Otherworld Academy for Wayward Gods

And so they had been victorious in the second battle of a growing war- the evil was banished and good had prevailed.... Sort of...

Aila absent-mindedly stroked her cat's ears, focusing instead on talking to the four people at the table. She had always been friendly with Yhi, Iza, Nina and Mors. They were all from different pantheons but Aila like to think that that's what made it easier for them to get along. Without any expected relations or needing to learn about unruly pasts with deities from the same cultural base, it was easier to start friendships from scratch rather than them be tainted by ideas of what had happened in the past.

She answered Iza's offer of assistance with any payback, but shook her head with a regretful sigh. "Louis had the same idea that I might try and say or do something that will make everything worse. I'm a goddess of warfare, not revenge...at least, that was the past me. I have the same ideals now though. I don't 'get revenge', I just defend myself if need be. I don't see the point in starting or causing the continuation of a 'thing' with Ren, I will however end it if she insists on perpetuating her bitchy attitude."

Mors then joined them and asked a similar question much like Iza had in terms of why this had all gone down. Aila looked to Nina, knowing that she already had a full story of what had happened. As uncomfortable as it was to talk about how she had been made so vulnerable, Aila knew that Ren would be more than happy to tell anyone that asked so there was no point in keeping it a secret.

She looked down momentarily, Ailuros scrunching up her mouth and narrowing her eyes as she pieced together the words. "Her royal highness left me another little gift last night. A cobra this time, less plastic and more scaly than the others at orientation yesterday. I....I got, um, cornered by it. Couldn't move. Snakes are unfortunately a small kryptonite of mine.I screamed. Nina got the door open and--" She was still surprised by the last part, her brows lifting to show her confusion "--...and Louis came too. He's a nature god, so he managed to get the cobra away." She decided to leave out the part about what he said just before he left, the girl looking around the table at her...friends?

Yes....my friends...she decided, smiling at the realization.

@Rachel Rider @Ashanna @Day @KiwiKat
"You forgot the bit where I swooped in and took Ren on Mano to Mano just now and saved the day- I get that shock and awe can effect the memory-" Vulcan span around a seat on the usuals and sat down on it back to front, his arms swingling loose over its back. He burshed a formerly sweaty palm threw his copper hair and leaned forward to get to the heart of the conversation "But you ladies may want to seal it away in your mental scrap book; its going to be on the schools lips for weeks to come" He threw a wink and a lazy salute towards to Usuals, presuming that they didn't follow the School's Sports pages and thus didn't know his identity "The name's Vulc- Fire God and Slayer of the Beast of Ten" Sure, Louis had done most of the work, but they didn't need to know that... Speaking of which, where had he gone off to?
Mors returned from the training room after a heavy match with Hercules, sporting several small bruises on her legs and her side. she walked in, blindfold pulled tight around her eyes, and sat next to Izanami, completely unaware of what had just happened, preferring to simply preen her wings back to their state of utter perfection. "what's up Aila? superbitch decided to make it personal again?" she was picking at the rubble and straw in one of her wings, waiting for the cat goddess's reply.
Lee limped in after her, the stiffening of his left leg easing the pain in his hip; pity he wasn't the God of Not-Getting-Hilt-Slammed. Brushing his sweat-damped hair from his brow, he too started to speak, his voice guivering slightly from the pain "Hi all! What happen here?" Damn it all he had forgotten to introduce himself again "Sorry, I'm Lee- as in HercuLEEs. I transfered here yesterday morning" He pulled out the chair between Vulc and Aika and slowly lowered himself down, desperate not to hurt his body further before his healing kicked in.
Louis looked up at Aila, cocky grin still in place. “No problem Lassie. Although I would retrain yer comments, just for a while. They may have stung, but random insults like that are gonna weaken the case.” He says, his Law side shining through there as the god sat, unperturbed as to the Snake goddess’ panicking comments to him. “But yer wrong on one part. This is over.” He tells her, standing up with a slap on his legs.

“We’re persistence hunters, us humans. Once prey is weak, we track it down and finish it off, not let it recuperate and come back stronger and more aware.” He tells the cat goddess, smiling just a bit wider at her as his eyes snap, just for a moment, to the same dark grey seen in storm clouds.

Moving past Aila, eyes reverting to near neon green again, he swiftly makes his way towards the exit of the hall. He needed to finish this, make sure Ren wasn’t able to fester with her thoughts. He cared about the girl, and would hate to see her devolve more than she already has.

He knew Vulcan would easily be able to handle the scene back st lunch, now that Ren was fine and she had no support. Maybe the guy could even become kingpin himself, with the snake goddess fallen from grace as it were.

Following Ren’s path, he spots her quite nearly instantly. After all, there was no way she could outpace him. He knew she was aware he was there, but he didn’t say anything. Couldn’t really. She needed to turn and face him, or he wouldn’t leave her alone.
Ren stopped mid step after realising that she had been followed, coming to a full hault on the steps of the Girl's dorm corridor "Louis..." She muttered instinctively, her voice somehow meeker than it had been even she first woke up. She tilter her head up towards the ceiling, still not pivoting so much as a single degree in Louis' direction "What's wrong? Weren't you satisfied with my public humiliation, and you want to give me a private one too? Or are you just here to gloat? You've got your revenge..." She half spoke half whispered "So you can piss of and let me go now..."

(Mobile post will fix later"
"You forgot the bit where I swooped in and took Ren on Mano to Mano just now and saved the day- I get that shock and awe can effect the memory-" Vulcan span around a seat on the usuals and sat down on it back to front, his arms swingling loose over its back. He burshed a formerly sweaty palm threw his copper hair and leaned forward to get to the heart of the conversation "But you ladies may want to seal it away in your mental scrap book; its going to be on the schools lips for weeks to come" He threw a wink and a lazy salute towards to Usuals, presuming that they didn't follow the School's Sports pages and thus didn't know his identity "The name's Vulc- Fire God and Slayer of the Beast of Ten" Sure, Louis had done most of the work, but they didn't need to know that... Speaking of which, where had he gone off to?"

Mau lifted his head as a body suddenly slumped into a chair behind while he was barely fitting on Aila's lap. The cat gave the jock a cursory glance, tipping his head to the side like a bird would before laying back down to sleep. Aila turned to Vulcan, giving him a small but pleasant half-smile. "I'll give you creds for that one Vulcan, I apologize for leaving out such a crucial part of the story."

He's....sitting with us? Did I wake up in some parallel universe?

She realized that she had never noticed the unusual shade the male's hair had. It reminded her of glowing embers in a way. The description seemed fitting when she considered his powers. At his assumption that none of them knew who he was, she couldn't help but let a small chuckle fall from her rose-hued lips. The sound was light and easy, like a feather on a breeze. "Most of us have been to at least one rugby match Vulc...if not, then we've all sat in 'Deity Histories across different pantheons'. Kinda hard not to know your name when you've been caught numerous times setting crumbled balls of paper alight."

Ailuros tucked a wavy strand of hair behind her ear, earrings catching the light as she glanced down at a sleeping Mau. She waved motioned to the rest of the table with a semi-circular morion of her hand. "This is Yhi, Iza, Nina and Mors. You already know me: Aila, breaker of louboutins and goddess of hairballs." She smiled at her own joke, giving a fake but short 'hack' sound as if she was about to bring up a hairball at that very moment.
Watching Vulc leave to sit at another table, Magec watched the jock confusingly. He hadn't been paying attention to what was going on around him since his head was in the clouds, designing a prototype of an oddly shaped lamp in his beaten and worn-down sketchbook. The Brazilian did, however, hear some loud and angry sounding noises in the background and worriedly wondered if a fight had gone on. Of course, his trust and respect for the staff of the schools was unwavering and he firmly believed that if such a thing broke out, they would deal with it swiftly and in a calm and peaceful manner.

Now that he finally snapped back into reality, he realised quite a few people were missing. Strange. Twisting his head around, he stood up and jogged over to some of the newer students and started to chat with the reincarnations of who he assumed to be the god of fresh water and a goddess of fertility.

Although he wasn't incredibly desperate, he was kind of hoping to speak with his older friends but couldn't seem to find them anywhere. Perhaps they were living life and doing something valuable with their time, whilst he was here. Missing them. Walking pathetically back to the elite table, he hung his head and played around with his pencil. Vulc seemed to be occupied and Magec didn't want to disturb whatever bonding time he was having with the other table. He could always speak to his other friends, but most of them weren't as close to him as the- the famous sports team in this school was. He shook his head slowly, refusing to call the famous sport they played here 'Football'.
Ren stopped mid step after realising that she had been followed, coming to a full hault on the steps of the Girl's dorm corridor "Louis..." She muttered instinctively, her voice somehow meeker than it had been even she first woke up. She tilter her head up towards the ceiling, still not pivoting so much as a single degree in Louis' direction "What's wrong? Weren't you satisfied with my public humiliation, and you want to give me a private one too? Or are you just here to gloat? You've got your revenge..." She half spoke half whispered "So you can piss of and let me go now..."

(Mobile post will fix later"

“Gloat? Who do ye think I am?” He asks, almost incredulously as he got closer to the girl. “I’m ‘ere to... well, I suppose I’m here to watch over ya. Make sure ya don’t do anything ya regret. Keep others w” He tells her, crossing his arms and watching her, eyes once again flickering grey, this time for slightly longer, before reverting to their usual unnatural green.

“Entire reason I did... tha’,” he gestures in the general direction of the cafeteria, not even pretending she wasn’t aware of who was responsible. “Is because, despite yer comments back there, I care. Abou’ ya. Known ya since I came ta the Academy. An’ I don’ wanna see ya become someone like... like what you were becoming. A bully, o-or something like that.”

Louis wasn’t the best when it came to showing emotions like this, despite his inability to lie it was... it was still kind of embarrassing.
“Gloat? Who do ye think I am?” He asks, almost incredulously as he got closer to the girl. “I’m ‘ere to... well, I suppose I’m here to watch over ya. Make sure ya don’t do anything ya regret. Keep others w” He tells her, crossing his arms and watching her, eyes once again flickering grey, this time for slightly longer, before reverting to their usual unnatural green.

“Entire reason I did... tha’,” he gestures in the general direction of the cafeteria, not even pretending she wasn’t aware of who was responsible. “Is because, despite yer comments back there, I care. Abou’ ya. Known ya since I came ta the Academy. An’ I don’ wanna see ya become someone like... like what you were becoming. A bully, o-or something like that.”

Louis wasn’t the best when it came to showing emotions like this, despite his inability to lie it was... it was still kind of embarrassing.
Ren turned around to look Louis in the eye the best she could. Her irises were misty, her usual green hidden behind a red hue. Her voice seemed the quiver as she spoke, the power it had had during the breakfast room confrontation having long since dissipated. "Really?" She whispered, tipping her head forwards having long since abandoned the idea of saving her mascara. Why did she need to ask? He was a Truth-God after all. Of course he 'cared'; humiliating her in front of her entire grade was the most caring thing anyone could have done for her today "Becuase you would be the first. I don't need you to keep me in line, Louis. I don't need you to try to hold my hand and try to redeem me after everything you just did. Don't delude yourself into thinking you know what's right for me. Just leave me alone" She continued to walk, almost jog deeper into the girl's dorm, ducking behind the door frame of the common room and sliding down the wall. Everything was going to hell so fast. She couldn't just sit there and do nothing. She had to try to fix things, whether it was through reconciliation or revenge, nobody was going to make her feel that way ever again
Mau lifted his head as a body suddenly slumped into a chair behind while he was barely fitting on Aila's lap. The cat gave the jock a cursory glance, tipping his head to the side like a bird would before laying back down to sleep. Aila turned to Vulcan, giving him a small but pleasant half-smile. "I'll give you creds for that one Vulcan, I apologize for leaving out such a crucial part of the story."

He's....sitting with us? Did I wake up in some parallel universe?

She realized that she had never noticed the unusual shade the male's hair had. It reminded her of glowing embers in a way. The description seemed fitting when she considered his powers. At his assumption that none of them knew who he was, she couldn't help but let a small chuckle fall from her rose-hued lips. The sound was light and easy, like a feather on a breeze. "Most of us have been to at least one rugby match Vulc...if not, then we've all sat in 'Deity Histories across different pantheons'. Kinda hard not to know your name when you've been caught numerous times setting crumbled balls of paper alight."

Ailuros tucked a wavy strand of hair behind her ear, earrings catching the light as she glanced down at a sleeping Mau. She waved motioned to the rest of the table with a semi-circular morion of her hand. "This is Yhi, Iza, Nina and Mors. You already know me: Aila, breaker of louboutins and goddess of hairballs." She smiled at her own joke, giving a fake but short 'hack' sound as if she was about to bring up a hairball at that very moment.
"Don't sweat it, A-- I'm sure it will find its way into the yearbook" The adrenaline of his confrontation was slowly filtering out of his system, and his mood was finally starting to cal. His breathing had normalized, his sweating had come to a complete stop, and his heart had left his mouth and returned to its rightful place in his chest. It baffled him to think that just 15 minutes ago he was going toe to toe with Renenutet, and risking life, limb, and reputation by refusing to back down. Yet his humble-bragging monologue was broken by a sudden burst of eye contact with a recently woken Lion. He didn't fear the cat- he wasn't one of Ren's shoes after all. His intrigue towards the animal was instead fueled by a sort of mutual respect- it always seemed to act with power and precision, following orders to the letter and getting the job done. It would march on both the defense and offense- in short, it lived its life as if it were on the football field. He reached out to stroke it with the back of his hand:

Nice Kitty

Vulcan tipped his head and raised an eyebrow, staring Aila dead in the eye "C'mon now- am I really only notable for my sports records and many, many infractions? Good" He laughed again, venting some more heat through his fingers and onto a slice of bread in front of him, slowly turning it to toast in his hands "But its not just to papers I burn, let's be real-- I'm also notable for setting bedsheets, Vice Principals' beards and ladies hears alight-- but mostly paper"

He threw some more lazy salutes around the table, greeting each of the students in turn "It's a pleasure, guys- nice to see some familiar faces too" After taking a few seconds to comprehend what he had just heard, Aila's words sent shivers down his spine. He felt a powerful cringe grow in his belly and overtake his entire body. The titles she had given herself... they needed work "How about we call you Aila: Ren Slayer? Or maybe, by tomorrow night, Aila: Cheerleader? You will be trying out, right A?"
Ren turned around to look Louis in the eye the best she could. Her irises were misty, her usual green hidden behind a red hue. Her voice seemed the quiver as she spoke, the power it had had during the breakfast room confrontation having long since dissipated. "Really?" She whispered, tipping her head forwards having long since abandoned the idea of saving her mascara. Why did she need to ask? He was a Truth-God after all. Of course he 'cared'; humiliating her in front of her entire grade was the most caring thing anyone could have done for her today "Becuase you would be the first. I don't need you to keep me in line, Louis. I don't need you to try to hold my hand and try to redeem me after everything you just did. Don't delude yourself into thinking you know what's right for me. Just leave me alone" She continued to walk, almost jog deeper into the girl's dorm, ducking behind the door frame of the common room and sliding down the wall. Everything was going to hell so fast. She couldn't just sit there and do nothing. She had to try to fix things, whether it was through reconciliation or revenge, nobody was going to make her feel that way ever again

"Don't sweat it, A-- I'm sure it will find its way into the yearbook" The adrenaline of his confrontation was slowly filtering out of his system, and his mood was finally starting to cal. His breathing had normalized, his sweating had come to a complete stop, and his heart had left his mouth and returned to its rightful place in his chest. It baffled him to think that just 15 minutes ago he was going toe to toe with Renenutet, and risking life, limb, and reputation by refusing to back down. Yet his humble-bragging monologue was broken by a sudden burst of eye contact with a recently woken Lion. He didn't fear the cat- he wasn't one of Ren's shoes after all. His intrigue towards the animal was instead fueled by a sort of mutual respect- it always seemed to act with power and precision, following orders to the letter and getting the job done. It would march on both the defense and offense- in short, it lived its life as if it were on the football field. He reached out to stroke it with the back of his hand:

Nice Kitty

Vulcan tipped his head and raised an eyebrow, staring Aila dead in the eye "C'mon now- am I really only notable for my sports records and many, many infractions? Good" He laughed again, venting some more heat through his fingers and onto a slice of bread in front of him, slowly turning it to toast in his hands "But its not just to papers I burn, let's be real-- I'm also notable for setting bedsheets, Vice Principals' beards and ladies hears alight-- but mostly paper"

He threw some more lazy salutes around the table, greeting each of the students in turn "It's a pleasure, guys- nice to see some familiar faces too" After taking a few seconds to comprehend what he had just heard, Aila's words sent shivers down his spine. He felt a powerful cringe grow in his belly and overtake his entire body. The titles she had given herself... they needed work "How about we call you Aila: Ren Slayer? Or maybe, by tomorrow night, Aila: Cheerleader? You will be trying out, right A?"

The god of fire was beginning to steam off, his previously burning inferno of an aura dying down to more of a bonfire. Vulc always had a charming flair about him, knowing how to catch everyone's attention without demanding it per say. His easy jokes and and humor were never unwanted in a conversation...that much Aila gained from the conversation so far. Vulcan was in the spotlight of attention too, but unlike Ren who had placed it on herself the attention was rather drawn to the jock before her. She noticed how he paused momentarily when Mau gave the male a small look, but she was pleased to see that the fire god didn't have any fear reflecting in his eyes.

The lion leaned into the stroke, a deep rumble vibrating within his throat. The sound he made was a purr, despite it's unusual resonance. Aila rubbed his head between the ears, letting the cat get acquainted with Vulcan as she spoke again.

"You seem mightily pleased with yourself to have caused such a stir over the years. I'll never be able to get that image of VP Woden dunking his entire face into the courtyard's fountain to put out the fire...I'm pretty sure that stunt is going to live on as a legend in this place for the rest of time." Aila picked a cat hair off her clothes, scowling as she thought about his suggested title's for her.

"I don't like to think of myself as a slayer...you guys did most of the work for me. I was just the trigger for the fight this morning." When he brought up the cheerleading her shoulders drooped, her hand still idly stroking the over-sized cat. "I...I was thinking about it. After the fight now though and what's happened so far this year I'm starting to get second thoughts. Besides, I was trying out some new things this morning and they weren't going to well. Maybe I was just in the wrong head-space, but if I don't come right later today I might have to rethink my decision. I'm on thin ice with Ren as it is, the last thing I need to do is add more ammunition to the gun already aimed at my head by not performing well at the try-outs."

She shrugged her shoulders though, realizing that she was letting in a little too much on just how much Ren's actions had gotten to her over the last two days. The thoughts of what Ren might do in the future was starting to take up space in her brain too and the realization of that frustrated her.

"We'll see. I do know that I need to get in more practice before tomorrow or I'm going to make a fool of myself."
Well... that didn’t go as well as he had hoped. He’d expected it of course, but he had thought... he didn’t know really. Sighing, Louis heads back to the hall.

Upon entering, the room fell silent for only a small moment, before resuming at a more muted level. Louis cringed a little bit. He wasn’t exactly fond of attention like this, and preferred to let Vulc bask in the Looks while he worked more... behind the scenes.

Returning to his table, he semi loudly proclaims to everyone that they should “Watch ou’ for ‘er in the next week or a bi’. Give ‘er time to cool down, but don’t lower yer guard.”

With that done, he looks towards Aila’s direction, surprised to see her with Vulc and... well, he supposed they were her friends. Looked weird enough. Giving a small nod to the Egyptian Lion goddess, he turns to Vulc. “Hey, when are Football tryouts again? Gotta practice ripping into newbies.”
Well... that didn’t go as well as he had hoped. He’d expected it of course, but he had thought... he didn’t know really. Sighing, Louis heads back to the hall.

Upon entering, the room fell silent for only a small moment, before resuming at a more muted level. Louis cringed a little bit. He wasn’t exactly fond of attention like this, and preferred to let Vulc bask in the Looks while he worked more... behind the scenes.

Returning to his table, he semi loudly proclaims to everyone that they should “Watch ou’ for ‘er in the next week or a bi’. Give ‘er time to cool down, but don’t lower yer guard.”

With that done, he looks towards Aila’s direction, surprised to see her with Vulc and... well, he supposed they were her friends. Looked weird enough. Giving a small nod to the Egyptian Lion goddess, he turns to Vulc. “Hey, when are Football tryouts again? Gotta practice ripping into newbies.”

Aila found that the room hushed for a moment, the girl seeing other's people's heads turn towards the entrance. She did the same, seeing that Louis had returned. She knew by the look on his face that things had not gone according to plan. At his exclamation, her fears were confirmed. "No problem with that from me. I'll be going out of my way to remain out of her sight for as long as possible." She said, listening in on the query handed to Vulcan.

"You rip into the newbies? What does the ripping entail?" A quizzical look came over the female's face, Ailuros pushing her hair over her shoulders.

Will Ren rip into me when if she finds out I made it into the squad?? A small sigh escaped her lips, the sigh causing Mau to awaken. He melted off her lap, slinking off without a second look and headed out the far doors that led to the courtyard garden.
Aila found that the room hushed for a moment, the girl seeing other's people's heads turn towards the entrance. She did the same, seeing that Louis had returned. She knew by the look on his face that things had not gone according to plan. At his exclamation, her fears were confirmed. "No problem with that from me. I'll be going out of my way to remain out of her sight for as long as possible." She said, listening in on the query handed to Vulcan.

"You rip into the newbies? What does the ripping entail?" A quizzical look came over the female's face, Ailuros pushing her hair over her shoulders.

Will Ren rip into me when if she finds out I made it into the squad?? A small sigh escaped her lips, the sigh causing Mau to awaken. He melted off her lap, slinking off without a second look and headed out the far doors that led to the courtyard garden.
"Experienced players get ta be with tha coach for when tha new students try an' sign up for tha teams. We put 'em through 'urdles, an' offer advice. 'Course, it's the Coach's decision, bu' we influence it. Sometimes a player might be a right twit, bu' if they're skilled enough they ge' a shot." He explains, avoiding Aila's gaze as he watched the lion run off. It was one of the few species he didn't have much of a... link to. No lions or even large cats to be found in ancient ireland, an' they aren't forest creatures. Sometimes he wondered what it must be like to be a god or goddess of a single focus, to have your essence focused upon just one thing. It must be so... restrictive.

Looking back towards Aila, he gives her a smile. "Seems like yer li'le kitty's copped a strop. Guess I would too, if someone woke me up from a nap. Them's sacred times." He tells her, laughing a little near the end as he remembered the laat time someone had woken up and had to almost immediately dodge a spear.
"Experienced players get ta be with tha coach for when tha new students try an' sign up for tha teams. We put 'em through 'urdles, an' offer advice. 'Course, it's the Coach's decision, bu' we influence it. Sometimes a player might be a right twit, bu' if they're skilled enough they ge' a shot." He explains, avoiding Aila's gaze as he watched the lion run off. It was one of the few species he didn't have much of a... link to. No lions or even large cats to be found in ancient ireland, an' they aren't forest creatures. Sometimes he wondered what it must be like to be a god or goddess of a single focus, to have your essence focused upon just one thing. It must be so... restrictive.

Looking back towards Aila, he gives her a smile. "Seems like yer li'le kitty's copped a strop. Guess I would too, if someone woke me up from a nap. Them's sacred times." He tells her, laughing a little near the end as he remembered the laat time someone had woken up and had to almost immediately dodge a spear.

"Huh. Guess you learn something new everyday. I wonder what it will be like at the tryouts tomorrow." She sincerely hoped that the Professor Terpischore did most of the choosing. While she was still worried about Cythea being an Elite, the head cheerleader struck her as a reasonably fair person...it was really Ren's glaring face that managed to make her stomach knot up tightly as she pictured herself in the gymnasium tomorrow. She had no doubt in her mind that if Ren had any major influence, she might as well not even pitch up and try.

Her eyes trailed after Mau, the cat's flicking tail being the last thing seen before he disappeared through the door. "Probably off to chase more owls and gods know what else is stupid enough to fly within his grasp..." She muttered to herself, now free to lean forward and prop her head up on her hand as she talked to everyone.

First Vulcan AND now Louis near the Usuals table? This day keeps getting stranger. Her mind was trailing off, thinking back to the night before. Turns out that Louis and Vulcan were actually decent-ish people. The God of Oaths had been right in saying she was incorrect to colour them all the same. However, she was now perplexed. Her view of them that she had developed over the last few years at Otherworld was no longer a definite and now the task began of trying to learn who they really were began. It seemed a rather daunting task at a glance, but Aila found she was excited by the prospect as well.

Louis' comment on Mau tore her from her thoughts, the female's eyes focusing again from their far off state as she set her sights on him. "Hm? Oh, Mau. Yeah, he comes and goes as he pleases. Checks in every so often, stays if he thinks I need it. Otherwise he likes to do his own thing. It's becoming problematic though, since with how he grew over the holidays he can now reach some of the owl nests in the trees by Principal Minerva's office."
The Japanese goddess sat there, observing the other gods/goddeses interactions. Her eyes crinkled in thought, leaning forward rest her chin on her intertwined fingers. She looked over to Alia and Nina, an idea popping into her head. "Hey, how about after classes, we go to a town near school an mess around, eh? Get your minds off of Ren." Izanami tilted her head in question, slightly narrowing her eyes towards Vulcan. "Don't think I've met you yet, I'm Izanami." She said, extending her hand towards the fire god, if a bit apprehensively. She'd never tell him, but she was terrified of fire.
The god of fire was beginning to steam off, his previously burning inferno of an aura dying down to more of a bonfire. Vulc always had a charming flair about him, knowing how to catch everyone's attention without demanding it per say. His easy jokes and and humor were never unwanted in a conversation...that much Aila gained from the conversation so far. Vulcan was in the spotlight of attention too, but unlike Ren who had placed it on herself the attention was rather drawn to the jock before her. She noticed how he paused momentarily when Mau gave the male a small look, but she was pleased to see that the fire god didn't have any fear reflecting in his eyes.

The lion leaned into the stroke, a deep rumble vibrating within his throat. The sound he made was a purr, despite it's unusual resonance. Aila rubbed his head between the ears, letting the cat get acquainted with Vulcan as she spoke again.

"You seem mightily pleased with yourself to have caused such a stir over the years. I'll never be able to get that image of VP Woden dunking his entire face into the courtyard's fountain to put out the fire...I'm pretty sure that stunt is going to live on as a legend in this place for the rest of time." Aila picked a cat hair off her clothes, scowling as she thought about his suggested title's for her.

"I don't like to think of myself as a slayer...you guys did most of the work for me. I was just the trigger for the fight this morning." When he brought up the cheerleading her shoulders drooped, her hand still idly stroking the over-sized cat. "I...I was thinking about it. After the fight now though and what's happened so far this year I'm starting to get second thoughts. Besides, I was trying out some new things this morning and they weren't going to well. Maybe I was just in the wrong head-space, but if I don't come right later today I might have to rethink my decision. I'm on thin ice with Ren as it is, the last thing I need to do is add more ammunition to the gun already aimed at my head by not performing well at the try-outs."

She shrugged her shoulders though, realizing that she was letting in a little too much on just how much Ren's actions had gotten to her over the last two days. The thoughts of what Ren might do in the future was starting to take up space in her brain too and the realization of that frustrated her.

"We'll see. I do know that I need to get in more practice before tomorrow or I'm going to make a fool of myself."
"Sometimes I don't think he even notices- he's either to old or too chill to really care what half of us get up to in his class. He probably just thought the smell was his pipe and the light was just the sun reflecting off his glasses or something. Zeus only knows what goes on inside that man's head..." Vulcan grabbed another slice of toast, this time opting to eat it instead of burning it to high hell. Damn, it felt good to reclaim some of his lost energy-- every bite seemed to last a lifetime. A slight hum escaped his lips as he finished another bite as if he was trying to speak but his "manners" were preventing him from doing so. He chewed faster to compensate before continuing "Now that's something I won't allow. You're going to attend those tryouts and you're going to kick ass even if Louis and I have to drag you down there ourselves. The whole point of all this was to stop people from being afraid of Ren- what message does it send if you back out of something you want just because she wants it too? Like you said: its all about battles and wars. You're not going to surrender because you're afraid of an attack, are you?" He then shrugged his shoulders and continues to eat "Just a thought"
Well... that didn’t go as well as he had hoped. He’d expected it of course, but he had thought... he didn’t know really. Sighing, Louis heads back to the hall.

Upon entering, the room fell silent for only a small moment, before resuming at a more muted level. Louis cringed a little bit. He wasn’t exactly fond of attention like this, and preferred to let Vulc bask in the Looks while he worked more... behind the scenes.

Returning to his table, he semi loudly proclaims to everyone that they should “Watch ou’ for ‘er in the next week or a bi’. Give ‘er time to cool down, but don’t lower yer guard.”

With that done, he looks towards Aila’s direction, surprised to see her with Vulc and... well, he supposed they were her friends. Looked weird enough. Giving a small nod to the Egyptian Lion goddess, he turns to Vulc. “Hey, when are Football tryouts again? Gotta practice ripping into newbies.”
"Oh, I don't think we'll have much trouble from the newbies- we'll just have to try to stop them from crying when the ball comes their way. This years team will be identical to last years team, I tell you. 10 Pounds says I'm right" Vulc spoke with every iota of confidence in his system, pretending that he knew anything about the latest batch of tryouts. Heck, he didn't even have a clue who was trying out-- it was all tough talk and banter, and with any luck, his friend wouldn't hold him to his bet "Coach said they were taking place tomorrow, same time as the Cheerleading tryouts. Something to do with 'People like me' being 'a constant distraction to the girls' or something. They're not even letting us watch from the bleachers during the break, which is shit." Vulc cracked his neck, trying to replace his dire emotional pain with a little physical ping. Watching tryouts was one of his favorite pass time- no matter what it was a great show. Either it was the most attractive Goddesses of his generation performing in skirts, but there was also the inevitable fall to look forward too; nobody ever got hurt, but there was always a failed catch or messed-up flip that resulted in a very muddy and very angry cheerleader: one of the highlights of his year "We should still be able to keep an eye on you-know-who whilst we play though- we're trying out on the field next to their's"
The conversation was broken up in an instant by another announcement by Principal Minerva. With just a clap of her hands, all sound was dispelled from the room. And with just a twitch in her cheek, everyone's heart leaped up into their mouth. She was pulling that face- that ever feared face- that she only wore when someone- or someone- was about to embrace her full wrath. Her lips were tightened and her brow was clenched, features emphasized by the absence of her ceremonial helmet. Her habits arose again as she pulled on her sky blue suit lapels and spoke "Students- I will keep this brief. I have caught wind of a series of incidents that have occurred in our school since the year began, and they have filled me with disappointment, and beyond that with anger. I will give the students responsible- you know who you are- until lunch to come clean with your involvement or knowledge of these events. After this time, I will be forced to make your actions public; bear in mind that should I find that any of you have kept anything from me, there will be more severe consequences. Am I clear" An ocean of nods erupted from across the school. The stern principal mask seemed to melt away, being replaced by the face of a well-meaning mother, a guise she was much more comfortable wearing. She wanted to give her students the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she would show them grace and let them get off with a night's detention. Maybe she would be more ruthless. Regardless, she prayed- for their sake- that they would just act like adults and own up; teaching them a lesson meant much more to her than punishing anyone...and the fact that plays like these reminded the kids that nothing really ever got past her "Good. I've told you time and time again that this year should be spent wisely. You don't have much time left, and you don't want to spend any more of it in detention than you really have to-- now head off to class. I believe that a majority of you will be attending Professor Atlas' class on Power Manifestation, Training and Control. Dismissed"

As all the students seemed to scurry around to get on with their classes and days like ants fleeing an anthill, Vulcan remained seated. He heled his breath, leaned into the center of the table and uttered a long lost Roman Curse. He locked eyes with Aila and Louis and whispered "Shit. You think its...us she's on to? Has Ren told her something or has she listened in on us or...what?"
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"Sometimes I don't think he even notices- he's either to old or too chill to really care what half of us get up to in his class. He probably just thought the smell was his pipe and the light was just the sun reflecting off his glasses or something. Zeus only knows what goes on inside that man's head..." Vulcan grabbed another slice of toast, this time opting to eat it instead of burning it to high hell. Damn, it felt good to reclaim some of his lost energy-- every bite seemed to last a lifetime. A slight hum escaped his lips as he finished another bite as if he was trying to speak but his "manners" were preventing him from doing so. He chewed faster to compensate before continuing "Now that's something I won't allow. You're going to attend those tryouts and you're going to kick ass even if Louis and I have to drag you down there ourselves. The whole point of all this was to stop people from being afraid of Ren- what message does it send if you back out of something you want just because she wants it too? Like you said: its all about battles and wars. You're not going to surrender because you're afraid of an attack, are you?" He then shrugged his shoulders and continues to eat "Just a thought"

"Oh, I don't think we'll have much trouble from the newbies- we'll just have to try to stop them from crying when the ball comes their way. This years team will be identical to last years team, I tell you. 10 Pounds says I'm right" Vulc spoke with every iota of confidence in his system, pretending that he knew anything about the latest batch of tryouts. Heck, he didn't even have a clue who was trying out-- it was all tough talk and banter, and with any luck, his friend wouldn't hold him to his bet "Coach said they were taking place tomorrow, same time as the Cheerleading tryouts. Something to do with 'People like me' being 'a constant distraction to the girls' or something. They're not even letting us watch from the bleachers during the break, which is shit." Vulc cracked his neck, trying to replace his dire emotional pain with a little physical ping. Watching tryouts was one of his favorite pass time- no matter what it was a great show. Either it was the most attractive Goddesses of his generation performing in skirts, but there was also the inevitable fall to look forward too; nobody ever got hurt, but there was always a failed catch or messed-up flip that resulted in a very muddy and very angry cheerleader: one of the highlights of his year "We should still be able to keep an eye on you-know-who whilst we play though- we're trying out on the field next to their's"
The conversation was broken up in an instant by another announcement by Principal Minerva. With just a clap of her hands, all sound was dispelled from the room. And with just a twitch in her cheek, everyone's heart leaped up into their mouth. She was pulling that face- that ever feared face- that she only wore when someone- or someone- was about to embrace her full wrath. Her lips were tightened and her brow was clenched, features emphasized by the absence of her ceremonial helmet. Her habits arose again as she pulled on her sky blue suit lapels and spoke "Students- I will keep this brief. I have caught wind of a series of incidents that have occurred in our school since the year began, and they have filled me with disappointment, and beyond that with anger. I will give the students responsible- you know who you are- until lunch to come clean with your involvement in events and a groveling confession. After this time, I will be forced to summon you to my office for an even greater punishment that you would otherwise have to endure. Should I find that any of you have kept anything from me, there will be severe consequences. Am I clear" An ocean of nods erupted from across the school "Good-- now head off to class. I believe that a majority of you will be attending Professor Atlas' class on Power Manifestation, Training and Control. Dismissed"

As all the students seemed to scurry around to get on with their classes and days like ants fleeing an anthill, Vulcan remained seated. He heled his breath, leaned into the center of the table and uttered a long lost Roman Curse. He locked eyes with Aila and Louis and whispered "Shit. You think its...us she's on to? Has Ren told her something or has she listened in on us or...what?"
“Ya know wha’? I’ll hold ya to tha’. Ten pounds says tha’ The new kids are gonna be cocky li’le pains in the ass.” Louis says, pessimism shining through in that moment as he continued to listen to his friend gripe about not being able to watch the cheerleaders, deducing not to respond to being able to watch Ren. He wasn’t exactly up for it at the moment. Wasn’t breakfast supposed to be relaxing?

“Ah think the coach may be on ta somethin’ there.” He tells his friend, punching him in the arm lightly. “O’course, I don’t need ta be ca’ callin’ from the sidelines to distract the girls.” He flexes at this, waggling his eyebrows jokingly at the nearby ladies, before he was interrupted by the arrival of Minerva.

As the woman talked, the teen get himself grow more and more apprehensive. He... did not want to do that. But, he also didn’t want to try his hand at outwitting Minerva of all people, a full god and wielding a lot more power than him, what with her having actual worshippers.

Making eye contact with Vulcan and Aila as his... not-quite-fear grew, his eyes once again flashing in response to the strong emotion, he sucks in a sharp breath, slaps his thighs and stands up.

“I called Ren out in front of the entire school.” He calls out to Minerva. “She was being a bully, and because of this she was ruthlessly humiliated by me in front of her friends and acquaintances. I regret nothing. Good day.”

And with that, he beat a hasty retreat out of the hall, grabbing his books and swiftly entering Proffessor Atlas’ classroom.
Aila laughed at Vulcan's mockery of the vice principal, just imagining what thoughts he might have as his beard caught alight. At the smell of Vulcan's second slice of toast, she felt her stomach give a vague grumble. The nervousness of what was going to happen this morning had worn off, now she realized just how hungry she was. The female grabbed a nearby blueberry muffin, breaking off chunks and popping it into her mouth as she listened. Unlike Vulcan, she swallowed before trying to speak.

"Well, if I have no choice in the matter then I guess I can go. Pitching up to the tryouts in a brightly coloured cheerleading skirt seems less awkward than having my resistant-self dragged down the stairs and plonked down on the field unwillingly. " She couldn't help but chuckle at the thought, her eyes crinkling in the corners. Her attitude had shifted since Ren had left. It was obvious that she was more relaxed, friendlier and, well....more herself. "You're right though, I'm not going to be giving in to her by backing out now. I'm not afraid of Ren, I'm afraid of messing up in front of Ren...and everyone else."

Her attention shifted between Vulcan and Louis as they talked about their tryouts, more bell-like laughter erupting from her as he flexed. When they spoke about the sports trials being the same time, her smile suddenly shrank to a small grimace. With eyes wide, she suddenly exclaimed, "You guys...watch? Oh."

No pressure then. Thank the gods that they will be mostly occupied with their own trials or else it might have been all the more embarrassing if I mess up.

Minerva suddenly spoke, her voice reverberating through the room and demanding that you immediately pay attention to every word that echoed in the grand hall. The more she spoke though, the more Aila got an icy shill down her spine and a tightening in her neck. "Of course she's heard about what's happened, it's like she had ears planted in every wall and eyes in every one of those old paintings down the corridors. She probably knows every time someone sneezes around here."

How am I going to get out of this one? Ren is the queen of spinning her sugary sweet lies to make it out that she's the victim. Bat's her eyelashes and most adults just fall to their knees. No doubt I'm going to end up getting the most of the blame in this. Might as well fess up though, the alternative of just not admitting to anything will have far worse repercussions.

Louis then stood up, announcing to the principal what had happened. His sudden ease of taking the fault brought her her own courage, the girl hurriedly standing and saying in addition to his statement, "She played a prank on me and intruded on my space so I messed up her shoes. I can see you in your office after class to discuss it if you want." She then left the hall too, heading off to her class on Power Manifestation, Training and Control . Just before leaving the table, she swung a look over to Iza and stated quickly, "Yeah, going into town would be great. I'm practicing after school today but maybe we can go after tryouts tomorrow? Anyone else want to join, just tell me later today during lunch."

The Japanese goddess sat there, observing the other gods/goddeses interactions. Her eyes crinkled in thought, leaning forward rest her chin on her intertwined fingers. She looked over to Alia and Nina, an idea popping into her head. "Hey, how about after classes, we go to a town near school an mess around, eh? Get your minds off of Ren." Izanami tilted her head in question, slightly narrowing her eyes towards Vulcan. "Don't think I've met you yet, I'm Izanami." She said, extending her hand towards the fire god, if a bit apprehensively. She'd never tell him, but she was terrified of fire.

Nina brightened, about to answer, when the announcement from Principal Minerva fell over the crowd and silenced everyone. Nina glanced nervously from side to side, her gaze shifting between Aila and Louis as each responded in turn, then exited the hall. She wrung her hands and bit back her lip; surely those two wouldn't get in trouble on account of Ren's bullying, would they? She had to talk to Principal Minerva before she left the hall.

"Iza, I'd love to get together later in town. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better!" She smiled warmly, then her expression waxed apologetic. "I'm sorry, but I really need to speak to the principal...hopefully we'll have some classes together, otherwise, I'll see you later!" With that, she hurried to where the principal stood.

"Principal Minerva...may I speak to you for a moment?" She didn't wait for a response. "For what it's worth, I saw what Ren did to Aila, and it was...cruel," she concluded, her face momentarily flashing with pain at memories of her own torment in the schools of her past. "I understand that actions have consequences, but maybe...Louis and Aila's actions were just the consequences of Ren's." She flashed what she hoped was her most charming, sincere smile.
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Mors was leaving the room, thoroughly unimpressed in the level of interesting activities and heard snippets of Nina's conversation with Minerva. she thought to herself this should be good and leaned against a pillar near the doors.
Nina brightened, about to answer, when the announcement from Principal Minerva fell over the crowd and silenced everyone. Nina glanced nervously from side to side, her gaze shifting between Aila and Louis as each responded in turn, then exited the hall. She wrung her hands and bit back her lip; surely those two wouldn't get in trouble on account of Ren's bullying, would they? She had to talk to Principal Minerva before she left the hall.

"Iza, I'd love to get together later in town. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better!" She smiled warmly, then her expression waxed apologetic. "I'm sorry, but I really need to speak to the principal...hopefully we'll have some classes together, otherwise, I'll see you later!" With that, she hurried to where the principal stood.

"Principal Minerva...may I speak to you for a moment?" She didn't wait for a response. "For what it's worth, I saw what Ren did to Aila, and it was...cruel," she concluded, her face momentarily flashing with pain at memories of her own torment in the schools of her past. "I understand that actions have consequences, but maybe...Louis and Aila's actions were just the consequences of Ren's." She flashed what she hoped was her most charming, sincere smile.
she approached Nina slowly, giving Minerva plenty of warning that she was coming. even if it wasn't enough by the black blindfold and large black angelic wings, attempting to back up Nina's argument. "Ma'am, I do believe that her heart is in the right place, she's only defending her friend"
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