Station Blue Light


Well-Known Member
Back Story-
Stories tell of the galaxies most wanted man and his crew of bastards that terrorized the outer rim, Rhyil the hull breaker for no vessel large or small could rebuke him. This peerless pirate aggression forced changes into shipping lanes as not even heavily guarded transports could go without being hounded but for all the power and wealth he had time--even slowed down with the aid of powerful technology could not be beaten. As he felt his mortality pulling his soul from its fleshy shell he and his band set out to do one final and grand heist, it would come to be known as the Shattering of Eith. Eith was a planet with a massive dock yard for vessels of the Sajuuk Empire orbiting it, Housing in it two super massive dreadnoughts that would in the end be stolen by Rhyil and his men and as they fled toss the orbiting dock from its orbit sending it crashing down on Eith to commit celestial murder.

Now with these two Super massive dreadnoughts he raids many resource rich trading stations and going to the edge of the galaxy, in the bleak dark of a ruined star system he constructed from the bodies of those dreadnoughts a home for the ne'er do wells, the pirate and the outcast and of it bled from the exposed electric organs shades of blue thus Station Blue Light was born.

Rhyil has long since been dead but his station and the loose set of rules and laws that keep it are well and growing, the station has come the base of countless gangs, raiders and rebel factions fighting any number of powers be it the slavers of the Thuss Triad, Empire of Sajuuk or even the Federation Sol. Wars and aggression have forced the displaced population of many races to the station either by proxy forces of other governments, transport or even recruitment into gangs if not being kidnapped and sold off.

Aggression and war breaking out as forces that be fight over trade, resources and the extra-galactic ruins of some unknown empire. The galaxy knows no peace or light of righteous design, the near endless tension, death and war keeps most of those disenfranchised bitter and broken but those within the core systems are apathetic caring only for the spoils of war only giving fire to the brooding shadows.

Station Blue light is a super massive station composed from the bodies of two dreadnaughts orbiting the dead star named double zeros or snake eyes, in true pirate fashion the station is a haphazard jumble of steel plate, massive cables, sensory dishes,weapon batteries and other orbiting artificial satellites. Double Zeros has only four full sized planets near the edge of the system with the debris of destroyed planets that where closer to the star making a dense ring around the station itself. Each planet is a thick jungle of cities and factories who all enjoy operating outside the laws of government.

Double Zeros itself is cloaked in a abnormally dense nebula drowning in the birth and death of fast burning stars flooding the whole sector with radiation, rogue planets and other dangers giving it a natural defense. Only those with the navigate unit designed to read the hidden network of beacons could any one hope to find the system.

The Empire of Sajuuk and Thuss Triad sat across from each other on the galactic map and have slowly pushed crawled closer to each other destroying smaller races and groups along the way over rumors an unknown relic was spoken of in the Dregg-bite dust cluster that happens to be somewhat between them. All this has ruined the life's of many casting them out to the unknown.

Being born into the reality of Blue Light would ensure a hard life, your mother giving birth to you on the streets or a whore house should she not have the coin to pay for one of the healing centers as your father would be some ne'er do well wo found his death in the hands of law enforcement or some misadventure leaving you in the bleak maze of tunnels and wire where you and the others who survived to steal away your right to live from others. Getting into your adult hood with all your limbs still on you would be a rare thing, being shot at, fingers vaporized as you fiddled with wire, legs shredded from mines, eyes or even organs lost if not stolen from the back ally harvest drones, your life in every way was hard and horrid but those who you grew up with are closer than any family and while you saw many of them die all that you withstood has made you keen. Glancing out to the gangs and pirates living their free life sailing the stars in a ship of their own, That is the only beam of light in this place, the only freedom.

Should you be that poor soul washed in from the freeport that handles 'saving' the displace population of worlds set to ruin in war only to find it was a harvest for organ or trafficking of persons, fleeing into the deep weaves of the station where only the hiss of ill kept neon lights your path as shiftless shadows mutter in low voices. Your family most likely dead, your home was burning and all you knew was gone and replaced with this rusted nightmare but with no money and no idea of where you.

Races- (this will list of the major races, if you want to add one, feel free)

Humans- Mostly found within the Federation of Sol who claim to want to unite the galaxy in peace, humans can be broken into two groups, the Shippers and the Terrans. Shippers are humans that live in space be it on stations or ships, Are pale and have larger than normal eyes with the speckle of scale-like growths on them brought on by their ancestors exposure to radiation. Terran are more normal looking humans living on planets.

Vyghot- Found in the Empire of Sajuuk, they are a aquatic with many sub classes and a harsh caste system and deep social divides between those above and those below. Most are humanoid in shape but few like those top of the caste are kin to octopuses and most use a mechanized suit when out of water. All the races are brightly colored and very social minded as ground against the group think is looked down upon less you are of the ruling caste.

Hyujuichulu (or Bugmen)- Part of the Thuss Triad and are apart of a hive mind. They tend to be tall and skinny with boney nubs for feet and three fingered hands. Heads are large and different in shape as some have eyes in front or to the sides, a working jaw or mandibles. Ears can be a feathered antenna to a subtle hole on the side of their heads. The colors of their exoskeleton can range from greens and blues, red and browns, Can lose limbs and grow them back within about a week. The hive mind is not an overlord really only a compelling whisper that rewards those that listen with chemicals that make them happy or aroused and punishes with the mental illusion of pain. Few Bugmen break free from this refusing to listen and withstand the pain till the organ within their skull overloads and fails, some are exiled and have it killed from a command from the hivemind. All bugmen are very jagged and need a lot of time around the other races before they lighten up and start to understand things like jokes and sarcasm.

Spliced- Many races for many reasons add, remove or splice genes and body parts to themselves, Blue Light is over ran with "Cheap and professional" body improvements and replacement stores that sell, buy or add/take away new genes and body parts to their customers should they not want a mechanized replacement. These changes make the effected into a sub race gaining genetic abilities of the race. Most changes are about to withstand the effects of space better or aid in the raiding of ships.