When Two is One Emory's Characters


Well-Known Member
Name: Lucius Epillio (Loo-shuss Eh-pill-ee-oh)
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Nationality: Luccilos


(link to image-->https://i.pinimg.com/564x/03/c1/e8/03c1e80785249fdd3df9d27d955b33b1.jpg)

Lucius is a lean, broad-shouldered, well-muscled individual standing at an approximate height of 5'11". He has wispy ginger hair and a matching kempt beard. Peering over his chiseled nose are wistful grey eyes that can turn cold in an instant. His full lips are soft but stern, complimenting a rigid posture.

Elemental Name: Asher
Elemental Type: Fire
Elemental Appearance: Asher is a red fox, slightly larger than the average house cat. His scarlet fur shimmers with flames which dance and flicker across his body.

Personality: Lucius is of the no-nonsense sort. He's blatant, he's direct, and he hardly has time for anyone's feelings. He's by no stretch of the mind a nice guy but hey, he never claimed to be. He's very honest which can be a positive and a negative depending on the situation. He'll always tell the true whether you like it or not.

His stern personality makes him a dependable worker and his iron will can see him through any task. He is sickened by the idea of weakness and thanks to his past struggles, which have hammered away at any softness in his character, he has very few weaknesses as far as work goes.

However, his major shortcoming is his lack of social skills. He takes little care in his choice of words as he better understands actions. His hatred of weakness makes him intolerant to anyone he deems inferior which leaves very few people for him to befriend. Yet, when he does forge a friendship, presumably after said friend has proven himself to Lucius, he is loyal to a fault, although he may be overbearing as he expects nothing but the best from those close to him.

Background: Lucius was born into a common district family along with his twin sister Valera. His father, Coros, was a member of the United Guard and his mother, Sera, was a successful businesswoman; both were pure Luccillos. Because of his heritage he was raised to be strong no matter what. From his father he learned to be fearless, courageous, and to fight for what he believed in. And from his mother he learned that to be the best you have to take risks and never take no for an answer- every problem has a solution if one looks hard enough.

Yet it was his parents who drove him away. When Lucius was 14 his father fell from a third story balcony during the pursuit of a criminal and damaged his spinal cord. He survived, but the fall left him paralyzed from the waist down. Unable to walk he retired from the Guard and left his service behind him. Despite losing Coros' income the family was able to remain in the common district due to Sera's continuing success in her business pursuits. However, their luck ran dry soon after when Sera was forced to spend less time at work and more time at home taking care of Coros, who was becoming increasingly dependent as his disability was stymieing his ability to maintain his fitness. A young Lucius sought out work, doing small jobs here and there, but even then it wasn't much. Valera, a gifted student, was enrolled at a Royal sector school which was racking up a significant bill. Sera lost track of work and became unfocused, allowing old enemies to catch up. On her way home one night she was confronted in an alleyway by a masked man. She was found the next morning by the city guard, murdered. Valera disappeared that night after never returning from her school in the Royal district. No trace of her was ever found after her disappearance.

Relying on Lucius' income alone the family had no choice but to move to the grounds district. Here, Lucius worked long days and nights in a factory, just struggling to make it by. He'd spend his days working till his arms went numb his knees began to buckle only to return home to tend to his father's needs. Soon he came to loathe his father, despising the weakness of a man he'd idolized. During his service with the Guard Coros had seemed invincible. Not just a warrior- a conqueror. A man who got things done, who'd never learned the meaning of the word failure. Yet, here he was, shriveled and useless. Even worse than that he was dependent. Nevertheless, Lucius harbored a shred of love for his father and it was this love that drove Lucius to action. One night he returned from work early, before his father would expect. The older man was napping on a mattress on the floor when Lucius held a pillow over his face and asphyxiated his father. While seemingly a spiteful, treacherous act to him it was mercy. His father had once been a strong man, a proud man, and he would not let the memory of Coros Epillio fade into the image of a beaten, downtrodden wisp of a man.

After that fateful night Lucius fled his home and started a new life. He continued working his factory job until a better alternative was presented in the form of crime. Soon after he began to make a living through thievery, drug dealing, and completing jobs that required one to do some dirty work for some bad people (basically a hired thug). By the age of 21 he'd made quite a name for himself amongst the criminals and scoundrels of Unity to the point that even corrupt Royals were hiring him to do the dirty work they couldn't. Of course, in this line of work one obtains enemies as did Lucius. At this point Lucius was in a bad way with a criminal he'd stolen from and was forced to sleep in a different place each day in order to stay ahead of his enemies. In a desperate effort to obtain weapons and gear that could give him a fighting chance against his criminal adversaries he attempted to burgle these items from the United Guard. He was caught and faced a life of imprisonment, perhaps even the death sentence. Neither of those things happened. Instead, this night set his entire life back on track. The sergeant who caught him recognized him from an investigation that had been going on for months. It turns out that they'd been on the verge of catching him and were preparing to make a move when he stumbled into there unsuspecting hands. The sergeant was well aware of Lucius' skills and sought to use them for good. In exchange for a full pardon Lucius turned over a number of powerful criminals and revealed valuable information on the network of crime within the city's underbelly. Afterward, he joined the United Guard just as his father once had. After 6 years of service he became a private detective, a decision which was influenced both by the murder of his mother and the disappearance of his twin sister. Now he fights to keep the peace, ensuring the safety of Unity and those who call this city home.​
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