New User's title...


I might just disappear.
Hey you that is reading this,i'm obviously new here,just got here because i had nothing to do and wanted a roleplay.How you can see by my image and name i kinda of love mystery skulls (you should watch it and hear it...and love it!!!),well...i like every kind of roleplay but my favourites are sci-fi,middle age fantasy and...everything.
I most use men and women characters with white hair that are antisocial,have depression,are sad,merciless or merciful depending on the context...and it's that...i don't have many things to write here.

Ps: I may have some gramatical errors...i'm from another country that don't speak english...
Welcome to STC Mystery!

I'm a fan of sci-fi and fantasy myself!

That's amazing that you are roleplaying in a second language! What's your native language?

Also if you have any questions about anything related to the site feel free to drop them below!

Heaya,thank you.

Just to answer your question my native language is...portuguese...from of the corruption and the country were sports are (at the vision of the government) more important than schools,police and hospitals...i love my country.
Welcome to the neighborhood. We have everything from broody stories to fantastic flair, and anything in between.
Hey there and welcome to Storyteller's Circle :)

You're not our only use who doesn't speak English natively, so don't worry too much there. We even have another user who speaks Portuguese if I recall. I for the life of me can't remember her user name though :(

Our general rule of thumb is as long as you can read and fully understand English, and can express yourself in a manner in which others can understand you, then it's all good. We don't worry if someone doesn't have perfect grammar or spelling.