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  1. Script


    Cole Brighthammer is the twenty-year-old adopted son of Baern and Eldeth Brighthammer, a dwarven couple who dwell in Greennest. He was left with them by his birth mother Sarah, an old friend of Eldeth, before she disappeared on an unknown errand. As fate would have it, it transpired that Baern...
  2. Script


  3. Script

    Stat Rolls

    ... let's try that again
  4. Script

    Stat Rolls

  5. Script


    First Impressions While travelling with the caravan, Theo has been relatively quiet - content to observe and listen most of the time. When he has spoken, though, he's proven to have quite a playful demeanor and a sharp wit, apt to make light of serious situations and tease his travel companions...
  6. Script


    Theo was born on the streets of a major city, and from a young age was left with little option but to thieve for a living. His mother, Jenna, a barmaid at a less-than-reputable tavern in the city’s slums suffered from a steadily worsening drinking habit, constantly rambling on about the...
  7. Script


  8. Script

    Stat Rolls

    Stats time 15, 13, 10, 15, 16, 15