Illya stared at it. He wasn't much good at reading anymore and when it was encrypted he was even worse. Leaning close to Kalizda he waited patiently for her to read it to him. She would if he waited. The words,
hit like a rock. As badly as he wanted to run back home now and do what he could, it was too late. If he had been stubborn rather than clinging to tradition and letting them do something so stupid it might have gone better. Still, he had to keep his mind about himself and complete what he was here to do. Right now stripping the Federation of power was the only thing that would save his people and help preserve them. Carefully pushing the covers aside he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and started walking toward the bathroom. "I'll jes be back in a minute."

Calysta's eyes clamped closed into an even tighter cringe as she processed the news. How many had died because of her mistake? Terran's, Kaereleans, and Chips alike? This was her fault and no matter what she did, perhaps it was entirely irredeemable. Her heart sank a little further into her stomach when Illya tossed the covers aside and got up slowly heading toward the bathroom. He loved her and yet what she had done caused this problem to begin with. She didn't blame him for needing to be alone, away from her for awhile at least. "Okay," she mumbled thickly to his retreating back which was so scarred. Even his shoulders were slacked down. When he was out of sight, she brought her knees up to her chest and buried her face into them crying into the covers. Ehvan and Ahvah..Amil...Ehud...and sweet Edgar along with his wife...what of Asha and Ahlex? Her chest was tight as she thought of the potential losses that she held dear...that Illya loved too....

Inside the bathroom, Illya leaned against the counter. These were the sort of things he didn't know how to deal with. His entire chest felt like it was constricting, his stomach burned and he felt like he would nearly die from the grief and at the same time he was angry. Maybe angry enough to fight, but there wasn't anything to fight right now except the Federation when it came to Demos. Clenching his jaw he took a deep breath through his nose and then headed back out to the bedroom. Slipping back under the covers he laid on his back and stared at the ceiling. Kalizda was holding her knees to her chest and she was crying. He could tell by the small shakes in the mattress, but he didn't really have much left at this point. If he hugged her he would break down too. She was still all he might have by the end. After a long minute of thinking he sat up and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Illya kept his head down as the tears started to brim in his own eyes. Hot droplets clung to his eyelashes and dripped off, others trickled down his face, but he still kept his mouth set in a grim straight line.

Calysta didn't move when he returned from the bathroom other than to curl into herself further out of shame. He didn't say anything at all he slipped back into bed, which was both a terrible feeling and yet relieving. She wouldn't be able to say much with her throat clenched so tight against itself. After a moment, the bed shifted and a large arm wrapped around her shoulders, though she kept her face hidden from him. He sniffled, making her look up to him with wet cheeks and red-rimmed eyes to find him crying too. Seeing him so hurt when she had been the cause made her feel less than worthy to be taking comfort in his arms and twice as weak for being unable to make herself leave like she should. He was heartbroken and for all the world if she couldn't fix it the least she could do was be there for him, even if he might be angry. Turning his arms she wrapped a hand around the nape of her neck and pulled him closer to her chest, letting him cry into her shoulder as he wanted. "I'm so sorry, sorry..." for a moment the words caught in her throat, "It's my fault and I can't fix it. I'm sorry." Hot tears leaked down her cheeks as she tried to hold her big husband in her tiny arms.

It was hard to know what he wanted at this point. Illya knew there were things he could never change, but at the same time, he wasn't sure what he could want now, or if there was anything that he wanted in the meantime. Soft little arms wrapped part way around his shoulders and he still kept his head ducked, but he didn't min that she worked her shoulder underneath it. Momentarily he let his arm drop away from her so she could adjust however she needed. Bringing his arms up he wrapped them around her and held on for a long moment. Sniffling a few more times he raised his head slightly when she started to blame herself. "Kalizda, ets nut yah fault." Even though his voice wavered some he managed to croak the words out. "Dey make dere own choices. After battle dey could have stayed on Pytra." However she got the idea that it was her fault he didn't know and he was slightly bewildered by it.

When he pulled her closer, she somewhat melted against him while holding him at the same time as he cried. Her fingers stroked at the nape of his neck until he lift his head slightly to claim it wasn't her fault. How could he believe that it wasn't her fault? "If I hadn't pitched us into that accident...they wouldn't have left at all," she replied hoarsely, "I was supposed to protect them and I failed you." Reminding herself of it made her chest clench all the tighter as she sniffled.

Shaking his head he sighed. "No, et was meh job tah protect dem. Et was yah job tah advise. Dey choose nut tah let meh protect dem and dey choose tah leave." As hard as it was not to take the blame he knew it would only destroy him and her. "Ef yah take blame et will ruin yah heart. Et's nut yah fault and better tah know dat."

She knew what he meant by ruining her heart. Images of staring down into the mists from the deadened omne tree flashed in her mind and suddenly, she was holding him all the tighter. It had already been eating at her heart, though she had been trying to deny the fact and swallow it down. They'd made a choice and they chose wrong. Discarding common sense in favor of tradition on some things had done this despite what the catalyst had been. All they could do was be there to pick up the pieces and help as they could. Nodding into his shoulder, she kept holding him not realizing she was swaying them slightly. "They may have chosen but we can still help protect them now. The Alliance won't leave them to be killed and neither will we. We're doing all we can." She didn't want him to think they would be out there alone and undefended at all.

Illya swayed slowly with the rocking that Kalizda had started and he nodded silently when she spoke. He didn't want to say anything more. It had already been a tiring day and was wore out. His body was tired, mind overworked and his emotions were raw and painful. After a moment he rocked hard enough to just fall over onto the bed. Illya didn't really want to talk anymore, he just wanted to hold Kalizda and know that he still had her and he didn't want to work tomorrow. A day for his family and just to be at home sounded better, but he still had a job to do and he had no time to waste. "We jes try tah sleep now eh?"

Calysta felt them tip backward on to the bed and she let him take them back to laying down. She stayed exactly as she had been holding him, only this time she was draped over his chest while he held her back. At least he understood now that the Chips would never truly be abandoned. She wouldn't let that happen. It had been a long day and finally more than mere tiredness was creeping into her bones. He didn't protest to her laying on his chest as he held her wrapped in his arms. "Aye, try to rest," she replied with a sniffle into his chest, "Try to rest. "He needed to take some stress off before he started seizing from the duress, not only that but there needed to be some time to process things. Her mind was reeling too much to properly make an assessment other than her Chip wanted and needed her. She rubbed at his shoulders gently for awhile, if for anything to let him know she was there without having to actually says so. As her own, tear-weary eyes began to flutter closed she mumbled to him. "I love you, Illya."

Slowly Illya rubbed his one hand over her back while he shut his eyes and tried to rest. The news was still reeling through his head. There weren't reports of who had been killed, but 1/3 of them was too many. If this war lasted much longer his people may not survive it. They had been a target of the Federation for a long time and the war had only started. Illya's thoughts were briefly interrupted by Kalizda's gentle voice saying that she loved him and he paused rubbing her back before he looked deep into her eyes. "I love meh little bird, Kalizda and we jes work tru dis."

His green eyes pulled her in as equally as his arms did sometimes and she kept his gaze, though his image was blurred with tears. She knew that this loss hurt them both, but he loved her through it anyways. Wasn’t that what love was for? Such a deep and redeeming look in his eyes was more than she could have ever asked for and she loved him all the more for it. “Aye. We’ll work through it together.”

Taking comfort in each other, a silence filled with understanding came between them which eventually turned to exhaustion and then sleep.

The man hauling Amil away refused to let go and grit his teeth as the boy insisted. “I’ll get them...we take care of them! I promise I’ll do what I can.” Having dragged him away from the failing ship, he brought him to another man in the same gear and exchanged a quick word in Kaerelean as the ship caught fire resulting in a fireball. “He’s going to get your mum,” the Kaerelean man explained, “You did well, very well...mind if I have the pistol though?” The last thing he needed was for the kid to be firing off by accident.

Amil’s rescuer pulled a medic to his side of the field and they cleared the way to the woman who was calling for the Ehaui. The medic was a red haired woman who immediately knelt by them, first assessing the critical of the two. “Multiple stab wounds,” she said checking for a pulse with her fingers on his neck. It was faint at best. “ He’s losing blood fast.” The woman pulled out a kit and began working to stop the blood flow, ripping off his shirt and pressing compresses with coagulants gel in the mix. It would stop the outward bleeding but he needed surgery if he was going to live and she doubted the facilities in their makeshift camp had the required equipment. “Get him to the drop site, the Ehaui on board the Omebrey. Now.” Two more Kaerelean men came from behind the lines. The woman wasn’t in much better shape, her legs were horribly burnt and her belly only revealed further complication. Ehvan was hoisted onto a stretcher, his head lolling to the side as the ship behind the flamed up. More Kaereleans were flooding the area, continuing to clear and assessing triage as they went.

The red-headed woman called over her radio and then gazed into Ahvah’s eyes. “I’m taking him to the Omebrey for our Ehaui medic. He needs surgery. I’m going to send you with him.” Without further ado, another stretcher was cleared for delivery and the two women, sat it down beside her, before hoisting her into the plastic bed. “They’ll take care of you, ” the Kaerelan woman insisted. There was a small worry that the two Chips may be non-compliant, but at this point, they could hardly argue with the help. It appeared that the Ehaui set up here were just as scattered as the Chippeqouti.


Jaiyme ordered the ship settled nearby as the cleanup work began. What was left of the Chippeqouti had been gathered and he had little idea of what was happening other than it appeared two factions had come to an impasse on the subject of returning to Pyrta. Leaving Kaereal had been their choice and so was returning to it. He wasn’t about to twist their arm to return. They were still technically Alliance citizens, however, and that put it within his duty to protect them.

The crowds divided among themselves, some staying with Admiral Asha and others choosing the stupid route of staying behind. He had his orders directly from the councilwoman given the split on authority. Stepping up to Asha, he ran a hand through his hair and addressed her. “Admiral Asha, I have been ordered by General Kirit and by extension Councilwoman Monroe to inform you that any and all aide required to the Chippeqouti wishing to stay is granted. Medical staff, supplies, and security are on their way. A transport ship is also on its way to accommodate any of those wishing to return to Pyrta.”

Once he was done giving the official report, he surveyed Asha for a moment and then nodded. “I will have the secondary officers quarters prepared for you if you’ll be returning to the Omebrey during that time.”


The next day Calysta woke up reluctantly. She didn’t want to face the day this time, knowing exactly what had to be done. The list had formed in her mind over hours of fitful sleep and there was no delaying it any longer. Without disturbing Illya, she careful reached over and checked her pad to find updates on the situation at hand. The Chippeqouti had divided among themselves further, between those that wanted to go back to Pyrta and those who wanted to stay. They were weakening themselves over a tradition that was pure madness at this point and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. The fact that Asha was leading those who wanted to go back to Pyrta did take some of the sting out the knowledge, though not much. Illya wasn’t just going to wake up to a dying people, but a fractured one too. Frowning, she sent her ordered to Kirit on what to do and then laid back down for a long while thinking of what to do about their other immediate problem. Rayshe had some engineers at the base, and perhaps they could be brought in to see what could be done about the volcano. That would be her second task of the day.

Illya began to stir, his big arm flexing around her waist as if checking to make sure she was still there. “Mmm...C’mere.” She inched up his chest and woke him gently the rest of the way with small, sweet kisses. They weren’t passionate so much as tender as she outlined his jaw in little pecks. She could tell by his quiteness he didn’t quite want to get up either and she brushed his cheek with the back of her fingers. He needed time still and so did she. No amount of preparation was going to help if his mind wasn't in the right place. “I want you to spend some time with the children today,” she whispered, “Stay here and work for a bit, hm? Bentil is already training them on how to run with the new weapons and the modifications wont be ready for awhile. They can train without you for a bit. Leave things to me for awhile, yeah?” Maybe she couldn’t breathe in Tannas and live but she could deal with the aftermath of some things so he wouldn’t have to.
No sooner had Ash made her head count and began to prepare for those willing to move to be put on transports and Jaiyme approached her. Quietly she waited for him to finish the report. What she wanted was to get on with her duties and see to it that those who were ready to leave got out while they could. Slowly her left eyebrow arched when he mentioned the quarters he was going to have 'prepared' for her. "I'll have meh quarters and yah better nut be tinking of sticking yah nose where et dun belong and dat includes meh quarters."

Jaiyme raised a brow at the woman. She had never been a charmer, but this was a particularly gruff greeting. She seemed to still be under the impression that she was captain. He was captain and commanding officer aboard the Omebrey now and her things had been moved to storage on his order more than a month ago. "Your things were packed and placed into storage, when I took command of the Omebrey. "

"Yah were nut given command of the Ombrey and I did nut resign." Asha kept her harsh gaze on him and stepped close. She was a bit taller than him and she didn't mind looking down at him if she had to. "Get meh tings put back in meh quarters now, or when I go in I will trow yah stuff out and leave et in dah halls. For dis kind of challenge yah ought tah be demoted to simple soldier after a beating." Asha's fists were clenched tightly at her side and spoke with such fervor that a spattering of spittle be-dewed his face.

"I didn't have to be given command of the Omebrey," he replied firmly, wiping the spit from his cheek. The woman was over bearing and hot headed, something he didn't care for. "That's what happens when a commanding officer up and leaves their duty station and crew undermanned. You left them in my charge without so much as a word. I'd say that is more than grounds for loss of command." Crossing his arms and he gazed at her without backing down.

She hated little ladder climbers and Jaiyme chose the most backward way of achieving his rank. "Yah say et's grounds, but yah nut commanding officer. I am dah commanding officer. I still maintain full command even ef I am nut present. Jes because dah General es nut here by yah side dun mean dat he's nut dah General. Now get in dat ship and get yah stuff out of meh quarters. I am dah Admiral and you'll take yah filty little rank mongering hands and put dem tah work."

Jaiyme glared at the admiral, no longer able to contain his composure this time. "*Admiral* I am Chief Airman which makes me equal in rank to you. You only got command over me because *you* and the Chippeqouti are in the Councilwoman's favor and to slight me. You had full command until you went AWOL and your General gave command to General Kirit!" The remaining crew of the Omebrey paused in their work, staring at the scene before them at first. It was evident simply by the their faces that not all of them agreed with the man yelling at their.commander.

"Yah are nut equal in rank. Et was granted meh because of meh experience in dah wars before dis. Step down now!" Asha waited only a few seconds and she could see that his resolve was pretty well set and so was hers. Stepping away from him slightly she drew back and issued a quick and mean jab to his stomach with one fist. "Yah have no respect for yah superior officer and so I have yah forcefully transported in a room as prisoner until General and I confer on yah punishment for insubordination."

A soft 'ooh' went over the Kaerelean crew as Jaiyme doubled over from the strike to his gut before puking up what lunch he had left over in his stomach. Chunky bile splattered over both officers shoes as he heaved, clutching his stomach from the blow. Some the Kaereleans hesitated, but the female Chief engineer Daiya walked over without reserve and snatched up Jaiyme's arm, twisting it behind his back. The man was too busy dry heaving to put up much of a fight, so it was easy to guide him around. "Ma'am," she said with a firm nod, "I will be taking Commander Jaiyme to the brig and await further orders." All the Chip woman had to do was say the word and it would be done.

"It was an attempt of mutiny. Put him in dah locked room." The room was slightly more comfortable than a cell, but it wouldn't allow him free roaming of the ship and she was going to post Chippequoti guards outside of the room. No one was going to be letting him out. While she watched the people divide there was a group of people from the Ombrey that began to disperse over the planet to help her people. They had no seen this kind of help in centuries. They had cared for themselves in so long that for a moment she was struck with the strangeness of it all. These people had come regardless of the fact that she was a Chippequoti. She was their commander, but she had half expected that they would all feel the same as Jaiyme and perhaps they would deny any sort of command from her. She could have been left here trying to pick of the pieces of what was left of her people. Thankfully the sand stung in her eyes the same as everyone else and it disguised the fact that she was near the point of crying.

Edgar stood nearby with his quiet wife and the two of them worked their jaws. It was not proper to cry for this, but they were all wounded deep in their hearts. Their way of life had died here. Traditions were no longer something they could cling to as they had in the past. So many of them had died for tradition. As hard as he had tried with the help of his daughter, Yvonne they could not change the hearts of their people. So many of the Elders had clung to tradition and there were leaders such as Ehvan who had only given rise to more radical beliefs.

For a while his grandson, Illya had been questioned for his radicalism during the first war, but it became a badge of heroism when this war started. Something that those like Ehvan heralded as a brand of patriotism. Kalizda had been sucked into the same insane world of Chippequoti honor and tradition without knowing what she was fighting. It was about time someone told her what the real battle was beneath the surface. He had hoped that the move to Pytra would unify them again, but it appeared that the inevitable had only been delayed by a few years.

His old eyes watched while the many wounded were collected and brought to the ship. It was difficult to survey what remained of his people. Elpsbet pulled at Duncan's agreed. The warrior had died fighting. Women and men alike found the bodies of those they lost and wept for only a short time before others would pull them away and the soldiers would move the bodies to a pile. They had to burn them before the winds changed.

The old man's agreed raised her gnarled brown hands to cover her mouth as she saw Ehvan being carried past them on a gurney. His eyes were more of a milky blue instead of bright and with each weak breath he choked. Every exhale resulted with a gurgle and a splatter of blood that managed to force its way from between his teeth. Ahvah was behind him on another gurney and she held her stomach and cried. There was a tell tale blood at the front of her dress. She had lost her and Ehvan's baby. Despite the fact that she had already lost their child the woman held her stomach and crossed her legs in every attempt to keep the baby. Ahvah cried out as another cramp arched across her abdomen. Tears streamed down her face while she panted and sat up slightly on her cot. The woman's tan cheeks were tinged pink with the effort and she fell back on her gurney with a huff before the next cramp started. An Ehaui doctor had Ehvan rolled into the surgery room and another took Ahvah to a separate room.

Asha turned to see Amil was being half carried by some of the Kaerelean's. She knew the boy was going to be torn by what happened to his parents. His heart had to be aching to see that happen and she wanted to hold him in her arms. Part of her motherly instincts kicked in and she took him away from the foreigners. Though they had rescued him, she couldn't help throwing them a sharp glare. They didn't understand. Treating him like a boy wasn't going to fix things or even sooth the anger he had.

When Amil was handed over to Asha he glared up at her as if she was to blame for all of this. Instead of being coddled the woman looked deep into his eyes and she let him stand there in his braces. After a long moment his lower lip started to quiver. It wasn't till he started to break down and then she pulled him in close to herself. Speaking in Quoti she stroked his hair. "Your a man now. It is a hard way to grow up, but you will learn to fight and you'll learn to be a man like your father. Chippequoti have honor, strength, and love. These things are why we survive." Carefully she pushed him away from herself and she looked into his eyes again. "You'll come with me and learn to fly ships for war. I'll show you how to command fleets and you'll grow up to be a great warrior for the Chippequoti." She knew one of the only ways to keep the boy from becoming bitter like his father was to get him out of the group that had chosen to remain here. They would only stew in their hatred for decades and centuries if they lasted that long.

They would have to watch as well. If this group came to power of any kind they would become dangerous. She already knew what they would do with anyone that did not ascribe to their way of life. It would be a harsh life and the second rise of the Seventh General. Some of them still hoped for that. There were a few that thought they could restore the empire, but that time was past and she knew it as well as plenty of others.


Ahvah woke after her surgery. Her entire stomach was aching and she carefully felt along it to discover that it was far smaller than it should be. Immediately her eyes welled up and she looked at the nurse. "Where's meh baby?"

The Ehaui woman stared at her for a moment. She felt badly. There was almost nothing that she could say or do to lighten the load. "It was dead, so we removed it." Leaving the child inside would have been far worse. "I'm sorry." Somehow saying those words felt flat and uncaring at best, but it was the truth.

Still trying to remain composed Ahvah fought the tears. "Where es meh agreed?" This time the nurse pulled back a curtain and she could see Ehvan was hooked up to multiple monitors. They had a breathing mask over his face, he was turned on his side and there were multiple tubes running from his chest and heaps of bandages on his side and back. Despite the fact that she knew he was put into the coma she could still see that his brow was etched with pain. Perhaps he was not aware, but his body still knew that it was badly damaged. Looking to the nurse she nodded and the woman closed the curtain again. She couldn't bear to see him like that. When he had come over to try and save her Ehvan was already wounded and then all she remembered was him groaning with each stab and brutal kick to his ribs. His face had been twisted in pain, but he managed to somehow pull himself over her each time and protect her and the baby from the blows.

A doctor came in after a short while and he looked to her before her and began explaining the extent of the damage done to Ehvan. "Both lungs had begun to collapse, his liver suffered significant damage, pancreas was bruised, and one kidney ruptured." Aside from that she didn't understand much else of what he said. She knew that most of it was bad, but she hadn't known this internal organs had been affected so badly. Blinking a few times she looked back to the doctor and then took a breath before asking the question she dreaded the answer to. "Will he live?" The doctor shifted uncomfortably and he shook his head. "Damage to the pancreas was too much. I don't think his body will have enough time to regenerate that area. He may live for a few weeks, but it will be terrible."

This was a choice that Ahvah knew she could have been faced with at any time, but now it seemed to be too much. Slowly she sat up in the bed and lifted her chin slightly. "Den you'll have us sent back to dah planet. He would rater die dere, where he fought and among his people." It would be warmer too and that was a small comfort. "He trust meh tah make right choice for him now. Give meh medicine tah ease his pain and I take him home." There wasn't much of a home left, but she knew what he would want. Besides, she didn't have a child left to worry about. It was dead and now she could care for Ehvan until he died.


It felt good to lay in bed for a while longer. Kalizda laid in his arms for a bit more until Lohgan woke up and then it was time for them to move. Illya pushed the covers back and he crawled to the edge of the bed and then pulled Lohgan out of her crib and brought her to the center of the big bed to play. Kalizda was peeling back her side of the covers and starting out of the room. "I jes take care of Lohgan till nap time eh?"

The girl kicked her feet and giggled every time her dad would lower his head and growl. She grabbed onto his curls and dove on top of his head before he pulled away and she would plop onto the bed. Another squeal sounded as she prepared for him to attack her again. When that game wore out mom came in with a bottle and she had dad feed her. It was a treat when dad got to hold her. What was even better was that mom was there too and she got them both to herself for just a little while before mom left again. Lohgan was excited because she knew dad would let her play for as long as she wanted. Dad always let her play longer.

Longer wasn't too much more because it was barely half an hour of vigorous playing and she started to get fussy. Illya held her while she whined and made her protest known. She didn't want to fall asleep when she'd been having a such a good time, but it was too much and she was tired out. When she finally started to snooze he moved her over to her crib and put on some clothes.

Illya shuffled out of the bedroom. It was hard not to think about his people and what happened. When he stepped out he started to look around for Kalizda and he spotted her after a short period of searching her out. Her back was to him for the time and so he crept up as quietly as he could and slipped his arms around her waist. Resting his chin on top her head he rocked her from one side to the other carefully. "Yah jes want tah have shower wit meh? Den maybe we cook togeter?" He would rather spend his day doing little things with his family instead of thinking of what happened.

Calysta stood at the console looking over reports from the moon base sent by Rashye. As she was tapping out a message back to the commander when a strong but surprisingly gentle arm slipped around her, then another before a soft whisper met her ears. She leaned back into him, slipping a hand behind her to the side of his neck. She always loved it when he held her like that, just because he wanted to. Even more so now that it seemed..better between them. "Mmm..." she hummed softly, "Aye, but you might have to convince me just a little more." It was a simple poke at him that she couldnt resist as she chuckled.

It felt good to hold her and Illya could feel her back start to warm against his chest and stomach. After a moment she responded and it was more than pleasing. She was giving him an invitation to flirt. At least that was how Illya saw it. Flirting with her was fun, or he could just tease her too. "I know yah want meh." Smirking a little he craned his neck at an angle so he could kiss the side of her neck and move along to her cheek. "Maybe, I jes remind yah how much yah want meh. Eh?" All things considered it was more fun to flirt and so he settled with that. Sliding one hand from her stomach to her hip he let the broad palm brush over her hip and slide down her leg. "Meh little bird es perched in her Silver Mountain and dah Wolf ride on her wings to her nest. Dere he guards her little ones and watches over his prize bird. She es dah pride of her Wolf."

She hadn't seen this side of him until recently again and some times it still caught her off guard, even if she was the one who started the flirting. His hand slipped over her hip and down her leg, pressing her closer, and she couldnt help but let out a little breath. He made it hard to resist kissing him on the spot, but she wanted to flirt more too as his lips tickled at her cheek. Titling her neck so he could get to it better, she hummed. "Aye, the little bird always wants her Wolf. She has secrets for him and only him." Leaning back she whispered to him. "While he protects her and her babies, she whispers them in his ear."

When she played hard to get it was more fun, but Illya was almost out of ideas. Just because he liked flirting didn't mean that he was always good at it. "Mmm." Kissing her again he paused for a moment before starting the little kisses all over. After a long moment he had another idea and he tried to speak to her as best he could in Kaerelean. "What secrets does meh little fly have for it?" He wasn't quite doing well in word choice and he had some words that were close and others that were about as far off as they could get.

Giggling she slipped her arms over his and tilted her head back with a knowing gaze in her grey eyes. "Take her to the bedroom and she'll tell you everything she knows." It was a invitation to get a little more wild and she wondered if he would take her up on it.

It wasn't quite what Illya had expected to hear, but he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity either. Illya shifted his hands to her waist and he turned her around before moving each hand to rest on the back of one of her legs. Pulling her up he had her straddling him and he winked. "Yah better hold on dis time. I take meh bird to dah bedroom."

She grinned as he lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. The blush had blossomed over her face as she slipped her hands around his neck, gazing at him playfully. "Aye, I'm not going anywhere," she giggled, "Strong wings, you see."

Now that she was facing him it was easier to kiss her and Illya didn't bother responding to her last statement. They were almost to the room when he finished kissing her lips and cheeks. It was just long enough to slide the door open to their room. When he had the door shut again and he locked it Illya sat down on the bed with her. "What sort of secrets does dah little bird keep?"

The kissing down the hallway was broken only by her smiles under his lips until he sat them down on the bed together. At this point what she wanted was simply to be with him in any capacity she could be. When he asked what secrets she might have, she wasn't quite sure how to answer she had thought that far head. Running her hands through his curls, she took in his tan face for moment longer, truly studying him....the way his curls bounced over his brow now, giving him a younger look, his rosy cheeks and cheeky smile. She wanted him to know so many things. "She holds the secrets of her love," she replied, kissing one cheek, "Her wolf is her best friend..." she kissed the other cheek, "Her wolf is her joy." Then she held his face smiling. "Her Wolf is her most prized and honored. And she wants him always."


Illya stayed in bed with Kalizda to snuggle a few minutes after the 'work' and just held her close. They would have to shower soon and move on with the day. Every now and then he would plant a gentle kiss on her neck. There was still that lurking feeling and he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how. What could he say? He was upset? She already knew he was upset by the fact that so many of his people had died. They couldn't go back right now, and he couldn't do anything to help. It was done. There was nothing to say and yet he wanted to do something.

Finally, Illya moved to get up with her. "We take a shower now eh?" The rest of the afternoon he spent cooking, cleaning and playing with the kids. He was relieved to have a day with just his family, but by the end he wasn't feeling much better. It was getting late and Illya took Kalizda's hand when she came to sit on the bed with him. "I tink maybe we take a week after dah battle here jes to explore. I remember long time ago dat yah say yah want tah explore and I say dat yah take meh wit." Leaning a bit closer to her he whispered in her ear. "Dere es cave in forest dat I want tah explore tahnight. Maybe I take yah on explore wit meh for change?"

Momentarily he thought it looked like she was wondering if he meant now and he stood up. Gently he pulled on her hand. "Et's good time tah go. I see strange bird in dah cave dat I never see before. I catch one eh?"

It was dark outside, but Illya had an idea. On the way through the forest with Kalizda he grabbed a large stick and he drug it along with them. On the way up the hill he heard a few screeches and he carefully worked his way to the side. "Et es big and I tink I draw et away from nest long enough tah get one of et's young. Dey have strong head like eagle, talons en front, but dey have four legs and back legs look like cat legs and dey have tail wit featered end on et." He had seen the larger bird once during their runs and drill. Illya watched for days to find where it would hide. Oddly it was a cave bird and that meant that it would be unusually strong and difficult to fight. He didn't want to kill the mother because it would be too dangerous for the young, but he did want one of the little ones.

Carefully taking his flashlight out of his pant pocket he turned it on and then flashed it into the cave. The bird drew it's head away and he knew it was momentarily blinded, but he also saw one of its young had ventured out from under her wing with it's ear tilted slightly forward. That was the bird he wanted, the one that had ventured closer to the cave. While the mother was blinded from the light she gave an angry shriek and Illya tossed the massive stick he carried out into the dark. It hit a tree and clattered through the branches before it fell to the ground.

The mother bird heard the sound and her head turned toward it before she stepped to the entrance of the cave and flew over the forest to look for the intruder. Taking his chance Illya darted forward, stole the baby bird and started back down the side of the hill with Kalizda. The little bird was tucked under his arm and it was roughly the size of his dog, Elijah. A sharp peck to his hand almost made Illya drop it, but he adjusted his hand and the bird pecked at his shoulder, arms, and whatever else it could reach. By the time he reached the ship with Kalizda he had several deep gashes and gouges from the bird's beak, but he was sure he could train it for something. It could make a good bird to ride if it could be trained to be a little more tame. It was all a work in progress.

Illya's eyes were bright with the excitement of his accomplishment and he put the little bird into a large crate. Tomorrow he would have to start working with it. "We jes keep dah kids away. I tink et would hurt dem." Kalizda was already trying to patch him up and Illya shrugged it off till they were back in the bedroom. He was more than ready to get into bed and got to sleep, but she had a few more band aids to put over his arms and hands. If he was still bleeding in the morning she would probably have to give him a few liquid stitches, but that wasn't such a big deal. Crawling into the bed Illya flopped one arm over Kalizda and he went to sleep. It wasn't peaceful rest. His entire village was in trouble and he could see even his father looked worried. Illya looked at the man for a long moment before he saw that Markus had a portion of his face blown off. "Uh no." Turning away from Kalizda in his sleep he groaned and buried his face in his pillow and murmured incomprehensible words. With a sigh he flopped over to his back and then started to murmur again.

Like usual Maks was sitting around and grinning like a goon. There was never any telling what he was thinking. Still, it was nice to just be able to sit and enjoy a little drink with Maks. They joked around like usual and Illya started to relax. It was just the way it was supposed to be. He didn't really know where they were at, but it was alright. If Maks was there and Ehvan and the other's then it was a good place.

A sudden blast sent them all flying and Illya felt searing pain run through his back and his leg hurt. His whole right side of his body hurt so badly he almost passed out. Blood was everywhere and he turned onto his stomach so he could pull himself toward the communications agent. "Back up. I need...." His breathing became more erratic as he looked around and he started to panic. His men, they were everywhere and they were dying. Some of them were blown in half and they were still trying to get into the caves in the desert. Jolting awake Illya gasped for breath and he rolled to his let side. Even though it wasn't possible for his prosthetic to hurt he could swear he felt every heartbeat right down to the metal foot. His back was hurting too and he groaned subconsciously as he tried to get comfortable. Nestling in under his warm blanket he frowned. It was an odd dream and despite the fact that he'd captured the strange bird and he should be planning ways to train it, he was thinking of releasing it again. He didn't have energy to deal with it right now.


Edgar typed the number into the pad. It was about time someone talked with Kalizda. He hadn't got a chance to assemble those elders that had joined him to make any kind of decision and they wouldn't be able to do that until they reached Pytra, but he knew she would want to know more. There were some things he would have to explain to her as well. The first time he called her, she didn't answer. It was unusual that she would be gone at this time or that she wouldn't have her pad unless she was with Illya. If that was the case he almost preferred that she didn't answer. Instead he left a brief message for her. "Kalizda, I need tah talk wit yah when yah have time and yah alone. Send meh hologram request when yah have better time."
Sleeping through the night was easier once she had cried a bit. There had once been a time when crying in front of anyone was something she would avoid at all costs. She would go hide away and pick herself up where no one could see. It had been a habit that slowly chiseled away once she married Illya. For the first few years that had been her temptation, and there had been a fair bit of tears after his head injury, some of which should couldn't hide. Now, some how, she found herself wanting to be laying in the bed right beside him. His arms kept her comfortably nestled against his chest as she sniffled and let her fingers pet at his smooth, tan skin. It was assuring to have him so close when she was upset. Perhaps that did make her weaker than before, letting herself rely on someone for comfort, but it didn't feel wrong. He never made her feel like a chore or a burden when she was upset, even when he was upset too. Holding him close, she fell into a dreamless sleep wrapped up with him.

Her eyes opened slowly and she checked the clock on the hologram panel to find it was late morning. Illya wasn't awake yet and that was alright. He needed the day off and that's exactly what he was going to get. Rolling over, she bound him up in her arms and let out a long breath, trying to sort out the different thoughts running through her mind. One the one half, she thought about the Chippeqouti and on the other, she was running through the list of daily tasks she needed to accomplish while Illya rested. Illya stirred after awhile and Calysta inched over his chest to kiss on him gently. "Rest today..." She traced her lips along his jawline, then nibbled at his ear before stopping at the sound of Lohgan waking up. When he offered to watch Lohgan for the morning, Calysta wouldn't deny him time with his beautiful little girl. "Aye, stay with her," she chuckled as she threw the covers to the side. Leaving Illya with a gentle kiss, and Lohgan with a sweet nibble on her fingers, Calysta dressed and went to work. "C'mon Aymos, Elijah, Daisy." At the sounds of their names, the pups perked up and followed her happily out of the door, ready for a bathroom break.

Her father was already making breakfast for everyone in the kitchen and Calysta paused in the doorway, watching them all before she was noticed. Cypher was shoveling handfuls of eggs into his mouth and Rose talking all about her next story to Priscilla who was listening with a smile. Her father was flipping eggs with the pan rather than the spatula and trying to show off his 'cooking' skills with a grand smile, though no one was watching. All around him, the busy packs of dogs were waiting to see if Thomas would mess up again and drop another egg for them to lick up. This was her family and she loved them. The pain the Chippeqouti must be feeling having lost so much was probably more than she could imagine. Their community was so close and many of them were family, as she had learned.

"Mam! Look et! Papa makes eggies!" Cypher had spotted her and was already offering her a handful of mashed eggs as he kicked his chubby feet excitedly. Calysta's thoughts were interrupted by her son's voice. It was a sound she never grew tired of even if he was loud in nearly every noise he made. "I see that," she smiled as she walked over to sit beside him. He grinned and ate another handful, making Calysta chuckle. "Lets try that fork little man." He preferred his hands, but he needed to learn to use utensils eventually, even if he didn't like it. She offered him the fork, putting it his egg coated fist and curling his fingers around the handle. Already, he was fussing about using it to eat. That method was far too slow and much less fun. Sighing, Calysta tried again, making him use the fork to scoop up eggs and funnel them haphazardly into his mouth. "That's better," she said, smoothing down his hair, "If you use your fork, we can go play with Cin in a bit, yeah?"

The rest of the morning passed along as any other would. Her main task once the children were taken care of was to visit the market. She took Cypher and Rose out to the market looking specifically for snake meat. "Are you going to make snake stew?" Rose asked brightly as they wandered along. Calysta nodded as she held on to Cypher's plump hand. "Aye, I thought Wolf might like that. Help me find the meat? I'm not sure they would have snake meat here. All I see is fish."

Rose nodded and they separated in the market, splitting up to find what they were searching for. After an hour, Rose caught up with her, reporting a stall with 'really big snakes' and when they went to investigate, she found all sorts of live snakes in glass containers. "How much for one?" she asked the Silx running the stand. He turned to his Agan counterpart who was feeding a fat rat to a vicious looking serpent with long fangs. "They sold as pets for rich man, you have coin, Innas?" her tone was brash until she looked up to see who it was that had spoken. "Ah, you have coin, Kalzda? Big man wants pet?" The Agan woman corrected herself as much as any of her people would. Everyone knew the man was fond of animals. There was an entire slew of them riding aboard their fancy ship and the Innas man must have wanted another. His little wife gave him just about anything he wanted anyways.

"Aye, I have coins or credits," she said, "Which do you like?"

"Coin. You give and pick snake," the woman instructed.

Calysta browsed the selection until she came up to a large yellow and white boa with a thick girth. It looked passive enough to deal with and she pointed to the balled up snake. "That one."

The Agan woman reached into the tank and grabbed the snake by the back of the head, stretching it out with a practiced hand. "Here. 40 bronze."

Calysta looked into the serpent's eyes as it's pink tongue flicked out, tasting the air. The Agan wanted her to just carry it home like that. Usually, when she picked up a snake it was already dead. At least this one didn't have fangs and all she had to do was unwrap it from the tail it decided to give her a squeeze. "Rose hand her the coins and lets get this snake home." Plucking the snake from the tiny woman's hands, she could feel its strong muscles wiggling in her palm, already enjoying the heat from them.

As they made their way back to the ship, the python continued trying to work its way toward her face. "Oh no you don't..." she grumbled at it. Cypher took off running head of her with Monster, yelling and yipping along with the pup until he tripped over a tree right and face planted into the dirt. "Cypher!" Seeing the fall made her grimace and out of instinct she walked over and picked him up by the back of his shirt, letting go of the snake with one hand for a moment. Already, her little boy's feet were ready to run again. "Alright...alright go ...ON!" Having been released, the snake wormed it's way into her shirt sleeve and was slowly making its way toward her bra. There was a snake inside her shirt.

"Rose...I need you to grab the snake," Calysta said quickly.

Her daughter, who had been walking behind her, gave her a skeptical look. "Ew. No. Why would I do that?"

Calysta growled, fumbling with her shirt as the critter tried to wrap around her arm, wiggling further toward her chest. Turning her heels she met her daughter's gaze. "Just came get the snake, yeah?"

As soon as Rose saw the problem, she started to laugh, holding her stomach. The longer she laughed, the more Calysta had to struggle with the heat-seeking serpent as it explored the inside of her shirt, heading for her waistband. "'s going lower. Help me get it out!" With her mother sound a bit more urgent, Rose walked over and grabbed the snake's tail to start helping all the while giggling and muttering 'Ew...ew...ew...'


When they returned, Calysta let Cypher play with Cin, giving Rose some spending money for watching him for awhile, as she worked on a few things. The girl would give her time and it was good for her to earn a reward for helping out. Technically, her father could watch him as easily, but this was small excuse to let Rose earn her own money and learn responsibility for spending it.

Mainly Calysta wanted to work on the problem with the volcano and see that the group on Samzin had all of the proper supplies. Once her orders were given to Kirit, she settled in for a long conference call with Rayshe. He had a few different solutions, most of which included different ideas for ridding the area without disturbing the equipment already set into the ash cap. "We could set up a rig to force air through the shafts, making them come out That would ensure the drill and explosives were untouched," Calysta suggested, thoughtfully. She could hear the man grow quiet over the comms, considering the proposal. "We would need extensive maps of the area, direction from the locals and would have to be done fast to keep them from going to their solid form."

It was as good a plan as she could come up with without exposing the village to danger or blowing everyone sky high and it wasn't perfect. "I'll get you in touch with Kensi and Bentil here on the ground so you can talk to them about the different areas a set up like that would be needed the most. Start running the numbers and let me know if you think it's plausible." She would have Illya check over the calculations later on of course, but Rayshe could at least do most of the legwork.

Illya's distraction was more than worth it, and she readily spent the afternoon making love and enjoying the shower alongside him. He was quiet for the most part, but she could tell that whenever he wasn't kissing her or they weren't focusing on each other in the bath that he had something else on his mind. Several times, his mouth twitched as if he wanted to say something, but he never did. She had the urge to ask and at the same time, she didn't want to ruin his day of relaxation either. Perhaps he simply didn't know what or how to talk about what he wanted to express. Given the news they received last night, it was understandable and she let him be for awhile.

Once they were out of the shower, Illya surprised her by stating after their work on Demos was complete that they should take a week or two off before moving on to the next planet to explore. He remembered telling her she should keep exploring and that she should bring him along. The idea that he recalled even a fraction of that conversation made her smile and her eyes sparkle a little. Not only that, but he wanted to take her exploring into an area he had found on the island. Grinning, she chuckled at the whispers in her ear and nodded. "And when we are done here, I'll pick a nice quiet planet for us to explore a bit after Demos. We can spend some time with the family, yeah?" Apparently, he meant to go exploring at that moment and as he explained what he wanted to go find, all she could think of was the bird from the Wilds loose in their house, how it had practically mauled her and then how Trouble, their rooster, had been intent on doing the same thing. She may have been lovingly called little bird, but it didn't mean birds liked her.

Despite the slightest of hesitations, she smiled and let Illya lead her into the dark jungle with her hand in his. Adventuring was fun for both of them and getting out of the chip was a good thing for awhile. They made their way up the mountain until they came to an outcropping lined with trees and a cave set into the mountainside. It was there they found the strange creatures that Illya had mentioned. The birds were so much birds as they were beasts, almost reminding her of a Terran fable with their strong bird bodies in the front and cat like rears. Mother bird sat nestled with the down feathered babies under her wings. Upon seeing the babies, she knew immediately Illya would want one. "Illya I think-"

Too late. Illya was already springing into action, flashing the light and tossing the branch, causing the mother to swoop away from them to inspect. He lurched in and snatched up one of the babies while the mother was away, then started hauling down the mountain with her running behind. She dashed behind Illya, tripping over a rocks and tree roots in the dark, leaping over a gully carved by a bubbling creek. Being around with the mother returned wasn't something either of them wanted. The whole way down, the hatchling screeched and squawled for its mother, as it ripped into Illya's shoulder with it's beak. It's mother was calling from up the mountain and Calysta readied herself to meet an angry bird if it followed them, but it didn't. In a way, this was exciting. Running with her Chip through the forest and discovering new creatures. Adrenaline rushed through her as she clambered over a rock, then leapt off to catch up with Illya who was still wrestling with the baby bird.

The excitement came to an end when they managed to get into the animal bay and Illya stood up from stuffing the bird into one of their carrier crates. His eyes were alight with the thrill of a new animal to tame though this one was quite vicious. That was what she wanted to see. "I suppose I'll be building a new corale then," she chuckled. He mentioned keeping it away from the kids and Calysta nodded in agreement. "Aye, I wont let the children come near it until it's trained up a bit. It might do well to trim it's claws up as well." The beak they couldn't do much about but either trimming its claws or capping them with soft covers would help keep Illya and anyone else getting torn to shreds. Her eyes crept to the blood spots covering his shoulder and arms. Even a little one had done quite a bit of damage and she couldn't let those go untreated. Why did he always insist on letting animals shred him to no end? "C'mon lets get you cleaned up," she said.

He was reluctant to let her patch him up, waving her off as she tried to add more bandaids to the bloody holes left by the bird's beak. "Just let me put a few more on and I'll leave you alone." It was almost as if he was disinterested in actually taking care of himself, or actually letting her help. "Stubborn Chip," she sighed, shaking her head. It wasn't until they were in bed together that she remembered she had yet to butcher and cook the snake, having been entirely distracted by her afternoon with Illya who had flopped a hand over her and already gone to sleep. He hadn't even eaten or asked for food. It was slightly worrisome, and she vowed to make a big breakfast with his favorite things to tomorrow morning, then include then make him a delicious snake dinner. Kissing his cheek, she curled up under his arm and tried to sleep.

Sleep consisted of brief stolen hours between Illya's tossing and turning. He mumbled almost constantly, rolling back into the covers and at one point smacking her in her back with a heavy hand. By the time he was partially shoving her and grumbling "Uh no" She decided it was best to scoot over and sit up against her pillow. There was no telling if he would break out into more vivid nightmares, she would have to be ready to move out of the way. The night ticked by as she slept lightly against the head board until Lohgan began to stir. Illya was still asleep, having settled down finally, but it was morning now. She would have to get up to take care of the children.

Dragging herself out of bed, Calysta opted to let Illya continue sleeping in. He had gotten very little real rest and one more day being at home wouldn't hurt if Bentil was in charge of training. She pulled the blanket over his bare shoulder, checking the bandages on his arms as she did. They were bleeding through the bandaids and would need liquid stitches when he woke up.

Lohgan was already kicking in her bed, ready to play and giggled when she saw her mothers face appear over her. "There's my pretty girl," Calysta smiled tiredly, "C'mon lets go make breakfast little dancer."

Calysta shuffled down the hall with Lohgan balanced on her hip. She was at the perfect weight for her to lift up over her head, giving her a wiggle to make her laugh. Up she went into the air with a squeal and then back down. "Are you a bird like your Mam? Huh?" On the third lift, Calysta added a little hop and then brought Lohgan down to her chest, cuddling her close. It always amazed her how sweet baby hair smelled even if they weren't so fresh on the bottom end. She missed that smell now that Cypher had grown up some. Lohgan tugged at her hair, taking a fist full of it and attempting to feed it into her mouth. "Oh, no, no. Don't eat that," Calysta said, unwrapping the curl, "We're going to make something better."

When they made it to the kitchen, Calysta went about pulling all of the ingredients she wanted from the fridge and setting up the stove to make pancakes. "We need flour..." she sang to Lohgan, "And eggies...then we need to make some tea for Dah and coffee for Papa..."Each word carried a warbled note and even if she couldn't sing, Lohgan didn't seem to mind as she laughed in delight. "Ooooh and we can't forget the cream!"

One by one, everyone began to shuffle in. Priscilla came in and offered to take Lohgan from her hands, but Calysta shook her head. "No, I think I'll just hold onto her. We're putting on a show." She danced around the room, and dolloped a spot of fresh whipped cream on her little girl's nose before Cypher walked in asking for the same. "Mine too!" She spotted his nose with some of the fluffy white cream and he giggled while Monster toppled him trying to lick it off. Her father came by heading straight for the coffee pot, patting her back along the way. By the time Illya came in, Calysta was waiting there with a smile and a steaming pile of pancakes piled high with cream. "Good morning," she said, kissing his cheek, "Hungry?"


After breakfast, Calysta sent Illya out with the children to play for awhile. "One more day won't hurt," she insisted, as she passed over Lohgan, "I'll have a few things to do around here and then I'll come out with you, yeah?"

Once Illya was headed toward the animal bay, Calysta went to their office and picked up her pad. Rayshe would have sent her the numbers on their idea for clearing the mountain by now and she wanted an update from Kirit on the Chippeqouti. Rather than a report, she opened her screen to find a message waiting for her...from Edgar. Calysta clutched her pad in her hand tightly as she bit her lip. Only basic communication had been made between themselves and Kirit, and never holograms. It wasn't safe to do so given what they were doing and yet Edgar was asking to hologram meet with her. Even considering sending a transmission Illya didn't approve of made her slightly sick to her stomach, considering her last mistake. She trusted Illya, but she also knew he was upset. Could she add this to the stress? The internal debate continued until she thought about everything that had happened. The Chippeqouti were lost and if Edgar needed help or to speak to her she couldn't leave them to ruin. Walking down the hall, she turned into the only room she would have any privacy in and it would be nondescript enough to look like any other place....the bathroom. Once she was sitting behind the glass shower door, Calysta held up the pad and began encoding the encrypted hologram of herself to Edgar's own hologram coin.

Edgar had kept his pad with himself. They not left on board the Ombrey yet. It was a good time if she could possibly get back to him before the next day or so. Like anyone else he could only take so much and Edgar chose to go on a walk to help relieve some of his stress. While he was walking his pad began to vibrate and he answered it. "Hello?" It had been encoded and if he wasn't waiting for Kalizda to get back to him, he may not have answered.

Edgar's tan and wrinkled face appeared on the hologram, his hair a grey wave over his head and slightly mussed. The last time she has seen the Elder, he has been passingLohgan back to her with a grand smile breaking through the wrinkles on his cheeks. Now, a look of sorrow was embedded on his brow. Calysta nodded, and tucked a lock of her long hair behind her ear. "Edgar? It's me, Kalizda. I don't have much time alone, but I'm here. What can I do?".

When Kalizda's face appeared he was relieved and he knew that the news he had would be difficult to deliver, but he was going to do it anyway. "Don't come back to Pytra. There are some of us heading there and I have yet to speak with the Elders. I will be doing what I can to reverse the exile with this group here. Until then keep him away and whatever you do, don't let him go to the desert with the others. Even if they reverse his exile first. He can't go there." Edgar searched her face even if it was just with the hologram. "Do you understand?"

Calysta listened to his instructions carefully, her own frown settling into her lips further than before. Pyrta was their technical home, and they would go back someday regardless if they were exiles or not. She loved the Chips, but their ways were nonsensical at times on tradition. Still, at least they had Edgar in their corner trying to help. He hadn't left them entirely. What puzzled her more was why they couldn't go back to the other group if the exile was reversed. "I understand the instructions but not the reasoning, Edgar. Why not unite the groups if the exile ends?"

"We can't unite." Edgar sighed. "There was bound to be a split and when it happened there would be a fight for loyalties. Ehvan is not likely to live and if he dies they don't have anyone left from the Elite with the ability to lead. Duncan is dead too and then they'll want Illya to come back, but not as you know him. They will want him to restore the empire. It isn't something easily dismissed. There have been two factions for a long time. Markus raised Illya to restore the empire and he knows this. Wherever you are I know he has not chosen to stop fighting. Just be careful that you ask him for things that will lead away from the empire. Even if it were restored we know that it is rare a son or daughter can accomplish as their father and then the Chippequoti would be at war again."

The Elders words were alot to take in at one moment. Duncan was dead, Ehvan on his deathbed, and the Chips divided far more deeply than she knew. Why? She had made a mistake and had been punished for it, did that really mean the Chippeqouti whom she cared for and had been protected by the Alliance would turn against them? She swallowed down her feelings of heartbreak for the Chippeqouti...Ehvan..Ahvah...Duncan. Poor Amil. There was also a sense of slight betrayal and anger that this split faction would ask that of Illya, knowing what it would mean. "Edgar, all of the Chippeqouti are Alliance citizens and I know if the split faction seeks to conquer Alliance territories...I can't protect them anymore. I don't them at war. Illya...may have been raised that way, but I know he doesn't want war forever. I don't want that either..." She didn't want that for Illya or herself, her people and least of all her children. Her heart was pounding and she didn't realize she her knuckles had turned white from her grip on the pad. "Please, do what you can Edgar. Help me reason with them."

Despite the fact that he had tried to explain it was difficult for Kalizda to see what he was trying to say. "I am doing what I can, but I don't think you understand. Illya has never chosen a side and now he has to." Edgar wanted her to know instead of being caught off guard. "Both sides agreed to his agreement with you and it is the only reason he carried through with it the first time. Markus convinced the empire seekers that you were a key element. You could be a diplomat and you would represent a side that we could not understand as well. With you, he has been able to accomplish far more. His resignation from the Alliance could be dangerous. He is no longer loyal only to them. It could be seen from both sides as a benefit, but the empire seekers see it in a more favorable light than I do. Kalizda, you are seen from my side of things as a possible redemption and grace for our people. Like Isla, he loves you deeply and you could ask for an empire and he would give it to you, or you could ask him for other things when the time comes."

She had known some of the Chippeqoutididnt care for outsiders, but she had thought perhaps that time and a patience would be rewarded. That perhaps they had come to at least tolerate the Alliance and the people who had shown them kindness. She was wrong and to some, she had been a tool. To Illya, she had been a risky bet and had both sides not agreed, he would never have followed through with it. Adopted, but still an outsider to the end to some. The second part of what he said made the tears slip down her cheeks though she knew it wasn't appropriate, and she wiped her face quickly. "I understand. Edgar...thank you. For telling me."

Edgar hated to see the little woman cry. She had been gentle and he cared deeply for her as a granddaughter. If he could he would have comforted her, but there was little he could do. "Our little bird woman is much stronger than she knows. I didn't want you to be caught unaware. Whatever you and Illya choose it won't change how I feel about you. You should know that we fought hard to keep the Dark Chippequoti united and I will always consider you my granddaughter. Keep safe and remember what I told you."

The old face before her was sincere and she knew that, but at the moment there were too many thoughts welling in her mind. Only when he told her that he still considered her a granddaughter, could he truly look him in the eye again. "You're the only grandfather I've ever known and for all the galaxy I know you are the better than any of them I could have imagined." She meant it, and she wanted him to know just in case it was the last time they spoke. "I know you fought hard. I will see you again on Pyrta." It was a small encouragement, though her voice wavered a little. "Message me if you need anything at all. And be safe."

As soon as the image faded, Calysta put down her pad with shaking hands and let out a small sob. Frustration coupled with sadness and anger boiled in her mind as Edgar's words sank in. Used. That was the way she felt in some ways. She had thought that giving the Chippeqouti a chance to leave their circumstances, being kind and working hard would make them want to be protected by the Alliance as well. It had been all she could do to protect them from genocide. Instead, at least some of them felt like that wasn't enough. An empire? Were they insane? It was madness to think that it was possible when they had the Federation to deal with. It was no wonder they had come to close to extinction.

Some would argue that she should pull all aide from the survivors that wanted to stay. They would die if she did that, however. Wouldn't that be better for the Alliance if they stirred up trouble? They were still Alliance citizens with full rights and it would be an open rebellion if something like that happened. Thinking like that made her feel sick to her stomach. It sounded like something the Federation would think of. She was angry too. They spoke of honor and made her think that she had caused their deaths. This was a bed of their own making hiding behind tradition and she had the temptation to let the ones remaining on Samzin lay it. Her chest tightened as she sent a fist into the wall panel of the bathroom, making a small dent. She regretted the motion immediately. Not only did it send a sharp pain in her knuckles, tearing at the skin, but it damaged her ship which she tried very hard to take care of. Wiping angrily at her face, she snatched the towel and slid it across the rack to hide the mark.

Then there was Illya. Edgar's words rang in her head as she sniffled. Illya had wanted something from her from the beginning and that had been to learn to fly. But to start an empire? He'd once told her the Chippeqouti always conquer, but he hadn't seemed the type who wanted something like that. He hated fighting and she knew that beyond a doubt. Surely, conquest wasn't something he wanted. What he wanted was to be with his people and his family. But what if that was their condition for lifting their banishment? Would Illya do such a thing? Pit her people against his? It would rip their family apart.

Her mind was reeling, and ultimately, she knew that sitting here doing nothing would produce exactly that. Nothing. She had to move. Stumbling, to her feet, she turned on the sink and washed her face, hoping to cover some of her crying spell. She seemed to do that alot lately, but not without reason. Once she was satisfied that her face wasn't a mess, Calysta marched to the back of the ship to find Illya sitting with the children in the soft grasses with the Lohgan crawling over his chest and Cypher tackling Cin. Rose was reading in the sunshine nearby. All it took was one look at Illya to know he would never tear apart his family. He loved them, all of them, including her. Still she did need to talk to him about this, because to move forward they would need to do so together. There was no other way. "Rose, can you watch Cypher and Lohgan for a little while?" The girl looked up from her pad and nodded eagerly, always eager to earn more coins. "Sure, Kalizda."
Calysta took Illya's hand gently in hers, tiny and slender fingers wrapped around his tan ones. "There's a nice trail Kensi showed me with some berries. I thought maybe we could go have a look and have some time for us, yeah?" If they brought their son along none of the berries would make it back to the ship anyways so it was best that it was just the two of them for a while. The rain had just fallen, making everything humid but clean from the ash that had fallen over the night. The jungle was thick and shady, its canopy covering the trail as they walked along in the quiet for a while. They came to a small footbridge over a ceynote pool of emerald water and she paused looking down over the railing. She was nervous and admittedly stalling having the conversation that was rolling in her head. "This reminds me of a place on Pyrta," she commented quietly. It was the first words that came to her mind.

"There was a pool during the rainy season just like this. I used to go there because it was quiet." Her eyes grew a little distant as she looked over the water. "The purists caught me there one day. Threw rocks at me, caught me. Beat me. I fought back and all I remember was this anger. I hit one of them over and over until my knuckles were raw and they dragged me off, then tossed me into the water." Why she was spilling all of this, she didn't know. She had never told anyone that before. "One of the farmers was waiting for me when I pulled myself out and offered me a hand. I shoved him away. I hated them all I could hardly stand myself. I wanted that farmer to leave me alone and if it tool jumping off the edge, so be it." Her own reflection stared back at her in the water, very much different than the young woman she was speaking of. "Rather than leaving me, he offered me a blanket and sat me down on the dock. I took it because I didn't want to go into town soaking wet. He let me sit for a long time and then asked me if I was still angry and if I hated them. All I could do was nod. I did hate them for everything, Illya."

Even if Illya felt a little tired he didn't mind the thought of a walk. Just the two of them was a good thing too. He liked having quiet walks every now and then. Kalizda's tiny little fingers slipped into his hand and he squeezed them gently. Glancing to her he grinned a little bit and rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. It was just habit that when he held her hand he rubbed the back of it with his calloused thumb. The walk was quiet and that was ok. Illya always figured that a person was a good fit if you could be quiet around them. Not every moment had to be filled with chatter of sorts. After a while Kalizda started to tell him a story about herself. One that he didn't know or hear before and he listened to her. There wasn't much that he could say about it and he glanced to her when she finished. It sounded like she was trying to get at something, but he didn't know what. "Yah still hate dem?"

"No. I don't like them, of course, but no I don't hate them." She bent down and scooped up to rough stones, fiddling with them between her fingers. "The farmer pulled a few coins from his pocket and tossed one into the water. He told me to watch the ripples and said that the purists made their decision and I was one of the ripples from disturbing the pond. He told me that was all I would ever be. Some sort of result from what they did." She tossed one of her chosen rocks into the water letting it fall away to the bottom with a small splash and watching the still surface ripple from the impact. "I started to yell but he stopped me and tossed another coin in beside the first." She dropped the second rock in and watched the ripples from the second rock combat the first. "He said I could be my own coin. Make my own way, and decide what I wanted to bring out into the world. I could walk my own path and not be the ripple they wanted to make me. I hated them so much and I was so angry, but if I kept hating them, I would be exactly what they wanted and what they expected me to be. I wanted to be a coin and not a ripple, Illya." Her eyes drifted up to his, a stormy color of grey as she squeezed his hand. "The farmer's name was Byern Fayn. The younger of Fayn's brother's, raised a purist all of his life and denied by his family when he disagreed with them." Her thumb stroked at the back of Illya's knuckles as she gazed at him. "This is the woman that you married. I chose not to hate them and to make my own way. It wasn't expected of me, encouraged, or easy, but I did it anyways. I chose you because I love you." While Kalizda answered it seemed that there was still more to the story and Illya took a seat by the little pond. He didn't care of the back of his pants got wet. It was bound to happen if he sat anywhere, so he figured this spot was as good as any. Since this was important to Kalizda he listened to her without interruption till the end. "Dere, yah see. I always know dat dere was someting special about meh little bird." Laying back on the ground Illya felt his shirt soak up some of the moisture too. "Yah dun worry about purists anymore. Et dun matter what dey tink." Why she was sounding like she was worried about them he didn't know. "Dey dun have enough power anymore tah boter yah."

She came and joined him on the ground, laying back to look up into the canopy with him, though the ground was wet. He didn't understand, and in part neither did she. Perhaps it had been a small hope that if she was honest with him, he would be with her. "I'm not worried about the purists anymore," she whispered, "I am concerned about the Chippeqouti and I'm even more worried about you. Talk to me, Illya. Tell me what's on your mind."

For a little while it got quiet and his mind was lulled into a satisfied silence. There was nothing and it was good that way. While he was staring at the trees above his breathing got a little slower and more relaxed until he heard his name. Momentarily it brought his brain back to the present and he turned his head to look at her. "Uh.....naughting." That was the best summary of what was on his mind at the moment. "Es dere supposed tah be someting on meh mind?"

"I think there is," she sighed as she kept her eyes on the canopy. How could there not be? "I think you are stressed and everyone expects something different from you. The Chippeqouti splitting was more than just because of me, wasn't it."

Illya was flabbergasted. Who was she to tell him what was on his mind? He had told her the truth. "Wuh...." Kalizda finished off making a statement more than a question and he sat up with a huff. "Well, I was tinking of naughting till yah bring dat up. Yes, dah Chippequoti split because dey all want someting different. Some of dem want tah restore dah empire and oters liked how we lived. Jes everyone was afraid tah break tradition and I taught maybe dis was only way tah keep dem togeter for a while. Ef dey were truly afraid of tradition dey would still be togeter. Now, et es much more difficult."

He was getting angry with her for being more direct, but she knew this wasn't something he wanted to talk about. He was always testy in subjects he avoided. Sitting up slowly, Calysta looked at him with quiet patience, as her eyes searched his face. " What way were you trying to keep them together? Resigning?" That could have meant any number of things and she wanted to hear it from him.

"What I did dun matter cause et dun work. Obviously." Illya flopped back on the ground and then sat up again and rubbed the back of his head. "Ugh...." With a frown he pulled his hand away and studied the clumps of ash and then wiped his hand off on his pants before laying back more slowly this time. There was a little rock or something that he found and he wanted to be gentle with his skull this time. "I jes let dem have tradition and dat was meh way. Long as I was General dey had tah follow meh orders. When I know dat I fail tradition I resign and dey keep et till now. Ets jes mess."

It was a muddled answer at best, and it was like pulling teeth to get him to talk about it. "So, you resigned because it was expected," she surmised, "What else was it that they want from you? You've fought so hard for everyone and given so much."

Illya was starting to feel angry and it was mostly an issue from the past, but it resurfaced every now and then. "Because dey want a damn empire." Hissing the words through clenched teeth he continued staring at the trees above them. "Ef I make an empire ets cause dats what I want. I only fight because I like dah way I live and I dun want et tah change and I hate dah Tannas. I stop fighting for politics long time ago and I get lost sometimes, but ets better den fighting for anoter man's plan."

A small bit of relief trickled into her chest and she unclenched her hands from her knees and rolled so she was a little closer to him. He might have been mad, but now she knew how he felt a bit more. "I know," she said gently, "I know you're a coin and not a ripple." Gazing at him for a long moment, she laid back in the leaves with him, her hand inching toward his to cover it gently. "If you get lost, Illya, I'm here. Your little bird would guide you home."

"No, yah dun know." Illya met her gaze for a moment. "I learn dat et doesn't matter ef I'm coin or ripple. Ef et gets meh objective I dun have tah be coin. Et was hard lesson and I hated et, but et made meh man and I change tah be stronger after et happened." He wasn't even among his people anymore and the only other person that knew was dead now for some time. Kalizda was safe to tell. She would understand better and then she could be the guide if she wanted to be. "I become elite and I sent on mission, but I dun know dat et was final part of training. Dey purposefully give meh false information and den capture meh, but I dun know who et es. Dey play recordings of Federation propoganda all day in meh cell, dey beat meh, torture meh, and even when I have seizures dey still beat meh and scream and ask questions. Dey break some of meh bones." Illya rested two fingers on his cheek bone where there was a barely visible scar. "One of dem stomp on meh face till dey break bone here." Moving a little he shifted so she could see the scar on his shoulder that had an odd shape. It wasn't ever something he'd explained. "Dey burn meh wit irons sometimes. Marks like dis are from dat. Dey dislocate meh hip so I can't walk easy and dey still beat meh and ask questions for weeks. When I was released I go home sick for long time, but I never speak. Dis es last step tah become elite. Dey tried very hard tah break meh. Den when I find out et was jes training I decide dat I dun fight for empire anymore. I tell Isla dat I fight for her and she ask meh for anyting. She dun know dat dey torture meh, but when dah enemy killed Lahna she ask for our enemy blood. All of dem I could get meh hands on and I give et to her. I dun regret et. Dere was good reason tah kill dem all. Ef I dun kill dem dey could kill more Chippequoti. I want meh people tah live, but I will nut fight for empire because dey want et. When dey fight for empire dey will do evil tings tah get et.

Calysta listened with growing horror at what they had done. To someone who was hardly old enough to be considered a man. He had endured weeks of torture for a cause had been raised to parade from the start and it made her sick. What was more was that they would still so that to gain an empire if they could. Or at least the separatists would. Illya had decided against an empire for someone else and turned to Isla instead. He would have given her anything she wanted? Blood of the enemy or anything else? Hadn't Isla known what that would do to him, though he said he didn't regret it. Her grey eyes stayed locked on his for a long moment, simply trying to sort out what she thought about what he told her until she reached over and hugged him close to her without a word. It probably looked ridiculous and weak, but she didn't care. She wasn't Isla, or Asha, or Elpsbet, or Ahvah. Not a Chippeqouti. She was Calysta and she loved him, strong willed and stubborn. "Illya..." she said his name into his shoulder, "I'm not going anywhere." She didn't know what else to do with everything he'd told her but be there for him in that moment. "I'd still guide you home."

It had taken a long time to build the trust to give her that kind of sway. She already had it, but Illya hadn't told her she could ask for anything because he had been afraid in part that she would ask for something terrible. Even if he didn't regret what he'd done for Isla there was still a side of him that knew it was wrong. Isla was all he had and now it was Kalizda and his family. If they were danger there was nothing he wouldn't do. He didn't care if it was an atrocity or mass murder to protect them. They were what he had and he wasn't going to let them go. He had learned that a man could be anything in the world and without a purpose he was nothing. His purpose was not an empire, it was his family. Studying her face in return he tried to figure out if she was horrified with him or with what happened. They were agreed now and it was a little late for her to decide that she didn't want him. Instead, Kalizda threw her arms around his neck and pulled him close to her. Apprehensively he reached up with one hand and rubbed her back a little. A semi-awkward grin came to his face and he answered in his usual tone. "Dat's a good ting. Ef yah weren't dere waiting for meh I would come find yah."

Calysta felt his hand rub over her back and he sounded his cheeky as he answered. "Oh, I think you run as fast as I fly. You could find me, hunter wolf," she smiled, kissing his cheek. "We'll figure this out together, yeah?"

"Yeah, we figure out how tah get Chippequoti all on Pytra and safe again." Illya wasn't sure how that would work out, but he didn't want to be fighting any of them. If they turned and refused to come back he knew that when the war was ended they would all be dead on the planet or they would begin plotting and it would only be a matter of time before they built a small army and made their attempts. Some of their youth may choose to leave, but it would be difficult for them.

Calysta tucked one of his stray curls out of his eyes and brushed the back of her fingers over his cheek. "Hmm... it will just take patience and we'll take one step at a time. I'm glad you told me. And in return, I'll tell you a little bird Secret. What she wants most in the world as for Wolf to kiss her, then race her to the berry patch so they can find a treat for their boy and go home. She wants to know what her Wolf thinks about that." The words were a sweet and sincere whisper. She would never ask of him something like Isla had done. The woman loved him, but she was different. Her love was different. At least he hoped he understood her better now too.

A broad grin came to Illya's face and he chuckled when she told him the little secret. Leaning in he kissed her gently, but he was already moving one leg underneath himself and he planted a hand on the ground. He was more focused on jumping the breadth of the pond and beating her to the berry patch than he was on the kiss. As soon as he finished with the kiss Illya sprung from his spot and tripped into the pond. Springing back up he scrambled out of the water and up the other side of the bank. Water squished in his boots and droplets of water flung off his clothes with every stride he took toward the bushes. He was going to beat her because his legs were longer, not because he had been more graceful on this particular event.

Watching Illya take off like a rocket made her leap back and she laughed when he plopped into the water in his hurry to beat her to the bushes. "You cheater," she teased as she leapt from the bridge and over to the berries right at his heels. He was sopping wet but she didn't care as she wrapped her arms around his waist in a vain attempt to slow him down. "I gotcha," she giggles as he dragged her along.


When they returned to the ship, Calysta made snake stew with the snake she had purchased the day before. She had kept in a firmly locked box in the dry storage shelf where no one was likely to find it. The stew took little time to make and the sweet bread was easy to whip up too. Her conversation with Illya had left her alot to think about, both confirming some things she feared, but also strengthening her resolve in others. As she watched him eat his stew, she made a decision. Those staying behind on Samzin would continue to receive aid. There would be children with no choice as to who where they ended up and simply because their parents chose to stay, it didn't mean they were at fault. They were innocent and she hoped to reason with the ones left behind. If they couldn't be convinced their idea was a terrible one, perhaps there was hope for what was left of the younger ones. She would be a coin and not what they had tried to turn her excuse for war.

After dinner, Calysta sat back on the bed and patted the mattress between her knees inviting Illya to rest his head on her. His weight settled on her, but it wasn't so heavy as she looked down over him, her hair creating a curtain on either side of his tan cheeks. One arm wrapped around his shoulder to his chest as she pulled him closer, kissing the top of his curls. "I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow or the next day. We're just two people and I know looking at things everything else is so complicated sometimes. But I also know, whatever happens, Illya, I know we this together," she whispered, "We keeping going, if for no other reason than this right here."


A report came in from an old outpost far from the base of operations. A planet called Demos where there had once been an operation for the procurement of metals and the people themselves. The code was so old, that the worker had to look up the key and then research in the files to actually find the planet and order number with which it had been deployed. It was a simple message, A distress call coupled with an image over a once-secret, and now abandoned project. Normally, he would have tossed the note aside as a fluke, a malfunction in old equipment, but what he saw shot him straight up in his chair and he forwarded the message to his superior officer with an urgent flag. A man with a dirty face, barely visible in the dark with and bright green eyes gleaming. The green eyes of a dreaded Chip, a Tannas eater, and furthermore...the familiar face of the disgraced Chippeqouti general. He had made his way to Demos it seemed and his superior officers would make sure he soon had company,
Getting up was hard enough after a long night. Illya mumbled a little when Kalizda told him to stay and rest. "Eh...I need tah get up sometime." Even if he didn't want to be getting up it was inevitable. It wasn't like he could stay in bed forever and ignore what happened. Eventually he would have to deal with the fact that the Chippequoti had divided.

There wasn't even a legitimate excuse to stay in bed all day. Lohgan had gone out with Kalizda and then the wonderful smell of pancakes started to waft back through the corridors of the ship. Suddenly Illya was reminded of the fact that he hadn't eaten anything the day before and his stomach started to grumble. Slowly Illya got himself dressed and he shuffled into the kitchen. Cypher was racing around trying to keep the cream on his nose while Monster chased him. There was plenty of giggling from the boy and then Kalizda turned around with a plate full of pancakes and lots of cream on them. "Oh, I tink I might be hungry." With a grin Illya took a seat at the table and helped get the kids served up before he served himself.

Kalizda had made more cream than usual and Illya couldn't help enjoying it. He smothered the pancakes in the cream on the first serving. The second serving was slathered in a thick layer of butter and then some berries with cream on top. She made so many of the pancakes that Illya had thirds and fourths before he was too full to eat anymore. Instead of leaving the cream to waste he put some of the extra in all the kids dishes for dessert. When everyone had a fair serving of dessert Illya plopped the last dollop of cream on his plate and he ate it slowly, savoring every bite. By the time he was done eating the dishes were practically done, but he was determined to be some help. Taking his dish and what remained of the other dishes he set them near the sink and started to dry and put away the dishes that had to be washed by hand. After he finished his part of the dishes there was a little time to spend with the kids.

Lately little Cypher had started to try counting and he was jumbling his Quoti and Trader's Tongue. Illya figured it was a good time to teach him how to count in Quoti and then Trader's Tongue. He could do that much. Illya had Lohgan most of yesterday so he planned to take time with Cypher today and he would spend his next day off whenever it was, with Rose. Wandering outside to the area near the ship he could see Cypher was trying to teach Monster how to build a little mud castle. The dog would sniff at the little castle every now and then as if he was listening, but the dog really couldn't understand a thing that the boy was telling him. Illya stepped over to the boy with Elijah at his heals and Cin trundling right behind. The dog and bear both wandered off a short distance to play since it seemed that Illya was not in the playing mood. Sitting on the dirt next to Cypher, Illya started to draw with his fingers in the dirt. "Cypher," speaking in Quoti he called the boy over and set him in his lap. "This is, one." Drawing another symbol in teh sand he repeated the next number, "Two." As he went down the line and got to 10 Cypher bounced in his lap. Quoti was something the boy was learning very well and he could almost get to ten without drifting off into some random gibberish in Trader's Tongue, Terran, or Kaerelean.

It took a little bit of time, but when Cypher successfully got through numbers 1-10 in Quoti, Illya started the boy in Trader's Tongue. "Dis es dah language dat everyone know. Et es important for yah tah know et too. I learn et when I was older and now I speak et well. Yah learn tah count en Trader's Tongue eh?" The boy merrily stuffed a little berry into his cheek and nodded. Every time he got a number right he would get a berry and he liked this game. He could win it pretty easy because Dah always told him the answer. "Ok," Illya grinned and started to write the numbers in the sand. "One, two, tree, four, feyve, sex, seven, eight, ny-en, ten." Some of the numbers were more difficult to say, but Illya prided himself on the fact that he could speak Trader's Tongue quite well. Well enough that he felt qualified to teach his son.

Cypher knew the word tree and he started to bounce happily on his father's lap. "Tree, tree!" Pointing to all the trees around him he giggled and then held his chubby little brown hand out to his father, "Berry."

"No, yah count first. We nut gonna climb dah trees. Nut right now." That was something he would think about doing later. "One." Illya held up one little berry and Cypher repeated the word then grabbed the berry and ate it. Illya fished 2 berries out of the little tub and he counted them out in his palm, "One, two."

"One, two." Cypher reached for the berries and pushed them into his mouth and waited for the next round. He liked to play this part. It was the best part of the game.

Illya counted out three berries next and he held them up for Cypher. "Yah say tree."

"Tree!" Cypher excitedly reached for the berries, but this time dah didn't let him have them. "Treee." Saying it again he reached over and gobbled them up. Somehow dah didn't seem satisfied with the word and Cypher didn't know why. He was saying it just like dah.

"Yah say t-t-tree." Illya knew how it should sound and he was doing his best, but Cypher kept yelling tree and it wasn't the right word. After several minutes Illya gave up and decided to move onto number four. Five was close enough, but six was disastrous. Cypher could count well enough, but that one number was so mangled that Illya was sure Cypher would get in trouble for his pronunciation.

Cypher ate one berry for every number he got right. He listened to dah say the number and then he would repeat it. "One," taking a berry he ate it and then grabbed the next, "Two, tree!" This time he continued in a more serious tone and frowned in concentration. "Four, five, sex, seven, eight, nine, ten." He had managed to decipher what it was that dah was saying on the others and with enough slow pronunciation from Illya he had it down pat. Cypher merrily shoved the blueberries into his mouth as he finished his counting for the day. He was so pleased with the lesson and the berries he got for it that he started to run around outside counting. The counting didn't make too much sense yet, but he reveled in it because he got berries when he repeated the words.

Since the boy was more interested in just bounding around with his dog and he lost interest in playing with dad, Illya decided to take a little time to be with Rose. The girl needed some time and so Illya took her out walking and let her show him the village and some of the areas that she found interesting. Since she wasn't really allowed to go wandering by herself it was a treat to get to choose where they went for a change.

"Et's almost lunch time eh?" Illya glanced to Rose and he saw her little face fall. She appeared to want to stay out longer and he took a deep breath. "Alright, yah tell meh where yah want tah eat and I buy lunch for us."

With that the girl's face lit up and she nodded vigorously. She didn't get much time with just her and Wolf and she was excited to have a special time out with him. "Over there!" Excitedly she started to drag Illya toward a small hut with an outdoor area. "We'll eat outside at one of the tables." Rose stopped at the one she found near a tree and plopped herself comfortably into a well padded chair. Thankfully it was built large enough for the Silx and Wolf was able to sit in one of the chairs too.

There were a few strange looks from those around them and Illya ignored it for the time. He wasn't really sure what to say and so he sat in silence while Rose scanned over the menu with wide eyes and tried to determine what she wanted to eat. Illya could only think about what had happened and he felt worried. This wasn't something that they could just leave and ignore. Something had to be done. He hadn't thought that he was sitting there for so long until he noticed the waiter standing near the table. "Oh, I uh....I have same as Rose."

Rose almost fidgeted in her seat while she tried to think about what she wanted to ask Wolf. It was one of the first times it had ever been just her and Wolf without anyone else. After their food was delivered she took a few bites and then ventured in with her question. "Wolf, do you think you're going to give a ring to Lohgan when she gets older too?" It was far easier to ask this way then it was to just say what she was thinking.

It seemed like an odd question and Illya blinked a few times while he tried to figure out where that question came from. There was no telling so he decided to just answer as honestly as he could. "Aye, when she's older she will get same ring wit promise from meh."

Almost apprehensively Rose posed the next question. "Does that mean that you like as much as you like Cypher and Lohgan?" Sometimes she wondered if he didn't like her as much because she wasn't his.

"Yes, I like yah dah same." Illya frowned a little bit and he studied her little face. Her eyes were downcast and she was poking the food around on her plate. "Why yah ask meh dat kind of ting? Why would yah tink dat I wouldn't like yah dah same?" It was a very serious problem and he didn't know that she felt that way. In fact it turned out to be a good thing that he had time today to spend with her. Now all 3 of his children had time with him before he had to go back to work tomorrow.

Sniffling a little the girl looked up at Wolf. "Well...Well I just thought maybe you didn't like me as much because I wasn't yours. You didn't have me when I was a baby with Kalizda."

Just hearing her say that was difficult and Illya immediately responded. "No, no, no. Rose, yah meh first born. Meh first child and I love yah as much as I love dah oters. Why would you tink dat? I always want meh children, all of dem. Et doesn't matter dat yah were nut born from Kalizda. Yah special because when I see yah and I know dat yah need parents I choose yah wit Kalizda. Yah dun have tah be born from her. I choose meh little Rose because I want her tah be meh first born."

Slowly the girl's head raised. She knew she had been adopted, but she had never thought about it that way. "You wanted me that bad?"

Illya nodded. "Yes. When Kalizda told meh dat she like yah I tell her dat we go ask tah make yah home wit us. We bot wanted yah very much." Still studying her face he grinned a little.

"Do you think my arm is ugly? Some of the kids stare at it."

"Do yah tink meh leg es ugly?" Chuckling a little he poked another bite of food with the fork and brought it up to his mouth before continuing. "Et doesn't matter ef dey stare. What matters es dat yah have good heart. For long time Kalizda es nut liked because she es mixed blood. Many men dun look at her because dey tink she es nut good. Ef dey dun want yah because of yah arm den dey're nut good man for yah. A good man will hunt for a long time till he finds woman like yah. He will know dat man oters look past yah because dey dun know what es in yah heart." Pushing the bite of food into his mouth he ate while Rose appeared to be mulling it over. Most of the rest of their lunch was quiet, but she appeared to be thinking about it. When they got back to the ship he winked at Rose. "Someday yah ask Kalizda about what yah should look for in man eh?" The girl nodded and took herself off to the ship in a little better mood than before.

It seemed like Illya barely got back and Kalizda had put down the younger ones and wanted to go out walking. Apparently there were some berries to find before dinner and she wanted him to go berry picking with her. That wasn't such a bad sounding way to spend the afternoon so he followed her out into the forest to see what they could find.


So far his day off had turned out to be long, busy, semi stressful and full of indicators that not all of his life was balanced. His people had fallen apart, his Kalizda was struggling with something and he was wondering what she knew about the Chippequoti or factions. It sounded like from their talk that she knew of them. Rose was worried that maybe he didn't like her and then of course there was the constant worry about the upcoming battle. For as hard as he had tried to keep this all together it was starting to feel like maybe the world was falling apart.

With some of the extra time off Illya wandered back to the bedroom to lay down and just think about what happened. A feeling had started sinking into his head. It was sort of like a headache and he didn't feel so great. There were some distortions in his vision and he figured it had to be stress. Flopping onto the bed he let out a long breath and stared at the ceiling.

While Illya laid on the bed he found his thoughts started to drift off subject, but it wasn't comforting. Instead he started to feel even more stressed. At first he tried to sit up on the bed and he couldn't really move like he wanted to. Falling back into the bed. Illya winced as he felt his back start to spasm. After several seconds he went limp and his eyes rolled into the back of his head before he started to seize.

Illya didn't remember anything till he felt Kalizda rubbing her hand over his shoulder and telling him to wake up because she made snake stew for him. She was smiling at him and he figured it must have been cause she thought he had been napping. "Ok." Carefully getting out of the bed Illya frowned a little. His head hurt and he felt sore. He had no idea how long he'd seized, but he wasn't sore enough for it to have been really bad. If it wasn't bad he wasn't going to say anything about it. This sort of thing only got Kalizda upset. When he saw what was for dinner he grinned. "Oh, meh favorite." No matter how badly his head hurt there was no stopping him from eating a good snake stew with gusto. "Et tastes fresh." With almost every bite he would give a heart felt 'mmm' and then push another mouthful in.

After dinner Illya helped Kalizda clean up, and put the kids to bed before the two of them wandered back to the bedroom. The snake dinner was good and Illya felt like he was a fat lizard on a hot day. There wasn't a whole lot of ambition besides the desire to bask, or in his case lay on the bed with his nice warm blanket. Just the heat would help with the digestion since he had over-stuffed himself. Kalizda was patting the bed and grunted with a grin on his face as he crawled over to her and then laid down with his head on her lap. A tingle went through his spine when she leaned over and her hair brushed along both sides of his neck. Tilting his head up a little bit he looked at her. "Kalizda, do yah know about dah Chippequoti factions?" He had wondered that after they had talked earlier on in the day. She hadn't said it, but in some ways it sounded like she did.

His bright green eyes were looking up at her and she could've gotten lost simply looking at them, but his question brought her back to a reality that made her slightly nauseous. She kept her grey eyes trained on his for a long moment before nodding. "Aye, I do. I didn't before...but I do now, Illya." It was impossible not to disguise the hurt in her voice as she spoke and it made her eyes drop from his out of embarrassment. "To some I was never more than a tool, no matter how accepting they were, and I know that."

Illya kept his focus on Kalizda when she was talking. Perhaps he should have told her about them earlier, but he didn't like it so much himself. "Dat's nut what I wanted yah tah tink." Taking a deep breath and holding it for a few seconds he thought of how to say this. "Maybe dats how I started. I tink dat yah meh way out, but I wasn't doing et tah be making empire. I jes do et tah get off Quoti. Et was dangerous and I could die, but I was tired of living dere in some ways. Den I tink I start liking yah more den jes way off Quoti. When I find out dere was way for meh people et was dah only reason I went back. Kalizda..." Sitting up a little bit he moved off her lap and sat in front of her so that they were facing each other. "I agree wit yah because yah dah one I wanted. Elders and bot sides wanted tah talk about dah agreement because when I was cured den dey had plans again. I let dem talk all dey want, but even ef dey dun agree tah let meh have yah I would have left wit yah. Den dey would have stayed on Nuen and stewed all dey wanted. Dey accepted yah, but dun tink all of dem only see yah as tool. I tink dere are many dat see yah as tool tah start, but dey find more den jes dat when dey get tah know yah. Dere were many dat care for yah. Ehvan cared about yah more den tool and so did Markus, but et took dem time. Yah know about factions and I tink yah should know dat meh parents each had different side. Et was agreed between dere parents dat dey would advise Markus and Yvonne tah agree because et would make peace between factions for a while. Please, I understand when people want yah for what yah can do, but dun tink dat dey always feel like dis. Maybe I dun always understand meh fater, but I know he cared about meh as his son. Dere were hard times and dis, dis now es jes part of hard times eh?"

At first, he said that wasn't what he wanted her to think and she resisted the urge to bristle at him. Of course, he didn't want her to think that either because he loved her or she was easier to manipulate other wise. She swallowed down the bitter comment as he continued, still trying to listen to him. She had no idea he had intended on leaving his people forever. Had they not discovered the Federation plot, he would have left them entirely? It wasn't like she had started out liking him either. In fact, she rather loathed him at first with the way he had treated her. The image of him looking a bit lost as he stood at the window, his red planet in the background came to mind, and she wondered if he remembered that. He couldn't disguise his awe of leaving his own planet behind. Those green eyes had peered out of the small window aboard the Gylcryn and he thought he had been saying goodbye to the planet for the last time. Illya sat up away from her, fanning her hair out over his shoulders as he went until the locks bounced back to her chest. Out of habit, she tucked her knees to her chest, resting her chin as she listened to him. The rest of what he said was difficult to hear in some ways and in other ways not so much. He would have left his people for her? It was a slight relief to hear him say that he had chosen her because he wanted her and not because someone had done exactly what had been done with Markus and Yvonne. Apparently, this division had been going on for centuries, if not longer and it had only been a recent plot to use her. She wasn't sure whether or not that was a comfort or an insult. When he mentioned Ehvan and Markus caring for her, she curled into herself a bit more unsure if she believed that particular statement entirely. It was the please coming from his mouth that caused her eyes to raise up to meet his again, this time a cloudy grey and brimmed with tears she kept held at bay. She wasn't entirely sure what to say other than how she did she feel? "When someone cares about you, they don't plan on using you," she replied quietly, "I don't think it was everyone. I know some of them cared. When I found out I hoped with everything that you were one who actually wanted me for something besides what I could do for you. It's the reason I'm angry...but I can't bring myself to hate them for using me." It probably made no sense and she sighed, before tucking her forehead to her knees to hide her face for a moment. Fat tear drops plopped to her legs, though she didn't truly let out a sound until a soft sniffle came out and she glanced back to Illya. "Why didn't you tell me?"

It was obvious by the way she started to curl up that she was upset. Illya didn't know what to tell her. She clearly thought very differently about this. He frowned a little and waited for her to finish even though he wasn't sure she would understand even if he told her. "Kalizda, I dun tell yah because yah would be hurt. Yah belong wit dah Chippequoti and most of dem like yah for who yah are. Most of dem start out tinking only what advantage yah bring, but et didn't mean dat yah any less." Cautiously he scooted in closer. "I told yah after dah last training dat I choose nut tah for any side. I jes choose meh family. Kalizda, yah meh family. Maybe yah disappointed dat I'm nut warrior." Peering into her eyes he made a statement he had been afraid to make for a long time. "Kalizda, I'm selfish man. I dun fight for cause. I fight only because I have tah and I fight because I want tah live comfortable life wit meh family. Living wit Chippequoti es safe and comfortable. I want dem united and I will go tah war wit Chippequoti Empire ef I have tah, but I resign from meh position as General because when dis war es over I have no more obligation and we can travel. Dere are no more ties and I will nut be dere General again."

Illya was gazing back at her as he scooted closer, trying to explain. She didn't move closer to him at first, but she didn't flinch away from him either. Was it true that the Chippeqouti had started out that way and grew to care for her? For those that had taken care of them? He admitted that he hadn't wanted to hurt her. It still made her feel foolish for believing that what she offered had been enough. This was a hurt that would probably never fade entirely, though she was better than acting on anything she felt personally. Despite what the other Chips did and didn't feel, Illya was sitting in front of her telling her he would chose her before anything. He would chose his family again and again, against his people and against his own pride. Was she really worth all that to him? He thought she was disappointed in that? Leaning forward, Calysta unfolded her legs carefully and sat up on her knees. Her hand crept up to his cheek, cupping it gently as she stared at him, studying him with reddened eyes. "I am not dissapointed in you, Illya," she whispered, "You are not selfish at all. It's not selfish to want a good life, and a family and to chose them. It makes you the bravest and the most honest man I know and you don't have to be a warrior to be that. I'm proud of who you are. Not as the general, but as the man sitting in front of me. I don't want an empire ...I want the Chippeqouti safe..but most of all I want you, Illya."

The fact that she didn't want the empire was entirely relieving. Illya had been slightly worried that she would want it. If she did he would have gotten it for her, but at the same time he didn't really want to fight that long or hard for one. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders Illya pulled her tighter to himself. "Den we make dem safe. We make all our people safe." Kissing her cheek he felt some of the tears on her face, but he ignored them for the time. "I tink dat dere will many Chippequoti dat are happy yah choose nut tah have empire. Et makes meh happy." Leaning heavily to the side he pulled Kalizda down with himself and he looked down into her eyes from where her chin was resting on his chest now. "I never meet woman dat love peace so much in meh life. Yah love peace, but yah still want tah explore. Et was nut possible I tink tah find woman like yah and tah find woman so beautiful. Eyes like a crystal in dah moon and hair like black clouds. Meh little woman es wise and she es kind, but strong." Studying her face for a long moment he made sure she was still awake because she was so quiet. "Yah are precious treasure and I tink dat I would be fool tah trow yah away. Meh Kalizda es always precious to meh."

Calysta half melted against him when he pulled her close and kissed her cheek. He was warm and she wrapped her arms around him, sniffling a little utter relief. He didn't want an empire, he wanted her. He had chosen her and he was happy to have done so. As he pulled them down to the bed together, Calysta laid on his big chest hardly a feather weight in comparison, and simply wanted to lay close as possible to him. Whatever doubts she had from years ago and even now were gone in the blink of an eye as she looked up at him,making her feel almost like air. How was it he could make her feel like that after everything? He showered her with love and she could see by the mere look in his bright green eyes that he meant every word. She wasn't quite so good with words, so she stayed quiet for a long moment, lost in laying on him and holding him close as he whispered to her. When he told her she was precious to him, she tilted her chin up to him chancing a timid smile. "You are the most wonderful man I could ever have the honor to love. You are precious to me too you know. I never thought the Wolf who captured me up on Qouti would capture up my heart too and now he has it always. I want him to be happy and safe. To live in peace with his family and his people more than anything. I want him to explore and to stand by his side, though the hard times and the good times too until our shadows grow long." She tucked her chin in and kissed right over his heart on his chest, then settle down again with him, just hoping he understood how much she loved him, though she wasn't so great at saying. "We're alright, yeah?"

Like usual Illya swelled a tiny bit with pride when she told him how much she loved him. He wasn't adverse to any of her loving and the kiss over his heart was very comforting. It was like she was saying she loved his heart even if it had some places that were not right. At least not yet. He would do what he could to be a good man for her. Reaching over Kalizda he drug his warm blanket over the two of them. "We'll be ok. I jes have sadness. We bot have troubles wit what happen, but we bot agree dat our family come first." As long as they were agreeing on that it was going to be alright. In many ways he felt much better knowing that he wouldn't have to make an empire to please her. "I tink I talk better now den I did dah night before we agree." Smirking a little he caught her gaze. "I trust meh little bird wit everyting now."

The warm blanket settled over her and she nestled into his chest as she nodded in agreement. "Aye, our family first." It was truly a mess, but her family was her compass, her Terran north star that she needed sometimes when the world had become too much think about or bear without going mad. They were both sad and hurt in some ways , but together they could work through this. His comment about the night before their agreement made her let out a quiet chuckle as she caught sight of his smirk. A wonderful and almost light-headed sense of relief washed over her as well as a spark of pride. He could have always trusted her, but this was something he had to learn for himself and in retrospect something she had to learn to. Even at Edgar's word she had doubt that he could ever truly want her for who she was, but as he grinned down at her she knew those last shreds of fear were gone. "I think you're right about that...and so did I." Slipping her fingers to his cheek, she smiled more earnestly. "Are you sure? No more secrets hiding behind those handsome green eyes?" She was just teasing him and she told him so by planting a his on his cheek and gazing at him. "I'm proud to have that trust and tell you that you have mine."

A brief and wiley grin came to Illya's face after her kiss. "Hmm...dere could be lots of tings yah dun know, but ets only cause yah dun ask. Et es only secret ef yah can't know et." He could never promise her that she knew everything, because invariably he would forget to tell her something. However, he trusted her well enough that if she asked he would tell her. "Now yah jes have tah find out what yah dun know." Pulling the blanket over their heads he chuckled and stole a kiss from her. "What yah say dat we sleep outside tahnight?"

That wild grin spreading over his face, let her know that he was okay. They were going to be okay. "Well then, I suppose. I can just start asking again." Before his brain injury she usually asks things, but afterward when things are grown so strange between them should refrain from doing so in order to keep him from getting hurt. Now, it was quite possible they were the closest they had ever been. She on them closer when the blanket pulled over her head and giggled as he kissed her. The offer to sleep outside was an interesting one and she had a sneaking suspicion that he would enjoy it as much as she did. So long as the weather didn't shift in the ashes didn't rain down they would be perfectly comfortable to outside with a blanket. "Aye, lets go. I can show you some of the stars." When the sky was clear on Demos, their galaxy hung quite beautifully above the planet with little to no light pollution.

Wrapping the giant hot blanket around himself and Kalizda, Illya started out the door of the ship. He carried a bundle of his clothes with for the morning because he would have to get up for training and he didn't want to wake anyone up by lumbering his way through the ship in the morning. Besides, it wouldn't matter if he got dressed outside in the morning.

The two of them were barely laid out in the grass and Kalizda started to tell him all about the stars. Shifting underneath the blanket he grunted a little when he felt a pebble gouge him in the back. "Ugh..." Illya cast her a look and then chuckled. "Yah know dat by now I know what dese pictures in dah sky are. I tink yah tell meh about some of dem before." Rolling to his side he wrapped an arm around Kalizda and pulled her into himself. "Maybe I dun mind hearing dah stories again, but I tink I'd like tah jes hold yah for a while first." Even if he did intend on listening to her stories he fell asleep only a few minutes after he pulled her closer to himself.


Kent stared at her pad and the news update. It was odd and out of place. Still, it wasn't entirely unexpected. The General by tradition had failed his people and he was running, but what business did he have running around in Federation territory. Especially a territory that they had long ago abandoned. So far as Kent could tell he was trying to stay low and get as far away from the Federation as possible. However, the fact that he discovered their gas form was not a danger to him made the General more dangerous. He couldn't be there solely for peace if he had been training and honing his abilities to kill Tannas.

Her jaw clenched as she glanced at her officer across the table from her. "I want you to send a fleet to Demos. We're going to find the General and his family. That's all I want. I don't even care if he's alive. Do whatever you have to before others find out what the green eyed Chippequoti can do." If the secret was out then it would destroy her chance of taking over. Everyone would seek out the green eyed Chips and they would make them into an army of Tannas killers. The containment boxes and the detectors were dangerous enough, but she didn't this to be known too.

The officer standing in the room made a quick bow and started out the room. She knew what Kent wanted and it wasn't just a fight to win the war, it was a fight for their survival. Everyone knew that the Chippequoti couldn't be trusted. They were eager to assert power and they loved to be in charge. Snapping her fingers at some of the men standing in the hall she didn't even look when she passed. She already knew that they would fall in line behind her. "Prepare the soldiers for a quick brief. We have a job to do."


As badly as Illya wanted to sleep in and stay home the next morning he knew he couldn't. "I need tah go out training eh?" Carefully sitting up he kissed Kalizda on the cheek and slipped out from underneath the blanket. It felt a little bit cool, but it wasn't bad. Grabbing his pants he scrambled into them and then pulled the shirt over his head before sitting down to put on a pair of socks and tie his boots on. "Going to get dah men practicing some of dere shots today wit dah weapons we have modified." There weren't that many, but after the morning run he could have them set up various targets and then start taking turns to see what sort of aims he had to work with. Hopefully the Agan were at least decent aims because the shooting was about the only thing he would trust them to accomplish in battle.

Jogging out to the square near the market Illya waited for the men to gather. When they arrived he noticed a few of them giving him looks and he grinned. "Rest of yah need training, nut meh." There wasn't any need to explain himself to them and he was determined to make sure they didn't slack off. "Today I want yah shooting targets and I'm going tah set dem up. Dere are no extra points for shooting meh when I'm working on putting targets up." It was always best to preface that especially since he wasn't entirely sure that one of them wouldn't try since they were only going to be shooting rubber bullets.

"Alright, every oter Agan will get gun and we jog around dah island 2 times. I want tah see yah faster and stronger. Second jog yah each exchange so every man has practice running wit gun." It was more about making sure they all had practice running with the weight in their hands and they could practice so that they got an idea of how to hold the weapon when running. Any little bit of excitement about shooting seemed to fade from the Agan's eyes. "All yah training will start wit running. Dis will never change." Illya chuckled a little. Sometimes as a commanding officer it was funny to see recruits realize there were some activities that they would not ever manage to outgrow in terms of training.

While it was impossible for Illya not the lap the men because of their short legs he did it now more as a test to see how long it took to lap them and to be sure that the Silx were also increasing their speed. They had to break the mentality of staying close to the Agan. It was working and he could see the Silx were running faster and faster without worry for their little partners. By the time Illya finished his run the Silx were only a short distance behind and he nodded to them when they arrived. In the past they had time for a break while they waited for the Agan, but this was going to be different. They were going to build endurance while they were here. "Silx, all of yah in dah water and I want yah tah go up to yah waist and jog in place." It was too bad their faces were blank because he was pretty sure they would be giving him looks if they could.

Illya waded into the water with the Silx and he jogged till the breathless Agan arrived. Stepping back out of the water Illya glanced at the Silx and then gave them their next order. "Yah keep jogging till I come back." He was going to set up a few targets for the Agan to shoot and that was it. While the Agan were still busy jogging Illya went to the supply crates and grabbed some of the targets and a pad. He would be able to read the signals from the target. Each man would be assigned to a target and he would have them shoot at offset times so he could gauge individual target shooting. After packing the material into a bag Illya gave signal for the Agan to follow him back into the forest to set up their targets. Though the little men were a bit winded they were in far better shape then they had been when they started. Even if they were midgets it gave Illya a certain sense of pride to know that he was turning them into semi decent soldiers. They would be deadly little snipers when he was done with them.

The first target Illya scrambled up a tree to place it. Others he hid in various places and the last one was going to be in a cave. When Illya reached the cave he set the target just inside and he started back down the side of the hill when he heard it fall over and slip inside. "Sure, dats how et works." Grumbling under his breath he walked himself back up the hillside and tried to reach the target. It had slipped inside far enough he was going to have to get on his stomach and crawl in after it.

Illya's first instinct told him something was wrong and he sniffed the air to be sure it wasn't Tannas, but he couldn't smell anything. Shirking the thought off for now he slithered his way into the cave. Grabbing the target he pulled his feet inside and braced them against one of the small cave walls to help push himself to turn and then set the target and get out again. Illya was almost turned around and he paused where he was at. The target dropped out of his hand and he tensed through his entire body briefly before he passed out and and the rhythmic jolts started to shake his body.
Calysta didn't bother to put on socks before they went out into the warm night air. She would probably want some later on when they fell asleep, but that's what Illya's toasty legs were for and for now she wanted to feel the soft grasses on her bare feet. They walked out into the night to the grassy patch just beside their docking space and settled down together, wrapping up snuggly in their heated blanket under the star-filled sky. Calysta curled up to Illya on her side but facing up to the sky as her toes weaved their way into the grasses, enjoying the warmth of her Chip and the coolness of the yard between her toes. "Maybe I could show you some of the stars?" she whispered in his ear. Illya grunted a bit and sat up to remove a stone from beneath his back before chuckling. He remembered the stories she told him once already. Blinking for a moment, she smiled gently and nodded to him before slipping a hand to his chest. It still struck her that he could remember most of everything now. He remembered their vacation in the Nuen desert where she told him about the constellations over their homeland.

She let him pull her in close and she nuzzled into his neck, wrapping an arm across his chest to use him as a pillow. "Hmm...I'll tell you one I didn't tell you about last time," she whispered in his ear. Maybe the sound of her voice might make him rest more than the night before. He had tossed and turned all night and kept her up as well. "See that bright silver star? Right there?" She got a half-asleep reply but that was alright. At least he was settling down. Tracing her hands down his side, she tried to relax him a little more. "It's the Wander's star. It follows those with a heart of silver...brave and bold and true. She fell to the ground one day while wandering and a man found her. He helped her by picking her up and sending her back into the sky. In gratitude, the star whispered in his ear the courage of the light carries endlessly, even after death.. She told him of the infinite and how rare and beautiful it was to be born and die. She showed him the endless worlds in her adventurous eyes, the secret to life eternal, as she returned to the heavens. The universe was made to be seen for his eyes too. He vowed to find her again, but the wandering star has never been seen again. Her light glimmering there is her memory."

By the time she was done whispering the story of the Silver Wandering Star, Illya had drifted off to sleep, his breath coming in even puffs. "Goodnight," she whispered in his hear, "I love you." Her eyes closed, and as she thought of the day she sighed. Everything was a mess and it looked impossible to reconcile, but there had to be a way. It wasn't going to be easy, nor the way clear. They would be alright though. Illya was safe and they were going to work through each problem together, even if it was hard. Her mind began to drift as she felt the warmth of Illya's chest against her and the steady rise and fall of his breathing pulled her into sleep.

The next morning came all too soon. Having little to no rest the night before and then being up all day had left her tired. Sleeping in would have been nice and she was quite comfortable nestled in Illya's arms, her toes tucked under the crook of his good knee. Still, Illya needed to go train with Agan's and Silx. When he kissed her, she nodded as she returned the kiss. "Aye, be careful and I will see you at lunch."When Illya was gone, she stretched slowly all the way to her toes with a quiet yawn then wrapped the blanket around her shoulders before heading back into the ship. The dogs would need walking, the animals feeding, and the children would be up soon.

Morning turned to afternoon quickly and in the usual routine. She spent a little time right before the rest of the ship was awake in bed with Lohgan. The little girl was up and babbling away as she chewed on her hand with the sweetest of smiles. "Oh, little girl," Calysta said as she hoisted her from the crib and laid down with her on the bed. Lohgan was more than happy to lay over Calysta's chest and stare up at her mother with those bright green eyes. Calysta studied her daughter, simply gazing at the beautiful creation wiggling there with occasional grunts or giggles. Reddish brown hair, creamy caramel skin, and plump cheeks with dimples made her daughter all the more sweet looking. How had she and Illya made something so adorable again? "You look like your Dah and your Mam together," she mused, "Precious little one. Look at you." Lohgan wrapped a slobbery hand around one of her fingers, and Calysta waggled them, tickling her girl's dimples to make her laugh.

It wasn't long before Cypher came stomping into the room with Monster on his heels, stirring up Aymos, Elijah and Daisy. He crawled up the bed and plopped down, half on top of her then stretched out, trying to take up what space Lohgan didn't. "Berries! I want sex, pease." Calysta's eyes shot open wide as her face and snapped to her son. Where in the Wilds had he learned that?! A flash of heat came over her face and she thought about all the times she and Illya had simply covered his crib rather than having him in a different room while they enjoyed each other. Surely, he hadn't learned that! Panic trickled in, and she gazed her son's earnest face as he waited for her to get him what he asked for. It took her a moment to realize was holding up his fingers...six of them. " want six berries?" she asked tentatively.

Cypher grinned at the mention of his favorite treat had pushed his fingers closer to her face just so she could see them better. He wanted to be clear as possible. "Sex pease!" A sigh of relief left her as she realized he was trying to say the number six in what was a slightly jumbled accent. She had known that would probably happen when he started learning numbers and letters but that was a result of the Qouti accent no doubt picked up from his Dah. "You want six berries Cypher. Six." His bottom lip poked out as his mother neglected to give him his treat for saying his numbers like Dah did."Sex berries!" he insisted. After a few more tries and a long pronunciation, Calysta managed to get him to say "Seaaaa- ix" which made him laugh because it sounded funny. This was going to take practice now that he had ingrained in him to say it like his father did and she couldn't have him running around talking simple numbers like that. Cypher grew insistent for breakfast, so she got up and got him a bowl full of berries for a precursor and kept Lohgan on her hip while she cooked a breakfast of oatmeal for everyone.

Slowly, everyone began to trickle in. First, her father wandered in brought to life by the smell of brewing coffee followed by Priscilla who wore her soft robe and carried her mug along to make tea. Finally, Rose emerged looking sleepy with her hair mussed as she rubbed at her eyes. Each of them grabbed a bowl, holding it out for Calysta to ladle in honey-sweetened oats before settling with Cypher at the table. Her little boy grinned when his bowl of berries was empty and pointed to Thomas first. "One...two...TREEE!" He counted each of them, making his announcement of the number three proudly. Rose gave him a quizzical look, and Calysta rubbed at her temple as she shook her head.

After breakfast, she contacted Rayshe who had run the calculations she asked for. It appeared that by sealing off certain tunnels, they could bring in an engine roughly the size of a Kaerelean cruiser jump drive to force all of the Tannas out in a gaseous state without disturbing the explosives. The set up would take 2 days with the help of the Agan's and Silx, but the mountain could be cleared in a mere couple of hours. "Excellent," she said over the comms, "Begin preparations and setting up the teams we'll need to seal off those tunnels. We can get an engine from the nearest Kaerelean outpost." Having that accomplished felt like a small victory. At least the island would be clear of any enemies before they began and she could take that weight from Illya's shoulders.

Lunch time rolled around and Calysta sat down with Rose to go over a few things with her lessons she had been going through with Papa Thomas. The girl seemed quiet, as if something was on her mind, but she wouldn't say it. Sometimes it was best to let them come to you, and Rose wasn't shy about how she felt with things. Calysta talked with her about Demos and what she had seen. "You should document these things too. Even if they aren't fiction, they are still stories that should be told, yeah?" It was a small point of shame that her mind felt torn between focusing on her daughter and thinking of the Chippeqouti...and Illya. He hadn't come home for lunch and that bothered her slightly. Sometimes he didn't come home for it, and that was fine, but it was a rare day when he neglected a meal and now he had done so twice in two days.

The rest of the afternoon came and went. Kensi came by to deliver the list of teams for the Tannas removal project, staying only for the briefest of moments before going home. Calysta took the quiet hours to work on training Aymos, and by extension Elijah, Daisy, and Monster too. Cypher's puppy needed the most work, and she made sure to incorporate numbers for her son to learn properly while she trained with Monster. "How many puppies do you see, Cypher?" she asked. "One...two...tree...four.." was his reply almost every time.

Soon the sun was setting and Illya had yet to come home or even message her at all. Was he doing some extra planning or training? Had the Agan's been terrible with the modified weapons? Even so, her Chip should have been walking through the door at that point. She stared at the hatch for a long moment and sighed before looking to her father who had Lohgan on his lap. "Dad, will you watch the kids and the fish? It's baking and will be ready when the timer goes off." Having her dad agree to watch over the children was easy and she grabbed her pistol, tucking it into waistband along with her flashlight before heading down the ramp. The setting sun flooded the island with golden light, only dampened by the signs of incoming rain or ash clouds drifting in from the east. She would find her husband before the inclement weather hit and that's all there was to it.


The Agan's stood alongside the Silx as the modified weapons were passed around. The tall Silx kept their stoic expressions while in stark contrast, the Agan's were eagerly looking into the crates with sparkling eyes of anticipation. They were finally getting to use their weapons! All hopes of actually to fire the weapons were dashed when the Innas man ordered more running. A small sigh of disappointment let loose from the tiny men and a few of them even shot Bentil a look. "More running?" one grumbled in Demosian as he looked to his partner who would get to hold the gun first. Bentil simply shrugged and picked up his own weapon quickly. "At least we are closer. What's the point of learning to shoot if you can't carry it right?" The comment only earned him an eye roll and he clapped the man on the back. "Start us off running."

While the Agan's ran, the Silx continued with their own tasks running far ahead with their weapons to complete their laps around the island. Once they had lapped the Agan men, finishing their assignment, the Innas man insisted that they jog in place waist deep in the water. They understood the purpose of the exercise, but they didn't particularly want to get wet then have to go running on the island again with damp clothes chafing. That was just unpleasant. Still, they exchanged stoic looks before entering the water to jog in place as the waves beat at their bellies and they held their firearms high above their heads. It was a while before the Agan's came around for their second lap panting from the effort of hauling their new weapons plus the increase in laps. Everyone was dismayed with the Innas man ordered that they continue. "You heard the man, keep going and keep trading off," Bentil barked at Tetsune who was lagging behind. Now more than ever it was important for them to train. Only Bentil, Illya, Kalizda, and Kensi knew of the Stags on the island and the plan to get rid of them. Their presence had proved to the Agan that training was all the more important for his people to survive against them now.

Everyone started running and even the spritely Bentil was feeling exhausted by his fourth lap around the island. Where had Illya gone? The man had been there one moment and the next, he had disappeared. Maybe he had gone home for lunch early? Despite not having orders from Illya, they broke for lunch at the usual time and returned at the proper time. "Where is the lousy Innas? He's skipped too many days. He makes us work while he stays at home with his wife," Testune smarmed as they waited at the square. Bentil frowned, as he looked down the road, hoping to see the big man lumbering toward them. "Shut up, Tetsy." When it became obvious that Illya wasn't coming back, the Agan man took over the training. "We're going to do some running, but this time we also practice climbing with our guns too," he said firmly. He wondered if Illya had gone back to the caves himself, but knew it wasn't likely. That cavern had scared the pants off both of them, and he knew Illya was in no hurry to swallow anymore Stags. He was probably at home with his wife again and for that he didn't blame the man, though he'd had several days to rest at this point.

There was a perfect copse of trees they could use just outside the Village. "You run one lap and then climb trees. Then swap." It seemed the most logical thing to do and so Bentil conducted drills this way into the afternoon and by the time sunset came everyone was much too tired to argue about anything. "I think we take rest morning tomorrow," he told the laggy group as they shuffled home covered in sweat and mud. They had worked 4 days straight and sometimes the men did need a break. He got a murmur of approval, and with that done he started making his way home.

No sooner had Bentil started dragging his feet down the lane, his weapon over his shoulder did he see Kalzda come marching up the road. Her long black hair trailed behind her as she walked right up to him, looking concerned. "Illya isn't with you?" It was more of a statement than a question, to which Bentil tilted his head. "No, Il-ya went home early." The woman blinked a few times before shaking her head. "No, he didn't I haven't seen him all day."

The two of them seemed to come to the same conclusion at the same time. Illya was missing. A shock of fear tingled through Calysta's nerves as she set out toward the jungle. Every conceivable reason for him to go missing flickered through her head like a sickening movie reel and she had to force herself to focus. "We have to find him! He might be in the caverns." Bentil scrambled behind her though he was much slower after an entire day's worth of training under his feet. "I help look! You go south side and I go north." If anything he would keep her away from the infested caverns. The Innas man wouldn't like it much if his little wife was harmed.

Bentil took off toward the north while Calysta took the southern road. "Illya!" she called every hundred yards or so, "Illya!" Why wouldn't he answer? Was he passed out somewhere? Had a seizure? Poisoned from swallowing another Tannas? "Illya?!" her voice cracked with the effort of yelling into the forest as sludgy, ash-laden rain began to plop down in big drops over the island.
There was limited murmuring going about, but Clark managed to come by the knowledge anyway. No matter the news there was always a way to obtain what it was about. This was regarding the movement of Federation ships again. Some thought they were going to attack the Chippequoti again, but they were all confused when the strike squad passed them. What could be more enticing and in the fringe of all places?

Clark sat quietly just under a tree on Pytra while he read the newest reports. If he remembered correctly Kirit had also sent out a small fleet of Kaereleans toward the fringe not too long ago. Not everyone got to know everything about the war, but Clark had the inside path on a few things when he worked as a spy in Quoti. The fringe had been the Federation's fail safe. Their place to fall back on if they had to. It had been left alone by them for the most part. They let it lay dormant and people quit worrying about invasion, but the infrastructure was there. Taking the fringe away would remove a clear exit plan and that was both brilliant and dangerous.

Slowly Clark's eyebrows raised as he started to look over the direction in which the Federation ships had been reported to be heading when they flew over the Dark Chippequoti on their new planet. It looked like it was Demos or possibly Claehoelen. Both of those had been key instruments in the past and it would make for a clean sweep. The cleanest way to work through them was to start at Demos. Considering the fact that there was likely only 1 man in the entire Alliance that would know that and he was currently missing it gave Clark a pretty good idea what was going on. This wasn't something he needed to make obvious that he knew. At least not yet. There was still plenty of little ways for him to aid the cause here on Pytra, but he knew what Illya was doing. Brilliant and risky was something the man was good at. Dark Chippequoti had always been immensely proud of themselves and when they had lived and trained all their lives to fight they acted as if they were invincible.

One of Clark's halfbred Tannas sons climbed up the small hill and sat down next to him. "I found what you were looking for."

"Did you?" Clark grinned and he held a hand out to take what was being offered by the young man. "You made sure no one saw you getting it?" They didn't need the trouble of anyone believing that they had stolen anything. It was more of a case of borrowing a certain item from the previous General's house. Breaking in was easy when you were half Tannas. With a partially unstable form it made picking locks and breaking into homes relatively easy. Looking over the small notebook Clark opened it up and found a few numbers inside. That was all he needed. Copying the numbers he grinned and then passed the notebook back to his son. "You can put that back now. I just needed to get those numbers and figures down." It was a basic code that many Chippequoti had used during the first war with the Federation. They would write little coded messages and most of the time it wasn't easily broken, but if this little book of codes could be broken Clark might get an idea of what was on the General's mind. Was he really interested in an empire, or did he have other motives for his disappearance?

All of it would depend on what he could find. There was no clear indication so far and Clark was invested in whichever way the General turned. Any smart man would be ready to offer his services when the General returned. Considering that Illya had likely been raised to build the empire and he was taking the clean sweep of Federation fall back territory seemed to indicate he was on a gamble to build an army for himself. After all, he had gained significant power on Pytra and he gave it up, but no self respecting Chip would have given that up unless there was something better.


Illya had drifted in and out of sleep. He wasn't sure if he'd seized more than once or not, but he knew it was a bad. There was a puddle of vomit not too far off from where he was laying now. Groaning he pulled himself closer to the exit of the cave only to see that it was dark and raining outside. That was likely the best explanation for the fact that he was already soaking and cold. It was good that his pad was sturdy and it had the protective weather barrier on it. Squirming on the floor of the cave he manged to pull his pad out from his pocket and he frowned with the effort to simply focus or concentrate on anything at all. Punching impatiently at his list of contacts he dialed a pad and waited. At first he thought he had dialed Kalizda, but it didn't sound like her. "Ugh...Tomas?" Mumbling at the screen he winced. It was bright and he didn't care much for the way it made his eyes sting. "Hmm aaa jes go." Usually he didn't make much sense when he first woke up and while he was trying to talk.

Thomas was portioning out the fish that just been taken from the oven. His daughter hadn't returned yet and he promised to make sure that dinner was ready and to watch the children. Given the downpour of rain he could hear barraging the ship's hull, and the slow peels of rumbling thunder, he had to guess that the weather was slowing her down. He wondered what his son-in-law had gotten into or if his daughter was simply overreacting and the man was fine. Either way, he sent up a small prayer asking for their safe return and began cutting up the flaky fish meat for Cypher to get his bowl first. As he placed the bowl of steaming rice, sea beans and fish in front of his antsy grandson, his pad sent him an alert. Frowning, he crossed the kitchen and pick it up to see Illya's name emblazoned on the caller id. Immediately, he mashed his finger to the lock button and opened up the incoming voice call. In the background he could hear jittery patters of rainfall and a garbled voice. "Illya? Can you hear me? Illya? Caly is worried, where are you?" All he hear was some jumbled words in a thick accent. "Illya...Illya?" The voice call went dead and Thomas worked his jaw trying to think of where Illya was calling from. It was certainly still somewhere on the island because he could hear the rain and it was likely not in one of the caves either. Opening up the display he called his daughter who took several rings to pick up. When she finally did pick up he could tell that she had been yelling because her voice was hoarse and there was rain interference in the background. Thomas quickly informed her that her husband called but had given no information as to where he was at. "He's hear on the island, but he sounded sick or wasn't able to talk." Calysta grit her teeth she wiped water from her eyes. "Have the moon base trace the pad." Thomas worked quickly and sent the order to Rayshe who sent coordinates back to Calysta directly. "234, 864..west side of the island..topography indicates a series of small pocket caves." The coordinates were sending her to a place all the way across the island and if he was in a cavern it was very likely he had come across Tannas. Just thought of it dropped her stomach to her toes. She had to find him immediately. Following the directions on her pad, Calysta took off running in the direction she needed to go, trudging through the rain in the jungle toward the cave on the map. "Illya?!" She called, peering into the various spots. Progress took forever closer to the spot indicated on the map where his pad had been last used and she eventually crawled into a cave, flooding the cavern walls with light from her tactical flashlight. "Illya?"

From the sound of it Thomas wanted him to call Kalizda and Illya barely made one call. His entire head felt like it was going to burst and the pad was way too bright. Setting the pad on the floor of the cave Illya turned his face away from it and he looked toward the inside of the cave where it was darker. Breathing deeply he let out a long sigh and closed his eyes. Illya opened his eyes again a few seconds later and lazily turned his head. Somehow he knew there was something he was forgetting, but he was too tired to actually do anything about it for the time. Why was his pad out? Even with his best effort to clear the fog from his brain he was having troubles figuring out why his pad was sitting out. Edging a bit closer to the center of the cave Illya tried to find a dryer spot. A little blip sounded on his pad and he snatched the pad up and brought it over in front of his face. Whatever it was he wanted to know. Squinting into the light again he stared at the screen almost blankly for several minutes before he realized someone was tracking him. In a clumsy and scrambled effort he forced the pad into a black mode and turned off any signal capabilities. Even if he didn't feel like moving he had to. Shoving the pad into his pocket he slithered out of the cave and crawled on his belly all through the mud and down the side of the hill. He couldn't afford to get caught. Through the fog he remembered that he was late for dinner and he kept on crawling in the mud till he found a semi safe looking place. Leaning against a rock he hid in the deep shadow it cast. Aside from his snoring he would have been far more difficult to find. Somewhere in the distance he heard Kalizda calling for him. What was she doing out here? Cautiously he tried to look around the edge of his rock and instead fell flat on his chest in the mud. Where he caught himself on his arms mud splattered and his face was now speckled with the mud and ash. As her flashlight traveled down the length of the hill it caught Illya in the face and he ducked his head and raised a hand to block the light from reaching his eyes.

Calysta scurried up the muddy hill toward the next cave site, stumbling as a heavy flow of water rushed down mixed with ashes. Where was he? She hauled herself up and kept going, only taking a moment to glance at her pad. The yellow dot indicating his location was gone entirely. Had his battery died or had the pad been destroyed? Her mind reeled as she came over the crest of the hill with her flash flight making a sweep in the dark. Her light caught on something big and she swept the light back, zeroing in on the form. Illya was crouched over, his shoulders slumped as he shielded his eyes, looking more like an animal caught than a man. "Illya!" He looked horrible and her heart leapt to her throat as she slogged through the pouring rain to reach him. As soon as she got close, she reached out to grab his arm gently. Her eyes roamed over him looking for any obvious wounds. "Illya? Are you alright?!"

Wiping his hand over his face Illya grumbled. The light in his face was too bright and he started to slowly get up. Water dripped off the ends of the curls hanging over his forehead and made streams over his face. Streaks of his tanned face showed underneath the black and grey mud. Kalizda's voice sounded so loud and Illya winced when she practically yelled at him. Everything louder than the rain sounded terrible. Flashing her a pathetic grin he answered. "Yeah, I'm fine. Jes tink uh....Forget to uh...I need tah call tah tell yah I'm late."

He was covered in mud from head to toe with streams of murky water flowing down his face. His bright eyes were glazed over as he gave her a sloppy smile. He sounded drunk and she wondered if he'd had a seizure. Bad ones always left him brain logged and lost. "Aye, you forgot alright," she said, pushing wet hair off of her face in relief. "C'mon. I came to take you home." She slipped an arm around his waist as he stood up and tried to guide him in the right direction.

Getting off the ground was slow work and Illya felt tired. He wanted to stop somewhere and just go to bed, but Kalizda seemed pretty determined to get home. When they were part way through the forest Illya saw Bentil and he frowned. "Yah work late too eh?"

Bentil was soaking wet with mud streaks all over his feet as he trundled up to Illya and Calysta. They had found him? Working his jaw, Bentil marched over to them with his arms brandishing. "I work late because I out here in rain to look for Innas lost in jungle," he grumbled, though it was half hearted snip. The man looked drunk or like he'd taken a hard hit to the head at some point. "You leave training and not come back...going into jungle alone stupid idea an now wife is guardian." He was fussing mostly because he had worried and he really was a bit grumpy about being stuck out in the rain. Calysta kept a firm hand around Illya, her fingers gripping the side of his shirt. "He doesnt feel great, I need to get him home."

"I wasn't lost." Grumbling at the little man Illya threw him a dirty look, but winced when he was flashed in the eyes with the flashlight. It made his head hurt and he felt a spell of dizziness. Pausing for a moment Illya braced one hand against the tree. "I set up targets for midgets tah shoot, but I dun know what happen. Jes set up one en cave and den ets late." Illya pushed himself away from the tree and he mumbled under his breath when Kalizda made it sound like he was sick. "I jes get up early tomorrow and get targets set tah train."

Bentil raised a brow at the man. It was clear something was very wrong. Maybe he had swallowed another Stag, since he did smell pretty rank with vomit. "Eh you show up tomorrow," Bentil said wiping his face, "I make others run drill and climb. I take charge just fine." Calysta sighed when she heard Illya say he was going to get up early the next day to set up for training. Her first instinct was to tell him that was not going to be the case, but she had a better idea. "Well, we have to actually get you home first. C'mon." She started ushering him down the path again at a faster pace before he totally gave out. Finally, they made it to the docks where the animal bay door ramp was waiting for them. "We have to clean off," she said, letting go of him for a moment. "Take off your shirt and shoes, love." She didn't call him petnames often but she was worried and it slipped out. Running up the ramp, she grabbed the hose and came back to at least get the mud and ick off of her Chip so she could send him for a hot shower.

Moving at a faster pace was hard even if his legs were longer than Kalizda's. Illya stumbled along and nearly pulled Kalizda over a few times, but he managed to get back to the ship with her. No sooner were they in the animal bay then she was telling him to strip off and Illya grimaced. He knew exactly what she was going to do and he was already tired out, cold, and sore. Taking his shirt off and then his shoes Illya started on his pants next. A cold blast of water hit and Illya yipped. "Ow." It didn't particularly hurt, but it was the first word that popped out of his mouth before he started shivering in earnest. "Ugh....Ets making meh back cramp." Curling his shoulders he tried to fight the spasms that were starting to creep into his already sore back.

She hated hosing him down when he was already miserable, but it would only create problems for the ship plumbing if they showered off straight away with all the ash and mud clumps. Wielding the hose with an expert hand, she sprayed him down as fast as she could, causing him to yelp. "I know, I'm sorry...almost done." As soon as he was clean she snatched up a fluffy towel and tossed it around his shoulders then pointed to the interior of the ship. "Go to the shower, alright go get warm." As he shuffled away, she ripped off her own tunic, boots, and leggings before turning the hose onto herself. The water was cool and sent goosebumps over her arms. Forcing herself to continue hosing down, she nudged the soiled clothes to the end of the ramp and dragged in the boots to the animal bay. She would clean them later. Mostly stripped, she scurried after Illya to make sure he got into the shower.

By the time Kalizda had finished hosing him off Illya felt like just curling up in bed and forgetting the shower, but he still needed one and that would save time in the morning. He needed to get up early and finish some things to set up targets before the men came out. The modifications were on schedule last he checked and Illya figured that he could disperse the rest of the weapons to the Agan in two days. In the mean time they would be having to share. Perhaps it would work out in his favor for the time being. They weren't about to get a normal shooting range. He needed them to be able to make shots from varying heights and still maintain their accuracy.

When Illya reached the shower he turned the water on and realized after a moment that he still had his towel wrapped around his shoulders and it was the reason that it was taking a little longer to warm up in the water. Wringing the towel out Illya tossed it over the shower curtain. Pouring some of his usual oil mix onto the scurbber Illya washed down really fast and dumped probably too much of the oil into his hair, but it was going to be worth it. Something nice to smell. Kalizda joined him in the shower just as he was finishing with his hair and he stayed for a few moments longer, but didn't finish her shower with her. "I jes get in bed eh?" Grabbing his mostly soaked towel off the floor Illya used it to wipe off what moisture it could absorb and then shuffled his way across the room and flopped on the bed. He didn't even have the ambition to put boxers on. She'd just have to be ok with him not wearing anything to bed.

Before Illya could actually fall asleep Kalizda had finished her shower, dashed out of the room and returned a few minutes later with a cup of dark, bitter tea or something. She said it would help him sleep and Illya sucked it down without question. As soon as he finished the drink, Illya flopped back in the bed and pulled his heated blanket all the way up to his chin. "I tink maybe I have seizures today." Mumbling a little he turned on his side and draped a lazy arm over Kalizda's waist.


It was already so much later than Illya had planned on being for work. He could see the sun was up and up a long time since it first rose. At least long enough that it had started to feel hot. Scrambling out of bed with a start he pulled five pair of boxers out of the dresser by accident and left four of them on the bed where he had been laying. He could always pick those up later. The closest pair of tactical pants were maybe a few days old, but they were the easiest pair of pants to grab so he pulled them on and snatched the shirt hanging over the back of a chair before stumbling out the door in search for his boots. They were probably sitting with his socks from last night and that was all the better it was going to get for the day.

When Illya arrived at the center of town the men were only just assembling and he wondered how it was that they figured they should be late because he was. "For next two days we work hard and den I give yah two days off. After yah days off dere will be weapon for every man. Today we train wit guns." They had all proven that they could run and so his first order of business was going to be the target shooting. "Yah have different drill today. All day yah shoot and dats et."

Taking the men out to the forest Illya set them up for the first 20 targets and set the sensors on his pad. While the men were preparing to load their weapons he looked over the other sensors to see where they had been placed in the forest. So far as he could tell he had set them all up before he crashed out with the seizures. Unless someone else did it for him and he doubted that would happen. Besides, no one else knew what his plans had been. They were save don his pad and only he and Kalizda knew the password to get into it. not to mention the fact that she almost never interfered with anything he took care of.

The first man seemed too anxious to fire his weapon and it almost knocked the Agan on his rear and left him with a sore shoulder. Illya glanced at him and smirked. "Yah learn tah be patient wit yah weapon." From there on out the men seemed to be a little more careful in their general handling of the weapons. When the second man stepped up he was on the opposite end of the scale. Already Illya could feel himself sweating and he could tell he didn't feel well. Kneeling on the ground he rested his forehead on one hand and then kept his eyes closed, but talked the shooter all the way through the process. "Yah jes hold gun steady, breate deep. Let out breat and do dis a few times. Do et till yah always see target. Yah jes stay focus and yah nut hurry. Yah learn en time dat speed comes wit taking yah time tah make et right." Everyone now and then Illya would look up to see who it was that he was coaching and he would pull the butt of the gun tighter to their shoulder. "Always hold et tight. Ef yah dun show dah gun dat yah have control et will hurt."

Training the Agan wasn't the worst set of recruits he had ever had, but they were fair moderate to miserable in their ability with the weapons. Illya was almost relieved when it was time for lunch and he laid under one of the trees to read a fast message while he cooled off a little. What he read made his heart nearly leap out of his chest. There were already reports of the Federation passing where the Dark Chippequoti had stationed themselves. Thankfully there had not been any more attacks, but they were within approximately 10 days. They would have to take only 1 day off and Illya was going to push harder to get modifications finished ahead of schedule.
Calysta finished hosing herself off and half ran into the ship past the animals to their bedroom, leaving a trail of water behind her. By the time she made it to the bathroom, Illya had already stripped down and stepped into the shower with the water steaming hot. He didn't stay long with her as she worked the muddy ash from her braid, which was fine. He was tired, miserable and just jumping in the shower for that long allowed her to check him over for any other damage that might have occurred. There were only a few scrapes on the side his arm, undoubtedly from where he collapsed and seized on the hard ground. After he left the water, she knew that there wasn't much time for her catch him and doctor him up before he fell asleep. Scrubbing down as fast as she could, Calysta cut the water off and dove out of the shower, only bothering to wrap herself in her fluffy robe. Her quick glance at Illya told her she might have enough time to make him something to sleep better if she hurried.

Dashing into the kitchen with wet hair slapping at the back of her robe, she went to work making him some coffee. It was a trick she hadn't used in a few years, since before his brain injury to help him sleep and with what little sleep he was getting...and she was getting...this would help a little. The coffee pot didn't want to brew fast enough, and she was dancing on her toes as if that would make the device move any faster. Finally, the most of the brown liquid was done spilling out into the mug and she snatched up the cup, heading toward the bedroom again. They were out of cream since she used the most of it that morning for Illya's pancakes and the thought of sugar didn't pass her mind as she scurried to their bed. Illya was laying there half out of himself but she didn't hesitate to push the cup into his broad hands. "Drink." At her orders he swallowed down the coffee, then flopped over back, sending the mug tumbling from his hands as if he had forgotten it was there. She picked up the cup and set it on the bedside table before sighing some at his comment. "Aye, I think you did."

Settling into the bed with him, she felt a lazy arm flop over her side, his heavy weight pinning her down before he started snoring loud enough to rival Cin. Rolling over, she adjusted his arm so it was more comfortable for both of them, then tucked her head to his chest. She could hear his heart beating steadily which was a slight comfort. What if he had seized in the middle of a battle or in a cave with Tannas? It made her sick to think about as she curled closer despite his roaring snores. He was putting too much on himself and the stress was showing. Now, it was more important than ever for her to step up with him, starting with his main goal of training. Having made her decision to get up early and take care of a few things early in the morning, Calysta held him close and sighed. It took her a moment to realize that Illya was completely naked under the covers, not having bothered putting on boxers when he crawled in. "Illya Blackwolf," she mumbled in false disapproval. In reality, it was rather nice to think he was all there and bare beside her.

Illya slept heavily through the night, never waking once, and when morning came Calysta rose before the sun. He was still flopped over in such a deep sleep he didn't even notice the fact that his heated blanket was tangled around his waist instead of pulled up to his chin. Good. Her Chip would sleep through the morning, and she could deal with the tasks of the day. First, she needed to figure out what the training regimen was and the only place to do that was Illya's pad. She dressed and then unlocked the training schedule for the Agan's and Silx to find he had been placing targets out in the jungle.

Setting off into the jungle, Calysta followed each of the coordinates indicated on the maps she had sent to her pad and carried the remaining target she had found with her. Placing the battery powered targets wasn't a particularly hard task except for the last one which was half hidden behind a moss covered rocky outcropping in the jungle. She started to climb the boulder with her bag on her back, focused on the spot where she would be fixing the target. Once she made it far enough, Calysta set up the stand on an even space, then turned on the battery, allowing the target's signal to the pad to come on. As she was reaching to adjust the angle slightly, something sharp clamped around her ankle just above her boots. "Ow!" The small yelp of sudden pain and surprise escaped her and she glanced down to find a large snake with vibrant green and yellow stripes with his mouth encircling her leg as it thrashed. "Get off!" She reached down and grabbed the nasty creature by the back of it's head, squeezing until it let go. It's fangs pulled out of her leg as its open mouth hissed with a vengeance at her. Already, she had little patience from lack of sleep and general worry and this was the icing on the cake. She squeezed harder until the snake writhed, then slammed it's head into the rocks before crushing it under the heel of her boot. Even in death, the serpent's body was still twitching like a gross worm inching from the dirt. Grumbling, Calysta wrenched up her pants leg to inspect the wound. Whatever poison it had used was making her leg go numb. A neurotoxin? She didn't know, but her best luck was to visit Kensi. The natives would know how to treat bites from the local species of snake best, if not she would have to call on the Ehaui doctor that came with the Kaerelean base. Illya was sure to hear about it for sure and it was embarrassing enough. Not to mention it would put yet another stress on him.

Setting off down the path, she hobbled along until her leg was too numb to feel and the sensation was spreading to her hip. Kensi and Bentil's house wasn't far and by the time she made it there, there wasn't much feeling on her left side to keep her from colliding into their door rather than knocking. The sounds of Kensi barking harshly could be heard on the other side before the door opened, revealing the tiny Agan woman with a fierce look. "Please tell me you have an anti-venom for this one," Calysta said as sweat dripped down her temples. Kensi's eyes traveled to the dead snake clutched in Calysta's hands and she rolled her eyes. "Innas not to smart for living in jungle. First lost, now snake bite....BENTIL!" She crowed her husband's name who came when he was called, looking happy to have slept in until he saw Calysta in the door with the snake. "You always trouble."

The small man helped her inside by bracing his shoulder under her arm then sat her down in a chair not far from the door. Kensi pulled the dead carcass from her hands, tutting and fussing as she went to work, propping the leg up to inspect. "Your side numb?" she asked. Calysta nodded. The woman disappeared into the back of her house and returned with a knife and a box. She sat the knife over the stove to heat up, sterilizing the blade, then pulled back Calysta's pants leg a little more. Her fingers prodded at the puncture wound which was leaking watery blood. "You lucky. Masmata not deadly. Just pain," Kensi told her, "I cut then drain. You be fine." When the knife was ready, Kensi allowed it to cool some before making some small incisions over the swollen bump of poison. Thin rivulets of poison mixed with blood dripped down into the mat below them. "Thank you, Kensi," Calysta sighed in relief. She couldn't feel the cuts, but she could feel the relief of pressure as the venom left her leg, bringing the swelling down even more. Kensi just grunted and kept on with her ministrations, poking at the wound every now and then before opening up the box and using a vial from inside. She doused a steamed towel with the liquid, then looked up. "Now, we sweat. Draw out more." She laid the piping hot towel over Calysta's ankle, allowing for the drawing solution and steam to pull out the poison.

Calysta laid her head back on the chair behind her and closed her eyes. She was tired already and she was going to have to meet Rayshe in the jungle to start setting up for the clearing operation. At some point, she must have drifted off because a sudden prod at her shoulder caused her to jolt awake. Kensi was standing over her with a pack on her back and an expectant look. "You wake and we go." Rubbing her eyes, Calysta smacked her lips together realizing how thirsty she was and that her left side was no longer numb. In fact she could feel the bite throbbing slightly through a linen bandage which had been wrapped over while she was snoozing. Sitting up quickly, she fumbled for her pad, Calysta dropped it to the floor, not once but twice before managing to grab it to check the time. It was almost noon and there were several messages from Rayshe. "They're waiting!"

She wrenched on her shoes which sent a sharp pain zinging up her leg from the snake bite. It was going to be a pain walking around all day with it, but there was little choice with so much to do. Kensi stayed quiet as they made their way back into the jungle. If she rolled her steps a certain way to the insole of her foot, it spared the bitten ankle some pulling, though it made walking slower. Kensi ignored her slow pace and stopped only when they reached a low point in the path marked by a carved totem of some kind. A cool mist clung into the air around them despite the heat of the day and for the first time ever, Calysta saw the woman hesitate. "The dead go beyond here. Forbidden unless burial," she grumbled, "Your men sure to go here to meet?"

"Aye,"Calysta nodded, "If you don't want to go past this point, I understand. One of the tunnels we need is this way and I can find my way."

Kensi's dark eyes flicked up to the top of the weather-worn, moss riddled totem and she adjusted her backpack. It went against everything she knew to go into this place, but this was to help her home. Her children. Would she brave the dead to save the living? Squaring her jaw, the small woman stepped forward into the ferns. "This place is for the dead. Hope they will not interfere with the living. Who keep you from stepping on snake if I don't go, Innas?"

Calysta nodded quietly and stepped off the path into the untamed jungle. They passed several more totems until they arrived at a clearing. Set in a circle were perfectly round boulders covered in softly glowing green moss. Around those, in orderly piles were what appeared to be white sticks or limbs, however, a double take proved that these were sun bleached bones. Big ones, undoubtedly from the Silx and child-sized ones from long gone Agan's.

In the center was a large tree whose branches were so large that they nearly encompassed the entire clearing above them, strung with flower-filled vines. What drew her attention the most was the trunk of the tree. A woman was carved into the tree with such stunning detail she could have been in an art museum rather than a mass graveyard. Calysta crept closer, but it was Kensi who marched past her and felt to her knees, bending into a deep bow at the carving feet.

"Who is she?" Calysta asked curiously as the woman mumbled to herself.

Kensi refused to answer until her prayer was complete, rocking back and forth as she asked for blessings for her children, her husband, and forgiveness for intruding onto the sacred ground. "The scared Goddess Lahdale." She said the word as if it were supposed to be obvious who the deity was at first, then turned to see Calysta looking at the carving quizzically. "Long before Agan's and Silx contract against third tribe Agan man, Dedi, on ocean fishing. He catch nothing on the reefs or he go further and further till all sight of land gone. A great storm came and kill him... sweep him far away to paradise. Goddess Lahdale find him on her shore and heal him. She say he can stay forever or leave forever. Cannot return till he die again. Dedi think of his wife and children, then ask Lahdale to send him home. She give him blessed boat and calm the sea at his prayer and send him home to the island. He return from death with gifts and many stories. Now, Lahdale looks over the lost to take to paradise. mY Silx lays here as do all ancestors before us, even through slavery. Lahdale watches over. Show your respect and we will move on."

Calysta wasn't much of a praying woman, least of all to an unknown Goddess, but she didn't want to be disrespectful either. "I will bow like my people do to show respect," Calysta said quietly. Facing the carved woman, she bent at the waist into a deep bow as she balanced on her good leg. Her braid swept over her shoulder, nearly touching the ground which seemed to satisfy Kensi, and then they kept moving.

After another 20 minutes of walking, they neared the base of the mountain to find Rashye standing by a cave entrance. Already his men were underway setting up the equipment and the lieutenant turned to the two of them. "Councilwoman, Mrs. Kensi," he said quickly, "I have begun setting up the equipment in this area but there is another cave around this location which we need help locating the entrance to." Kensi looked uncomfortable but nodded to the Kaerelean. "I show you. Kalzda stays here." The woman would simply slow her down with her snake bitten ankle.

Having been left behind, Calysta sighed and began looking over the construction of the first engine that would push the Tannas from the mountain to dissipate them. Her ankle was aching and she still felt tired as well as thirsty. The sooner she got this done, the better though. Not long after she was helping to calibrate part of the blades, did a disturbing message come through on her pad. The report from Kirit made her stomach slide like a runny egg down to her toes. They were coming so soon? There wasn't near enough time to get everything the needed to do completed. "Here," she said, handing off the calibrator to another Kaerelean man. "Make sure this is done to within the perfect 1000th please." He didn't reply other than to say a quick 'yes ma'am' and start working. Calysta plopped down against a nearby tree and began working on some sort of solution to give them more time. No matter what she did, it wouldn't be enough, but she could help.


Calysta ran down the path with her pad held against her chest tightly to keep it from falling. She had to hurry or their window of opportunity would close and this was something she wanted to talk with Illya about before sending the order. It was only when she came across the disbanding Agan's for lunch that she slowed her pace to look more calm. Bentil held a hand up in a friendly but also half-hearted wave."You come to talk to Il-ya?" It was strange that he didn't see any lunch in the woman's hands, but maybe there were going to eat together at the fish market. "Aye," Calysta said quickly, her eyes scanning over the village, "Where is he?" Bentil pointed up the hill to a large tree where she could see Illya's form stretched out. "Thanks!" Keeping her pace to a calm power-walk, she scaled the hill and came to Illya's side. "Illya...we have a problem,"she stated calm as she could, "But I think I have an idea."

Even if he was mostly sprawled out and trying not to draw attention to himself Illya could hear someone trudging their way up the hill toward him. He just wanted to be left alone for a few minutes. Instead of being interrupted by the usual offenders it was Kalizda. "I know we have problem. We have lots of dem." Grumbling a little he sat up and sighed. "Tell meh what yah idea es."

He was unusually gruff with her but she ignored the attitude for the moment in favor of getting to the point in the interest of time. She folded her knees to sit cross-legged beside him and revealed a plotted star map on her pad to him. "I've run the navigational numbers, cross-referencing the top speed of the styles of Federation ships coming," she whispered, "Here's the enemy vessels and their trajectory and velocity. At this speed, they would be here in 10 days accounting for at least one fuel stop, which they will need here on Bazene. They may have bypassed Simzen, but look how close Bazene is to G'koe." She pointed to the three planets together. "Kaerelean ships are by design much faster from the engine to hull. I think our auxiliary fleet could meet the force coming in time. They may not be able to catch all of the ships, but they could make it much harder for them to arrive at Demos. What's more, is that would appear as any routine defense battle. No one would have to know it's in response to black ops."

Illya waited patiently while Kalizda gave her little math speel. He already knew they only had about 10 days, but she did have other points that were quite nice. "Well I tink dat would be a good idea." A tired grin came to his face and he winked at her. "Sometimes meh little bird es very clever. I tink we talk more about how yah make order when I get done wit training today." If there was one thing he learned it was not to give her the go-ahead on anything because she would run with it even if he still wanted to go over details later on. A good idea didn't mean that it was flawless.

She knew he was tired in more ways than one but this wasn't something they could delay till late in the night. The fact that he still wanted to help her make the order was both understandable and yet slightly disheartening at the same time. He still didn't trust her to make those types of decisions apparently, even if he was smiling and winking at her. With a small sigh, she swallowed that thought down and returned his smile with a slight encouraging one of her own. "We don't have too much time, if I don't make the call by 20:00 galactic time, we'll miss our window, but I will wait if you want."

Naturally she was thinking of the time difference and Illya hadn't got quite that far with his brain. He was too tired to think of everything and he nodded to her. "Alright, den what yah order gonna say? We do et now."

Calysta's grey eyes slowly lifted from the pad and met his green eyes. She wanted him to see that she had thought carefully about this. There would be no repeat mistakes in what she said or did when giving orders. Despite what he might have thought she had learned a lesson, having paid dearly for it with stained hands, exile, and worse. "Only that the auxiliary fleet Chief Airman Weysn is to send his fastest battle cruisers fully stocked to the coordinates specified to intercept and destroy an enemy envoy. Any escaping ships from the area will not be pursued out of the sector." Stopping the chase would keep their location on Demos a secret to protect the rest of the Kaereleans and the Demosians as well.

It sounded like a reasonable order and Illya listened to her with a slight narrowing to his eyes. "Ah, I tink dat would be fine." There wasn't anything wrong with what she proposed. "Den yah better send dah message." Gingerly he laid back on the grass again and let out a sigh. "I jes have little rest before dah rest of training for dah day. I make sure dat dey know dere es nut much time tah become proficient wit dere weapons and I nut take anymore days off."

: A sliver of relief took some of the weight from her chest when he said that the orders were fine. She was perfectly capable of doing this and it would take some stress from his shoulders, hopefully. "I will send it in a few minutes," she replied quietly as he laid back. A few minutes delay wasn't going to affect anything and she would be due back at the construction site soon. Until then, she could spend some quiet time with him. As Calysta started to lay back in the grass beside him, slipping her fingers lightly into his, he made a comment about the Agan's training...and not taking any days off...which sent in her sitting up again in protest. "No, you should take the same days off the Agan's do. You have to rest too, Illya."

He hadn't quite thought through what he was saying and immediately Illya knew the trouble with his thought. "Eh, I tink dat I need tah get lots of tings done. 10 days es nut much time. I take day 7 off and den dat's et." It was the only reasonable compromise he could come up with. However, it meant that in the meantime he would have to push hard to make all the stuff happen that needed to be done. "Yah dun worry about et. I can do et. Dere have been harder tings before."

His idea of a rest day was 1 day out of 10 for a major battle with the excuse that there was so much to do? A deep frown set in, only making the darkened circles under her eyes more prominent. " Aye, there have been harder things, but they don't have to be. Illya, let me help. Not everything has to come down to you alone. I can help." If he continued at this pace he would be exhausted and his seizures would get worse right before the Federation arrived. He needed time and she was making as much of it as she could for them both to work together. "I'm already worried so give me a way to fix that, yeah?"

"Dere are tings dat yah dun know. I can't have yah take over dah training." Illya knew that she had some knowledge, but not enough for the men to benefit from it when things came down to a battle. "Ef I let yah do anyting et would be tah make sure dat dey take time tah run in dah morning and jes give dem some basic instructions so dey can start and den I would meet dem part way trough."

She didn't know everything, of which she was fully aware but she felt like there was more that she could do to help. Perhaps the fact that she didn't know what else to do to help revealed how green she was to battle.

"Done. I will take over the morning PT drills and you can sleep in and then you can take one more day off with me in the mean time at least one more. Work three days and off one until the Federation arrives," she replied, "I leave breakfast out for you in the mornings and lunches too."

Illya wasn't going to agree to her terms, they were not reasonable. "I tink dat I jes do what I have tah." Nodding to her slightly he continued. "Yah take some morning drills and den I see what else needs tah be done from dere. I only take scheduled rest when the Agan and Silx rest. Dey will have good rest before dah Federation arrives. I dun need dem tah be too tired tah fight."

Calysta wanted to scream internally at his stubborness, as he brushed her off. Her jaw set as she breathed in a few times, trying to stay calm, though it wasn't working very well. "And I need you to be well rested too. So you do what you have to and so will, because I will be damned if you die because you were exhausted when the Federation comes here. It's not happening. You're stressed and I know you're still upset about the Chips. You're making yourself sick, Illya and I'm worried regardless of whether you tell me not to."

"I am nut sick." Illya snarled back at her. "Jes because I have small seizure yesterday dun mean dat I need tah be treated like some invalid." He was mostly irritated with her at this point. "Yah dun need tah treat meh like I'm fine little doll dat breaks."

Now, he was getting downright angry at her for no reason, snarling and snapping irritably. There was no reason for it and she was trying to be so patient with him, but with the last three nights of no sleep, her puffy ankle, along with the stress of worrying about an entire planet plus the family. She had come to the end of what she could take. Ripping her hand away from his she stood up and crossed her arms. "I'm not." The words came around harsher than she meant to. "Illya, last night I found you covered in mud and sick out of your mind from seizures after I looked around for you in the dark for an hour. You had me terrified. I don't treat you like you'll break. I worry for the exact amount that discovery makes me worry."

Setting his jaw he almost grit his teeth as he stared at Kalizda. Illya refused to blink even when she snapped right back. Times like these were never good to be trying to talk with each other about serious stuff. He knew better than to argue with her when he was tired like this, but she started it. "Well, ets nut meh fault dat yah worry. I tink I would be jes fine ef I slept in dat cave all night anyway.'

She let out a squeaky growl of frustration as she stood up, fists clenched and grey eyes ablaze with fury. "Is that so?" she fumed, "Well, I'll remember that tonight when you want to sleep in the bed next to me and not your oh-so-fine cave. The worry wort who doesn't treat you like a man, but a doll instead." Her words were dripping with anger and slight sarcasm. Without another word, she turned on her heels, braid whipping behind her as she stomped back down the hill.

She was getting wild on him. Illya glowered at her disappearing form and he rolled his eyes. Of course, she was going to claim she should leave him outside tonight. From the sound of it he wondered if she would. Kalizda hadn't done something like that yet, but there was a first time for everything.


As Calysta started toward the jungle path, she received a message stating that the construction was complete in the area she had come from. It was ahead of schedule, which was excellent news and yet it didn't seem like quite enough. She punched back a short worded 'Good job' and an order to keep moving to the next site so long as there was daylight. At least this freed her to go home and check on the children. "I worry too much about him?" she fumed under her breath as she made her way slowly to the ship. " I worry the right amount! He says that but I let him go off and he comes back without a memory...or without a leg...or swallows a Tannas...has a seizure....or comes back with a bloody new animal.......which I forgot to feed." Cursing under her breath, she doubled her pace despite her sore ankle and made it to the ship.

Sure enough, the animals were hungry when she walked into the bay. She was met by hungry chicken clucks, a yowling sound from Keysha, excited snorting from Cin, and a pack of dogs all waiting for their meals which had been forgotten in the morning. "Give me a moment," she sighed. She fed Cin and Keysha first, putting the meat pellets into their bowls at each of their little built in homes which she had worked so hard on. Then fed all of the puppies who pushed and shoved their way to the trough, happy for food. Calysta gave the chickens their feed, being certain to steer away from Trouble and giving Illya's favorite hen, whom she lovingly called Fat Mama, a pat on the head. "Good chicken." When that was finished, she turned to the squawking bird creature in the cage which gave her a piercing stare with is yellow eyes. "Listen up," she said firmly, "I'm a little bird too and my eyes are grey which means I'm alot more trouble than you want to get into right now. I'm going to feed you and you'd better behave." She took a few of the meat pellets and put them into a bowl before carefully sliding it into the cage, not putting her fingers anywhere near the bird. The creature looked at the meal and then flipped the bowl over sending pellets everywhere with an angry call. "I'll find you something else..." Calysta grumbled. This bird was going to eat and Illya would keep it since they had gone through so much trouble to get it.

She walked into the hallways only to be half tackled by her son who wrapped his thick arms around her knees, trampling all over her ankle while he was at it. "Mam!!!"

"Hi Cypher," she winced.

"Mam, come look et! I make foods with Papa!" he grinned, tugging her along. She wasn't moving quite fast enough and he squealed insistently, dragging his mother along into the kitchen. Her father was there making noodles with cheese and obviously had let Cypher help as there were fat, cheese sauce hand prints covering most of the cabinetry. Lohgan sat in her bouncy seat and immediately held up her arms with a cry at the sight of her mother. "I'm coming, sweet heart. Hold on." Cypher insisted on showing her his cheesy hands...which she hadn't noticed before and she was sure there were now goopy hand prints stuck on the back her pants...and by the time he was done, Lohgan was kicking in her seat for being ignored.

By the time lunch was over, Calysta wanted nothing more than to send her orders to the auxiliary fleet and perhaps get off her foot for awhile. She typed out the exact message she described to Illya and once it was sent to the Chief Airman at G'koe, she made her way to the bedroom. When she arrived, she found clothes strewn everywhere across an unmade bed. Closing her eyes, she took in a calming breath and let it out. So what if she wasn't a soldier? she could be useful elsewhere, couldn't she?

Calysta cleaned up the clothes, putting them into the hamper then cleaned their thoroughly while she was it. Might as well get it over with. With a freshly made bed and a cleaned room, Calysta sat down on her bed only to see her door creak open. Cypher had come to see if she would cuddle with him. Half the dogs followed on his heels as he crawled into her lap and laid his head on her shoulder. He was so warm and sweet sometimes, it really still amazed her at moments. He had grown so much from the tiny, weak boy at birth. "I'm sleepy too little man," she whispered into his hair. She kissed the top of his wild curls then, half collapsed them onto the bed. By now, the dogs knew not to follow and laid down around the bed as she wrapped her arms around her boy and laid back, humming a Kaerelean lullaby. It wasn't long before her head drifted back against the pillow and her arms slacked. Cypher kept a tight grip on her shirt as she snoozed, but the was alright. The sensation of his weight and warmth sent her right to sleep.

An hour or so later, Calsyta shifted Cypher to the side and got up to go make dinner. She broke out some of the frozen red meat they had from Pyrta and grilled it outside on the docks along with thick potatoes and onions. On the way, she gave the strange bird creature which she dubbed Pecky for the time being, a sliver of the raw meat. The creature snapped it up happily, then looked at her expectantly. "Oh fine." She tossed it several more cubes to make sure it was well fed, then went to cooking while her father watched the children.

Illya walked up not long after supper was finished, looking tired and acting as if all was fine. "Here." Calysta passed him off a plate with a 3 inch thick steak cooked medium rare and dripping with juice along with several potatoes and whole caramelized onions. She ate her own steak in the same manner while feeding Cypher and then fed Lohgan her bottle in turn. Making Illya his coffee for the night would be the last order of the day. As she brewed up the Terran drink, she watched Illya's retreating form as he headed off to the bedroom. She was still worried and had every right to be, yet she didn't want to fight. There was enough of that going around. She would simply have to get more creative.

Calysta sat his cup of coffee on the beside table and crawled onto the bed, first checking the bandage around her ankle. It didn't appear that the spot was any worse and the swelling had gone down tremendously which was encouraging. The surrounding area would just be tender for a few days according to Kensi. Once she felt better about her ankle, she turned on the heated blanket and pulled it up to her shoulders as Illya emerged from the bathroom tugging a bit at his boxers. "If you'd rather sleep without them, you should," she mumbled, burrowing into the pillows.

With a full stomach Illya felt much better. Illya stripped down and tossed his clothes in the laundry basket. He figured that he had a good enough aim that he wouldn't miss. Regardless of that fact he ended up missing with his pants. The heavy black trousers fell short and only one leg fell into the hamper. Leaning over, Illya shoved the pant the rest of the way into the hamper and then proceeded to pull at his boxers. It had felt pretty good not to sleep with them the other night and he kind of wished he didn't need to now. With a surprised face he looked at Kalizda when she said he didn't have to sleep with his boxers on. A mischievous grin came to his face and he tugged his boxers right off. Stepping out of them he wandered over to the bed and got underneath the covers. "Yah jes decided I look better witout dem eh?"

"Hmmm...something like that," she replied tiredly with a trailing chuckle, "I think I sleep better when you don't wear them." It was a partial truth, but she was sure if she told him that he slept better without them, that he would accuse her of worrying far too much again. She was exhausted from everything through the day and her warm Chip was laying right next to her eve though she was still quite unhappy with his behavior a few hours before. Cuddling up just a little closer, she inched a lazy and achy ankle over his and hid her cold nose into his bicep with a sigh. "Don't forget your drink, yeah?"

"Do yah?" Illya's smirk grew all the wider. "Den I'll jes have tah sleep naked every night den." He was mostly serious, but said it in a joking sort of tone because he wanted to see if she would agree to it. "Et's much more comfortable tah nut wear clotes all dah time." He could feel her wrapped ankle sneak over his and he started to settle in only for Kalizda to remind him about the drink."Yah jes wait till I'm comfortable."

A smile crept to her lips, as she nuzzled into his arm a little more where his tan skin was warm against hers. "Aye, I think you'll have to since you've spoiled me to it now." His grumblings about the coffee were met with little deference. He still needed to drink it so he could sleep and that's all there was to it. "Drink it quick and I'll make you a bit more comfortable than you were before," she offered sleepily. As he started to reach for it, his leg shifted and bumped into the bite on her leg causing her to hiss then draw away from him. A dull throbbing started up with intermitten shooting pains left by the original wound.

Naturally they both had to move at the same time and Illya cringed when she jolted slightly from the pain in her ankle. "What happened?" He wasn't really sure what had happened and he figured she would tell him if he needed to know. Since he'd just accidentally hurt her it seemed like a good time to know what happened to her ankle.

She had already started to roll over so he could drink his coffee and to keep her leg away from his, but he stopped her. "Nothing to worry about. I was walking through the jungle early this morning and stepped on a snake. Stupid thing bit me and it's poison was a pain, but Kensi fixed it for the most part. It's just sore I think," she sighed, flopping her head to the pillow. Her hair fluttered behind the move and fanned out behind her in soft waves, having been released from their braid. I honesty she was sheepish about it the event. Had it she not been so intent on looking for the last target location, she would have seen it.

"For dah most part?" Illya studied her face for a long moment. "Ef ets still sore maybe yah dun move so much. Poison dat get in dah body needs tah be let alone tah become weaker before yah work so much. I tink yah make yahself sick ef yah work too hard tomorrow. Yah stay here and rest."

Illya was looking at her, and she kept her gaze squarely on his chest without meeting his eyes. He had the nerve to tell her she should stay and rest? "I'll do what I have to do," she sighed, "Kensi removed most of the poison and it looks much better than it did this morning. I should be fine just leading the men in drills even if it is tender."

"No, yah nut fine leading drills." Illya put one finger under her chin and lifted gently till they were looking each other square in the eyes. "Ef yah tink dat yah gonna run like dat den I won't drink meh coffee. I jes get up early in dah morning and let yah dad know dat yah sick and he will take care of yah."

Her delicate chin lifted without resistance to meet his gaze and her grey eyes sparkled a bit with a mixture of worry, pain and slight anger. He was backing her into a corner and she hated it. Not only was he being entirely hypocritical of the same issues regarding himself, but she specifically hadn't told him about it so he wouldn't worry. She had only talked about it now because he'd asked and she promised to be truthful with him. Sighing a little, she slipped a hand up to his under her chin and wrapped her fingers around it with a gentle squeeze. "I won't go then. Just drink your coffee, yeah?"

It was relieving to know she wouldn't be trying to push and make herself even worse. Poison was nothing that she could afford to play with. Kalizda wasn't like a Chip in that way. Her body couldn't isolate things and she was at more risk. What happened to Henaiah had been the result of a poison and Illya didn't want that to happen to her. "I jes let dah men run in dah morning and den I go out eh?" He was trying to find some compromise that she would find acceptable. Illya had a sneaking suspicion that if he didn't make a compromise she would sneak out of the bed in the morning while he was still sleeping. Bringing the cup up to his lips Illya finished off the coffee in four big gulps. "Do yah need anyting tah help soot pain before bed?"

"Bentil can take care of the running and PT in the morning," Calysta as he gulped down his coffee. How he could drink it hot like that and so fast was beyond her. It would have her stomach and the come right back up if she had swallowed it down like he did. He was asking if she needed anything for t he pain and she thought for a moment before chuckling. "Kensi said coolness would help so I suppose tonight..." she slid her injured ankle over to his metal one, bracing the injury slightly over the cool limb, "I think I'll cuddle this leg instead." It was a small joke but in seriousness, the metal did feel nice against the tender, still slightly puffy wound. Giggling slightly, she slipped an arm over him and kissed his cheek. "I'll be alright, yeah?"


The next few days passed faster than she could track it seemed. Her ankle was more sore in the morning and she spent most of the afternoon around the ship, tending to the children and had taken it upon herself to teach what she considered an important skill to Rose and Priscilla at this point. "You two should learn some about fire arms while we have the time and we are secure," she told them both. Calysta cut Rose's history lesson short with her Papa to teach her and the Terran woman the most important things first. Safety. "You are never to use this unless you absolutely have to," she told Rose firmly, "This is not a toy. It's a weapon and it will kill. We want you to pull the trigger and mean it if you ever have to. Do you understand?" Rose looked nervous and asked several times why Calysta was teaching her fire arms all of a sudden. "I learned when I was your age," was Calysta's only reply, "We'll learn safety practices and each part first, then when you can tell me that protocol, we'll fire them."

Their lessons were only interrupted by the sound of her pad signaling an alert. The Auxilary fleet had engaged the Federation just as she hoped. A small thrill of success flooded through her when she read that 2 of the 4 ships had been destroyed completely and the other two had been damaged. They made it out of the quadrant where they would not be pursued, but they would have to stop for repairs somewhere on the way. Probably at C23. Kaereleans had no presence on that icy little planet and so the enemy was out of reach...for now. Kensi came by later and tossed a massive bundle of clothing at her with a force that a woman of her stature should possess. "You come to contract ceremony tomorrow before battle. My son choose Silx guardian for pair." Apparently, it was expected that they would be there.

Calysta opened the bundle and laid out the clothes. Kensi had brought clothes for everyone, including the children and Illya too. When she pulled out the Illya sized garb, she couldn't help but snicker just a little. Truly it would look good on him, but he wouldn't like it in the slightest. Her own outfit was quite bright and included multiple swaths of bright material that she had no idea how to wrap around herself along with a headdress she would be expected to wear. Rose, Cypher and Lohgan each had variants of the same style of outfits.

Illya came into the room, having just returned from his day of training. He was glistening with sweat and dotted with grey ashes as he looked over her shoulder. "We've been invited to a contract ceremony for Bentil's son tomorrow," she said, "Kensi was kind enough to bring by the appropriate clothes." She knew the Agan's had been working hard and were looking forward to their day off to celebrate at this point. They had made fantastic improvements when they grew used to the weapons provided. Their tiny forms could wiggle into the nooks and crannies of the island, finding perfect angles for their sniper rifles. They also were fast climbers while able to blend into the trees with ease. Bentil had even managed to hit every target in the center after the third day of training. "It sounds like a good time for a day off, yes?"
Mornings felt like they were coming earlier and earlier with each day. Illya let Kalizda have a little relief the first two mornings by staying in bed a little longer, but he wasn't doing anyone any favors if he rested as much as she wanted him to. Packing one of the emergency kits for his seizures into his pack for the day he started out the door of the ship. Kalizda wouldn't mind him taking the extra stuff with. She wouldn't mind just as long as she didn't know he was using it to keep himself going. This was not the time to start running into a streak of seizures.

A few of the men were giving Illya dirty looks, but he ignored them. It was their problem if they thought he was lazy. He didn't have to answer to them, but he knew that after the first two days and half stumbling through the training with them that some of the looks were concern. Maybe they thought he was sick? "Before we start training today, I tell all of yah dat I'm nut sick. I'm jes fine and we train harder. I will train wit yah dah whole way."

There wasn't anymore time left for light headed moments, seizures, headaches, or sweats. Of course if he took the medicine as a prevention it would have some side effects, but it was better than being incapacitated or laid up for a few days. Aside from that, Illya was sure that if he had another seizure Kalizda would make him stop coming out to train the men. There was so little time left. Even if her plan worked they had to have enough training to last this attack and any future attacks as well. He was going to help them make a stand and give them a way to fight back and then he wasn't going to be here after this. They were on their own and it would be cruel to leave them under prepared. So, his choice was clearly to do what he had to. That choice was to manage the seizures until after the battle. When it was over....Illya cringed at the thought. He knew he was going to be sick, but it would come eventually.

Even if the Agan's were midgets they were quite impressive. He couldn't see them half the time in the forest when they hid. Those he could see he would chase. They would learn to hide better if they knew they were going to be run down like little animals and nearly trampled by him. The Federation would do far worse if they could see the Agan hiding.

After lunch they reconvened and a few were limping, others were simply bruised, but those with no bruises had a strut about them. The ones that were good at what they did knew it and they flaunted it with pride. That was a good thing. "Now," Illya looked over all the soldiers "Agan will have 10 minutes tah run into dah forest and set up defensive before I lead dah Silx in. We all load wit fake bullets. Dey will still hurt and dey will tag yah ef yah get shot. No cheating. Ef we can find yah marker before yah kill us all den yah lose." Nodding to the Agan's he watched their little eyes get wide. "Et's best tah train and yah know dat yah never beat us ef we get close. So yah learn tah coordinate tah stay far away and kill us before we get dere."

One of the Agan men looked to Illya. "Don't we get time to plan?"

"Dat es yah ten minutes. Yah go now and yah plan on dah way. Dere will be no time when dah Stags arrive. Yah will have tah learn tah kill dem fast. Remember," raising an eyebrow he grinned a little. "Each of us has five lives and yah only have one." Illya had already arranged for some of the Kaereleans to participate in the drill as well. Just so they could simulate an overwhelming force, introduce the unexpected and give the Agan a sense of what could happen. "Yah have 9 minutes now."

Already the little men began scuttling off and then Illya waited another couple of minutes before he radioed the Kaereleans to join him and try to take a flank. Just to set the Agan's off guard Illya started with his group of Silx into the forest. Almost immediately it lit up and that was exactly what he wanted to see. That was until they realized they were being flanked. Suddenly the chaos hit and Illya took the chance to start spotting the little men. The Silx were fast learners and those that had 'survived' this attack were scoping out the little men. With the Kaereleans he reached the marker and pushed the red button. When the light flashed all the men stopped and Illya sighed. "Yah learn tah deal wit unexpected better en time."

There was some grumbling going on and Illya shrugged. "Den I have yah watch drill tah see how many Silx yah would lose ef yah dun learn to fight well. Yah already know how difficult et es by yahself, but yah stay en trees and I bring only dah Kaereleans wit meh tah attack Silx. Do noting and den on meh attack after dat yah use yah training tah see how deadly yah are togeter."

Slowly walking toward the edge of the forest Illya winced. His head was hurting and he was starting to have problems seeing. It had to be a seizure about to start. Kneeling near the edge of the forest he dropped his pack and started to dig through it with a sense of urgency. He needed his medicine now! With a shaking hand he brought a little vial to his mouth and swallowed it. Despite the fact that he had the vial he still felt shaky and sick. Taking a needle out he dropped the next treatment into his pant pocket because he was sure he would need it in a few minutes. Slipping his pack back on he walked the rest of the way out of the forest with the Silx. Though they had mostly blank faces he was pretty sure a few of them had noticed. He didn't need anyone here knowing about the epilepsy, but there was only so much he could do to keep himself from seizing.

As he expected it was just a few minutes later and he started into cold sweats and some shakes. Fumbling with the needle in his pocket he jabbed himself with it, but that didn't matter. It was just going to get shoved into one of his veins anyway. Finding a semi sturdy looking object Illya leaned against it and with a shaking hand pushed it into one of his veins. When he finished he dug a small hole with his foot in the dirt and then dropped the syringe into it before kicking dirt over it.


By the end of the first five days of intense training and nearly daily use of the vials and 2 days with shots he was feeling worse for the wear. They were taking a day off and then that left them with 2 more days of training and one day for rest before the enemy arrived. As tempting as it was to get of the medicine right now and just let a day of horrible seizures happen he was half afraid that he wouldn't be able to return to training the day after. If he couldn't guarantee that he could resume training the next day then it wasn't a risk he could afford to take. This was feeling like a mistake. They were just getting to some of the most critical progress and then they were going to have a ceremony.

Tomorrow was the day off. Everyone insisted that they have it and Illya would have pushed, but he knew they were making good progress and they needed their rest. For himself, he was going to try and take things a bit easier too. There hadn't been anymore seizures, but he'd been taking precautions and he was starting to feel it. The rest would be good and it would give his body a chance to settle down. As soon as he stepped in he noticed there was something odd going on in the ship. Kalizda was picking through cloth and very beautiful cloth. It was bright and colorful. Peering over her shoulder he grinned. "Yah gonna wear dah one wit gold?"

She held up the deep teal fabric and then compared it to the shimmering gold headdress to gauge how it would look together as Illya grinned over her shoulder. She should have known he would like the bold colors of purple and teal mixed with the gold on her, though the pattern was quite busy for her taste, it was still pleasing to hear that he might be looking forward to seeing her in it. "Aye," she smiled, "If I can figure out how to actually put it on. It's just fabric that wraps around." She had little in the way of breasts to keep such a dress style fashioned around her properly without a little extra help. Kensi would have to show her how to wear it properly. "Oh, and she brought one for you too." Putting down her dress she quickly picked up the large, almost tent like in comparison to herself, tunic Style robe with its light pink color and gold trim to show him.

Illya would have offered to help her put on the long strip of cloth, but he didn't really know how that would work either. "Yeah, ets a good idea tah ask Kensi>" Whatever the clothing was for he couldn't guess, it must have been a gift or something. He was about ready to move on and then Kalizda held up a giant shimmering pink sack. At least that's what it looked like. "Oh, dats nice. Who's et for?"

Calysta blinked at him before raising a brow at him. Apparently he hadn't listened or only partially listened, which seemed to be happening the more stressed he became. "It's for you," she said, "And she brought the pants and shoes too." She picked up the shoes which were laying beside the pants. "I think these will fit, yeah?"

"I'm nut wearing dose." Grumbling a little he moved around to the front and checked his pants to be sure they weren't too dirty for him to sit down. "I have too much tah do tomorrow." This holiday wasn't his idea and he wanted to get at least a few things done while the others were off doing some ceremony.

Calysta frowned and put down the clothes in the bed beside him. It wasn't exactly the best timing but he was still snapping and grumbling at her. They were all stressed and she was trying to make things better. "Illya, I think this is important to them and it will be good for them to remember what they are fighting for. I think the outfit will look nice and we need to go to this."

This was the one thing that Illya hated about diplomacy, all those little things you had to do. He could be doing something more important than running around in a giant dress. "Ok, I'll go. I dun tink yah give meh a choice anyway." A slight smirk came to his face and he thought of something entirely inappropriate. "What ef yah dun wear anyting at all under dat dress. Do yah tink dat would be noticeable?" Illya wasn't really going to do it, but he wanted to see if he could get Kalizda to blush. She was easy to get and they both needed a little humor for the moment.

When he relented with the least amount of grumbling he'd given her in days, she let out a small breath if relief. She really had no desire to argue with him at the moment. Then gave her a suspiciously sly smirk and she tilted her head. What was he thinking? She didnt have to wait for long, he followed up with his salacious comment about how she should wear her dress. Her mouth slipped open as she turned pink from her ears to her nose. Just because he was sleeping next to her naked didn't mean she was going to get into the no-underpants habit. "They'd...that far too breezy," she tried to recover lamely. Bopping him on the shoulder with his tunic, she managed to compose herself some, before letting out an embarrassed half giggle.

Illya took the garment from Kalizda and chuckled on his way back to the bedroom to get changed. He needed a shower to get rid of most of the grime from the day. "What time does dis ting start tomorrow anyway?"

Calysta watched as he rose from his spot on the couch and sidled his way toward the bedroom, undoubtedly toward the shower. Her eyes traveled over his broad back with his sweaty shirt clinging to the muscle underneath. She was so busy admiring him, she almost missed his question. "Oh.." Her cheeks bloomed with fresh blush. "It starts at sunrise, and lasts until sunset. I'm told there will be a feast all day."

The party only lasted one day? Illya was in shock. Obviously these people didn't know how to celebrate. It should be several days long at the least. At least it wouldn't get too much in the way of their work. "Dere better be food ef dey expect people tah stand out dere all day long and stare at midgets and mute albinos." By now he was trying to say everything possible to get a reaction out of Kalizda. "Well, I'm gonna shower and I tink yah need one too. We save water and wash togeter eh?"

Her eyes widened a little as he teased about the Agan's and the Silx with a smarmy remark. Surely he had grown past that by now...even if it was true. "Illya, be nice. We are their guests," she told him, "Outsider...well...insiders are never invited to this. It's considered an honor." With that message delivered along with a firm gaze, she couldn't help but let a grin creep to her lips. Feeling a bit more sly herself, she scurried over and plucked up his shirt front playfully. "You think so, hm? Are you saying I smell funny?"

She couldn't see the grin on his face until she whipped around to stand in front of him and snuck her little fingers under the hem of his shirt. The grin on his face got a little bigger before he leaned closer to her and breathed in deeply through his nose. Pulling his eyebrows into a crease he wrinkled his nose and then made a face at her. "Oh, yah smell more den funny. Yah stink. Ugh....I jes...." Resting his hands on her hips he bent over to kiss her. "I love yah. Stinky or nut." She wasn't really stinky, but he felt incredibly ornery. "I tink maybe I jes be bad all day and den tomorrow I have best behavior eh?"

Illya was trying to get a rile out of her and nothing made that more clear than the boyish grin plastered on his face when he turned around. He thought about it for a moment before pulling her closer and gracing her with a long sniff until his face screwed into a look of utter offense. This time she knew he was joking and wrapped her arms around his waist as he tugged on her hips to kiss. "Aye, and I love you. Ripe as you are. If I'm so smelly maybe you can help me wash off in the shower." It was a tease, an invitation, and a wish to move their trist into the bathroom. He really was ripe and in desperate need of a bath.


Reviewing the information and then 'chancing' to intercept a question that the Ehaui had been puzzled by made Clark's mind up. He had to make his move now. The Chippequoti were still divided. Some of them were going to be returning after they stabilized the area where the others were at, but that wasn't changing what was really going on underneath the surface. It was a shift in power that very few recognized. There were still plenty that didn't like Clark here, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. There was still yet a part to play in this war and he was going to be on the winning side.

Striding through Pytra at an easy pace he walked to the edge of the town and then down the winding path to the new General's home. Speaking about this in private was probably the best idea. Carefully walking up the steps he hesitated with his fist raised at the door. For just a moment he second guessed himself, but he still decided to go through with it. When the door swung open it was the man's Chippequoti wife and Clark smiled at her. "I've come here to see the General. It is urgent business and it will need to be discussed in private."

"Wasn't this something you could have talked to him about when he was working?" Tabit narrowed her eyes at the man and started to close the door, but the Tannas stuck his foot in the door. She knew that if he really wanted in he could get in anyway and it made her nervous. "Kirit?!"

Clark smiled at her. "Thank you. I knew you'd understand the urgency of the situation if I explained."
Kirit heard his name being yelled from the living room as he changed Henyah's diaper. The boy gave a happy squeak at his freshly clean bum and wiggled his arms, ready to be set back into the play pen. "I'm comin'!"

With her lips set in a firmline Tabit pointed to Clark. "He's got something to say to you. I'd recommend wearing your gas mask and going somewhere outside with him." There was no way she intended on having him die or risking the boys. She was still an ex-soldier and a good shot. Tabit was going to set up in a window of the house with a sniper rifle and watch to be sure that Clark didn't try anything too stupid

He strode back into the living room to find his wife standing at the door as a blocking someone from coming inside. "Who is at the door?" His eyes slid over to his scythe propped against the door frame just checking to make sure that it was there before he walked up behind her and slid a hand to her shoulder. One look told him it would be trouble with the Tannas man, Clark, standing at there expectantly. This was his day off and the man had come to his home possibly looking to cause issues. Steeling himself, he nodded his greeting and to let Tabit know it was alright, even if hedidnt like it. His wife's pointed remark was something he met with neutrality because he had to. "Thank ye, Tabit I talk t' Clark. But if its work, we keep those things out of m' house hold." Stepping up, Kirit gave her a reassuring nod and offered Clark to step outside with him. "Ye come all th' way out her t' say somethin?" He asked evenly.

Clark was hardly surprised by the cool greeting he received. It was only natural that someone would treat him this way when they had been taught that he was the enemy. "Yes, as a matter offact I did come out all this way to say something." Patiently he waited for Kirit to lead the way to wherever it was that the General felt comfortable speaking at. "This is a matter that concerns not only the Tannas, but the Chippequoti and your kind. It would essentially concern all the known sectors and perhaps some that we don't know so well. Perhaps you don't believe in our ancient prophecies, but there is one that both the Tannas and Chippequoti share. I thought you might like to know what it was because I'm pretty sure there is a way to prove this prophecy wrong."

Kiritlead him out to the grove of omne trees in the backyard as they were just giving off their last fruits of the season, filling the air with the smell of sweetness. He listened as the man spoke and found the conversation taking an odd turn. "Ye right I don't believe in prop,hecy, but ye come t' tell m' so I listen. What sort of prophecy involves of what ye speak of?" In his eyes, a man made his own destiny but he knew others believed differently, and he was curious as to what Clark would say.

Like many of his people he was skeptical of their ways, but that was alright. "I just come to clarify a few things and ask for your help. Since you don't know the prophecy then I will assume that you don't know the origin of the Chippequoti thatKaereleans first welcomed to their system. It is a bloody people and Illya is the direct descendant of their illustrious and damned Seventh General." When he came to the end of how the Dark Chippequoti had been exiled with a few of the Light Chippequoti and then ultimately ended up separated he glanced at Kirit. "This is not to turn you against the General. He is very winning in nature, but I will tell you the prophecy now." Clark swallowed before he started. "Instead of telling you another long story I'll make this one short. Basically, the prophecies have never been wrong before and this one states that in a time of war the Seventh General's heir would rise again and he would rule all the people. There are two factions of Chippequoti even among those from Old Quoti. Some believe in restoring the empire and the prophecy would indicate that Illya is the one. You know by now he is part Tannas, but you don't know what that means. He is a weapon that the Tannas cannot kill in battle. For every Tannas he eats he regenerates and heals his own wounds. We cannot kill him on a battlefield or any other 1/4 Tannas Chip. If we cannot kill him, then we need to ally ourselves with him and remove any reason for him to build an empire. I know he is in the outer quadrants. He is the only one in the Alliance that would know he is taking out the singular retreat for Tannas. He is preparing for the annihilation of all Tannas and we are not all Federation. Let me help you, help him. We don't want him to recruit all these people loyal to him and return to Pytra. After all, the General has had an uncanny way of gaining followers despite his tactics."

Clark kept on talking and the more he spoke, the more his brow furrowed. He knew what Illya was but apparently there was more to it than that. Of course, everything the man said had to be taken with a grain of salt considering he was a spy in his work for the Federation. He didn't care for the way Clark spoke about Illya, nor did he believe Illya wanted an empire. Rather than voicing his opinions, Kirit took a long moment, tugging on his beard as he thought over how he would reply. "Ye say this with confidence. I know not all ye people Federation. So does the Councilwoman," he replied, "Ye say he build empire and ye dont want that, yet ye say ye want to help. Tell m' what ye think ye should do."

"I say what I do out of a desire for self-preservation for myself and my family." Clark stared at Kirit for a good long moment before continuing. "What I'm asking is for you to forcefully reinstate Illya into the military since you're the General. If he refuses then at least send some guards that he can trust to live and fight with him. Send some of his own kind to him. If Kalizda and the children are lost who is there to stop him?"

Kirit raised a brow at Clark at what he was suggesting. For all his talk of what he knew, obviously didn't know the General well enough to see that the man wouldn't be forced into anything. They were running dark for a reason and how Clark had any information at all on the subject was cause for concern. Kirit stayed quiet for a long moment, keeping his eyes on Clark before letting out a small puff of a breath. The man made a small point. He had no doubt that if the Federation killed Illya's family then there will be no stopping him from doing whatever he wanted to do including genocide. Mostly he knew this, because at this point he could be pushed to do the same thing for his family if he had to. "I don't believe in prophecies, but I will consider what ye've told me, Clark. Why speak up now though?"

How the young General could be so naive was concerning. Clark let out a long breath. "I say something because I know the Chippequoti better than any outsider of their race. I know their history and I know their prophesies and about their abilities in battle. Even you don't know everything that Illya can do. General, respectfully, I'm requesting that you do this because I've never known a Chip to leave the kind of power he had unless they thought there was something better. I've listened to rumor and have had my ears to the ground. It sounds like the only way to keep him on track with your Alliance is to keep the Councilwoman and their children alive. Until now I haven't been concerned enough about my own skin to say something, but I'm scared now."

Kirit tugged on his beard a little more, as his brow raised slightly at the smaller man talking beside him. "If ye know so much, then ye know the man can' Can’t be forced into anything and I think ye know already he does what he wants.” Kirit knew of the impending attack on Demos among other things and while the auxiliary fleet had been successful for their purposes, he wondered if Clark knew of any other plans against Illya. “If ye know if any other plans against the man, I think ye might share those too. I would send more back up if I knew.

The man shrugged. "I don't know any plans against him. What I know is the same as Illya. The Federation will do whatever they have to. That will include any attempt to take his family. The Federation is evil and they will do whatever they feel is necessary to win."

The man's words raised so many questions and Kirit had to fight to keep from asking more than he should. "Ye used to work for Federation, but ye have change of mind for ye family. I believe when ye say. I not understand family like this until now and I do what I have t' protrect them too. I will consider what ye say, Clark. Ye do know ye citizen of Alliance that means I protect ye people too.

Meeting the Reylian's gaze he chuckled. "Yeah, you protect us, but you can't save us if the Chippequotidecide to build an empire. I happen to know for a fact that Illya could do it if he wanted to and he has never made statements one way or another. My concern is that many of his habits are extremely traditional and that can be an indication of his leanings."

"He may be traditional for Chip, but not think ye not know Illya in some ways too," Kirit replied, scratching at his chin, "I take ye word underadvice and we see." It was all he was willing to offer to the man without saying more than he should and he trusted Illya along with the councilwoman without doubt. Clark was a different matter entirely given his history.

Since there was nothing more to say, the Tannas man nodded and started toward the little path back toward town. It wasn't too difficult to guess that anything he said would be taken with a grain of salt. Nobody wanted to believe him because he was Tannas. So far as Clark was concerned he'd never done anything to cause them to mistrust him. He had in fact done the Alliance many services. The only ones that seemed to recognize that were the Chippequoti from Old Quoti. They had all known him as Lahna for quite some time and there were several mixed children of his, but that was all set aside by the Alliance

Kirit watched the man depart down the path feeling like his day away from work was more complicated than his day in the field. What was he supposed to do with all of this information? He needed a minute to think, but Tabit and the children were inside waiting. With a sigh, he walked back into the house, still tugging on his beard. "It's alright Tabit," he called as he opened the door, "Clark is gone."

Tabit started down the stairs from where she'd perched herself and she tucked the gun away into the closet again. "Alright, just give me a few minutes." The boys were all cooing and trying to entice her to come down the crib and pick them up. "Can't hold all of you at the same time." Poking her head around the corner she beckoned to Kirit. "C'mere, your boys need some dad time."

Kirit managed a small smile and walked into the boy's room with Tabit. When he came into the roo., he heard the boys cooing with one of them blowing spit bubbles. The first thing he did was look at his wife and walk over wrapping his arms around her waist before drawing into a kisses. "Ye good wife, Tabit."

For the first time in a few weeks Tabit got a good look at Kirit when he pulled her in for the kiss. Momentarily she thought she saw a little bald spot on his chin and she pulled away as soon as they finished the kiss. Resting her hands on his shoulders she frowned. "How come your goatee is thinning?"

He enjoyed his long kiss with Tabit, his fingers playing at the ends of her hair. When he finally made himself pull away, instead of seeing his wife smile, she had a frown on her face and then asked about his goatee. Giving her a quizzical look his hand left her hair to fumble over his chin. Sure enough, there was a thin spot just to the right of point on his chin. "Oh." He smiled a little sheepishly at her as his hand went back to her waist. "I think I just mess with it when I think over things. M' work keeps m' busy in th' field, eh?"

The excuse he made only caused Tabit's eyebrows to raise and she started to laugh. "I think you rub your chin bald. The Great General plucks his chin bald due to a nervous disposition." It was impossible not to twitter a little bit over the joke. "Ooh and I almost forgot to tell you that tomorrow you have a surgery scheduled."

Kirit made a face at her when she called him nervous. "I don't think it's nerves... I just think a lot and then don't think about my chin," he mumbled. He didn't like admitting his stress most of the time. He was supposed to look confident in every decision he made now. And every decision he made with scrutinize as well. He would probably be lucky if he finished out the war with all of his hair black rather than with a few lines of Grey. When she mentioned a surgery he tilted his head in utter bewilderment. What in the Wilds what do you need surgery for

"Mmmm." Tabit moved her hands to rest over his. She liked the way he would let his hands rest on her hips and she kissed him gently. "Honey, I don't need the surgery, you do." She'd had a little sample of bone marrow taken out. With the recent discovery and the experiment with Kalizda and the General and a few others the Ehaui had perfected the process and it was barely more than a scrape on the Chippequoti to complete the procedure now. It was too bad for Illya when he did it that they hadn't perfected the process yet. However, she and Kirit were going to benefit. "I don't want you to die of a heart attack during sex 70 years from now."

It took hima the second to realize that she was talking about the bone marrow surgery that they had discussed here and there. Definite plans haven't been made yet because of his new position. She had just gone and scheduled him for a surgery that would take him out for weeks? His eyes widened some as he sputtered. "I dont want t' die...though that way not 's bad...but Tabit ye just go an' make this surgery without tellin' me? Bone aches put m' out f' weeks." He was more shocked that she'd done such a thing, but more so a bit irritated. He had seen growing pains before with Thomas and it was entirely impossible to do anything while laid up.

"You would have found every excuse not to have the surgery and there is never a good time." Tabit nodded with a sense of finality. "So, I just went ahead and had it done. I think you ought to know that it'll help thicken you up a bit too. You'll be sturdier and that will be good." He was already sturdy, but she didn't want anyone to think he was puny. "Besides, that means you'll get all the more tender loving care from me."

"Ye had t' pick now? Things are happenin' ye don't understand. What if Federation'...I'm sturdy...Tabit ye just make choice without m' and ye should have told m'." Hedidnt like things like that not being agreed to between them. The last time she didn't tell him something was that their children's birth and it hadn't gone so well. It was a big decision and a wrong time to make it.

Tabit's cheeks started to flush some and her blue eyes darted over his face several times before she answered. "There are always things going on that I don't understand. This war could last till you're an old man for all I know. You're going to have the surgery and that's already scheduled."

Sometimes the urge to tell her exactly what she didn't know flared. He couldn't of course but he never had to worry about things like this before Tabit. Now, she was looking at him intensely, her cheeks all pink which meant crying....or anger. Or a mix between the two would be coming in short order. "It wont last that long. And we talk about it but not timing...Tabit ..did ye even plan t' tell me that or ye think I just go? " he worked his jaw, fighting down his irritation, "If I do this tomorrow, I got 't prepare t'day." He his hands slipped from her waist as he sighed. All he had wanted was the day off and now, he would need to go the office if he was going to do this surgery like she wanted.

She could feel the anger radiating from her husband and she felt just about the same. "I might have told you if you were ever home before the mad rush of dinner, kids, and sex. Not that I'm complaining about the fun, but I forget. You work all day and you're gone and then the boys are starting to crawl and they've all eaten a few bugs and other things. Kirit, I can't remember everything and I can't be everywhere. I have 4 very needy men in my house and I'm sorry if I forget to tell you that I scheduled a surgery and had a small sample taken a few weeks ago while the boys had their check up. Its just...." Despite her best efforts some tears started to come to her eyes. "Well...I worry about you and I don't want you to get old too soon."

He worked hard and now it sounded like she was accusing himfor not being around enough the last months. Perhaps it was true but it wasnt his fault either. He was doing his job, providing for them and doing his best to come home at night not dragging the war with him. She had tears sprouting in her eyes by the time she was trailing off and that was the last thing he wanted. Especially after the last time. His dark eyes searched over her pale face and he paused for a moment to gather his thoughts until finally he unclenched his teeth. She was sincere and he knew it...he couldnt deny it either. Reaching up he tucked one of her curls behind her ear. "If ye worry, I'll go. I do love ye, know."

Surprisingly he remained calm and Tabit sniffled a few times and gazed into his dark eyes. "If tomorrow is too early we can reschedule, but you have to choose the date and it has to be in the next year." Tabit gave him a severe expression. "Just make sure you pick a date when Pytra won't be under attack."

The harsher look told him she was serious and he flashed her a tentative smirk as he stepped closer to her, pulling her back against him. "Ye get option. I go t'the office now an' fix things f' tomorrow. Or I go in two weeks an ye get m' tonight too."

Slowly a grin started to spread across Tabit's face and she slipped one hand from over his and then rested it on his rear end. "Oooh. That's such a hard choice." Giving him a squeeze she chuckled and leaned in for a long kiss. "Of course I'll have you tonight. We'll just send a message or the re-scheduling after a little bit of fun."

He figured she wouldn't object to a small delay given how she likes her nights with him. Plus she wouldn't get one for a while once he had the surgery so is all the better that she let him pick a date a few weeks later. That would give him plenty of time to deal with the chips coming back and to ensure that Illya and the Council woman were alive and well on the fringe. Her playful squeeze on his rear send him to grinning and he kissed her enthusiastically with a chuckle. "Ye trouble, Tabit... " he mused, "But ye my kind of trouble." He very much enjoyed how forward she was and it only spurred him on. He wanted to spend his evening with his wife and his conversation with Clark could wait for just awhile. Slipping a hand around her, Kirit broke off the kisses and picked her up with ease.

"It's a good thing you like my kind of trouble. I've got a lot." With a little whoop she moved her hands up to his shoulders and grasped tightly as he lifted her off her feet. A giddy giggle started and she nibbled at the side of his neck. "You know the house is ours and there isn't anyone to tell us we can't do it somewhere exciting."

Those little nibbles on his neck only served to excite him more and he grinned broadly at her proposition. He'd never had the chance to use their front porch in that capacity before and their hammock had a nice swing to it. The baby monitor was on and it wasn't like anyone was out there to see them enjoy each other. Feeling spry, he carried toward the door and right outside.


Calysta woke the whole family up early the next morning before sunrise to get everyone ready for the ceremony. Lohgan was incredibly easy to dress. The little girl was still half asleep and all Calysta had to do was place her on the bed and wrap her up in the Agan garb almost like swaddling, before tying the loop per Kensi's instructions in her message. As soon as she was done, Lohgan's little feet and hands curled back into their original positions and she gave a small yawn before smacking her tongue and going back to sleep. Cypher came next and he was more of a challenge. The boy wasn't interested in getting dressed up in the slightest. She spent the better part of twenty minutes chasing him down the hall with his shirt as he ran topless and barefoot with the pack of dogs yelling like a wild warrior. By the time she caught him and stuffed him into the gold and black tunic top, he was breathless with pink cheeks and giggling. Using her knees, she clamped Cypher in place and started to pull the shirt over him."You have to wear it and when we come home you can take it off," Calysta sighed as she pulled his fat arm through the sleeve. Finally, she managed to get his head through with a flop of unruly black curls and released him. He'd just have to forgo the comb today.

Next, she woke Rose who apparently wasn't in need of being woken. She was already up and wrapped up in her ceremony dress with her long brown hair clipped with the golden pin. She wasn't allowed to wear the entire headdress yet because she wasn't married and the hair pin was traditional for young ladies who had yet to come of age. "I'm ready, Kalizda," she said excitedly, "I can't wait to see this. I'm taking my pad so I can write about it like you suggested. How do I look?" Calysta straighted her hair pin carefully, and smiled down to Rose, though they were nearly looking eye to eye these days. It still struck Calysta how fast the girl had grown. Did all children grow this way? It came with a sense of pride and accomplishment and yet a tinge of sadness. Rose would never again be the little girl she found on Nuen. "You look beautiful, Rose," Calysta smiled, smoothing her hair down, "My little girl is growing up, hm?" The Terran girl beamed at her for a moment before her eyes slipped down to her metal arm which she had covered purposely with the peachy colored shoulder wrap. "You're supposed to think I'm beautiful. The other's don't think that way. They stare sometimes or say I'm weird."

There was so much to do and Calysta hadn't anticipated on this sudden comment from her daughter. How long had Rose felt this way? Had she not been paying enough attention? When she was young, Rose would have given it right back to anyone who dared be mean to her about her arm, but she was coming to an age where she wanted to be noticed by someone...seen as beautiful by someone. Calysta understood that feeling and what it was to the odd one out. It made her feel a bit guilty that she hadn't seen this coming until now. Taking Rose's metal hand in hers, she slid her fingers over the cool metal, then gave her a gentle smile. "Rose, you have something quite special. You're strong, smart, and beautiful. Not many people have all of those qualities andThe right people or person.... won't see your arm. They'll see you like your family does. All of you, yeah?"

Rose's metal fingers clasped Calysta's a little tighter and she nodded slightly. She still looked uncertain, as if she were mulling it over some more while she picked up her pad. "Is that why Wolf said you didn't mind having mixed blood so much anymore?" Rose asked as Calysta turned to leave. Calysta glanced back at Rose and chuckled a little. Illya had been talking to Rose it seemed. "Yes, I suppose so," she replied, "It used to bother me much more until I met Wolf. Then I found out loves me and doesn't care about what others saw me as. Now, I am who I am and proud of it. The right one will do the same for you."

The words settled between them until a thundering sound came from the hallway, undoubtedly a sign that Cypher along with the dogs were on the move. "We should probably get going," Rose said, "Do you want me to do your hair? I've been practicing."

Calysta nodded in approval, wondering if what she said would help Rose. Maybe it wasn't enough..maybe it was too much...? "Of course." In truth, Rose could probably make hair better with one hand than Calysta could with two. While Illya was in the shower, Calysta dressed in the intricate wrappings with the bold teal and purple patterns, then settled down into the chair so Rose could fiddle with her long hair. "Kalizda your hair is too long," she sighed, as she fixed the headdress, "Have you ever thought about cutting it?"

Her question went unanswered as Illya emerged from their bedroom wearing the salmon pink tunic which made his skin look darker, flowing pants and...combat boots. It wasn't beyond her that he didn't want to go to the ceremony today. Simply because he had agreed to it didn't mean he would like it, but he certainly couldn't go looking like that. Rose fixed the headdress, allowing the jewel to dangle at her forehead and Calysta stood up, looking Illya over with a shake of her head. "There are shoes that go with that. Kensi brought them and I put them beside the pants. They'll look much better with the tunic do you mind wearing them for the ceremony, please? " It was a nice enough request, though she had a feeling he knew about the shoes and had elected to try the boots instead because his shoulders dipped a little as he turned on his heels to go get the other shoes.

Once everyone was ready, Calysta fed them all a light breakfast of muffins and then they made their way to the village in the coolness of the morning just before sunrise. Mist still clung to the ferns and around the tree trunks as they met up with other Agan's and Silx forming a crowd around a set of totems on each side of the path. They served as the gateway into the village itself and Calysta hadn't paid terribly much attention to them until now. She noticed that the same figure of the woman, or in their eyes, Goddess Lahadle appeared. The images were so old the wood had worn down to mere caricatures of their former detail, still, she could tell that this was a depiction of the same story Kensi told her in the forbidden area a few days before.

With the entire village congregated a row of heavy drums manned by Silx began to beat in a fast paces rhythm causing everyone to go quiet except for Cypher. He seemed to enjoy the drum beat and he began to wobble around awkwardly trying to dance as he made his wild man calls. "Shh...Cypher..." Luckily, Illya was close enough to pick up their son who was waggling his tush and bobbing his knees to the beat. After a few measures of drumming music, Kensi and Bentil alongside their eldest son, Matsu, appeared at one totem. Each was dressed in the same ceremonial garbs with their son looking proud as ever to be standing in front of his village. On the opposite side, a Silx woman appeared and at her side, a young boy with prominent cheekbones sporting the same stoic expression as every other Silx. The two families met in the middle step by step until they were looking right at each other. Each boy was guided forward by their parents to stand closer as someone began to speak in Demosian. Though she had learned alot, Calysta still only understood some of what was said in Demosian. As a small mercy, Kensi had been persuaded into sending her a brief outline of the event so they could understand. She didn't want entirely ignorant Innas at her son's ceremony. "The boys are being introduced publicly," Calysta whispered to Illya, "Now, they have to drink a special cleansing water and then go around the island together to find each totem to make their marks. They have until sunset to complete the task." As she spoke, the two boys were offered large spiral shells and they looked at each other before tipping the openings to their mouths in unison. Matsu grimaced at the taste of whatever liquid had been given and it was impossible to tell if his Silx counterpart felt the same way as his face stayed the same.

The Agan crowd began to chant, first starting at a whisper, then growing louder and louder until the air was trembling with the sounds of their voices as the Silx continued their drums or beat their heels with loud stomps into the ground. When the sounds grew to a fever pitch, dawn had crept over the land and the two boys swayed on their feet almost as if in a trance before taking off down the trail at top speed side by side. The Agan's cheered until the boys were out of sight, then a shell was blown, trumpeting over the entire island and the crowd began to break up for the festivities. "Now, they'll do a few weddings and we feast and play games until sunset," Calysta told Illya in Qouti "They only do ceremonies once a year unless it's a death." She admired the Agan and Silx contracts in a certain way. It was an interesting symbiosis which could have gone so many other ways, but had turned to cooperation and a fairly healthy peace between them.

Kensi came up to them and for once had too much of a proud look in her eye to look too closely at them. She would be sure to find something wrong with how they were dressed any other day of the week. Bentil grinned up at Illya. "They grow fast. What we do when kids all grow up, eh? Matsu will be good pair for Saza. You come get a drink and then we go to games. The Agan man lead Illya away with Cypher in his arms while Calysta was left with Kensi. The woman's dark brow arched precariously over her eyes. "You look good, for Innas. Come, I show you something."

Calysta's looked to Illya's retreating back as he was lead away. She would have rather stayed close to him in case he had a seizure or something happened but he was relatively safe with Bentil. Hitching Lohgan further on her hips, she followed Kensi as the woman lead over to the totems. "No Innas ever try to learn about Agan and Silx. You ask many questions and today it was decided you become Agan woman too. You fight among us you will be one of us." Kesi said the words as if she wasn't entirely pleased about the decision, but neither could she disagree with it. A group of Agan women were waiting around the totem, greeting her in Demosian. Calysta answered back in their language, curious to see what they would do about allowing her to participate in such a ceremony. None of them seemed to mind as another beautiful, pink shell was passed around. Each woman took a good sip, then passed it on to the next. When it came to her, everyone stared expectantly and she brought the shell up to her nose to take a quick sniff. It smelled tolerable and it wasn't likely that the drink was synthetic as they made everything from scratch on the island. Satisfied, she took a taste and found it sweet and almost like Terran licorice, not an unpleasant taste altogether. "Thank you," she said before passing it on. The women began to talk casually among themselves as the shell made another turn around the group.

After her second small taste, Calysta shifted Lohgan to her lap and sat on the grasses next to Kensi feeling somewhat strange. Almost like her body had no weight at all. Like she was a free and weightless little bird. "That's what he calls me," she chuckled aloud, "His little bird." Lohgan cooed in her lap and Calysta wrapped her arms around her girl. "And this is his little dancer." Kensi took another sip out of the shell and offered it to her. "You starting to relax like Agan woman, huh. Nikita want to know how you end up partner with guardian." It was all a question they wanted an answer to and now they were all feeling fine enough to ask it. Calysta thought back as she took the shell and sipped again. "Hmm...we didn't start out that way," she mused before breaking out into a fit of giggles, "I shot him and he tried to own me...never could though..."

The women broke out into uproarious laughter at her story. The idea of it was so ridiculous that it was funny and they couldn't help but laugh until their were tears in their eyes. "You shoot guardian and he still want to guard? Then he try to own you? What you do when marry someone? Slap them for love?" Calysta shook her head and stopped when the movement made it difficult to focus. " kisses my wrists...and says he loves me." That brought on yet another wave of giggles. Their chatter continued, though Calysta stopped drinking from the shell. She had no intentions of having a hang over of any sort. She figured when she stopped drinking, eventually, the floating feeling and the sensation of something moving in her peripheral vision would diminish. Over the next hour though, the sensations only got worse, not better. The words and giggles of the women became background noise as her eyes focused on the totem in front of her. A weathered depiction of Lahdale was pointed to stars on the frame her eyes settled on.

"Don't you want to fly away and come to paradise?"

A shock ran through Calysta as her eyes widened. Lahdale had turned from the stars and gazed straight at her with wooden eyes. "Well, Calysta? Do you?"

Blinking a few times, Calysta shook her head slowly and started inching backward with Lohgan in her arms. "" That was the last thing she said to the wooden figure before hauling up Lohgan and scampering away. Whatever was in that stuff was making her see things. While she knew that factually, it didn't override the sensation that people were whispering over her shoulder and she felt entirely to sleeping to do anything. Where was Illya? Her heavy-lidded eyes scanned the faire grounds and she finally spotted him near the stone throwing competition with Bentil. Wobbling over, she noticed him turn his back and tip something up to his mouth.


Her words of warning not to drink from the shell caught both of their attention as she swayed there. When he turned back, he wasn't holding a shell, but a very familiar vial. It seemed almost like it was saying her name as the liquid sloshed in the glass clutched between his tan fingers. Ca-swish-lysta. "I think I should go home now," she said to Illya, her eyes set on his hands, "That vial is talking to me."
Despite the fact that he was no longer the General, Illya was given the honor to have a diplomat anyway. At least that was the only reasonable way he could think to put it especially when he felt Kalizda nudge his shoulder with her cool fingers. "Ugh..." Flopping an arm over his eyes he turned away from her in the bed, but her little fingers kept right on creeping along his shoulders and back. Getting up for training was one thing, but having to get up just to go watch some hooby doob ceremony was not on his list of things that should warrant getting up early.

Illya could feel the medicine was already starting to wear on him and he just wanted this fight to be done and over with. They only had a few more days to go and all he had to do was make it. "I'm up." Lazily he let his arm flop back on the bed and he squinted when Kalizda flicked the bedroom light on. His head was throbbing and the light only made it seem worse. Mentally he kept telling himself that more sleep would have been nice, but it wouldn't have fixed anything. Still, there was an overwhelming desire to sleep. When Kalizda stepped out to help the kids get dressed and ready he slowly got himself out of bed. It felt like his entire back was one giant knot of muscle. It was semi safe with Kalizda out of the room to make as many faces as he felt were necessary to accompany any motion he was forced to make.

The shower that morning felt good. It was humid enough outside he wasn't worried about drying his back out or having to oil it later on. That was one of the many benefits of the temperature around here. Illya let the water run over his back and he leaned the side of his head against the shower stall wall. A noise out in the ship shook him out of his daze and he caught his breath sharply. How much time had passed he didn't know, but he had to hurry. Scrubbing down the rest of the way Illya dashed out of the shower and pulled his curls back with a comb before scrambling into the giant pants. They felt strange, but they weren't so bad. He didn't mind how they fit loosely around the legs. Droplets of water flung about the room and the floor from his hair that was already scrunching into curls and some falling over his forehead. Grabbing the pink tunic Illya thrust one arm and then the next into it.

Almost as soon as he had his arms in the shirt Illya got stuck. His shoulders were proving to be a little bit broad for it and he pursed his lips together. Kalizda would have a fit if he ripped the thing out, but it was too small. Shoving his head inside the tunic he tried to force it over his shoulders first. Instead of having a smooth transition the tunic pulled at his damp hair and soaked up the moisture in the back of the tunic and his arms flailed about uselessly as he tried to get it to go over his head. She was going to have to cut this thing off him by the end of the night.

Suddenly the shirt slipped on and Illya wondered if he popped some stitches in it. Stepping over to the mirror Illya checked the back of the tunic first and ignored the wet spot then lifted on arm and the other to be sure there wasn't any holes there. As soon as he looked down at the front of the tunic he saw that he had missed the button near the neck of the garment. It had come undone and it made getting into the tunic much easier. Momentarily Illya felt foolish, but he didn't have time for that.

Glancing around the room he spotted some ugly and uncomfortable looking shoes that were probably supposed to go with the tunic, but he would rather wear his combat boots. Slipping his comfortable, old, black combat boots he almost sighed with relief. If he had to be stuffed into a ridiculous looking tunic that stretched tightly across his chest and squeezed his arms then he could at least have comfortable boots. Illya bent over to tie his boots and he felt the tunic strain against his rear end too. It wasn't like he was built that strangely, but this thing was too tight. Who liked having a tunic so tight it held onto the rear end like some sort of molded plastic? Now that he was ready he stepped out of the room and was promptly sent back to change shoes. Without a single word he turned back toward the room and decided it was a good time to throw a little medicine in the bag for the kids. Kalizda wouldn't protest if she saw it in there and they needed it because Cypher or Lohgan were bound to need something during the day out.


Every little step in the tunic made it feel like it was going to rip and Illya couldn't take as large a stride as he normally liked to take. Kalizda kept giving him those glances and he grinned at her, but he hated this thing. If she planned on keeping it, he was going to hide it. The tunic was not ever going to be put on again. Illya watched the people do their strange little dance and sway thing while they played drums. Even their drums weren't that great, but Cypher didn't seem the mind. The boy was already trotting in place and wiggling his rear end as best he could. If the boy wanted to dance then Illya didn't care. Of course Kalizda was too stressed about the whole ceremony and she had Cypher stop. That was going to mean that Illya would get him.

With Cypher in his arms Illya held the boy and Cypher bounced on his arm and made little spider fingers to crawl up Illya's neck and then mess his hair up. Illya frowned a little when the boys for the ceremony had started to act strangely. Whatever this drink was it had to be more than just a simple alcohol. If the day couldn't have gotten anymore boring there were several weddings.

A wedding was an idea that still seemed elusive. Illya knew that he and Kalizda had a ceremony, but that was only to function as a sort of get together and apology for the groups that had been offended. If people wanted to be together for life there was nothing keeping them a whole year unless they wanted it that way. This tradition seemed odd and rather elaborate for something so simple. Like Illya expected the women split off from the men at some point. That was fairly normal from any gathering he'd seen. That also meant that Illya was going to get Cypher for a while and that didn't bother him too much.

The men had gathered around and started to drink the liquid from the shells too and they got strange glazed expressions to their faces. Even the Silx managed to get an even dumber look over their bland physiognomy. Cypher immediately ran over to the little bucket that they were dipping the shell in and then passing around. Before Illya could grab Cypher the boy had practically dunked his head in the bucket and slurped at the contents. "No, Cypher." Illya jogged over to the boy and pulled him away from it. It wasn't long till Cypher was toddling around squeaking and bouncing at everything and even things that didn't exist. If he wasn't so tired out he might have caught the boy before he got into the stuff. Kalizda was going to have something to say to him about this if she saw it.

Setting Cypher down he sent him to play with his dog and watched the boy for a long while. It wasn't till after Cypher laid down for a nap that Illya gathered the boy up in his arms and took him back to the ship. On the way back out toward the ceremony Illya started to feel sick and he half stumbled along till he got to the bag. Pulling the bag open he ripped a lid off a vial and dumped only a portion of it down his throat before a loud yell made him drop the vial and the rest of it ran down his chin. Turning sharply he glanced at Kalizda and noticed she was acting strangely. Was she so unobservant that she actually drank that stuff? Judging how she was holding Lohgan he could only guess she had to be experiencing some odd things. "Yeah, dah vial talks to yah and I tink I will too."

Illya slung the pack over his back and he took Lohgan from Kalizda. "Nut good tah carry her around like dat." The baby girl was dangling in a little blanket and it looked like Kalizda might drop her. It wasn't really a blanket, but it was the red dress thing she'd wrapped the baby in and she was carrying her by it like Lohgan was a little hand bag. Tucking Lohgan safely in one arm he wrapped the other around Kalizda and started walking her back toward the ship. "When yah nut seeing talking tings maybe we'll talk about dis eh?"
Kirit moved Tabit's arm gently as she slept, freeing himself to slip out of their bed. With deliberate moves, he slid out of their bed and tucked the blankets around her so she wouldn't get cold from a draft, then reached into the floor for his boxers from earlier. Shimmying into his underwear, he rubbed at his eyes then crept downstairs, picking up his pad on the way. He had things he needed to read and Tabit didn't need to be worrying about them at all. In fact, the less she knew the better. This was for him to deal with alone.

First, he poked his head into the boys' room, ensuring that they were asleep and turned the baby monitor off so that Tabit wouldn't be woken up by any late night fussing. He would be up to take care of them so she could sleep. Satisfied they were all snug and sleeping soundly, Kirit settled onto the couch and propped his feet up on the corner of the table, both his mother and Tabit would fuss at him for something like that, but he wanted to stretch out for what was going to be a long night. Opening his pad, he started going through every file documented on the Kaerelean servers on General Illya Blackwolf Octova 21st of Augustus. Simply typing in the name correctly was a grand feat if he was honest. Why Chippeqouti had to have such long names was beyond him. The Kaerelean files were informative, though not as deep as he wanted to go. He kept digging into the files which, included the Terran files. Those were more detailed, describing his last visits to the planet and the article by The Mouse. eventually led him to some sealed records from the Federation itself used against him on Terra. He had the authority to open them, though the solid ball of ill-feeling in his stomach wished he wouldn't. Still, he had to know.

Using his authorization, he unencrypted the documents and began to read. Killings...skinnings...the murder of hundreds of prisoners...dead ops...Kirit wanted to say that these were lies and manipulations by the Federation, but it was hard to deny the photos of the younger looking General in action. Even if he didn't believe in prophecies and felt the General was a good man, the background was telling of what he was capable of, some of which Kirit already knew. He knew Illya would protect his family at all costs. That was what he fought for. What would happen if he lost this one too? A bloody, horrendous mess which would further divide the Alliance, regardless of the 7th general nonsense.

Rubbing his hand through his hair, he considered his options carefully. Reinstatement would be a moot idea, which Clark should have known from the start. Illya was more than capable of avoiding that if he wanted to and the man was already with the one person who he would listen to the most. Calysta. This was also their best chance at getting rid of the Federation, and Calysta wouldn't stand for genocide. If she was alive that is. That was something he could agree on with Clarks little chat.

He grabbed his stylus and wrote out an order encrypted in a new code, a mesh of Kaerelean and Qouti, with which Clark would at least have difficulty breaking since it seemed the man knew more than what he should. The communications officer he would send it to would be able to decipher it. Then penned a message to Admiral Asha. Admiral Asha: This is a request for your best, and most trustworthy Chippeqouti officer to be sent to these coordinates to assist in protection operation detail. It is imperative that they leave Samzin and reach the location within two days to meet with their contact whom the will recognize on sight. Choose someone who will ignore an order of exile.

Once the message was sent, he quit pulling at his beard and waited to see if the order would be met. Technically, he and Asha were on the same level of command, but she was far older and he trusted her experience. A Chippeqouti officer, even a single one, could easily fight and protect the Councilwoman which he had deemed necessary to send. It would be up to the Admiral to decide who she sent, given she now declared her loyalty to the Alliance and its protection of her people.


Calysta stared at Illya as the vial dropped from his hands. That was his medicine vial...which he was drinking while awake...Not having a seizure. She hadn't liked it when Duncan made him drink it like that and she definitely didn't like it now. What was he thinking? The tinking sound the vial made when it hit the ground sounded like a bell as it spoke to her. "Oooh..." it said with an impish chuckle, "He did what he had to do! Being sneaky around you!"

She could feel her cheeks get hot as Illya said something and took Lohgan from her, before wrapping an arm around her. She'd forgotten Lohgan was in her arms after all the noises, and it sent her into a near panic when he took her away, then started to guide her home while he vowed to talk later. "No..noo..." was about all she could get out along with a pitiful sniffle. The trees were chanting at her too. By the time he was tucking her into bed she was crying, but other than the fact that she was angry and absolutely high, she had no reason to be...did she? Her chin trembled as he pulled the head dress from her hair and made her lay down. She was so mad, but she wanted him to stay close. Rolling over, she stole his pillow and buried her face in it to drown out the strange sounds, eventually falling asleep.

When she woke, the first thing she noticed was that it was dark with no light filtering through the window at all and her mouth was as dry as the Qouti desert. "Illya?" she half croaked, rubbing at her eyes. She had no idea if he was there or not, but she figured he would answer if he was.

She was determined to protest it seemed and Illya just answered calmly, "Yeah, yeah, yah come wit meh." Lohgan and Rose were the only two that Illya didn't have to put to bed because they were high. Rose took herself to her bedroom and began furiously writing away. She seemed to be the only one lucid and enamored enough by what happened to still be excited. Lohgan was fussy because she hadn't got much chance to rest and she was in need of a nap. Illya took Kalizda and Lohgan to the bedroom. First he set Lohgan in her little crib and then he took Kalizda's head piece off and tucked her in despite her weeping and pitiful protests. Illya stayed in the room until both Kalizda and Lohgan were asleep and then he went out to the kitchen to make some nice stew for everyone. It would be good for them after they started to come down. Additionally he had some teas for Kalizda and Cypher. Periodically, Illya would go into the room to check on Kalizda and Lohgan. When the sun started to set he closed the panel to prevent the sun from shining directly in their faces and then turned the baby monitor on so he could hear when either of them woke up. Humming a tune to himself Illya nearly bounced around the kitchen while he finished mixing the herbs for the stew and then he heard Kalizda's voice come over the baby monitor. He noticed that Thomas got a funny look on his face and Illya chuckled. "Dis way I know tah go see her eh?" Walking down the corridor Illya slid the door open to their room and he poked his head inside. "Yeah?"

Illya appeared in the door way shortly after she said his name. His head appearing from nowhere made her jump a little and she sighed when he actually spoke, her head sinking to her knees for a moment. “I thought you were another hallucination for a second,” she said, the sound of her voice muffled by the blankets. After a moment, Calysta looked back up to him and threw back the covers. “What time is it…are you okay?” Standing up, she wobbled over to him, rubbing her templed. “ I think we need to talk.” Her words felt thick as if her tongue was made of velvet combined with sandpaper.

Even after her nap Kalizda was a bit wobbly and she didn't appear to be all put together. "Eh, maybe yah lay down and I bring yah tea. Den we can talk." Illya had a few things to say to her about the way she went and got herself high like that. It wasn't safe to do something like that and especially not with the kids around. Not that he could say too much since he didn't catch Cypher in time. Just the thought of Cypher being high made him cringe. "I'm jes fine, but yah need tah wait for meh tah bring tea for yah, ok?"

His voice reverberated in her ears and she winced. One second thought, laying down sounded like the better option and she nodded vaguely before shuffling back over to the bed and half flopped and half crawled into it. The heated blanket was soft and she felt so sleepy, even after sleeping the day away. How embarrassing. “Okay…tea is good.” Tea sounded like a godsend oasis in a desert and she smacked her tongue against the roof of her mouth as she started sniffle slightly. She felt miserable, and grumpy after the day, though she wasn’t normally so ill-tempered. It had to that crazy drink. Who drinks something like that?

The tea had steeped about long enough and Illya snatched the mug from the counter and poured a large serving for Kalizda. When he returned to the room she was already laying in the bed again. Sitting down next to her he gently rubbed at her shoulders. "Kalizda, yah sit up and have some tea now, eh?"

Calysta didnt hear him enter the room, but she did feel the bed shift, dipping down where he sat beside her and began to rub her shoulders gently. His touch was warm, and she curled into it before sitting up to take the teacup from him. The brew was hot, but she didn't care as she gulped down three long swallows to satisfy her thirst and then leaned back against the headboard. "I'm sorry Illya, I didn't know they would be serving us this hallucinogenic stuff," she admitted, still feeling guilty for having left him all alone, "I thought it was just alcohol." It had hit her hard like a synthetic would. "I don't think it agreed with me." Taking another long sip, she drained the cup and felt a little better. Good enough to look at him with a more serious gaze. "Illya why were you drinking your medicine like that?"

From what Illya could tell she was parched and in dire need of the tea. Kalizda was gulping it greedily and for a moment he almost thought she was going to just turn over and go back to sleep after she finished. They could always talk later. Wasn't like she was going to run away anywhere and neither was he. If she ran he'd find her anyway. "Well, I tink now yah know dat any business wit midgets es dangerous." A smirk came to his face as he thought about the fact that she thought it was just alcohol. Even if Illya was training these people he wasn't entirely sure that he trusted them. Almost as soon as he'd made the comment his grin started to fade. He didn't really like that she was asking about medicine. "I jes need et."

His joke made her chuckle slightly which made her head hurt a little and she stopped after a moment. They could have at least given her a warning, and she was sure Kensi was out there getting a good laugh out of the stupid Innas taking a bad trip. The woman could laugh all she wanted. She had to cuddle up to bony Bentil every night, and Calysta got her big man that she was proud of, even if she was upset with him at the moment. "You were taking it and not telling me," she replied, "Illya, it could make you sick taking it like that and then what would happen if I didn't know? If you keep going like that you'll get sick in the middle of a fight I can't-" Her voice cracked as her throat tightened, and she wiped at her eyes. "I thought I was helping you feel better but this whole time you been taking your seizure medicine supplies. I can't help if I don't know Illya."

Illya had hoped that maybe her hallucinations would have dimmed that particular moment, but she remembered it quite well. "Kalizda, dere es only one choice wit all dis." Holding his gaze steadily he continued, "I have tah do et. Dah training es important now dat dah Federation es close. None of us can can afford for meh tah be sick one more day. Dere are only tree days left till dey arrive." Even if the army had been diminished in size it would be tough. Illya knew she would understand that much and to be fair to her it was probably necessary to explain what would happen after this. "Kalizda, I won't get sick during battle. I take injection when alarm sounds dat dey are near and den I take position wit dah Silx tah fight. I tink after dah battle es done and dah Federation es destroyed dat I will stop taking dah medicine. I can feel meh body es trying everyday tah have seizures. After dis I will be sick and I tink maybe I will have many seizures. Kalizda, I used tah do dis during operations for long time. Et will be fine."

Calysta listened to Illya explain himself but she didn't like the answer much. He was taking this because he felt like he had to, but which was worse? Seizures now or seizures later? He was under so much stress and there was nothing she felt like she could do to fix it. didn't sound fine at all. She sat down the empty cup and leaned over wrapping her arms and his neck and burying her face into his shoulder. "It's okay. I love you Illya, I do. But I don't want you to sneak around and take it. I need you to tell me things like that because I wouldn't have known."

The sudden hug from Kalizda was slightly unexpected and Illya put one hand out on the bed to catch himself. "Well, ets hard tah sneak around now dat yah know. I tink yah watch like hawk instead of like bird." He wasn't liking the idea much more than she was mostly because he hated the idea of having a day with many seizures. Illya hadn't taken his medicine like this for so long in several years and he remembered that the last time it was rough.

“That’s not exactly my point,” Calysta sighed as she leaned against him, “Please, will you just tell me next time? I just want you to tell me so I can help. Don’t sneak around. You should be able to trust me even if you don’t want me to worry.” Why he didn’t understand, she didn’t know. Often times she let him do his own thing, and tried not to pry unless she thought it was important. He was still his own person after, but things like this were not things she wanted him hiding. Growing a little more serious for a moment, she looked up to him, her grey eyes meeting his green. “The Federation will be here soon, I know that. Illya what else can I do. Tell me, and I’ll do it.” It wasn’t often she admitted to being at a loss for what to do. As far as she could tell she had done everything she knew. Now, she felt slightly guilty for not being the problem solver and simply asking what he needed.

"I tell yah next time, but yah can't tell meh not tah do et. Ef I have tah do et den I will, but I dun do et unless et needs tah be done." Illya hated how he felt if he took the medicine to prevent the seizures. He was slightly surprised that Kalizda was asking him what to do. Normally she didn't do that. "Dere are only a few tings yah can do for meh. I want yah tah keep safe and make sure dah kids are safe when dah battle starts. Den when I come back I know dat all of yah are ok. I do what I can tah keep Federation far away so dat all yah do es hide, but ef dah Federation gets close yah kill dem eh?"

Calysta hated the idea of hiding. It went against every nature she had and the very core of what she was. How could she let Illya go out there alone? It was her job to stick by him, to stand by him, and protect him too. Still, she understood his thoughts. What would happen to their children if they both died. Who would protect them? Suddenly, Calysta realized how tight her grip had gotten on Illya, and she let go with an apologetic look. “Sorry,” she said with a long breath. Running a hand through her hair, she looked to Illya trying to gather her thoughts for a moment before looking at him square in the eyes with determination. “If you ask it of me, I will hide. That includes protecting our children and doing whatever is necessary to keep them save. I don’t like it, but I have killed before when I have to. Nobody is going to hurt your children. I’m not going to let that happen.”

All the while that Illya was talking he could feel Kalizda hold tighter and tighter. After what felt like a long time she released him and then spoke. She didn't like what he asked her to do, but it was necessary. "Kalizda, dey're our children, nut jes mine. We have dem togeter and we protect dem togeter. I am first defense and den yah must be most ferocious ef dey are in danger. I know dat yah will do everyting dat yah can and dat es all I want yah tah do."

She nodded slowly as he spoke, knowing how nervous he was. Nervous enough to make himself sick. Given what happened to his first family, she didn't blame him all and if this is what she had to do, she would do it. Fear was running through her, but she wasn't the kind to fold easily and this time would be no different. Having cleared that up, she felt better in one sense at least. Hoping to ease the heaviness, she let a smile creep to her lips just a little, before kissing his cheek. "Aye, have you ever known me to be anything but your fierce little bird?"

It was a serious conversation and Illya could feel it getting heavier in some ways, but he wanted her to understand the importance of what he asked of her. It seemed that she understood and then she got that little grin on her face. One that told him she was going to start making trouble. Illya loved that grin and he returned it with an equally mischievous statement. "Mmm....Yeah, I tink yah nut so fierce when uh...." Illya had to think for a moment and then he chuckled. "Yah jes nut fierce at all. I tink yah very soft."

That mischevious smirk was all she needed to brighten up some, even if she still felt monstrously tired from the drugged up booze. When he stated he didn't think she was fierce at all, Calysta raised a challenging brow at him. "Oh is that so? Maybe I need to show you how fierce I can be." With that, she leaned forward and captured him up, leaving a nibble on his neck before kissing him with a bite. "Still doubt me?"

Sometimes it was fun to challenge her, just because he could. The look on her face was priceless and he grinned all the bigger. He knew it would get her and he liked it when she got a little wild. Her gentle bite was more than enough to get him excited and he gave her a cheeky grin. "Mmmhmmm I still tink yah could show meh. I give yah time tah find way tah show meh how fierce yah are. Ef yah know how tah do et now, we could, or yah could prove to meh tomorrow before I go tah work."

The offer is more than forward and she chuckled mischievously. She wanted to show him just how fierce she could be, especially when he was looking at her in such a way. "Oh I think a fierce little bird would say, she could show you not once but twice." Maybe the fun would relax and put her in a better mood too," she replied, as she pulled him down in his pink tunic. It was so tight, she wasn't entirely sure how she was going to get it off of him, but she was feeling up to the challenge.


The next morning Calysta fulfilled her promise to Illya to show him exactly how fierce she was, though she was far more energetic when she slid her leg up his bare calf. "Good morning," she whispered in his ear, "C'mere." It wasn't long before he was chuckling as his lips nibbled at her pale neck. She made love to him simply because she could, letting him relax, and when they were done, she held him close with her fingertips massaging his scalp. "Still think I'm not fierce?" she teased him, "If not, I might have to prove it to you again tonight." That comment earned her a broad grin, and she kissed him with slow, trailing nibbles until it was time to get up. They were clearing out the caves today and that would be an operation everyone needed to stay alert with.

It wasn't until Illya was halfway through helping cook breakfast that she went to go get Cypher who had yet to emerge looking for his favorite fruit. Not seeing her boy made her wonder if he was alright. Did he have the bone aches? Brushing past Illya with a gentle touch at his back, she walked down the hallway to Cypher's bedroom. One look told her he wasn't in his bed. The covers were tossed into the floor along with the pillow while the bathroom door was wide open. Dashing into the bathroom, she scanned the room and only found monster sitting by the shower, ears perked up. Where was Cypher? She crossed he room and jerked back the class shower door to find him curled up asleep and soaking wet from the slowly dribbling showerhead. He had gotten thirsty early in the morning and gone in search of water before fall asleep again, face pressed to the tile floor. Sighing half in exasperation and half in relief, Calysta picked him up out of the shower with a grunt.

As soon as she moved him, Cypher's eyes cracked open and he smiled sleepily, his face framed by his dripping curls. "Mam. Water pease?" That was a first. He usually asked for berries. Nodding, she hauled him up to her hip, though he very nearly weighed 60lbs and started to change his clothes. "Aye, little man. Let's get you some water." Once he was all changed, she brought him into the kitchen to fill a sippy cup of water for him. With the cup held under the tap, Calysta gave Illya a knowing look. "I think we should be getting Cypher some tea too, yeah?"
Asha stayed with the ship on the planet for several days more. She wanted to be sure that her people were at least given shelter and medical attention that they needed. Even if they were proud they needed help and they wouldn't help from anyone that wasn't Ehaui or Chip and she was going to be damned if she didn't seem them get help. Some of the people aboard the Ombrey seemed to get restless, but she was in command and she had a job to do here.

Stopping in Ehvan and Ahvah's room she looked them both over. Ahvah's eyes were red rimmed from her hours of crying. The woman hadn't stopped crying in days. She had lost her child, the burns were painful, but probably the most painful thing she experienced was watching her agreed die slowly. Ehvan passed in and out of consciousness, but his moments of wakefulness were torture. Asha couldn't bear to watch it. She had passed by once while Ehvan was writhing on the bed and crying out in pain at every motion, yet it was impossible to lay still with the pain. It reminded Asha of the flight she made to pick up survivors and finding her brother in a similar condition. It would have been a mercy if Ehvan died quickly, and at the time she thought it would have been a mercy if Illya died. There was perhaps a chance, but she knew that Illya suffered for a long time before he had any kind of improvement. That improvement came with a price and it was still painful to get it.

Turning the corner toward her quarters Asha stopped outside her door when she heard Ahvah's panicked cries and her hasty cries for help in Quoti. Turing sharply on her heels Asha rushed back into the room to see that Ehvan was struggling to even breathe. "Get a doctor now!" Yelling to the soldier that had almost walked past she saw him turn and go to get help right away.

Looking into Ahvah's eyes the woman nodded. "We're taking him back to Pytra. Amil still needs his father." Whether or not she agreed with the way Ehvan thought she knew that he stood a better chance going back to Pytra and he wasn't in condition to argue right now. Ahvah needed her agreed too. The woman had just lost their baby and she had always loved Ehvan. Everyone knew she did and she swooned whenever he walked by even now. Despite their differences in thought they did love each other. It was only a matter of time before she would have to give the order to take off. Slowly backing out of the room she made space for the doctor and nurses to set to work on keeping Ehvan alive. It was already the second time he'd died on them.

Wars were tiresome and Asha pulled at the buzzing pad in her pocket. Kirit was summoning her or something. She didn't know why he'd be in a hurry unless there was something horrible going on. Instead there was an odd request and she stared at the screen for several moments before scanning the people in the bay. The ones that were loyal to the Alliance and those that would be willing to help protect someone important to the Alliance. Finally, her eyes rested on a man retired from the Elite. He had lost everything in the first war and he never agreed again and he steered clear of this war. If he had the chance to save someone would he do it? His primary objective was not to kill, it was just to save someone. Stepping over to where he was sitting she thrust the pad toward him. "Will you do it?" Speaking in Quoti was fairly safe. There weren't many besides their own kind that understood the language and this was a mission that needed to stay quiet.


Uriah flew the ship across the borders and he put the shield on as he drew closer to the Federation ships. They all knew that this was going to be a race for time and he didn't know if the invasion of Demos had already started, at any rate it wouldn't matter much. He had a job and he had to protect Kalizda and the children. Flying in low he heard a voice come over the monitor and Uriah sent a coded message from Asha indicating that he was safe to let land on the shores. "I go tah dah far nort of island." That was the only information on his intended target that he would allow for now.

The ship rattled as he got closer to the small area he intended to land on. He'd already received the code to track Kalizda's pad. However, she had it turned off and that meant he would have to find her the hard way. Already there were signs of a small group moving and it appeared to be mostly women and children.

A small message came over Illya's headset as he finished checking his gear. He didn't feel any of the symptoms yet, but he knew that he needed to take the shot right now. If he didn't take it there wouldn't be time in the battle. The last days of training had passed quickly and he wasn't sure the men were ready, but no one ever knew if they were ready till the time came to perform. Stepping into his position behind the edge of the trees he listened to the activity on the radio and then he heard that a ship had landed with pre-approval from The General. At first Illya almost protested, but he remembered that wasn't his position anymore. What business would Kirit have sending a single flier on the day of the battle and just a few hours before the enemy arrived? It was insane. Illya got on his radio and decided to give cover to whoever it was Kirit sent. So far as he was aware the Alliance codes had remained in tact. "Stand down, let him pass." There was a murmuring that went through the radio and Illya heard the man looked like he did. "Send an image."

Pulling out his screen Illya watched as the figure walked along toward the women and children. What was Kirit doing?! Momentarily it made Illya panic and he started to rattle out orders. "Give me the coordinates of the device and the code. I need to talk to him." Clenching his jaw he waited for the codes from the ships overhead to send him the message. Since the man had originally made contact with them it was better to know. Finally, the code from the Pytran ships came through and Illya dialed to the pad. "Code, rank, and year retired?" If Uriah could answer that question then Illya would know that it really was him.

Uriah pulled his pad up and he smirked. Naturally Illya was going to be irritable about it. "Grey, Lieutenant, and I retired after the last attack on the village." They didn't typically use years in their reports, but they all knew what year it was. Chippequoti used seasons and events to mark time. It was a common trick question to test someone out.

Sighing with relief Illya continued, "Continue on yah job." He didn't need to ask what it was at this point. Uriah had come to protect the women and children. His people hadn't completely abandon him and at least one other Chip had come to help. Illya couldn't do everything by himself and there was a small measure of comfort in having Uriah here to help. There was no one more formidable than a Chip guard. With the battle close at hand Illya turned his pad off now that he had the answer and he shoved it into his pocket.

The Federation ships didn't even touch ground. Each of the remaining ships from the battle would hover over the island and an ominous gas cloud would begin to form and then slowly form into men and drop to the ground. To start it appeared to be only a few, but the Tanned quickly began to divide.

Illya stood his ground and he saw the. Silx watching for his signal. One was ready to draw his sword and Illya shook his head. This was not the time to draw attention to themselves. First the Agan had to respond. It seemed the midgets were taking forever and then the first crack sounded overhead. Men unfamiliar with battle were easily spotted as they flinched or ducked. One had to learn in time that it made little difference where you stood or crouched. If it was your time then you were going to die and if not then you were lucky.

The Tannas ranks thinned as the Agan fired down on them. With the din of the battle drowning out the sounds of preparation in the trees Illya drew his sword and gave signal.


The battle was over with the exception of the dying. Enemy combatants Illya ordered killed and the Silx and few Agan injured were taken to a small medical tent and ship.

Illya ignored the nasty bullet graze on his hip for the time and started to seek out Kalizda. She had to be among those walking down the path. Anxiously, Illya's eyes scanned over the faces till he saw Kalizda and the children. With a broad grin he limped toward her.


It was 2 am and Illya moaned briefly. He'd just had his sixth seizure. Thankfully it wasn't as severe as the first two and the seizures seemed to be getting shorter and less violent. He didn't need a shot for this one or his vial and it was the first seizure under 2 minutes for the night. There was only a dim light in the room and he didn't know quite where he was at, but he could feel gentle hands moving soft blankets over his waist and shoulders. All the while she was talking and it took him a few moments to figure out it was Kalizda. She was here and that was good. Slowly rolling on his side he inched himself a little closer and reached one hand from under his blanket. "Jes hold yah." Mumbling the words thickly in his accent he blindly groped about with his hand until he felt her knee and then rested it there. He didn't really have the energy to hold her leg or her hand or whatever he found. Instead he just let his hand lay limply on her. "We in dah ship?"

Calysta stood at the side of the bed, having scrambled out of the way when the latest seizure struck, and timing it out carefully until it ended. "Just under two minutes," she sighed, putting the vial back on the bedside table. He thrashed around a bit more, not nearly as bad as the other times, but still enough to push all of his blankets into a tangle. Gently, she unwrapped the blanket from under and fluffed it back over his body properly, smoothing it with a gentle hand over his shoulders. It broke her heart to see him like this every time, and yet there was nothing she could do about it except to remain calm and be there to watch. "I think I was telling you about Lyr the Great and Terrible," she whispered to him in Qouti, as she sat down the edge of the bed, "Lyr took Pyrta for his own-" He groaned a little and rolled over flopping a hand to her knee after a second of groping around. "I'm right here," she assured him. One of her hands came to rest over his and other slipped up to his cheek, brushing across it and then petting at his sweat slick hair. "Aye, we're safe in the ship and we're in the room."

Almost instinctively Illya moved his head a little closer when he felt her hand move from his cheek to his hair. "Dat feels good." Briefly he opened his eyes. "What about dah kids?" Momentarily he was struck with panic. He didn't know where the kids were at and they could be in danger. He started to pull his hand off her lap and sit up. "I need tah find Cypher."

The seizures always caused him confusion and this time it was beyond loss of senses into pure panic. As soon as he moved to get up, her hands went to his shoulders urging him to lay back down. "No, no, no. Illya..look at me..." her eyes met with his hardly open green ones. They were so bleary and confused she could hardy call him awake. "Cypher is fine. Loghan is fine and Rose too. You need to lay back down, yeah? I'll stay with you if you want."

Even if she was tiny it didn't take much effort to push Illya back into the bed. Laying down he gazed at her for a long moment and set his hand over one of hers resting on his shoulder. "Mm yeah, yah stay wit meh." Her fingers flexed gently over his shoulder and worked the muscles. With a long sigh he moaned, "Mmmm dat's nice."

Relieved that he wasn't going to fight her, Calysta inched further on the bed and squeezed his shoulder as he slurred out a reply. "Alright, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." He had liked it when she petted at his hair and the long, almost pleasured sigh of relief told her he just wanted to be held and caressed a little. " does? C'mere." She couldn't slip behind him and have his head on her stomach because he might seize up again and she wouldn't be able to get away fast enough. After moment of careful thought, she wiggled down closer to him and rubbed his shoulders more, soft fingers working the muscles. "If you roll to your belly, I can rub your whole back, yeah?" At least on his belly he was less likely to choke if he seized and she wouldn't have to hurry and flip them over.

It was several deep breaths and Illya almost fell asleep, but he did hear her tell him to lay on his stomach. With a frown he shifted himself and eventually found his way mostly laying on his stomach, but his left arm was still in the way. Illya left his face mostly planted in his pillow and groaned into it. "Dere on meh stomach."

He was so tired and out of it that flipping to his stomach took a great effort and even then, he landed haphazardly in his pillow. His face was buried now and she didnt like that or the fact that his arm was crunched up underneath him. Letting out a small sigh, she went about trying to adjust him the best way she knew how. Using her body weight she held onto his side and pulled just a little to free his left arm and lay it at his side, though it took a few times and some inching around to get the arm free. He gave a grunt when she pulled, making her wince. "Sorry, love." When his arm was free, she tugged ever so lightly as pillow pulling it out and turning his face at the same time so he could breathe. Satisfied that he wasn't going to wake up stiff or choke on himself, Calysta began to rub his scarred back starting from the top of his shoulders and slowly working her way down. Sometimes she would use circles and other times, long and slow strokes. All the while she hummed the tune that he had learned just for her in Kaerelean.

The rocking around on the bed didn't bother Illya too much. He was already starting to drift off to sleep again. There was one moment when he felt an odd pulling in his shoulder. It hurt a little and he grunted, but he didn't have energy to do anything else. Illya opened his eyes when he felt his head hit the mattress instead of his pillow, but he only rubbed his cheek on the sheets and murmured to himself before he started to snore loudly with the awkward wheezing he got after seizures. While she worked his back he started to lose the tension in his muscles and he went completely slack before a short surge went through his body and stopped. Illya appeared to have multiple mini convulsions of only a second or two and he kept snoring through all of it. Gradually he became less responsive to everything and his breathing slowed, his heart rate dropped, and the snoring stopped.

Calysta kept humming and working on his back, though she was tired. There would be no sleep for her tonight. At one point, she could feel him twitching underneath her hands, though he snored through it, never fully breaking out into a seizure. Maybe he was finally starting to relax enough that has seizures would end. However, he seemed to become a little too relaxed, when he went entirely limp and stopped snoring all together. When she noticed the lack of wheezing, small panic went through her and she checked his pulse with two of her fingers. "Illya..."

His pulse thumped weakly against her two fingers and he barely let out any breath at all. Illya had turned into hardly more than a big brick when he passed out into a Chip coma. His face held a neutral expression and even his finger that usually rubbed at the sheets had become completely still.

She couldn't quite tell if his heart was giving out, as he'd already had heart attacks from stress, or if he had lapsed into one of his comas. For a long while, Calysta stayed totally still listening and feeling his pulse. It was weak against her fingers but steady. After nearly 30 minutes, she let out a long breath then kissed the top of his head. "I'll be here when you wake up. I love you."
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The morning had been a flurry of battle preparations with each task bringing them that much closer to the estimated time of arrival. Calysta continuously checked her pad and her stopwatch as she gathered up the children, her father, and Priscilla along with all the animals to march up into the mountain where they would be going. Herding the children was easy, but bringing the animals was the hard part. They couldn't simply leave the ship out for any Tannas to use for a misty hiding space, so Calysta packed up all the animal's in their crates or herded them along. Keysha padded behind them, bringing up the rear with Cin who was already sniffing at the air, picking up on the stress of so many people making their exodus into the mountain. The puppies had no problems being set loose along with the group, padding along with wagging tails and tongues hanging out against the island heat.

Pecky and all the chickens were brought along in their containers placed on a cart borrowed from the Kaerelean moon base. Priscilla carried Lohgan in her seat and Rose was looking nervous as she held onto Cypher's hand. "Kalizda are you sure? You aren't coming with us?" she asked as Cypher tugged against her hand. Calysta slipped a hand behind her daughter's back and urged her down the trail. "I'll be there in a bit, I have to take care of somethings first. Do you have Lyr and Hairy? You didn't forget them right?" Rose opened up her jacket to reveal two lumps, undoubtedly the resting place of the two bunnies. "Good...good. The best thing that you can do is help me get the children into the caves, yeah? I will be right behind you."Rose's lip trembled a bit before she steeled her nerves and lead Cypher down the path. She was worried about Wolf and Kalizda. Everytime they left, she was scared they wouldn't come back.

Calysta saw to it that her family was well on their way to the mountain before turning back into the ship. She had some work to do before she could join them. First, she removed all of their herb plants from inside the kitchen and placed them out into the sun. They would die if she left them inside. Next, she went into the cockpit and began encoding her remote orders which were linked directly to her pad. She couldn't take the chance that a Tannas would enter their own ship and use it against them or lay in wait for them to return if the battle was over and won. Within 15 minutes, she had the ship disabled entirely unless herself, Illya, Thomas, or Priscilla opened it. The only way a Tannas could get in is if they phased in, and they would be met by a surprise with that too.

Donning her breather mask, Calysta went to each firewall section of the ship and sealed it before pumping out all of the oxygen. If a Tannas got it, it would be sealed and unable to move. When she came back, she would flush the entire compartment with fresh air and cycle it through. Any Tannas would be deposited out and they could deal with it from there. The last compartment she sealed was the animal bay and then she removed her mask. The Silver Mountain sat there entirely empty and it felt unnatural, but they would return soon.

She made her way up to the mountain face, stepping over the rocks and climbing up into the cavern entrance where Kensi waited. The small woman was working on roll call, marking things as they came into the cave. "Innas, you finally here. I go now to fix in main room," she said gruffly, pushing the information pad into Calysta's hand and taking off. The Agan woman may have been rude, but Calysta could tell by the look on her tan face it was more than just the usual lack of courtesy. She was worried. They all were. "I'll finish this, and then we need to get the detectors turned on, yeah?" The words fell against the stone walls, as Kensi had already dashed off into the tunnels.

Calysta stood at the entrance to the caves with her pad marking off names and supplies as they came through the entrance. Most of the women and children were already inside or were making their way up the rocky path. She marked off two more names as Kensi could be heard barking out orders, her harsh voice echoing, when a long shadow blocked out the sun beaming over her pad. Glancing up, her eyes caught not on a silx but traveled up the length of a tall, dark haired chip. It wasn't Illya. Oh." That was all she could say for a moment as she stood there entirely stunned. " mean...who sent you?" Her hand finally slipped to the pistol at her back. It could have been a stray Tannas, though the face was somewhat familiar and if it were she had let him get the jump on her.

Since it seemed that the most logical thing to do was to follow everyone else up the trail to the entrance Uriah took the back to be sure that no one was following or going to cause problems. When Kalizda looked up at him, he nodded carefully and then answered her question. "Asha sent meh tah take care of yah."

Her hand slackened a little over the handle of her pistol, but she still felt a bit strange. Hesitant even. "She did?" Calysta asked her grey eyes scanning him over. After a long moment, she met the mans bright blue eyes and let out a breath. "Did you want to come?"

Uriah stared at Kalizda with a dumb look. She was asking a lot of odd question. "Et was optional mission. What else would I do?" Raising his eyebrows slightly he stared at her. "Will yah let meh in tah do meh job, or are yah gonna leave meh out here tah attract trouble?"

She checked her pad, noting that he had been allowed to land by Illya himself. Calysta let a genuine smile spread over her lips and she stepped to the side, not bothering to ask if he was armed. He was elite. He was armed for sure. "Aye, we have enough trouble as it is coming, huh?" She joked tentatively back. "Its Uriah, if I remember right? Thank you....for coming I mean."

At least she caught the cue and decided to check out his credentials. Uriah waited patiently while she looked over his admissions. When she finished she almost seemed too happy, but he didn't know what else to say besides the simple response he gave. "Et es meh duty. Dere es no tanks for dese tings."

Calysta deflated a little at his response, and nodded. She had been truly happy to see one of the Chips sent by Asha, yet he was here for simple duty. At least he'd been given the choice to turn it down. "Right," she nodded, "The children are in the chamber to the left. Just...introduce yourself to my father and the kids so they know its okay."

Somehow Uriah wasn't sure what she expected because the Councilwoman seemed disappointed with his answer. Was it not welcome to know that h took his duty seriously? After a moment he stepped in and followed her directions. It wasn't difficult to spot the children with her father and Uriah made his way over toward them. He didn't quite reach them and Cypher came over squealing and threw himself into Uriah's legs. The man stared at the boy for a long moment and then Cypher seemed to realize his mistake and his little eyes widened with shock, but Uriah picked him up. "You know Quoti?" Speaking to the boy in his language he waited for Cypher to nod and then he smiled. "That's good. You always remember it and then you'll grow up to be a great man some day." Glancing down at the dog at his feet he posed a small question to Cypher. "What is the name of your dog?"

Cypher took off running before Thomas could stop him and went right for the...Chip? The professor did a double take he realized this wasn't Illya but someone else entirely. Cypher grinned as Uriah asked about his puppy, who was sniffing at the Chips feet, tail wagging. "My Monster!" He growled playfully. Thomas walked over cautiously, waving for Cypher to come back. "Who are you?" Thomas asked.

Having a man's attention was always nice and Cypher liked this one. He spoke like his dad and he kind of looked and felt like his dad. Cypher liked it when big Chip men held him. They were more comfortable than Grandpa, but Thomas was already beckoning at him and he glanced from the strange Chip to his grandfather in debate. Uriah could tell the boy was having a debate and settled it for Cypher. Setting the boy on the ground he nodded to him and pushed him toward Thomas. Looking at the older man Uriah introduced himself. "Meh name es Uriah, I'm sent by Asha and Illya gave meh permission tah come. Et es meh duty tah protect Kalizda and dah children. I accept task and rush here before dah battle."

Thomas guided Cypher over to where his sister sat in her little carry seat along with Priscilla and Rose, both of which were armed as well. He had assumed that if it came down to it, he would be the last real line of defense for his family, but it seemed that his daughter and son in law had not been forgotten. Thomas looked the man over with narrow eyes, uncertain if it was true before checking his pad. Two messages sat there waiting for him, one from Illya and one from Calysta. This man was legitimate. Leaving behind his suspicions, he offered a hand out to Uriah. "Thomas. We appreciate any help you can give," he said, introducing himself, "I think currently we have a hour before the Federation arrives. There are two entrances to the caves, one is a vent in a chamber down the hall and the other is one that you just came through. Calysta is meant to be guarding one of them and we are stationed here with the rest of the families." He gestured to the massive cavern which was quickly becoming smaller due to the influx of people.

Like Kalizda the man wanted to check his pad and Uriah waited. When Thomas finally acknowledged him it seemed that he had an idea of how this would all go down. "Tink dat dah Federation es already here. Et would be better ef Kalizda moved more into dah cave. Meh orders are tah protect her and dah rest of dah family. I take her place and yah watch dah vent. We can't have et leaking."

"In that case, we need to hurry," Thomas said quickly, motioning the man to follow him. He worried for everyone, particularly his daughter who seemed to think she was a little soldier and it was up to her to stand guard to protect the family. For all the heartache the Chips had put her through these last several months it was good to see them back in a way. This man was far more capable of protecting her than he was and he knew it. Thomas led the man out of the chamber and into the main corridor toward the vent. Already there were two elderly Silx men with guns standing watch, but that was all besides Calysta who was testing a Tannas detector mounted on the grate.

At least there was no argument to his presence here and Uriah fell in line right behind Thomas. It seemed that Kalizda thought herself capable to do a soldier's work. She wasn't someone that he knew well besides reputation and it was no wonder that Illya had liked her so much. She was a very determined woman and she was brave. Stepping in beside her the Chip smiled. "I do dis. Yah jes take care of dah little ones and make sure dey are protected." He didn't want her to think that he was taking the only work she had. He could protect them better if he took the first line of defense. Other than that he knew that Thomas and Kalizda would fight to the end if they had to. There were a few stories about them that went around and they were admirable even if they were not Chippequoti.

Calysta looked down from her ladder to find Uriah asking to take her post. The offer came with a conflict in her own instincts. She wanted to be with her babies. Cypher would be scared and Lohgan even more so if she woke up in a strange place. Rose was also looking like she might cry at any moment, despite her brave face. Yet, she didn't want to be sitting back with her family when others couldn't be. She wanted to be useful too. Her father was giving her a pleading look and offered his hand to help her down. "He's here to help, Caly." He knew how hard it could be to get his little girl to accept it sometimes, particularly when she was hurt.

She looked down at them both and then sighed. Was it any less to comfort her children, than it was to be on the battlefield when they needed her? No. And it was as much a priority as anything else. "Alright. Thank you, Uriah...I know you say there is no thanks for duty, but I'm thanking you anyways." Calysta finished fixing the detector and climbed down the ladder with her father's helping hand. "There will be more guards set up at intervals down the cavern length, but this is the biggest weak point besides the front entrance," Calysta said, "If they make this far, it will be this way."

Having delivered that bit of information, she gave the Chip man a kind smile and went to check the Silx guards at the entrance before settling down into the cavern with her babies. Cypher was more than happy to see her and came running over with something in his hands. At first, she thought it was sticks of some kind, but when he held it up asking her to look, she saw the truth. Spikey legs of a cave spider with goopy yellow guts were stuck all over his hands. "Kalizda!" Rose called as she ran over, "Cypher ate a cave spider!"

Calysta grimaced and grabbed one of Lohgan's wipes to clean off her boy's hand and mouth. "I can see that...why don't we stay close and play with Monster, hm?" It was going to be a long day and the less the children roamed or knew the better. Kensi's children came over to play with the troupe of puppies, and that seemed to entertain Cypher enough to join them for awhile. The battle would begin soon, and it was all she could do to give Kensi a knowing looking before offering a seat beside her.


Bentil sat in the tree, laid across his branch with his rifle in hand and smeared with camouflage paint to further blend into the leaves. He knew exactly where each of the snipers were posted along the tree line, and exactly where the Silx waited in the bushes to flank the enemy when the time was right. He also knew his family was safe somewhere. Kensi refused to tell him where but he trusted her with the lives of their children. She was a fierce little woman, and he loved her. More than enough to be sitting in a tree with a rifle still nearly his height and waiting for the Stags to appear.

The Agan man had anticipated the nerves he felt. It was natural and had been building for days, but it was the eery silence he found entirely off-putting. There was nothing but the sound of crickets and the wind rustling through the trees. Was a battlefield always like the quiet before a building storm? They seemed to wait forever...until the humming sound of engines descended over the island, settling over the few open spaces available near the docks, the town, and the markets. As soon as they were hovering over what would be populated areas, a massive cloud began to form around each of the enemy ships. It blocked out the sun, growing thicker and thicker like a thunderstorm...then...Was that rain?

No. This something different. It was raining men. They fell from the sky like disgusting sludge rain and formed on the ground before multiplying. They came in full force this time, unlike the last time when it was just an exploratory unit. This was a much bigger number and the sight it made him grip the gun in his hand even tighter. It was too late to go back now. The Agan's in the trees stayed silent, but he could feel the nerves growing worse as the Stags began marching into the trees by the scores. They had to wait until the moment was right.

Stags flooded into the jungle where more than just Agan's, Silx, and a very large Innas waited. As soon as the tail end of the force finished ransacking the buildings, Bentil gave the signal to let the first rounds sound. A wave of men crumpled, either having been shot by the true aim, or caught in richoets. Of course, they began to reform almost immediately, but they were prepared. As soon as the first round fired, another set of Agan's fired from another area. Then everyone shifted. Bentil fired his rifle and watched his first Stag go down, a shot right to the stomach. Resisting the urge to cheer, he shimmied out of his hiding spot, and ran down the tree limbs to his next coordinated perch.

They herded the stags who were taking pot shots into the trees, trying to fell one of the hidden snipers. Only one or two came close, a bullet cracked over the wood next to the Agan man's head, but he took a deep breath and fired his round anyways before reloading. Finally, a large portion of the Stags had converged in the misty forbidden zone of the island...Where the Silx were waiting along with the Innas. A signal was given, and the Silx, who had flanked the Stags leapt into action, emerging from the trees like ghosts of the damned.

What followed was a slaughter of Stags for the first few minutes, the Silx opened fire first and then cut down any invaders again and again with machete type blades until their original forms couldn't recover. They hadn't fully retreated for the next ambush before the next wave of Stags came, however, and the fight began in earnest. Bentil loaded his rifle and called for shots in rounds, trying to thin the herd. He fired with confidence everytime until a call came over the coms that a small splinter group had sectioned off. Now it would be a game of chase.


The unmistakable sound of gunfire echoed through the caverns signaling the beginning of the fight and Rose leaned against Calysta slightly. The popping sound was all too familiar to the girl and it brought back memories and fears from Pyrta along with Uria and Nuen too. "It's alright," Calysta said, taking up her daughter's hand, Rose squeezed it tightly but still didn't look as though she was comforted at all. "It's too close," she whispered. "No, it's just the echo, I promise," Calysta replied.

As the sounds of the fighting began, the rest of the occupants were looking nervous and it was no clearer than in their eyes. Panic grew to a fever pitch when gun fire sounded right outside the cave entrance and the Tannas detectors sounded. Rose half clung to her in panic and Calysta had to wrap an arm around her. "It's's okay. I'm going to cover the door." If the Tannas made it to the entrance into the caverns this far, it would be over anyway, but they could still put up a defense. "You stay right here." Rose let go and Calysta motioned for everyone to keep their heads down as she took cover at the entrance, drawing her pistol. Sure enough there were the sounds of a fight going on at the main cavern entrance but not in the vent room. Apparently, they couldn't find the vent which was a relief. "Uriah. They're coming through the front," she said through the comms. The Chip took no time to respond at all before she saw his tan form headed for the front entrance, rifle leveled.

Calysta sat against the wall, heart pounding somewhere in her throat as she heard Uriah let loose a shower of defensive fire. There were screams, both from the Federation outside and the terrified women inside, but Calysta held her ground opposite of her father whose jaw was set in a scowl. Would they break through? She stole a glance at her children in the far corner and gripped her pistol tighter. No.

After what seemed like ages, it sounded like back up was arriving. The Silx and Kaereleans had caught up with the Stags and the hunt had come to it's final moments. Was Illya alright? She hadn't heard anything about him from the comms and she knew he couldn't talk while he was fighting. Would he have had a seizure? Her thought actually turned to a prayer for a God she remained skeptical of...but willing to try. Please let him be alright.


When the fight ground fight was over, it was the Kaerelean moon base that saw to it that the ships were taken over and turned to Alliance properties. The women and children were released from the caves and Calysta was eager to find Illya. Cypher rode on Cin's while Uriah carried Lohgan as they all made their way back into the semi-destroyed village. Her grey eyes scanned the path as people milled past. He looked nothing like them, not short or pale...he should have stood out like a sore thumb! Where was he? She looked and looked, checking the face of each wounded man as they were carted past until her eyes fell on her Chip. He looked awful with heavy circles under his eyes and he was limping. She put down the chicken box she was carrying and ran toward him. "Illya?!" Immediately, she slipped an arm underneath his shoulder to help brace him, though she was little use for it. He wasn't hurt too badly it seemed. A wound to his hip and that was all. Looking back to Uriah, she gave him a look. "Can you help me get him to the Ehaui doctor. One came with the Kaerelean men."


Days passed and the clean up from the battle continued while Illya stay asleep in his Chip coma. Calysta had taken to using him as a pacifier for Lohgan when she needed to put the girl down for a moment. Their baby girl would sit on her father's back and fall asleep because it was warm, or work her tiny fingers into his curls, fascinated by the feeling of them. Of course, Calysta had to pay careful attention to Lohgan when she started playing with Dah's hair. She would sometimes get a fist full of it and use it to pull herself up his back with it. The first time she did it, she took a decent clump with her and Calysta winced as she removed the hair from Lohgan's tiny fist. "Don't make your Dah bald. That's the only hair he's got."

Uriah stayed with them on the ship in the spare bedroom, and in some ways it was nice to have Chip back on the ship. He helped cook meals and the kids liked him. He even helped feed the animals while Calysta dealt with Pecky who had started to outgrow his pen and started to associate her with food. Whenever she came by it crowed for attention from her and she managed to make herself brave enough to touch it while it was distracted by a large hunk of meat.

On the fourth day, Calysta went into the market, which was being repaired and bought everything she could find. Snake meat, fish, fresh cream, roots, and dumplings. Her entire cart was full by the time she returned to the ship. As she started unpacking groceries, her father came in to help and gave her an incredulous look. "You think we need that much? Why did you buy all of this? It will go bad before it's eaten."

Calysta shoved a snake into the fridge to mellow out and shook her head. "No, I'm cooking it all tonight."

Thomas looked at her in confusion. "Why? Bentil is off bed rest and coming over with his troupe?"

Smiling a little, Calysta shook her head. "No, but Bentil is feeling better. Proud as ever of the new scar. You'll see. Just try not to snack too much before I cook it yeah?" With that, she finished putting away the groceries and went to go check on her baby girl who was in need of her lunch.