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  1. Monster the Vamelfaer

    Deus Ex Machina Plots

    Here you'll find ongoing plots in the RP, including the main plot, as well as side plots. This thread will be updated as new events occur. When a plot has been finished, it will be marked as done. This is to make it easier for newcomers to hop right into a plot without having to go back and weed...
  2. Monster the Vamelfaer

    Deus Ex Machina Rules

    Rules Real life before RP! If someone can’t post for a while because they’ve been busy, or if their muse has left them, try to be gracious and give them time to reply. That said… Try your best not to keep people waiting too long for you to reply. We all understand that there are some days...
  3. Monster the Vamelfaer

    Deus Ex Machina Character Classes

    Here you'll find everything you need to know about the four character classes: automatons, humans, demigods, and gods. A list of the current gods will be included in the tabs section.
  4. Monster the Vamelfaer

    Deus Ex Machina World Info

    Here, you can find all the information you need about the world. General world info will be included in the main thread, while the directory and possible future maps will be up in the tabs. City Overview Auroris is composed of two levels: The Sun Level and the Moon Level. The Sun Level The...
  5. Monster the Vamelfaer

    Deus Ex Machina Lore

    Lore Long, long ago, there were two gods. Sol, god of the Sun, and Luna, goddess of the Moon. Sol was as bright as one might imagine: intelligent, powerful, and ever the hothead, while Luna was quite the opposite: cold, mysterious, and allusive. For hundreds of years Sol tried to win her heart...