An adventure: The beginning.

As the sun came up from the horizon and the purplish mountains would start to scatter the light across the terrain. The birds that chirped sang their songs into the sky and the mountains that blocked the light would start to scatter the light outwards. The vibrant grass began to show itself more clearly due to the sunrays scattering from the mountains.

The beautiful scenery that always came when the sun rose from the horizon, including the straight grass that waved in the calm summer wind and the birds that chirped flew from the mountains in the far distance that produced echoes. The pink sky with its feathery clouds hovered over the mountains as the sun started to shine its light on the vibrant terrain.

A man stood on the vast terrain, his gaze was fixed on the mountains in the distance and the sun rays began to brighten his face. He appeared to have perfectly matched dual coloured eyes and appeared majestic to the sunlight. The colours were green and yellow. His name was Nesy and he appeared to be a young man.

Nesy's urge of adventure crept up his spin which turned to excitement, that he felt throughout his body and he felt adventure was a huge desire, Nesy was more deterimed to explore the unknown and he wanted to find out what lied beyond the rich-blossomed mountains.

The mountains appeared to have a lot of beautiful cherry blossoms that were waiting to be discovered. He was thinking now... What was it there to discover beyond the mountains and what was waiting to be discovered? The thoughts in his head started to collect like thoughts that formed into a cluster.

He was finally determined to start an epic journey and to discover what lied beyond the mountains and he started to walk towards the distant mountains to begin his journey to the unknown.

What lies beyond the mountains? What will Nesy manage to discover there?
-------------------------------Story written by Nesy--------------------------------------------------------
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