Political Leaning (Poll)

What is your overall political leaning?

  • Far Left

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Mid Left

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • Center Left

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Centerist

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • Center Right

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Mid Right

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • Far Right

    Votes: 4 10.5%

  • Total voters
I enjoyed our talks so far. You appear like a good person to talk with, and I sure as hell wish you are both right into thinking there is a chance and are able to turn things favourable for your side. I will wait until the Anti-Christ has shown himself and the saviour comes. @Natalija Would not mind talking again with you sometime!
Lol lets leave savior or "anti-christ" out of it. I dont think either of them (if they exist), have a political leaning. XD
Neat. People actually filled this out. Guess I can toss mine in now pretty safe in the knowledge that it won't poison the pool this time. For context, I voted Far Left.

  • Centralized vs Decentralized: Primarily centralized at the federal level. Capitalism should be allowed to exist in industries wherein competition and consumer choice thrive, but any industry which is considered "too big to fail" or which a consumer has no choice in participating in, should fall under government control. Examples include: Banking, oil production, et cetera. If a corporation can't fail and I can't live without it, it's little more than an unavoidable private tax--and at least if that money goes to government, it can be used to pave a fucking road.
  • Right to Choose vs Right to Life: Regardless of how I personally feel about it, women should be allowed to get an abortion whenever they wish. Their life came first, the life growing inside them is feeding off of them to survive--much like a parasite.
  • Socialized Medicine vs Private Health Care: Let the government take it all. Mainly because this is downright psychotic. Maybe keep a few private laboratories around who can compete for federal grants to produce vaccines and the like--keep the reward incentive in place for ground-breaking science.
  • Foreign Policy: Hawk or Dove?: Stay out in most cases. Countries should be allowed to establish their own cultures, which in turn means their own sets of laws. That being said, if a country ever decides that systemic genocide or similar mass atrocities are the answer, that government is no longer capable of serving its people and should be dealt with. Standing by and allowing evil to flourish in our midst is how we spawn nightmares.
  • Globalization vs Protectionism: We should only trade with nations who engage in similar levels of labour standards as our own. (Eg: If a country employs sweatshops, that country no longer deserves our trade.) If a country currently engages in sweatshop labour or similar lower standards of labour, we should give them the opportunity to improve their standards over a few years so they can remain economically viable while modernizing. If the playing field is equal on both sides of the border, then I have no problem with free trade. Otherwise, protectionism is an invariably required inevitability. It would also prevent the issue of it being cheaper to import clothes made in China than simply buying them locally, because the more you think about it, the more idiotic it gets.
  • Immigrants vs Natives: At some point, the concept of national borders will seem quaint and childish. Until then, monitor the local economy and determine the amount of immigration that would be discernibly healthy and/or sustainable, and set immigration numbers to that target. It would simply be more effective to help refugees rebuild their countries than to try and take them all in at once and construct two million additional homes in under five years.
  • Separation of Church and State: Church and State should always be separate matters, and the State should never tax the Church except wherein the Church chooses to become a political entity, at which point it should forfeit its right to tax deductions. Treat it similarly to charity organizations, in that they shouldn't be a political entity.
  • Free Expression vs Hate Speech: Complicated to answer, but hate speech codes should exist for the most extreme of cases. (Eg: Going out onto the street and literally telling people to murder each other.) That being said, it would have to be incredibly extreme anyway--so, in the vast majority of cases (such as politically incorrect humour or expression of unpopular political views), no, free speech should be respected.
  • Collective vs Individual: The individual should be held sacrosanct above the collective in terms of human rights (one person over a group), whereas the group should be held above the individual in terms of social structure (the overwhelmingly wealthy versus the overwhelmingly poor). Eg: Democracy is for everyone and should be respected as such (social structure), no matter how popular or unpopular their views (individual rights).
  • Weapons Legislation: Just put them onto a multi-tiered licencing system akin to driver's licences. Let seniority and profession determine access to firearms. Use the fees collected from licencing to operate mandatory safety and training courses, a firearms registry so we can accurately keep track of the number and type of firearms distribution across the country, and to operate a regulatory board whose job it is to oversee the protection of individual people's gun ownership from government interference. There were 7,000,000+ firearms in my country in 2010. The total number of fatalities in my country in 2010 was 554, of which only 32% were committed with firearms (or around 177 people). The homicide rate in my country in 2010 was 1.62 per 100,000 people. It's pretty clear that firearms are not a concern here, in spite of the nearly 1 in 5 rate of firearms to people. :p
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Democracy is for everyone and should be respected as such (social structure), no matter how popular or unpopular their views (individual rights).
That is hard to support from time to time, so I hope you know that.

(I should re-do my own sheet. When I made it I was tired at the moment.)
That is hard to support from time to time, so I hope you know that.

(I should re-do my own sheet. When I made it I was tired at the moment.)
The road to civilization is paved in the cobblestone bricks of my ancestor's graves. I will carry their cause dutifully so the next generation has a longer road to walk than I, better made, and well lit with the knowledge gained from a lifetime.

If such a thing were easy, life would have no flavour. :p
Enki, this guy wuld make one hell of a politician! :p They also use many fancy words w/o realy saying anithing.
The road to civilization is paved in the cobblestone bricks of my ancestor's graves. I will carry their cause dutifully so the next generation has a longer road to walk than I, better made, and well lit with the knowledge gained from a lifetime.

If such a thing were easy, life would have no flavour. :p
Tatsy. Sometimes you need to take a few easier steps to plan for a harder one. One can't hope to survive by being on the hard path constantly. Sometimes you need some breathing time during which to properly absorb the things that are going on around you, instead of merely a portion of it all.

Enki, this guy wuld make one hell of a politician! :p They also use many fancy words w/o realy saying anithing.
Hmm. This notion of yours sure does ring foreboding to the organs of hearing that I possess on my head. Perhaps I could also try finding certain attributes that make me stand out as an outré politician, aswell.
Oh definitly! Your alredy starting to pick up some of those bad habits. ;D

I give up... I need to go hit something before my brain turns to ice-cream. Grr.
Enki, this guy wuld make one hell of a politician! :p They also use many fancy words w/o realy saying anithing.

Would* without* really* anything*

16/20 Ain't bad. :p

Tatsy. Sometimes you need to take a few easier steps to plan for a harder one. One can't hope to survive by being on the hard path constantly. Sometimes you need some breathing time during which to properly absorb the things that are going on around you, instead of merely a portion of it all.

Life moves on with or without you, irrelevant of you. You choose whether or not you wish to try and keep up with it--not the other way around. I choose to hold myself to as high a quality as I can aspire for, and though I will fail to reach it, the point of life isn't the end--it's the journey getting there. I choose the hard road because the hard road challenges me to be better.

As for everyone else? Their life, their choice, it matters little to me beyond that they respect my right to live my life, and that I will try my hardest to extend the same courtesy.

Hmm. This notion of yours sure does ring foreboding to the organs of hearing that I possess on my head. Perhaps I could also try finding certain attributes that make me stand out as an outré politician, aswell.

Verbosity implying sophistication hardly begets sophistry when it belies points often verbalized by the philosophers of old. To have a solid grasp of language hardly makes one empty of meaning. Au contraire, it enhances it with specifics.

If, however, you sincerely believe that I've demonstrated little more than political barking, by all means, I invite the conversation to try and sharpen my wits and improve my view of the world.

Oh definitly! Your alredy starting to pick up some of those bad habits. ;D

I give up... I need to go hit something before my brain turns to ice-cream. Grr.

I'm arrogant and like the sound of big words. If that's the best argument you've got, then you clearly never had one to begin with. That shouldn't surprise anyone, however, when your first response upon encountering someone with a sincere command of language is to want to punch something like a caveman.

Oh, and...

Definitely* you're* already*

One less error! You're getting there!
Aww arent you cute, pinky! I see you got a grade A in grammar-nazi school. :p I'm sure that takes alot of work!

Anddddd... vhen you have 10% of the command of my language as I got of yours, THEN you can talk. Until then... let me know if I speled "hypocrite" right. Kissy-kiss!
@Nilum Remember these words friend, they'll surely help you here in this headache you brought yourself into.
When a wise man hears of reason,
He endeavors to practice it.
When an Average man hears of reason,
He may sometimes thinks about it now and then.
When a foolish man hears of reason,
He will laugh out loud.
If there was no laughter, then there was no reason to be had.
  • Centralized vs Decentralized: The state is an unjustified hierarchy, created by those who would wish to rule over us as our betters. It should be abolished and replaced with a Mutualist commonwealth, or at least some sort of Confederation based upon directly democratic ideals; no representatives, no dictators; all votes are equal.
  • Right to Choose vs Right to Life: Whatever happens, happens. I do think that it's an infringement of a female's rights to turn her body into a baby-vat, though.
  • Socialized Medicine vs Private Health Care: As I stated above, the government is a plight on the people. However, that doesn't mean replace it with a corporation's disgusting money-making scheme. Healthcare should be based around a society's need, not a society's want to exploit the sick, unhealthy, and mentally ill.
  • Foreign Policy: Hawk or Dove?: Why should we ever start a war? Never declare a sentiment of violence unless you're willing to take up a gun and shoot another human yourself. People forget that war is more than nation versus nation; it's also people versus people, and that means you too.
  • Globalization vs Protectionism: It's a case-by-case basis. Whatever fulfills our society's needs is what we should do.
  • Immigrants vs Natives: Borders are not real. The consequences of their existence creates a new class below the lower class, or rather, adds to it, strengthening the idea of an untouchable people. It turns everybody in society against another portion of it, and then this allows for easy scapegoating and false decision making to placate an angry populace. And then nothing changes. But then we allow more "immigrants" in and then the cycle goes on. Screw borders.
  • Separation of Church and State: Screw laws. (Just kidding, haha.) But yeah, nobody should force me to do anything. If I want to participate in your religion, I'll do it. If not, I won't. If you shove it down my throat I'll barf it up and smear it on your expensive couch.
  • Free Expression vs Hate Speech: You should never be coerced into staying silent. That's how we get a dictatorship of popular opinion, which while useful in some situations, (i.e., most people think murder is bad, and thus less people murder than would be expected.) however it can be used to silence a minority. No matter how major the majority is, a minority's voice should always have an equal weight of a majority's, no matter what they say.
  • Collective vs Individual: While collectivism sounds great, it's a trap. While individualism sounds absolutely reprehensible, there are good sides to it. I propose mutualism. We both own our workplace, as long as we work there; I own the produce I create, but the land I made it on belongs to me and my co-workers.
  • Weapons Legislation: An armed populace is the best deterrent of tyranny. Every member of society should be part of a local militia; it's imperative for your liberty.
Centralized vs Decentralized: How much power should be vested into Government, and at what level should power be held strongest? (Federal vs State vs Municipal.)

If you give the government too much power, they will abuse it. History and some governments of today have shown this. The amount of power invested into Government should be limited but not too limited. I'm willing to compromise. As for what power should be held strongest, it's purely circumstantial and depends on the issue at hand.

Right to Choose vs Right to Life: Should a woman be allowed to get an abortion, and under what circumstances should they be allowed to get an abortion?

Right to Choose. But I will say that I support reproductive rights for men as well. Fathers should have more of a say so when it comes to abortion and should be notified. Also they should have the option to opt out of parenthood just like women do.

Socialized Medicine vs Private Health Care: Should the government be involved in health care, or should it remain the domain of private entities, or should it be partially subsidized/controlled by government?

A mix of both public and private is best. Just look at France.

Foreign Policy: Hawk or Dove?: Should modern first world nations (especially those within NATO) engage in military operations in war stricken countries elsewhere in the world? If so, to what extent? If not, why?

No. The only time the military should strike is if we're struck first or if any of our allies are attacked.

Globalization vs Protectionism: Should we engage in absolute free trade wherein anyone can conduct business anywhere, or should we engage in forms of protectionism (eg: Tariffs, Regulations, Import Tax, Local Business subsidies, so on).

Globalization. Business is business. Forget all the personal junk.

Immigrants vs Natives: How far should we choose to engage in immigration, and should we limit it or stop it entirely? Why?

Immigration is a wonderful thing. People from terrible countries like North Korea deserve to leave and go to a much better place. But if they don't assimilate and adapt to the culture of where they're moving to, they don't need to be there. Plus the immigration process needs to be vastly changed so it won't be such a nightmare.

Separation of Church and State: Should any laws, whatsoever, be conducted against any religion (Islam, Christian come to mind) or in the support of any religion, to any degree? How do you feel about "In God We Trust" on the American currency instead of "E Pluribus Unum" as an example?

Religion and government should be spread apart more than a gay guy's butt cheeks. No discrimination against religion and no favor towards religion. That's it.

Free Expression vs Hate Speech: To what degree should we limit freedom of speech and expression in the name of combating hatred and systemic racism? Is there a place for Hate Speech codes? (Eg: If someone is shouting "death to the Jews!" in the streets, should anything be done about them?)

Freedom of Speech shouldn't be limited by the government for obvious reasons. Literally anything and everything can be considered hate speech in this day and age. However if you're on a website (YouTube for example) and you're making racist, sexist, and overall disgusting videos, your channel deserves to get deleted because Google is a private company and isn't owned nor funded by the government.

Collective vs Individual: Which is more important? The needs of the many, or the one?

Both. How can you determine the needs of the many without the one?

Weapons Legislation: To what degree should weapons (knives, firearms, explosives, et cetera) be regulated or banned from use by the general public? How would you enforce such things, is it worth it to enforce such things, is it right to enforce such things?

Keep your filthy hands off my weapons government! Regulation and control cannot prevent massacres and tragedies.
Definitely Far Left, and very passionate about it. I can't really say much more without getting... heated.... so I'll leave it at that...and mention that I have Bernie Sanders photoshopped as Jesus Christ set as one of my circulating backgrounds. Make of that what you will ;)
• I'm actually surprised that most people here are more on the right, woah. Anyhow, on to some questions!
  • Right to Choose vs Right to Life: Women should be able to choose. Forcing someone to be a parent when they don't want to/are not ready is a terrible thing to do to both the potential baby [i don't believe that fetuses have life until they are born].
  • Socialized Medicine vs Private Health Care: Health care should be partly supported by the government. Private businesses get to construct their business. The government has it's own health care falities. The government pays the private bussnessies if people go for health care there. Basically the government pays for health care, but doesn't run all of it.
  • Foreign Policy: Hawk or Dove?: Dove. War should be avoided unless it's threatining the country. If it's a threat, then go ahead, call in the hawks.
  • Globalization vs Protectionism: We need laws and regulations, but not too much.
  • Immigrants vs Natives: As long as immigrants are law-abiding citizens in their countries, then we let them in. If there is fair reason to believe they are violent/dangerous, we keep them out. We just need to clearly identify immigrants.
  • Separation of Church and State: Laws should never intrude on religion... As long as those religions are not inspiring hate. Both Islam and the bible contain hateful elements of them. The only difference is the general mentality. Christianity has gone through a reform through the centuries, even though there are potentially hateful and violence calling messages in there.=. And in my opinion, Islam is only being used as an excuse to do terrible things and get people to do terrible things. It just needs the reform part.
  • Free Expression vs Hate Speech: Freedom of speech also includes people with hateful opinions. I don't even get why people would argue against hateful people hating. Being clearly racist/anti-Semitic in our society is a big taboo. That factor alone would get them fired from their jobs [remember that FS only stops the government for punishing people for their opinions, not the social shame]. People who hate other groups of people will still hate other groups of people if hate speech is illegal. The only difference is that we wouldn't know.
  • Collective vs Individual: Many > One, but we shouldn't ignore the one. Because remember, the ones make up the many.
  • Weapons Legislation: Gun ownership should be very similar to cars. You should have to show that you can use them, that you are mentally fit to use them and that the government knows you have firearms. Weapons shouldn't be banned completely. Because remember, people wanting to kill people will get weapons in one way or another. Just like drugs. Many of them are illegal, but people get them anyways.