We're All Mad Here A Distant Alternate Future - Hex’s Prologue


Active Member
The world was all coming to an End.
Then End.
They had seen it coming for thousands of years. It wasn’t some big event. No massive enemy to defeat. No place to escape to.
There wasn’t anything anyone could do. The event was set in motion at the start of time itself.

The metallic figure sat looking out over the wastes of what was once earth. Frank Matthews had witnessed so much. Most notably the OG Five betraying the King, leading to the demise of the Five, and injuring of the King, in the year 3894. It was a sight to behold. One that changed history. He pondered of the event were not to happen, the world would still end here. On this day. The last day.
One trivial event seemed to pale in comparison to the end of everything.
Well, nearly everything. He knew one who would live on. One he wanted to speak with before attempting to jump back to escape the coming end.
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"T̵r̸a̷g̴i̵c̸,̸ ̸i̶s̴n̷'̷t̶ ̶i̸t̴?̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷̷ The Man remarked, appearing behind the metallic man, looking out on the universe - his universe. One that he created to let people do whatever they wanted - to set people free.
But they didn't don't appreciate their freedom.
Humans rarely do.
" ̴B̶u̷t̶ ̷t̵h̷a̵t̸'̵s̷ ̴w̶h̸a̶t̸ ̷m̴a̵k̸e̴s̸ ̵t̴h̶i̸n̷g̸s̸ ̵b̸e̴a̷u̵t̶i̵f̶u̷l̴,̷̷"
The Man said, seeming like he was trying to impress something onto him, " ̸.̶.̷.̶b̷e̷c̴a̷u̸s̷e̸ ̴t̶h̶e̸y̵ ̷e̶n̴d̶.̵"
“There isn’t anything tragic about it.” Hex said standing up. “This may be the end of this, but I’m sure there will be more to come. Maybe just not here.” He turned to face the man. He was sure this being would be fine after the end. Hell, it was this being that was causing the end. “It had a good run. Too bad about the original five...” Hex turned to face a storm cloud on the horizon. Only it wasn’t a normal storm cloud. In the distance, the rain fell upwards. Pulling moisture from the ground beneath the cloud.
“I don’t think you picked the right ones to take their place. We never really lived up to their achievements.”
The Man chuckled.
"T̵h̴a̷t̷'̷s̶ ̷t̶h̴e̵ ̵t̶h̶i̷n̵g̴.̵.̴.̸" The Man started, "I̶ ̸d̷i̷d̵n̶'̸t̵.̸"
The Man looked to the storm cloud and sighed - looking out onto the devastated earth.
"T̸h̴e̶y̴ ̶c̴h̴o̴s̴e̵ ̶t̶h̵e̸m̶s̵e̴l̷v̴e̴s̸.̸ ̴I̷ ̵n̸e̴v̶e̸r̶ ̵c̵h̴o̶s̵e̶ ̸t̵h̵e̶m̴.̷ ̴T̴h̴a̴t̵ ̶w̴o̸u̴l̴d̷ ̸b̴e̴ ̶t̵o̴ ̵f̸o̴r̴c̸e̸ ̸a̷ ̴g̸i̴f̴t̴,̴ ̵y̷e̵s̸,̵ ̵b̸u̷t̵ ̷a̵l̸s̸o̸ ̴a̵ ̴c̸u̶r̴s̴e̵,̵ ̶o̴n̶ ̷s̶o̸m̴e̶o̶n̴e̸ ̴w̵h̶o̸ ̵m̶a̴y̸ ̴n̵o̷t̴ ̶w̴a̵n̶t̶ ̷i̵t̴ ̶a̸t̸ ̴a̸l̵l̷.̶ ̴I̷ ̸w̸o̵u̸l̶d̵n̴'̵t̴ ̸d̴o̶ ̵t̴h̶a̷t̷.̴ ̶N̶o̶t̷ ̴w̶h̷e̶n̴ ̴I̶ ̸d̸i̸d̷n̸'̷t̴ ̴h̴a̶v̸e̶ ̴t̸o̸.̸"
The Man looked to the ground, prodding it with his cane.
"J̴u̵s̷t̴ ̵a̵s̶ ̶y̴o̵u̷,̷ ̶r̴i̶g̶h̵t̵ ̵n̶o̶w̴,̶ ̴h̷a̸v̷e̴ ̸a̸ ̴c̴h̷o̷i̷c̸e," The Man said, looking back up at the storm cloud that was pulling moisture from the ground, further destroying the once lush landscape.
"Y̶o̶u̸ ̴c̸a̷n̵ ̸g̵o̷ ̴b̸a̷c̴k̶ ̶i̴n̴ ̶t̸i̶m̸e̶,̵ ̷p̷r̵o̸l̶o̸n̸g̶ ̴t̴h̸e̵ ̴i̸n̴e̸v̸i̶t̶a̷b̴l̴e̵ ̶-̶ ̷" The Man started, knowing Hex's plan - ".̵.̵.̸ ̵o̴r̴ ̶f̸a̶c̶e̴ ̸t̵h̶e̷ ̶n̵a̸t̷u̶r̸a̷l̶ ̶e̸n̵d̶ ̷o̵f̶ ̴y̵o̵u̸r̸ ̵s̷t̶o̴r̶y̴.̵"
The Man looked at him directly, then back at the ground, smiling. "T̸r̴u̵s̸t̷ ̵m̶e̸,̴ ̶k̶i̵d̸,̸ ̵p̶r̴o̴l̶o̵n̶g̸i̶n̸g̷ ̴t̴h̷e̴ ̶e̴n̷d̶ ̷o̴f̴ ̶y̸o̶u̵r̶ ̶s̶t̵o̶r̵y̸ ̴w̸i̵l̵l̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̴g̷o̸ ̸w̴e̷l̷l̶.̴ ̶I̶t̸ ̶n̵e̸v̷e̴r̸ ̸h̷a̵s̷.̶"