
  1. pandakatiefominz

    Clash of Dispositions

    The sun was sinking below the mountains to the west of Oderfeld, and all of the tall, colourful buildings were shaded in amber light. And the town was peaceful. And it was quiet. And mingled amongst the townsfolk, who were simply going about their lives, just as they always had, walked a...
  2. pandakatiefominz

    Open Into the Wild (AKA My Fantastical Summertime Partner Search)

    It is, once again, time for me to seek out new RP partners. It's the summer, I'm feeling footloose and fancy-free, and it's time to expend some of my creative energy. Normally, when I make a post, I provide a large list of many settings, but right now, I'm really only looking for fantasy...
  3. pandakatiefominz

    Sorcerous Dissipation

    The old stories claimed magic was, once upon a time, accessible to all, without effort, or payment, without having to source it, it was drawn from the bones of the earth as newborns drew breath and estuaries drew water. Rose believed it, somewhat. As a wood elf, her kind had lifespans twice as...
  4. JessieJames

    Winter's Shadow

    The soft drifting of snow fell lazily from the dark skies above as the King of Shadows strolled up the stone covered path before him that lead deeper into the forest. It pleased him to be in such a comforting place even if nature wasn’t at its finest these days. Flakes of snow clung to the crown...
  5. Cece

    Nightshade Chronicles (1x1 w/ Cece and Kittyroid)

    In the kingdom of Herra, the beloved Queen, Queen Liana, has fallen sick due to unknown causes. Despite all of the kingdom's attempts to cure her, everyone and everything has failed so far. Fearing her life is surely coming to an end, she calls upon her only son, Prince Larko to hand pick a...
  6. Ysolde

    Rue - Cold Open

    Shadows pool around me hiding my form from the group of them on the road. Their torch light blinds their eyes and would keep them from seeing me even were I not so well hidden. I scan the emblems on their shields and the banner they carry and determine that they are exactly what I am hunting and...
  7. KMD

    Regicide Undone -A Short Story I Wrote.-
