
  1. Dreamless Realm

    AL: New Dawn

    @BookKnight Sebastian received a one time pass to a Bavethjan space station, and was told to wait right at the docks where the vehicle he came in had left him. He was meant to wait for someone that went by the name Dx. Valled. The picture given to identify them was of a generic looking blue...
  2. Dreamless Realm

    Ghosts of the future

    Tensions were at an all time high with humanity. Messenger spirits ran through, fast as the wind would allow. The monstruous folk gathered in their forests or friendly cities, and within, the sound of hooves on the pavement was thunderous and never ending. For transport, to fend off nervousness...
  3. Dreamless Realm

    Megabuilding H11

    Megabuilding H11 WN185 Our little burrow, only it's not so little and it looks nothing like a cozy tunnel. Not very different from the rest of NC's Megabuildings, located in the NID, Watson. We're in luxury apartment 665, on one of the top floors. "Luxury" as in marketing strategy to get...
  4. Dreamless Realm

    Chat group: Edge team

    @A.I. Bunny added you to: Edge team. This channel is encrypted using protocol #2023204020732077-DELTA. This method is not supported and AKAWPWBWDDDDH#£#£#£ won't provide support if needed. This channel is isolated. Bunny: Hey bitches welcome 2 the dream team! A.I. Bunny: Welcome to EDGE TEAM...
  5. Dreamless Realm


    Pacifica It was supposed to be a coastal retreat filled with tourist attractions, amusement parks and white sand beaches. That is before the corporations looking to make this dream a reality, pulled their funding during economic hardships. Nomads and Haitians, who had escaped flooding in Haiti...
  6. Dreamless Realm

    Santo Domingo

    Santo Domingo One of Night City’s oldest districts, who avoided much of the fallout and damage of the 4th corporate war due to its location. During the crisis it was a provisional camp for Night City citizens and refugees looking for shelter. This population has since been dispersed into the...
  7. Dreamless Realm


    Heywood A district with a little taste of everything. The north of Heywood, closest to Corpo Plaza and city centre, features beautiful parks and modern architecture, whilst in the south the slums dominate the landscape with gangs like 6th Street and The Valentinos roaming the area. Heywood is...
  8. Dreamless Realm

    City centre

    City Centre Next up we have City Centre, the heart of Night City. This was the site of the seminal event of the 4th corporate war. This led to the destruction of Arasaka Towers, leaving a massive crater in this district. The rebuilding of City Centre has just recently ended with the...
  9. Dreamless Realm


    WATSON The district of Watson used to be the go to locale in Night City featuring everything from Nightclubs to skyscrapers, to corporate offices to a top end med center and even the biggest black market in Night City. After the Unification War and the subsequent return of Saburo Arasaka and...
  10. Dreamless Realm

    Open ALIEN LIVING (Slice of life/action/adventure/Sci-fi)

    Hello!, I'm Machina Somnium and I'm looking for a roleplay partner to look into developing this particular idea: Your character is looking for a new beginning. They can be a human, a fictional alien species from an already existing franchise, or something you have invented. Do keep in mind this...
  11. Dreamless Realm

    Closed Old West RP (RED DEAD REDEMPTION2 inspired)

    Hi!, I've recently been playing the videogame Red Dead Redemption 2 and fallen in love with its general concept and idea. I'd like to do a roleplay in the game's setting or similar, a bit earlier so it's not the actual end of the old west era. It doesn't matter if you haven't played this game or...
  12. Dreamless Realm

    Undertale/Deltarune RP

    Hello and welcome to a concept i'd like to develop. Hexarune. Before considering joining this, i'd recommend having played deltarune or/and undertale OR having watched playthroughs if you want to avoid spoilers!!. That said, this is an idea for a roleplay for a small group of people, at...
  13. Dreamless Realm

    Monster Roleplay looking for co-GM

    Hello! This is the idea I am looking forwards to developing: Back in the 80s, some patches of land started turning "dark". Trees grew impossibly tall and thick, a strange mist filled the place, seeming to come out of nowhere, and strange creatures started appearing. It is unknown why this...
  14. Dreamless Realm

    Mass Effect RP

    I'm looking for a partner familiar with this universe to start a roleplay set in it. I have only personally played Andromeda, but if you are willing to put up with me not knowing much about the Milky Way when it comes to locations and events i have no problem with a change in the setting. I...
  15. Dreamless Realm

    Mass effect roleplay

    I'm looking for a partner familiar with this universe to start a roleplay set in it. I have only personally played Andromeda, but if you are willing to put up with me not knowing much about the Milky Way when it comes to locations and events i have no problem with a change in the setting. I...
  16. Dreamless Realm

    Monster RP

    Hey there fellas. Welcome to... to Monster because idfk what to name this to be honest? Basically, this roleplay is about your characters going into a danger zone escaping from X thing. Each might have their own motive. But other humans, normal people dont go into these places because theres...
  17. Dreamless Realm

    Transformers Roleplay

    Welcome. This is an interest check for the possibility of a roleplay set in the transformers universe. Not the movies, forget about the movies and Michael Bay. It would be the IDW continuity for those acquainted with the series. For those who are new to transformers I would give you all the...
  18. Dreamless Realm

    Neo Eden

    I'm looking for roleplay partners to develop ideas that I might use in the future for bigger roleplays. Of course if you help me and we develop the idea together you'll be a co-gm. However the first steps are to shape it and discover it as a small roleplay of sorts, perhaps 3 to four people. The...
  19. Dreamless Realm

    Looking for 1x1 roleplay partner (OPEN)

    Hey there. I am not new to 1x1 roleplay, since its something I have been doing for several years already, I am looking for a partner with an imaginative mind who can offer ideas, brainstorm a story with me or simply keep the fire going, since I have been in the position where the other person...
  20. Dreamless Realm

    Monster Camp 2.0

    Camp Willow, also known as Monster Camp because of several rumours going around that there's real monsters creeping around in the woods. Its campers, which might still be little sapplings and can rank up to Grand Willow with time and insignia gaining, are known as the Wills. It was going to be...