A Dragonet's Wish 2

Thyru snorts. "Like how your butt is too big for your body." A few of the kobolds snicker despite being hypnotized.
Sky pulls back slowly. "A-Ah. Sorry. I got a bit greedy...Erm. Was I ok?"
"Things seem bigger when you spend all day staring at them." He shot a sly look at the Kobolds. "Though I will admit my food of choice tends to be a little fatty."

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"No, it's fine. Exciting. I've never felt like this before, it's lovely." She puts her head down on the bedding. "It's like I could just stay here looking at you forever and be happy."
"Uh, hello? I want to be on the receiving end, thank you. Where the hell have you been?" Thyru snaps frustrated at Grekan's retorts. "Hmph...maybe if you just shut-up and did it to me, i'd quiet down for some time."
"Hm. You're starting to tempt me. Maybe you won't be so annoyingly chatty with a cock in your mouth." He looked down an alley next to him, tightly spaced houses, dark shade, small doors. A fair choice, now he just needed a target to break into.
"Hehehe, certainly worked with Syx. Why not give it a try and see what happens?" he giggles.
"Err, should I be hearing this?" Milo asks from above, strangely unaffected gy the buzzing.
"Sh. Pets don't talk little one." He went down the alley, inspecting each door as they passed.
Thyru jiggles one of the doors before it opens. "Psst, Grekan. I got one over here." Opening the door a hallway can be seen. An apartment hallway.
Grekan entered first. It wouldn't be difficult to eliminate whoever was inside, if there even was someone. He focused, feeling out for minds inside the building.
On the right, Grekan senses two female dragons each in a different room, doing a different chore; one polishing her scales while the other seems to be cooking something. On the right, a single large dragon lies asleep in his bed, dreaming about food. It seems Grekan's stumbled into a hotel of somesort.
"Honestly Chaa, I have no idea how fast we should be taking things if we really will be mates. I mean, with the current situation at hand, i'm not sure what you'd prefer."
"How about this. You," She booped his nose, "take me out for dinner tonight and show me how much of a gentleman you can be. Then we'll come back here, and we'll see how the night goes from there."

- - - - -

"Hmph. Three. One asleep. Single bite to the Jugular, no screaming. Understood?" He looked to Thyru expectantly.
He nods before putting a paw on the door. Slowly, it begins to corrode and dissapear as it's transferred to sand. Slinking into the dark room, Thyru studies the large dragon before slowly leaning in and delivering a hard bite.
Several minutes later, Thyru emerges with his maw and chest caked in blood. He hands Grekan a small wooden carving of the same dragon with a grin. "There. Took me some time, but there's no blood, except for the bit on me, and no body to hide" he giggles. "I'm too damn good."
Sky laughs. "I'll be only the most gentlest dragon you've been to dinner with." Getting up and into a formal position, he asks "What kind of food are you in the mood for tonight, future mate Chaa?" He then playfully bows at her, unfurling his large wings.
"Hm. Good." He passed the small statue to the Kobold on his head. "Hold this. Now... There are two others. I want you to try something new... Fill their lungs with water."

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She mocked back a curtsy. "A Kaians favorite is Caviar, my good sir. Seafood it shall be."
"Hmm...i've never thought of that one...why not leave them alone though? They didn't seem to know the dragon in here. And if we do kill them as well, that'll be three missing."
Milo holds the statue with both hands before sniffing.
"Indeed then..." he pauses folding up his wings. "Tonight, the couple shall dine under the starry...o-or roofy night on Caviar." Strutting over to the door, opens it and bows again, awaiting her.
"Hm. Fine. It's not like they'll be able to stop us from doing anything anyway." He entered the room where the male had been, waiting for his servants to enter after him.

- - - - - -
She gracefully walked past him, giving him a sultry look as she passed. "Thank you, good sir. Your manner is most acceptable."
The kobolds follow closely behind entering before losing their buzz.
H-Hey, when did we get here?" Kindle asked rubbing her head. "What the hell."
The group of lizard people head over to the cushioned bed before crowding Kindle asking if she were injured or harmed during the blackout; inspecting her.
Going over to the door, rain can be heard pouring down harder and louder than beforehand. Sky stares out at the rain, deep in thought about how to protect his love from the drops.
Grekan placed Milo down with the others. "You came willingly, obeying your rightful masters." He lied down nearest to the door, blocking the now door-less entry with his tail. "Thyru, if you would seal us in now."

- - - - - -

Chaa waited next to him, watching the rain come down. She lovingly nuzzled his warm body with a cool snout. "Have you a plan to protect your lady, gentleman?"
Thyru placed a paw on the wall the left side of the open doorway. Slowly, the opening begins to close similar to that of a vertical mouth. "Finished..." He lies down across from Grekan, coughing a little bit. "Damn...converting that body was hard. I feel bushed..."
"O-Oh, umm... Of course my love. I think I might have an idea..." Sky steps out into the rain before turning back and seemingly focusing on a spot above the door. "Ok...walk out nice and slow for me..."
She smiled at him, stepping out and peeking up at the spot she was focusing on. "Working your magic?"

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"You are free to use those three as you wish." He looked at Kindle slyly.