How did you discover roleplaying?

My friend and I were both into the Warrior Cat series when we were 11? Or younger, I'm not quite sure. I found a proboards Warriors rp and it was pretty fun. Sadly our friendship ended soon after, but my love for roleplaying continued.
I wanna say I was 9 or 10? Maybe younger than that, I’m not sure, but I was on neopets and rping there. That and when I was around 12, my dad introduced me to D&D, which got me invested in tabletop RPG as well.
I remember in middle school my friends and I, being the anime nerds we are used to love making OC's for specific anime that we were into at the time.
In between classes and at lunch we'd have one of those huge notebooks with different colored pens and start writing idea's back and forth, eventually creating stories with our characters in mind. I didn't really know it was called roleplaying until I started doing it online when I got into Gaia, haha~
My step father was a avid Dungeons and Dragons player when I was young, being an Army kid we moved a bit, so this was good stress reliever. Of now I am showing my age in saying this was 1988 when I was 7, but oh well. That was my first dive into it, then of course there was the computer games and Nintendo games that helped further the interest as a kid.

Much later my ex wife (at the time she was my wife) showed me the art of play by post forum RPing and I got hooked into that way, as she needed someone to play a certain role, and I think I was like her 3rd choice or something. But once I got the hang of it (I had no clue honestly at the time, as I was used to video games and paper and dice) I found I enjoyed it.
Completely and utterly by accident! I was more of a very bad angsty teen poet and stumbled upon a site called Elftown. Met some writers on there who pushed me to roleplay and I was rather bad at it at first. I did enjoy it and tried to work with good writers to improve my style. It was a good way to keep me sane during some hard times and now it's my go to stress reliever.
Combining words to do more than just rhyme was a difficult task but we got there. I like to think I'm alright at it now.
From ET I have continued my search for a forum where it's more about quality than quantity. Finding the right partner to 1-1 with is key!
In my case, a friend asked me if I wanted to roleplay with her. She had to explain and I gave it a try, it's safe to say there was no way back. It has helped me a lot to create bonds with other people, since I'm pretty shy.
i started off on kongregate at the age of 7
of course i told people i was older so that they would roleplay with me lol
even though i'm more musically inclined i always had a sort of talent for writing and immersing myself in my characters to escape reality, i even assumed a different identity just to hide who i was cause i didn't want to throw my reality into the mix
of course i was kinda trash unless i had the right partner where i could really shine lol, but over time i became less trash (keyword, less)
anyway, i started to roleplay more on chatzy when the roleplaying room started to become less of a roleplaying room, and then i found freeyourselfroleplaying when i was 15
i fell in love with it immediately and met so many amazing people, and created so many amazing stories
i started to drift away from it when it became inactive and when i decided to go back the site was gone until recently, and even still it's not what it used to be
i looked everywhere for a site that i could call home and here i am now
I am a physics professor and teach many undergraduate students from the books but once i attempted a little prop that guided me to be Archimedes. I brought in a small bathtub and demonstrated the Eureka moment out to all. Let me tell you that nobody from that class has forgotten the Archimedes' principle since than and not even the nerds who had it learnt word to word from the physics textbooks. I really got a penchant for that and it was really impressive how the role playing - the props, accents, small costumes, the era settings- were getting students into the learning of it all along with going back to the era and looking up these scientists. They became real people to my students and that is what i enjoy the most about this and also what got me started. Almost accidentally!
Alright, so sort of an awkward story.
I loved this one book series, and used Quizlet. I decided to look for sets about the book series, and discovered a class called "[book series] rp"
Of course, I didn't know what "rp" meant at the time. So, I joined it out of curiosity.
I joined a few roleplays on there (which was basically just a set called "[title of the roleplay] rp") and began to get into roleplaying. I told my friends about it, and we started roleplaying on text.
I eventually found some sites for roleplay- and here I am now, a semi-literate to advanced literate roleplayer.
My friend and I were both into the Warrior Cat series when we were 11? Or younger, I'm not quite sure. I found a proboards Warriors rp and it was pretty fun. Sadly our friendship ended soon after, but my love for roleplaying continued.
Actually, the first thing I roleplayed was Warriors. I still occasionally read the books, since one, mEMORIES, and two, they were actually pretty cool.
Oh, good lord. I was around 11ish when I discovered roleplaying on Howrse. I was never any good with the actual horse thing, so when I found the rp community, I was swept away. I started off doing Warriors and something with dragons, but as I aged, I moved onto human characters. Good gracious, those stories were so overly dramatic. On Howrse it was always 'create the most beautiful character, then chase down another player and make them your S.O.' Then just sit back to watch everything go up in flames. I'll admit though, there were some super fun stories I did. And surprisingly one of my ideas blew up...idk how, it was some wild angsty teen thing with dragon riders in current day...but it was fantastic. I had so much fun writing with other people. Reading a story from one person is amazing, but when two or more people come together for a story it's a deep awesome mess that I adore! (I'm getting sappy, I'll shut up now, lol!)
Eventually I left Howrse from toxicity, and stumbled from site to site. Things fell apart from many of them, with partners leaving, and one major life instance of mine, but now I've found this place and decided to delve back in!​
I remember roleplaying back when I was 9 on the 39 Clues message boards. It was fun. I also remember doing Hunger Games roleplays.
Back in the user room days of Yahoo chat, I role played under Ayenee rules although I didn't actually know that name at the time (I heard it thrown around but had no point of reference). But yeah, the Internet was just around the corner of becoming a common household commodity (before you say anything about my word choice, Internet time in my household was very much a commodity) and I discovered the wonders of live chat. I was pretty young at the time, maybe 11 years old and I managed to get more Internet time by making my dad laugh. You see, whenever he was on the computer, he would be playing solitaire on FreeCell so I went to the store down the street and bought him a pack of cards and asked if I could FINALLY use the computer.

Anyways, back on track. So I discovered role playing the the Arts & Entertainment section of Yahoo (I actually only recently discovered that Ayenee got their name by sounding out A&E). I did A LOT of role playing back in the day and for the first couple of years, I would actually create an entire new user name for each new character because I would use the profile section for my character. It would be around 2001, or the glory days of Windows XP, when I learned how to use Tripod to create my own web pages that I stuck to a single user name for all of my characters. In fact, as I was writing this, I was inspired to try to find one of my old pages and holy crappola, it's still there. I typed in my old character's name and it was the first link on Google and I'm cringing as I read it. If I knew how to get on there and burn it from the endless memory of the Internet, I would.
my friend just one day said lets rp and i did even though i had zero clue what it was. then i dropped it and picked it back up on amino in a public chatroom and ive been hooked ever since
I can't fully remember exactly how it happened nor where I started, but it was one of my first friends in primary schools that introduced me first to roleplaying, although she had never roleplayed before either, we both started together aha! Been hooked and continued even after falling out of touch with the mentioned friend. It always helps that I'm a huge fan of writing in general aha.
Heh, in sixth grade to about 9th grade, a bunch of friends and I did a tabletop style rpg of the warrior cats series. I was one of the two lore-keepers (I still have the notebooks somewhere) that kept track of what cats where in which clan and who died and so forth. We didn't roll dice, but we did kinda have to roleplay our clan leaders. That's how that started. Otherwise for me, I'd say the game Wolfquest.
I have no idea how I found out about roleplaying but one day I just went "Roleplaying. Huh, I'll try it out." and boom: New hobby. I started in a little roleplay discord server called "The Cafe" and had a blast even though that roleplay has been forgotten. I had many friends there but we pretty much never talked to each other after the discord server was dead though I met a lot of great people there.

Good times.
I started on a fantasy RP site back in 2014 or 2015. I wrote on my own for fun but then had the notion to google 'roleplay online' and found my first RP site. It closed down a few years ago tho.
I stumbled into it like Alice down a rabbit hole by accident on the old site of Bebo. Was intrigued and was at the pre-teen years and also really loved writing stories at the time. It was amazing. Also I never found a way outta the rabbit hole. Don't think I ever will.
I was bored and had heard about roleplaying, I didn't exactly know what it was until I went onto some forums. I started roleplaying with someone on there, I'll admit, I was pretty bad at it, but it was fun! I was really into WC (Warrior Cats) at the time so I found a roleplay site that roleplayed WC, at first I was pretty bad, making bland or cliched characters, but eventually I got the hang of it. I don't use that chatroom anymore, and as of right now I use only 2 sites to roleplay (I'm pretty new in both of them.) I still consider myself a newbie to roleplaying, haha.