Atlantis - City of Dreams Dungeon

Adran - Dungeon, Lion

Adran glared at Mephisto. Any sympathy he had for pride being lost in that moment. "You think I didn't want to leave? I was being prepared for inheriting Envy at the same age that you were being prepared to inherit Pride. I never got a choice. If this God's Will wasn't so brutal in her methods, I might've seen her as that choice, the chance to finally rid myself of this magic once and for all. But she's just as corrupted as everything else on this island."

He tried to recover his composure by pinching the bridge of his nose. "The others need to know what we've found. If there's nothing else, I'll be on my way, Mephisto."
Mephisto - Dungeon, Lion Precinct

Mephisto merely stared out the window now. His world was a hell of his own making he thought as Adran left. He merely wanted to keep his sister safe. Closing his eyes he leaned his forehead against the cool glass. Oh how he wished the pain would merely stop.