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Giga God Crunchmeister

. . .Hm.
I guess now is a better time than never to describe this to you.
You, whoever you are.
I don’t know who will be receiving this, but I do hope that it sheds some light on what has been happening as of late, regarding the gang, myself, and. . .our reality as a whole. Yes, reality.

It’s bizarre.

But, only now do I realize that description isn’t so out-of-place in our world, or any worlds that may exist beyond ours. Our world is one that is a bizarre celebration of life, I believe. A celebration being told through a bloodline of warriors, delinquents and tricksters alike. In a way, I guess that’s the most narcissistic thing you could ever say; that the world revolves around such a small selection people. . .but, after everything that has happened, who’s to say anything revolves around anyone anymore?

. . .Excuse me. I’m losing focus. Allow me to start from the beginning.

My name is Giorno Giovanna, formerly known as Haruno Shiobana. I am the boss of Passione - the former drug-trafficking gang that has ruled the region of Naples, Italy for the past decade. I am the son of Dio Brando, a man who has achieved immortality after rejecting his own humanity centuries ago. In reality, I’m the genetic offspring of Jonathan Joestar - the same man who challenged my father centuries ago and lost. My father stole his body, and used it to impregnate a woman - my mother - and create me. I suppose that means I have two fathers, because I inherited traits from both.

My childhood was unremarkably terrible. Yet, something happened that gave me a dream. I met an honorable man, who had won the respect of many people because of his position as a gangster in the local gang. I saved him one time, and he repaid me in influence.

From that point, I, Giorno Giovanna, had a dream to become a gang-star.

Yet, the older I got, the more I realized that the gang had been ruling my hometown - Naples - was corrupt. It lacked honor and solidarity, because it sold drugs to teenagers and it was ruled by a man who desperately wanted to escape his own past. I never learned the true name of the boss. He was simply known as Diavolo - the Emperor.

I resolved to usurp him, and return honor to the gang of Passione. The entire process of that became the first “phase” of my life - before I had come into contact with the multiverse. I can’t go into detail on what happened exactly, that would be too much to describe. Just know that was a long journey. A golden path that made me who I am, and freed me from the shackles of my own fate. But I was the victor, in the end. We were the victors. And Passione would be under my protection for the next three years.
My understanding of the world would be warped on one fateful day, however. The day that I had received a letter from my friend and enforcer, Guido Mista. He had been gone for a few days, doing some business in the country (for Passione, of course). The letter I received was the first moment in three years where I had been. . .unsure.

It was a threat. Not myself, or anyone whom I cared about. It wasn’t even a threat to my gang or my position.

It was a threat to the Arrow. Now is a good time to mention - I’m a stand user. A stand is a manifestation of a person’s fighting spirit and willpower, appearing like a spirit beside them. They’re powerful and strange, and they allow their user to use strange abilities and powers that defy the laws of space, time, reality. . .and even fate. Stands are very rare, and are usually created naturally by individuals of great mental fortitude. However, one way to achieve a stand of great power, is to use an Arrow - ancient artifacts that can awaken a Stand within a user, or in some cases, enhance an existing Stand to incomprehensible power.

This is the power of Requiem. Even I couldn’t understand it when I first experienced it. I somehow knew that whatever it did, it was meant to be.

Diavolo had been attempting to seize an arrow for himself, so that he could unlock the power of Requiem for his stand, King Crimson. I got to it first, and. . .well, he didn't. I resolved to protect the arrow at all costs. It’s been the greatest secret of my gang for the past three years, the idea of someone knowing of its existence was troubling. Just when I went to go grab the arrow, something happened.

A flash of light consumed me, and. . .I was abducted. I was taken from my own world, and thrown into. . .someplace else. Worlds beyond our own worlds - realities beyond what we consider to be our own observable universe, meshed together by some anomalous event.

This was the Time Crisis. This would be the second “phase” of my life. It was when I, Giorno Giovanna, was exposed to the multiverse. I don’t know how long it lasted, exactly, but it’s impact shifted the tides for the coming storm. It was there where I met people who were from other worlds. Some were much like our own, and others were wildly different. Some of them were superheroes, and others were magicians. Some were gods, and others were hedgehogs. It was bizarre, but I knew from the beginning that it was a challenge that I had to overcome.

Dorian Pavus, James Howlett, Danielle Cage, Shichika Yasuri, Seisa Mikagura. These were just a few people that I had come to know. I only knew them for a brief time. . .yet, we were allies. It reminded me of when I first met Bruno, Mista, Narancia, Fugo and Abbacchio. It was so natural, as if they were my own family.

No surprise, of course. They say the blood of the covenant is stronger than the water of the womb. I find that saying relevant, even now, as I describe this to you.
It was also where I had met my father, Dio Brando. It seemed as if he was taken from my world as well. At the time, I didn’t realize that he was already dead in our world before I could even remember - somehow, he had been brought back to life. . .or perhaps taken from a time period years before I was born, when he was still alive.

I hope that it’s the latter case, because I do not believe a man like that deserves the gift of reincarnation. It was during that crisis where I saw his. . .his entirety. I believe that true evil is that which is based in ‘reality’. Superficial evil is what others see when they describe evil - insanity, paranoia, or just megalomania. That is what fueled Diavolo. But my father was all of those things, and none of them contributed to his evil, for he was true evil. It was all real, and any reality that would come to pass would involve him remaining evil. He was one who took. He never gave, and he never inherited. He would take life, freedom and honor from others, and use it to fuel his own ambitions. That is Dio Brando. And I did things to prevent him from taking the freedom of another.

I do not regret it, however.

I have a dream that I know is just.

Fate would have it that Dio was killed by another person in the group. I found the resolve to disconnect myself from him, despite his. . .reaction to what I did. I won’t soon forget the simple words Shichika told me afterwards.

I would not ‘inherit’ my father’s cruelty. What I will do is ‘inherit’ his strength for my own. Use it to achieve my own goals and ambitions. The taint of his blood will always remain with me, but that will not stop me from using that power for the shining path I will onwards.

It’s what he would’ve wanted.

. . .I think he deserves that, at least.

But I knew, even after returning and saying farewell to my friends and allies, that I would see my father again, very soon.

As I traveled back from one ‘reality’ to another, these words appeared in my mind.

And that is where it all began.

<That which we have inherited from the departed must be taken onwards.>


Why did those words appear in Giorno Giovanna's head all of a sudden? There was no stimulus in this vast, psychedelic expanse that could trigger those words to resurface at the front of his mind, but they came as the boy was being brought home. His body was suspended in a sea of emptiness, softly carrying him from one world to the next - a by-product of inter-universal travel, if that is the correct term to use. Giorno couldn't hope to comprehend the vibrant lights that flew past him through the blank void as he traveled, which is probably why his mind was occupied with old quotes on top of events that he had just experienced.

". . .Hm."

The pain and revelations of a crisis in time and space, clashing with memories of Giorno's own moment of self-actualization in the face of a superficial evil. What cruel tricks the mind plays on us, sometimes. The young mob boss could still see somewhat in the buffet of lights, however. His eyes drifted down to his own chest, where he saw an imprint of some object tucked safely within his coat. He knew it was there, but better instinct dictated he check again.

Giorno ran through another checklist in his mind. Thankfully, his unbreakable dedication to his own plots trumps his tendency to think about days of the past. As soon as Giorno returns to his office, he'll need to find out the meaning of the letter he'd gotten prior to the crisis. Before Giorno had ended up a victim of the convergence, he'd received a letter from his friend and most trusted enforcer, Guido Mista, which he'd thought was a mission report. Rather, it was a cryptic threat against the one secret Don Giorno Giovanna had kept locked away in Passione for the last several years.

The Arrow - an object that is capable of creating new stand users, as well as enhancing existing stands to the point of -



Catching him off guard, Giorno squinted as a flash of bright light consumed his vision, accompanied by a sudden shift in movement. The bizarre feeling of floating escaped his being, and the sounds of wind, birds and rumbling sea shores returned to his ears. Opening his eyes slightly, he saw his own two feet standing on a fine red rug.

His red rug.

"I'm. . .back in Naples?"

Giorno tilted his head upwards, opening his eyes fully to find himself standing right near the open window to his private office, which overlook the humble city bustle and bright blue harbors of Naples, Italy. The boss knew it was no illusion, because he was almost immediately assaulted with the warm smell of fresh pizza being carried on the wind - he was definitely in Italy. A reassured smile crept across Giorno's face when he took a moment to get his bearings. He hadn't actually seen the view of Naples in awhile. It was nice, in a bizarre way.

Keeping his view on the city, Giorno turned his head slightly and called out.

"Candire, I'm back. Could you come in here, please?"

. . .

No response.

Giorno blinked a few times, still not turning around. Candire, the young, personal messenger of Don Giorno, was usually found working nearby Giorno's own office, filing out messages and relaying them to the rest of the gang whenever Fugo wasn't able.

"You know I don't like repeating myself, Candire. Could you please come in here?"

. . .

No response.

Giorno sighed, beginning to turn around. He'd resolve to get in contact with Fugo about the letter, then. It didn't immediately occur to Giorno that he'd been gone for an unknowable amount of time since his 'abduction'. It's entirely possible that the rest of the gang might be looking for him, but the determined boss was more focused on getting his foot back in the soil.

Giorno turned fully.



The sight almost threw Giorno off his feet. Contrasting the bright, sunny view from the window, the bosses office looked as if a tornado had run through it. Shattered floorboards dot the office like potholes, filled with cracked, overturned filing cabinets and torn, dusty shreds of paper hanging off of the shards of wood. Broken antiques of gold and silver lay spilled across the ruined office, as if intentionally thrown about like toys by someone seeking to cause damage, or attract the ire of its owner. This wasn’t anything that could anger Giorno, but it left him confused.

"What. . .happened?"

Giorno stepped forward, looking upon the ruined office with stark confusion. Judging by the complete lack of noise that would usually come emanating from throughout the gang's headquarters, it seemed as if the entire building was empty. Candire, Fugo, even Polnareff's turtle were missing. A chill ran up the boy's spine like a rodent, prompting him to clench his fist and keep his eyes darting around for an enemy.

Something crunched under his feet. Giorno cast his gaze down, and found a tattered piece of torn paper underneath his foot. The very same letter he recieved from "Mista" before any of this nonsense occurred.

And then, movement.

Someone kicked their legs up on the shattered desk. Giorno’s cold glare was cast upon the shadow in an instant, and a shimmering glow of golden coloration began to form around his hands. He moved without thinking, stepping over the torn paper and slowly walking forward towards the shadow.

It calmly raised a hand.

“You have no reason to so antagonistic towards me, Giorno Giovanna.”

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Giorno didn’t break his gaze, showing no emotion in the face of the voice’s taunting. “I don’t intend on letting you leave this place alive, so you shouldn’t waste your breath trying to explain yourself. I’ve already decided what I’m going to do, anyway.”

“Oh? You’re going to kill me? Hm! That doesn’t help your case, does it?”

“I was going to do that after your first punishment,” Giorno coldly remarked, now entering within proper range of the enemy. Gold Experience was almost completely visible now, materializing behind it’s user in a golden shimmer with it’s fists raised. “You’ve made a terrible choice, interfering with my office and my allies, and now you’ll be paid in full."

Giorno gave the shadowy figure pause, as it twitched it’s fingers. Though, it only responded with a deep chuckle, slowly raising in energy and pride. “You don’t have the strength to do that again, Giorno! No strength in your mind, or intention, or even your Stand!” It boasted, rising from it’s seat, and turning to face his killer.

Giorno saw the opportunity to land a blow on the enemy’s face. With no regard to who or what it was, Giorno leaned to the right and allowed for Gold Experience’s fist to come flying out, slugging the stranger in the face and --

“But, there is a truth of this world, Giorno Giovanna. . .”

“ -- ?!”


-- hitting absolutely nothing because he was on the floor.

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There was nothing to punch. There was nothing there. In fact, Giorno didn’t punch anything because he was on the floor. He registered an intense pain in his backside, causing him to cough a glob of blood on the carpet. Kneeling upright and turning around to find the stranger, he would see no stranger standing there, above him.

He would see Him.

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“. . .the past cannot be erased like time. Try as hard as you can to kill it. . .it will come crawling out from the stone, like a worm.”

Giorno’s eyes lost all confidence they had just a few moments ago. They were wide like dinner plates, staring at the living devil. There, Diavolo stood in the center of the room, his arms crossed as he gazed upon his greatest adversary with sadistic glee in his maddened, blood-shot eyes. Three years of endless torment in a constant cycle of life and death have left a mark of insanity and shattered thought upon the old boss, with his excited, haggard breathing and his twitching, anticipated fingers. His bright-pink hair was practically dripping with grease, as his hands were equally dripping with blood. Cruelty given a medium. Psychopathy given shape.

Floating nearby Diavolo was his own stand, King Crimson. It’s body was of a similar build to Diavolo, but somehow much larger and imposing. Its eyes comprise sharp orifices of a steep inward slant; from which emerge small, round fish-like eyes that have the same fragmented pupils that Diavolo himself has. From its forehead emerges a smaller, oval face of the same expression - pure, unbridled rage.

“Y- you. . . how did you escape the cycle?”

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Diavolo laughed again. “So you DO know what you did you me, you fucking insect? You think you can judge me, after submitting me to three years of endless, looping death? Three years of dying, reviving, suffering, and dying again. . .and again. Over and over and over and over for THREE YEARS! AND I STILL REMAINED! The endless cycle of death couldn’t even claim me!


Diavolo roared with unhinged laughter, clawing at his temples and shambling forward. Clear streams of blood oozed from the open wounds he had dug into his own skull. Yet, he didn’t react.

“You didn’t even know what the capabilities of ‘Requiem’ were, and you still managed to lose it. To think that someone like you had run my gang for three years. . .PATHETIC!” Diavolo barked, swinging his leg back and delivering a kick to Giorno’s jaw. Another spitake of blood stained the carpet underneath Giorno, who scrambled back onto a knee. “I escaped the loop of Requiem because of Him. By His will, I was given a second chance to reclaim the empire of Naples that you had stolen from me.”

“. . .Him. . .who. . .who is Him?”

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“It doesn’t matter if I tell you. You’re going to be erased from this world by my King Crimson. . .and you will never understand why this has happened to you. Why the letter brought you to that place, and why you couldn’t protect the Arrow.”

Giorno’s hand flew to his jacket, and the imprint of the Arrow was missing. Diavolo looked down at his hand and withdrew it - a long, ornate golden arrow. It’s head was decorated with the image of a ladybug. Giorno reached a hand out instinctively, but King Crimson appeared over him, slamming it’s foot down on top of it.

Giorno seemed in pain, but he cast a defiant glare up at Diavolo.

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". . .Hm. You don't know what to do with that arrow, do you? You're just going to kill me, and then fade away. All of the Stand users in Naples have already been killed by either you or me. . .it's truly useless to try and take over Passione now."

"Are you pleading for your life, scum?"

"I'm telling you that your life has lost meaning. If you wanted to escape the loop of death, you should've just stopped and died once. There's nothing left here."

"What do you think you'll get out of this, boss?"

". . .Ha."

"I'm sure you know, Giorno."

"The multiverse is the next stage."

"-- ?!"

The Arrow is the greatest power of his reality! And soon, it will be the greatest power of the multiverse. But. . .I won’t be the one to share this power. I will end my fears right this instance. . .by bring the power of Requiem to my King Crimson, and killing you here and now,” Diavolo cackled, raising the Arrow in the air. It glistened in the window’s sunlight, poised to pierce King Crimson as it retreated to his side. Diavolo was overcome with his own mania, laughing and roaring with delight as Giorno rose to his feet.

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Giorno let his body move with fate. Gold Experience shot forward from his body, letting it’s fists fly freely at King Crimson. The two stands reacted to each-others movements, recoiling and charging forward to meet fists.




Giorno could feel it in his own knuckles, as Gold Experience’s fists impacted with something solid. A look of resolve filled him as he prepared to continue with a barrage of punches, but when the blindness of battle subsided, he realized that he was looking at himself.

A faded image of Giorno was in front of Giorno, looking back at him with a similar expression. His senses were overcome with some unnatural energy, as the world around Giorno and Diavolo was consumed in the altering of reality. It appeared as if Giorno was rising towards a bleak, crimson sky on a pillar of nothingness, and he couldn’t see, hear, speak or do anything at all. He was completely paralyzed, stuck in a realm between worlds. He could somehow feel it happening, but could not react.

And King Crimson remained behind him, staring down with a rage-filled glare and raising it’s hand up above Giorno’s head.

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“You utter fool."

"King Crimson has already activated.”

“What you just saw. . .”

“What you just touched. . .”

“. . .was your future self!”

King Crimson held it’s hand above Giorno’s shoulder, poised to bring it down upon him in a chopping motion that would easily cleave his body in two.

“Allow me to finish this for you.”

The King’s hand fell.

And everything was about to end.​
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In that moment, it felt like time had stopped, not just for Giorno, but also for Diavolo, despite time being so casually erased left and right in a battlefield such as this. The voice of an unfamiliar, young looking man, with light blonde hair and pale skin, pierced through the air like a blade, but his voice wasn't the only thing that came between the two Stand users. A mysterious force, incomprehensible and invisible, suddenly blew Diavolo's form several feet back at godspeed, equally distributing damage throughout the man's entire body, though it wasn't nearly enough to kill him.

To that end, it was more like a warning shot, not out of deliberate inaction or anything like that, but... Well, how would one even go about explaining it from his point of view? The man did not think himself so cruel as to blindside someone and instantly kill them, especially if they were but a stranger. And more than that... Sometimes, just as a human pitied a bothersome ant that he could have easily killed, perhaps he chose to look at humans in the same light. The way he had burst through like a guardian angel, it was almost like divine intervention, though using such a phrase to describe his action would only serve to irritate him.

After all, he was the one who should have become a Magic God, but squandered that chance in order to save a cat from a tree.

As Diavolo was knocked away, it was then that Giorno would be able to get a good sight of his so-called savior, along with two other unfamiliar men, one with a blood orange outfit and hair, and the other being a spiky-haired teenager. Letting out an amused breath, the blonde man in front spoke.

"Far be it from me to interfere in the affairs of other people, especially of those from other worlds, but... Circumstances have forced my hand. Especially if that poor man over there was saved by the one we're after," he said, gesturing toward Diavolo.


"Hey, Ollerus..."
The spiky-haired teenager said, referring to the blonde man by his name, "Not that I'm against helping someone out in need, but... How can you be sure he's the friendly type? I mean, blonde hair with a golden spirit floating next to him to boot... He kinda looks... a lot like him, y'know?"

"Certainly, he exudes a similar air to that man, but hasn't anyone ever taught you to not judge a book by its cover, Touma Kamijou?" The blood orange man said, smirking deviously as he kept his hands pocketed, "He's a person of interest after all, so we ought to at least try to reason with him. Besides, you may be deaf to it, but Ollerus and I can certainly feel it -- this boy is certainly... different. An enigma, surely. After all, it was the power within the fragments of the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon within me that were drawn to him for whatever reason."

Though the three men talked about Giorno as if he were some sort of exotic specimen, the Stand user would find that the three weren't exactly spitting images of "normal" themselves. Even if they might have passed as relatively normal looking on the outside -- the spiky-haired boy named "Touma Kamijou" possibly even the spitting image of a plain Japanese youth -- they were anything but, as if that wasn't obvious to begin with, considering how "Ollerus" had so effortlessly pushed back Diavolo. Certainly, they were not from this world, that much was clear. It was all so strange... mysterious. Bewildering.

Indeed, theirs was a bizarre existence within this world.

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Moments before the attack, Diavolo's expression immediately morphed into that of confusion, as he looked up at the bangs of his own hair. His eyes widened with shock, attempting to pull his own stand away, as if he knew what was going to happen to him. And it did no help.

Confusion, will be my. . .


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Diavolo couldn't get out much more before before he was suddenly blown away by what seemed to be Giorno's "guardian angel". King Crimson's time-skipping came to a sudden halt, causing the world around them to return to it's usual state, and with it, Giorno was free of his frozen state. Bearings returning to him, the boy gazed upon his savior for a brief second, before moving past him with decisive eyes, walking towards the crumpled Diavolo, who was left lying on the floor in front of the office window, dazed by the sudden attack.

Diavolo looked at the three strangers as if they were aliens. "Y-Y-YOU - YOU FUCKING BASTAAAAAAARDS!" the ex-mob boss roared, scrambling onto his feet and frantically backing up against the wall like a cornered animal. His eyes drifted between the strangers and Giorno, who continued his approach. "Even if Epitaph didn't work. . .I knew something like you would come to stop me. He warned me about it."

"But saving this brat won't do you any good. They will succeed. . .and in tandem, I will overcome them as well! I WILL REACH THE TOP, IN THE END, AND I'LL BE HAPPY TO WATCH YOU FUCKERS BURN!"



The boss couldn't proclaim his greatness much further before Gold Experience lashed out, smashing him across the jaw with terrifying force and sending him crashing through the window behind him, flooding the room with sunlight. Diavolo was cast off, madly laughing and cackling on the way down as he fell into the city streets of Naples. And when Giorno gazed downwards from the opening. . .Diavolo was simply gone. There were only twinkling particles of purple light that vanished as quickly as they appeared.

Giorno could only sneer. He remained still, tilting his head upwards to look out on the cityscape of Naples for a few, precious moments.

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And then, he turned his head sideways, meeting the three men with a side-eye glare. The ones who would come to prolong Giorno's involvement in this game of converging realities. "You know, it's rude to speak of someone so openly when they're listening. Especially in the confines of their own home. You've done a terrible job at making a good first impression."

"Then again, I don't believe we're on the terms to be polite with each other."

The boy turned his body fully now, meeting the three strangers face-to-face. He was the striking image of the one they were after - the golden hair, the way his eyes sharpen slightly at the end. This was surely the boy they were after. The golden spirit that accompanied him did not vanish - it floated just slightly behind him, keeping it's fists raised.

And held in one of it's fists, was an Arrow.

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"Tell me who you are, and why you're here."


"Ahh, my bad, my bad. Even if we're not on polite terms immediately, perhaps you should consider that politeness being something that has to be earned from other people is a fundamental problem with humans and communication," the blonde man said, a toothy grin appearing on his features, almost seeming to contrast the nonchalant, almost cold and indifferent expression he held before.

"Ollerus, I don't think you're helping..."

"Still, you'd think he'd be a bit more grateful for us saving his life."

"Perhaps not all people are as magnanimous as you," the man said in a strange tone in which it was difficult to tell if it was sarcastic or genuine, before directing his attention back to Giorno, "I'm just a fellow who came tragically close to becoming a Magic God, but then, I suppose in a world like this, you wouldn't know anything about that, so you can just call me Ollerus. Though... God or not, I suppose I'm in good company between the former leader of God's Right Seat and the God of Pestilence."


"I resent that."

"My apologies. I should have called you the One Who Purifies God instead."

"How about my name?!"

Ollerus sighed. "Fine, fine. That boy right there is Touma Kamijou," he said to Giorno with a sigh, before gesturing toward the man to his other side, "And that there, you can call Fiamma of the Right."


"How do you do?" The man in orange greeted with an almost patronizing smirk, "As for why we're here... Well, it's a long story, you could say."

"That man whom you were fighting... He was raving about the multiverse, wasn't he? About conquering it with his ultimate power? Well, think of us as... those who would retaliate against such ambitions of conquest," Fiamma of the Right explained, before pointing his finger at Gold Experience, more specifically the Arrow that it held in its hand, "... Men using Arrows just like that, in fact."

In an imposing manner, not exactly friendly, he took a step forward, eyes threatening to penetrate into Giorno. "You look so much like him... Your spirits even have the same... feeling to them, so I shan't beat around the bush any longer. You see, the one we've been chasing throughout the multiverse... He's quite a dangerous individual. And if that Arrow were to fall into his hands... Well. That'd be quite troublesome. But if we're to exchange in a quid pro quo, then tell me this."

"Does the name... DIO mean anything to you?"

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A pin drops somewhere in the room at the mention of His name.

The boy's confidence visibly melts under the light of the Right's question. A mixture of resentment, confusion, shock - possibly realization or confirmation of something he'd had supposed prior. A look of 'I knew this would happen', coated in denial of the truth. What a day it would be if Giorno Giovanna wished to reject the truth in favor of something that would ease in mind, if only for a short time. Giorno's eyes darted to the ruined floor underneath him and he turned from the group, walking forward in aimless thought.

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He tilted his head up the ceiling and started, "Yes. That man you speak of, I know him," Giorno coldly answered, retrieving something from his coat and turning to face the group again, now looking down at what looked like a tattered, ruined photograph.

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"His real name is Dio Brando, and he is my father."

Giorno paused, looking He continued, ". . .I knew him. You aren't from my reality, so I know you're aware of what happens in this 'multiverse' that Diavolo was talking about. Moments before. . .this all happened. . .I had returned from one those events, in which people of other realities converge into one point. I did not know where I was, or who had taken me there, but I saw him there. It was as abhorrent as you'd expect. Evil that is grounded in truth, unshakable and undisturbed."

Gold Experience vanished into a flash of golden light, prompting the Arrow to fall into Giorno's own hands. He held it next to the photograph of his father, staring at both as he continued talking.

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"Three years ago is when I swore I would protect this Arrow. It's influence, it's power, but what it represented was something more. I would 'inherit' it from people who had protected it in the same way. And understanding the nature of converging realities after that event. . .I knew that my father dying there, in that world, was not the true end."

"I knew that the letter I received was going to bring something terrible. That's why I kept the Arrow with me at all times.

"Because I was going to pierce myself with it again. And I would find him, wherever he was across time and space."

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"And I would personally kill him."

Giorno's resolve returned to him as quickly as it faded, staring into Fiamma's eyes with a look that could tear apart the entire multiverse three times over to find it's mark. Fiamma would recognize it - that dark ambition that would destroy generations to achieve a goal. And if he looked deeper in what Giorno meant by piercing himself with the Arrow, he would look upon the very same thing that Selene did.

Something of great, great power. The power to preserve only 'truth', and nothing but the 'truth'.

"So, no. I don't intend on this Arrow falling into his hands. But if we're exchanging information, then I ask you tell me this, Fiamma of the Right."

"Where is my father?"

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Touma's expression shifted from disgruntled (at the somewhat cantankerous nature of his comrades) to bewildered as Giorno spoke. Certainly, it made sense then, considering how similar they felt to each other, but to think they shared such a close bond... or at least, biologically speaking in any case.

The boy furrowed his brow lightly when Giorno talked of the "event" he was just in, in which people from all across the multiverse were pulled against their will in order to play some sick game. He knew exactly what Giorno was talking about, having been a part of two in his life time, one of which was even orchestrated by the smug-looking man in orange next to him, but Fiamma of the Right didn't seem to give away any indication that he had any particular experience with the so-called "events" one way or another.

If anything, Fiamma's smile almost seemed to widen ever so slightly as Giorno expressed his feelings for his father, able to describe him to a tee as they recalled him, evil to the very core, as though the dark determination -- the fires of resolve, one could call it -- served only to amuse him for whatever reason. It seemed that even after witnessing what sounded like an alternative incarnation perish, one was hard-pressed to escape his influence. It reminded the powerful magician of the man who had once swayed him to the power of evil. A certain priest who, for better or for worse, bit off more than he could chew when he influenced Fiamma.

But that was all in the past now, and now, here he was, working to make up for his sins.

"Now, if I knew that, boy, I wouldn't be standing around here if one thing is for sure," Fiamma of the Right responded, "With any luck -- not that I'm counting on luck since this Kamijou boy has a power that inadvertently negates it -- he's in some dark corner of the multiverse, in whatever world he uses as his... base of operations. We were hot on his trail before, but I suppose his allies persuaded him into beating a retreat in order to shake us off. I suppose he does seem the... tenacious type. After all... That's precisely what we know his allies would do."

"You see, the reason he even drew our attention in our first place... The reason he is able to traverse through the multiverse at all, in order to hunt what he is seeking... Simply put, he's working with a personal enemy of ours. They're an organization called GREMLIN, led by Magic God Othinus. She is the one who became a Magic God in place of Ollerus here, and for whatever reason, she's chosen this DIO to work with in order to reach her own goals."

He neglected to mention that he and Ollerus held suspicions that Othinus herself had come into contact with a third party who allocated her organization with a number of resources, especially after their run-in some time ago (before even recruiting Touma to their cause) with a certain blonde double revolver-wielding man, but that was certainly just need-to-know, right?

"A god like her has limitless capabilities, and what she wishes to happen, she opens the door to every single possibility for it to happen. However, this also includes every single possibility for it not to happen. An omnipotence paradox. In other words, she is so all-powerful that it works against her. Her powers only work half the time, but if she were to obtain the almighty magical spear Gungnir, then she could use its power to override her 50/50 limitation and achieve whatever she wants," Ollerus began to explain, as though tagging out Fiamma, "That is what she is looking for, on top of that, and if she were to also obtain an artifact like the Arrow -- an object that seems to also grant its user a power that they need more than anything if my understanding of its function is adequate -- then she could expand the influence of her power, beyond not just one given world, but also possibly the entire multiverse at once."

"In essence, if Othinus were to get her way, she would become the one true goddess of the multiverse, and if I know her, she would use that power to destroy the multiverse and revert it to the "phase" that she was born into, or perhaps even create a new one to her liking. And yet... I am sure that DIO must be after the same ambition; to become the one god himself. Theirs is a partnership that is a ticking time bomb, but regardless of whoever manages to use both artifacts for themselves first, the multiverse is at stake."

In other words, Othinus wished to either revert the multiverse or remold it to her liking. Dio Brando wished to attain "Heaven" and reach heights that no man could ever hope to get to. Theirs was an alliance, held up by a foundation of self-interest and awaiting betrayal, and both of them knew this in the back of their heads as a silent, unspoken agreement. For all intents and purposes, if they had differing endgames that they hoped to accomplish through the same means, then perhaps it would have made more sense for them to be rivals instead, but through some bizarre means, they had taken this opportunity to work with each other, viewing the other as a pawn to be stepped over in the end.

It was a toxic alliance, but it was also a devastatingly terrifying one.

"The next part of what I want to say will be my theory on what this has to do with you, and why I believe fate has drawn us toward you," Ollerus said, folding his arms formally behind his back, "But before I do, I suppose it's your turn for something to say. I don't know if you might have anything of significant interest to us, but if nothing else, tell me... What do I call someone like you, son of Dio Brando? What is your name then? After all, I've already introduced the rest of us, so it's only fair, no?"

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"Othinus. . ."

Giorno doted on Ollerus' words, casting a gaze down at the Arrow as he explained the situation in a more cordial manner as opposed to his orange-haired associate. That name - 'Othinus' - echoed over and over in the boys head, forcibly etching itself into his memory so that he would remember the name when it was important. He seemed to understand the situation as Ollerus described it, taking in visions of a threat even greater than his own father. A person that is no less than a God, working in a tenuous alliance with the callous and ruthless creature Giorno has come to know. For some people, that would be reason enough to turn tail and run, or at least duck, hide and wait for reality to burn to ashes around them.

Giorno's eyes glistened in a nobler light, however. That dark determination that he demonstrated as he spoke about his father faded, vanishing under a righteous fire that embodied an unbreakable resolve, and unfettered courage. Brighter than the sun, the embodiment of Giorno's. . .other 'father.'

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"This is far bigger than anything I could've expected. Something on a scale that I thought I would never face in my life. I guess I'm caught off-guard in that respect. . .but, it all makes sense. And I know what I must do."

"This Othinus is the one who revived Diavolo, then. She, or at least my father, predicted that Diavolo would've gone on a rampage to kill every instance of me, acquire the Arrow , and then attempt to eradicate DIO and Othinus in a gambit to secure power. . .at which point, he would be dead at their doorstep with the Arrow in his hand."

Giorno's cold demeanor quickly faded when he looked at the group with heroic eyes. "I have you three to thank for preventing that from happening. If some fate truly lead you to me, then there is no other path around it."

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"My name is Giorno Giovanna, and, if what you say is the 'truth', then. . .for the sake of a dream that I know is 'just', Othinus and DIO must be stopped, and destroyed. It seems as if our interests align on that end, so, if fate would have it. . ."

The boy stepped forward, extending his free hand to Ollerus, expecting a handshake.

"Are we to be allies? If that is the case, you should tell me everything I need to know to help you."

"A dream, huh? Yes, you humans are sentimental like that, aren't you? But then, it is quite an endearing quality," Ollerus nodded, giving a nod and shaking Giorno's hand, "To a productive partnership, then."

Afterward, the man who came tragically close to becoming a Magic God pulled his hand away eventually and folded his arms behind his back, before continuing to speak. "I suppose it's convenient enough that you're simply willing to help out of the goodness out of your heart, or perhaps out of your desire to confront your true father, but it's not where it ends for you."


"You mentioned... you were in an "event," right?"
Touma asked from behind Ollerus and Fiamma of the Right, "The kind where people from all over different worlds come together against their own will for some villain's malicious needs... It's the specific kind of event that happens way more often than you'd think. I should know, I've been a part of two myself, and yet, for such a specific string of events to occur, it makes you wonder how it keeps happening so often."

"Well, "often" is subjective, isn't it, Touma Kamijou? That's how time in the multiverse works," Fiamma of the Right commented, "After all, it may have only been just a month since World War III for people like us, but for others... A year, a century could have passed in other worlds in that span of time. Entire lifetimes just speed on by, and yet, here we are, bearing witness to everything in such a slow span."

"... Next time, I'll be sure to just ask for your input."

"In any case... Yes, as our pointy-haired friend says, this event you speak of... It's just one of many, many twisted games orchestrated by villains with a flair for the dramatic. Really, think about it; a villain who wishes to share his abhorrent power to others so badly that he needs to show it off from people -- not even from other cities or countries -- but from other worlds. And I think... That is precisely why your Arrow there is of any importance," Ollerus said.

"It is an artifact that has dipped into other worlds, where its own rules do not apply to the environment it is thrust into. It bathes in all new rules, and as a result of such rampant travel through different worlds, it becomes unstable. Fiamma of the Right and I have observed other people from around the multiverse call this... a Paradox Resistance Effect. Rules of a given world cease to apply when different rules are enforced upon another. In a manner of speaking, I suppose you could say that's also why we can even see your golden spirit over there. Your father seemed surprised that we could all see his nice little spirit the last time we faced him... and that Kamijou's Imagine Breaker power could even affect it, on top of that."

"In other words, because your Arrow has seen so many different worlds -- and thus, it would be able to afflict others from outside its own world -- it is the only one that Othinus could use for herself. As for DIO... I have no doubt that he will be hunting that one down as well. Last he attempted to use an Arrow on himself, in a world parallel to this, nothing happened. Perhaps it was then that he realized, the only Arrow that would be able to affect his body would be one from his own world."

Ollerus looked assertively toward Giorno.

"Your Arrow, Giorno Giovanna. They will be coming for you. A god like Othinus always gets what she wishes, and to defy a god... Many humans would not even dare defy a god, but then, you aren't like most humans, are you?"

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Giorno took in the explanation without breaking his stare, but it was hard to discern what he was thinking from his face alone. Internally, the explanation had the very same affect as the one before - gods, beings beyond even Giorno's comprehension, threatening to destroy worlds beyond his own. It makes all the pain, suffering and hardship the young gangster had to go through three years prior seem so small and insignificant. Giorno nodded to Touma, Fiamma and Ollerus alike, gripping the ladybug-laden Arrow even tighter now.

"So, this. . .'event' I had just returned from was just one small instance?"

Giorno didn't seem very awed by this. In fact, his face looked as if Ollerus' spiel had just confirmed something.

". . .One of the things I was meaning to do after returning here was researching certain disappearance cases occurring over the last 20, 30 years or so. Cases that involved people of certain notability suddenly vanishing from thin air, for days, sometimes months on end, or perhaps just a few hours. In some localized examples surrounding Japan, they never were found, but others did - reappearing as if they never left. but when I cross-referenced it with some more extensive research into my. . .supposed bloodline, I. . ." Giorno's voice seemed to quiver, trying to formulate the scope of what he was saying along with the heavy weights that Ollerus was dropping on him. "Our world -- my world. A world of these bizarre occurrences, Stands and otherwise, it's been tapped into before by the multiverse. People that I believe to my by ancestors or distant relatives are usually the victims of these sudden disappearances."

As far as the three men could tell, Giorno was putting the pieces together. His eyes gazed over to a ruined bulletin board that he'd set up in his office just weeks before his own 'vanishing', pinned with ancient photos of men that the three visitors might recognize. One of them looked like something straight out of a history book, a scavenged Victorian-era photograph depicting a young, smiling lad with darker hair standing next to a scowling, brooding child with lighter hair. Another was something out of World War 2 - a photograph of a smirking, jock-looking guy wearing a pilot's cap. Next to him was a beautiful woman of dark, long hair, wearing sunglasses and a scarf. She looked like she didn't want her picture taken - or she was just annoyed with the guy in the photo.

And the last looked, at least, looked like it was taken sometime in the last 30 years. A simple picture of a stony-faced man wearing a dark cap, looking as if he abhorred the fact that his photo was being taken. Surrounding it were newspaper clippings and photographs, rambling about something in Cairo, Egypt. One frantic, low-quality picture showed two figures hanging in the air above a mosque in Cairo, as if they were flying.

Giorno looked upon that picture in particular, he stared at it for a moment, before shaking his head and looking back at the group.

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". . .Ah, excuse me. I don't believe any of that had anything to do with the situation at hand. But regardless, whatever this 'god' has in mind, I have no intention of letting of this Arrow fall into any hands other than my own. It's as much as a personal obligation to some. . .old friends. . .as it is the necessity to keep it from my father and Othinus."

Giorno looked back to Ollerus with an equally assertive look. He looked as determined and resolved as they came. "I know my dream is just. I'll find my way through it, one way or another. I suppose we should get going soon? I'm not sure how you got here, but unless there's something more you want me to--"

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Giorno's eyes moved away from Ollerus, looking at something standing beyond the three men, in the doorway of the office. Giorno's eyes fastened, and he immediately shoved past Ollerus, a golden, armor-laden spirit materializing and zipping forward to block the attack of some unseen assailant. If they turned, they would behold another one of these 'stand' spirits - a gangly, checkerboard-patterned purple creature of similar build to Gold Experience, but it seemed to lack the same control and loyalty as it did the other spirits the three have come across, as thick slobber drooled from it's stitched mouth and it growled and snarled like a hungry animal, attempting to move it's fists past Gold Experience, but to no avail. Giorno didn't seem as shocked as he would've been from a sudden enemy attack - his stand calmly held the enemy by the fists and prevented it from shooting off the large, prominent purple capsules upon it's knuckles.

A moment after, a young man wearing very bizarre clothing emerged around the corner.

"Hurry, Mista! Purple Haze found something over h-" the younger one halted upon seeing Giorno and the others, stepping back like he'd just walked in on an unsavory scene.

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". . .G-. . .Giorno?!"


A second young man swiftly appeared around the other corner, sporting some kind of beanie-like cap and brandishing a handgun. He came in roaring as if he was a policeman.

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"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! WHO THE HELL. . ." his barking shrunk to a mere whimper as he beheld the same sight as Fugo. The tense grip on his handgun instinctively lightened. "G-Giorno?!"

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"Mista?!" Giorno said, sounding far more confused than he had when the other boy showed up. "I. . .I thought you- where have you been?!"

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"What the fuck?! I should be asking you the same thing! And who the hell are these assholes?!"

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"What. . .happened to this place?"


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". . .You lost the turtle?"

what a fucking predicament this was

"W-Whoooaaughh!! Who are we?! W-Who the heck are you guys?!"
Touma exclaimed in a grand display of surprise, raising his arms in a comical manner in shock, between the unsettling nature of Fugo's so-called Stand and Mista waving his gun around, though he quickly calmed down, whether it was because it was likely they were friends of Giorno's, or because Touma was self-conscious that he was the only one who reacted to their appearances notably, as Ollerus and Fiamma of the Right barely even moved, let alone said anything initially.

"You have a turtle named Polnareff? Humans really do give pets the most amusing names," Ollerus said idly with a light expression on his face, tilting his head curiously as though news of that caught his attention tighter than the pictures that Giorno was previously fixated on. No, more than that, it was as though Ollerus had already lost interest in what he had spent the past few minutes droning on about, "Do you need our help in finding it?"

"I don't believe now is quite the time to help a cat out of a tree like you oft enjoy doing, Ollerus..." Fiamma of the Right sighed in light exasperation, briefly rubbing the bridge of his nose. Like Ollerus, the orange magician initially seemed to think little of the pictures of Giorno's "bloodline," to put it somewhat loosely, but then... Well, if his others were involved other incidents in the past, seventy to thirty years ago, then it was all the more proof that this Giorno Giovanna was "fated" to be involved in this manner, if him being the progeny of their greatest enemy wasn't signal enough.

It put into perspective how people oft took time for granted; it had been demonstrated to the magician many times that his home world seemed to move rather slowly as far as the flow of time went. From his perspective, it had barely been over a month since he was overtaken by the temptations of evil and attempted to orchestrate his own Murder Game (something that he still did not feel inclined to share with Giorno), and yet, though he had no way of knowing for sure, he wondered if such seventy or so years had passed for this world. Time truly was a fickle thing in the multiverse.


"I-I don't think we should really be talking so casually while a gun's pointed right now, but if you guys are just gonna ignore them..."
Touma murmured uncomfortably, before clearing his throat and letting out a resigned breath, as it seemed he was the only one in his own group interested in reintroducing himself to the others, "Touma Kamijou, Ollerus, Fiamma of the Right," he said briefly, pointing toward himself and his allies, before continuing, "Call us friends... f-from another universe. No need for that evil spirit here now..."

After running into DIO and his, the one that he boasted as The World, Touma was quite wary of their capabilities. Considering the other worldly nature of these spirits, where the rules of this universe conflicted with his own, there was no telling how his Imagine Breaker would be able to stack up against such a varied power as a "Stand," so he imagined that it would be in everyone's best interest (mostly his, being the conventionally "weakest" around for all intents and purposes) if things did not erupt.

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Giorno seemed to appreciate Touma's attempt to ease Fugo and Mista, while Fiamma and Ollerus seemed intent on doing nothing of the sort. "They aren't enemies, Mista. Please put your gun away," Giorno calmly prompted his friend. The gunman kept his eyes fixated on the three men, before they drifted downwards to catch sight of the Arrow that Giorno was holding in his other hand. Both he and Fugo exchanged looks before easing themselves; Mista lowered his gun and Fugo's Purple Haze vanished in a twinkle of purple light.

"Alright, but still doesn't explain where the hell you've been! We've spent three weeks looking for you, and we had to pull back all of our people from this building. Figured, if the enemy got to you somehow, they were gonna go through the rest of the place."

"That seems to have been the best decision. . ." Fugo remarked, walking forward and kneeling down to inspect the wreckage of the office. "Someone was looking for something, or someone, while we were gone. Did you do this? Did they do this?"

"No, I --" Giorno opened his mouth to say more, but he shot a quick look to the three in the room. Thinking for a moment, he turned to look at Ollerus. "I understand we don't have much time on our hands, but. . .if you'd excuse us for a moment. Feel free to look for a turtle, if you'd like," Giorno hastily remarked before beckoning Mista and Fugo, who both looked equally bewildered. The three gangsters left the room in a hurry.

. . .

. . .

. . .

Well, great. Now what?

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

rustle rustle

What was that noise?

"Damn. . .those kids really are persistent. I thought they would've never left," a voice with a slight French accent said from nowhere. The sound of rustling debris quicked, before a small figure would emerge from underneath a pile of wreckage sitting on the desk. A small, green turtle with a bright gold-encrusted jewel fixated on it's shell emerged, slowly creeping across the surface of the desk to it's center. The red jewel rippled as if it was liquid, and from it came. . .

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A frenchman.

"So, this whole thing is pretty bizarre, but I'm gonna try and be as quick as I can before they return. My name is Jean Pierre Polnareff - just Polnareff for short. They mentioned me by name back there, but as you can see, I'm not entirely a turtle! I was interred here after dying by the hands of that red-haired man that tried to kill Giorno when you guys first showed up - it's a long story that I don't have enough time to tell, but just know that this isn't a turtle speaking to you."

The frenchman manifested as a small spirit protuding from the jewel upon the turtle's shell, bizarre as that is.

"I know the man you're looking for. Dio Brando, correct?"

Polnareff's tone took a nosedive as he uttered the name of their adversary, looking down for a moment to consider if he actually wanted to tell them, but he swallowed (as. . .spirits tend to do??) and continued. "I know him personally - well, no, not like we were friends. Far from it! That man is the one who prompted me to go looking for the Arrows. As I'm sure you already know, he possesses great power with his stand, The World. It can stop time, and God knows much more if he manages to get ahold of Giorno's Arrow and that Gungnir thing you mentioned."

"Some great allies and I traveled across Egypt to find him, many years ago. . .it's another long story, but he killed three of us alone. It's seemed as if he was invincible, even if he was taken out of this 'reality'. But, the truth is, he isn't."

"Right now, he's dead. Or, he should be, by this time. He was killed in this reality by a man named Jotaro Kujo."

Polnareff jut a tiny finger over at the pictures of Giorno's bloodline, motioning towards the picture of the scowling delinquent. "You're gonna need him for this big plan of yours to work. It might seem like a waste of time, but. . .I know Jotaro. He's the strongest Stand user I've ever come across, and he's bound to find new ways to evolve the capabilities of his Stand when the going gets rough. Whatever DIO and this Othinus throw at him and Giorno. . .both of them are going to be valuable assets for you if they're together."

"And if you let Giorno keep that Arrow with him, then the power of 'Requiem' will be at your disposal. Not something you wanna squander."

A trio of footsteps resonated down the hallway. Polnareff began to sink back into the gem, prompting the turtle to turn and quickly shuffle back underneath the debris.

"That's all I ask of you. As far you know, you never saw this turtle. Good luck, au revoir!"

The frenchman vanished now, as did the turtle as it scrambled underneath a pile of debris. Just then, Giorno, Fugo and Mista re-entered the room, Giorno stepping forward with the Arrow now tucked in his coat and Mista and Fugo standing by the doorway. The two of them looked like they understood the gravity of the situation, watching Giorno as he walked forward.

"Now, then. Is there anything else you need to tell me before we go?"



Touma gasped in surprise and mild confusion when the Frenchman who introduced himself as the one and only "Polnareff" appeared before them. Of course, once again, he was the only one who seemed to have any outwardly reaction, while both Ollerus and Fiamma of the Right seemed completely nonplussed, at least on the outside. The pointy-haired teenager was about to intervene with some questions of his own, but found himself remaining silent and letting Polnareff say his piece, elaborating on DIO and his power for one and recounting when he had easily felled three of Polnareff's former allies.

Indeed, perhaps DIO and his Stand, The World, would a fearsome force... if Touma and his supernatural-negating Imagine Breaker were not present. The three of them silently recounted their own previous encounter with DIO, and how the man was held at bay by Touma (the thought of a 6'5 man being forced to retreat at the urges of his "comrades" by a boy a whole foot shorter than him did admittedly undermine him a bit), but all of them decided to stay quiet on that matter, as it seemed Polnareff was short on time, for whatever reason wishing to keep out of sight of Giorno and his friends.

Besides, just because Touma's ability was a natural, convenient counter to just about everything he'd encountered before, these new-fangled Stands seeming to also fall into the category of "supernatural," didn't make a given enemy any less frightening. After all, even when stripped of all his weapons and power, a man was still as dangerous as his ambition, and just as vicious as a cornered animal if pushed enough.

And with that, as Polnareff concluded his spiel, he left just as abruptly as he'd appeared, just in time for Giorno, Mista, and Fugo to reappear as well. In response to Giorno, Touma began to speak.

"That Polnareff of yours, he--Ow!"


Kicking Touma in the back of the shin, silencing him, Ollerus cleared his throat. "He was nowhere to be found. Sorry we couldn't help find your turtle. As far as animals go, I'm quite fond of cats myself, but then, all living things are nice in general, I suppose," the blonde magician spoke. Walking over to the wall of pictures with his arms tucked behind his back, Ollerus gazed at them quietly, before reaching up and placing his finger on Jotaro's picture.

"This picture... Compared to the other ones, it doesn't look all that old. Perhaps the man here might still be alive? And if what you believe is true -- that he may have been connected to such an event himself in the past -- then perhaps it would be wise to... pay him a visit before anything else. His input may be valuable after all," Ollerus suggested, following Polnareff's instructions casually, as though detouring the plans came easily to him.

"Another thing... Are we bringing your friends along? Or shall they be staying? After all, three's company, four's a bunch, five's a crowd," Fiamma of the Right also commented, pointing his index and middle fingers at Fugo and Mista.

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Giorno arched a brown at Touma as he mentioned the name, before having his attention taken by Ollerus. The blond-haired boy approached his bulletin board, staring at the picture of Jotaro and nodding. "Yes, his name is Jotaro Kujo. . .I don't know much about him, unfortunately, as I haven't had the chance to personally meet him. He's apparently a very accomplished scientist in the field of marine biology, and. . .I know he tried looking for me, years ago. He had sent an associate of his, Koichi Hirose, to locate me."

". . .But why would he need to--"

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Giorno abruptly halted himself. As he eyed the picture of Jotaro, a knowing look crept across his face. He looked back to Ollerus and nodded, "You can travel through time as well as space, yes? I do believe we won't have to leave this universe to find him," Giorno spoke quickly, seeming completely on board with Ollerus' suggestion. It betrayed the boys cautious behavior earlier, but he looked as if he knew what he was doing. Looking back to Mista and Fugo, he nodded.

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Guido Mista shrugged and kept a cool stance, leaning against the doorframe and tooling with his revolver. Touma, in particular, could see small, orange figures creeping around the barrel of the gun, babbling something incomprehensible. "Nah, Fugo and I are gonna stay here and hold down the place. Just in case that Othinus guy sends more of his goons lookin' for the Arrow. I dunno where the the hell you guys came from, but you got luck on your side. Kick their asses, for everyone in. . .this 'multiverse'."
"Othinus is a guy, right?"

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Panacotta Fugo looked as resolved as Giorno did, standing upright and licking something off of his fingers. "All of this sounds so outlandish. . .it's hard to believe that it's actually happening, but if GioGio is on board, then I'm obliged to believe he's doing the right thing. I wish you all good luck on your mission."

"It isn't like we haven't gone through worse, you two," Giorno spoke with a hint of melancholy. The three gangsters seemed connected in that moment, sharing the same memories of events long past. Mista broke out of the funk immediately, however, waving his hand."Ah, get the fuck outta here already! Don't wanna keep 'em waiting!"

". . .Yes. You're right, Mista. You two are the best that I have. We will not fail."

Giorno's will was as hardened as steel now, as he let out a deep breath and turned to face Ollerus. The son of DIO, fueled by resolve and the will to fight for what is 'truth', stood before them, seeming ready to take on the overwhelming challenges that lie ahead. There was no telling where these men would go to find the Magic God, but their goal was simple; to ensure the existence of realities. It's times like this where the barriers between worlds are shattered, and we realize that we're all victims to the whims of these beings, regardless of what we consider to be our universe. This is what it means to find 'Requiem' - to find the power to overcome time, and perhaps even fate itself.

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"I'm ready. We shouldn't keep Mr. Kujo waiting."

< I have a dream that I know is just. >
"Heeeh, Mr. Kujo has been looking for you for three years now? Well, let's reward his efforts then," Ollerus said, "An accomplished scientist... Hopefully, if he's so famous, we shouldn't have any problem tracking him down. Let us be on our way then," he continued, before also giving a wave toward Fugo and Mista.

"Fare thee well for now, humans. I'll try my best to bring your friend back in one piece. Of course... if we do fail, it wouldn't be as though you'd be able to regret never seeing him again, what with the multiverse being completely rewritten to the enemy's whim if we fail, if not destroyed if we're lucky."


Ollerus cleared his throat. "Shall we, then?"

"We shall," Fiamma of the Right nodded, his right hand beginning to glow a deep crimson, "We have no time to waste. God knows that our enemy has no need to rest in this race against time, powered as they are by their ambition. Besides, the language here is so vulgar... and in a place so close to Vatican City too..." He said, muttering the later part to himself in response to Mista's cursing.


"Are we really gonna be able to find this Kujo guy that easily? He certainly looks and sounds Japanese so I guess Japan will be the easiest place to go to, but will it really be so easy?"
Touma inquired uneasily.

"You've seen my power firsthand, Touma Kamijou, so do not presume to question its abilities. The residual power of the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon that continues to dwell within me has never failed me yet, even in its lesser state, and it will not begin now," he said with a scoff, "I cannot presume to know the finer details of how this other-worldly power works, but it's always worked reliably."

"So really, all you can say to me is that it just works, huh? Fair enough."


And with that, they were off.

In a flash of light, the four of them were suddenly gone, having disappeared before Fugo's and Mista's eyes without a trace, off to find Jotaro Kujo, hoping to make an ally out of him. Specifically, the second of many more, depending on who else they'd be able to think to recruit to their cause, if not perhaps ally with.

After all, given the ambitious machinations of DIO and Othinus, there was bound to be at least someone somewhere out there in the deeper multiverse that could lend a hand, no?

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. . .

In the sci-fi movie "2001: A Space Odyssey", humans have already traveled all the way to Jupiter - or, at least, that's all I saw before I fell asleep.

The year is 2001. . .It's already been three months since the beginning of the 21st century.

My name is Koichi Hirose, and I'm currently in Italy, the land of ancient history and economic crisis on vacation. . .

To see through a bizarre mission, that was entrusted to me by Mr. Jotaro.

. . .Though, that isn't what you're looking for in this time, right?


The sun only barely peeked in to the cluttered office room through the thin spaces between the window blinds, casting dim rays of light across the computer desk and the filing cabinet, giving the entire room a much more moody atmosphere then what may have been intended. The sun is as annoying as it is refreshing to behold, and when dealing with issues that detail ghosts of the past, it's best to have a clear vision moving ahead.

The creaking whir of a computer chair whistled by as it's occupant spun around to the archaic desktop-and-keyboard combo sitting on the desk. He clattered away at the keys with a sense of urgency in his fingers but no sign of actual concern displayed across his face. The desktop monitor cast a faint reflection of his characteristic, chiseled features, topped off with a bright white cap complimenting a long, flowing white longcoat that resembled something of a labcoat. Fitting, as an impressive display of scholarly commendations line the wall opposite to the computer desk - awards, a PhD diploma in Marine Biology, that kind of stuff.

A few personal pictures were among the commendations as well. An ancient photograph depicting a group of men - close friends, presumably - and a small Boston terrier dog, posing in a desert. A familiar Frenchman was among those men in the group photo, but younger and healthier and in his prime, sitting next to an older man in a weird Indiana Jones getup.

The man at the computer shot a gaze at the phone. He reluctantly thumbed a button on the keypad, which prompted the answering machine to blurt out:


Followed by a woman's voice that very briefly opened up from the machine, presumably being one message among many. Before anything could be made out from what she was going to say, the man immediately thumbed the keypad once more.


This happened again. And again. And again. And again. The same woman's voice each time. Something about a daughter. No way to discern what exactly they were, as they're all gone as soon as they come up.


An exasperated sigh escaped the man as he leaned back in his chair, slightly lowering the brim of his cap.

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"Good grief."

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Jotaro Kujo rose from his chair, looking over at the window blinds with tired eyes, before deciding to open them and fill his room with some sunshine. The light poured into the office, revealing the brightened, bustling cityscape of some area in Japan - seems like a long ways away from any memorable landmarks in the country, like Morioh-cho. The sudden rush of light only affected him for a passing moment - at this rate, everywhere he goes is either incredibly sunny and hot, gloomy and cold, or just quiet and seemingly boring. The perks of travel outweigh the consequences.

At least. . .the short-term ones.

But life is a shackle that doesn't let go, sometimes. Making surprise trips to Italy does no good when the money runs tight and you're already saving up for a long-needed vacation to the United States. It wouldn't even be funny or endearing - it just makes a grown man look like a dumbass for trying to spread himself too thin. You can only make so much from a Marine Biology study anyway (though in hindsight that starfish Jotaro saw in Morioh did wonders for his career). And after all these years. . .it's no wonder Jotaro hasn't pushed himself to go off on more adventures.

Gotham did it all for him.

It's been some 10 years or so since Jotaro returned from Gotham city, cast out from another reality and back into his own as if he never left. His girlfriend was a bit spooked, but that's about all that came from it as far as everyone else was concerned. Yet, that bizarre twisted of fate sent the platinum crusader into a strange position that he hasn't quite recovered from. Distant memories of a tower Colossi, a fiery redhead and an orange-armored bastard drift about his mind like stranded ships, which doesn't help the already hazy after-effects of the time transfer between him and Aoko Aozaki. He could vaguely remember seeing images of her past since he returned, everyone once and while getting vibrant sequences of a guy getting punched for tone deafness and otherwise.

It was a strange burden that Jotaro had to deal with. Not that he couldn't, and not that he really cared all that much, but as of recently, the camels back is starting to cave in on itself. A million different problems and only one Jotaro Kujo to attend to them. Among these was the investigation of a kid by the name of Haruno Shiobana. A pretty unremarkable kid, except for the fact that, based on everything Jotaro was able to gather on him thus far. . .

He's the prodigy of DIO.

A vampire that Jotaro killed in Cairo many, many years ago. Even after Gotham, Morioh and all that's come up so far, even the stoic Jotaro Kujo still gets flashbacks and sometimes even nightmares of a golden-plated spirit rushing towards him at breakneck speeds, hurling dozens upon dozens of razor-sharp blades that hung still in the air around him. Unable to move, speak or do anything but watch as the blades came at him, with an internalized panic equal to being grabbed and dragged underwater, unable to escape.

That man. A single creature that threatened to bring the world to a standstill.

That man's very blood is worth all the effort in the world to extinguish. If Haruno Shiobana's case is true, then things would get a lot more complicated. Koichi was willing, and the best equipped to scout a vast area and search for an individual with Echoes ACT 1 - and above all that, Koichi had more empathy to muster on a stranger. If Jotaro decided to go there personally. . .well, even in his older years he might let his emotions get the better of him. Sorry, old man.


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The phone rattled to life, prompting Jotaro to make an irritated grunt. He gripped the receiver and rose it to his ear, resting his other hand on his hip and he looked out the window. "Jotaro Kujo speaking."

"J-Jotaro!" A breathy, panicked teenage voice recognizable as Koichi Hirose gasped from the other end. Jotaro's eyes fastened, immediatly engaged. "Koichi, calm down. What happened? Did you find Haruno Shiobana?"

"I. . .I don't know where to begin, but -- well, okay, I'll just tell you my findings first!"

"Jotaro. . .this kid I'm trying to find. . ."



. . .

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. . .

. . .

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. . .

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. . .

"Jotaro, w-what happened?! Are you listening to me?"

The phone clattered to the ground, before abruptly disconnecting.

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A rush of wind only threatened to rattle a few valuables on the shelves and walls of the office. But, even the sound of sudden appearance did not distract from what Jotaro was staring at. The air had gone thin and deathly silent, and the bright sunshine that now filled the office seemed as if it wasn't even there. It was as cold as it was in Gotham, but somehow as hot as it was in Egypt, and filled with the uneasy air like that of Morioh.

No one dared to make the first move at first. The two of them just stared at each other.

Both in shock.

Both wondering who will make the first move.

". . ."

". . .Mr. Jotaro Kujo. . ."

A set of serene footsteps emanated from the shaded darkness, walking forward, shuffling past three figures that stood in the darkness beside with him.

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"Looking for me?"

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