
New Member
Greetings Random Readers of this Radically Written Letter,

Before we get on with any of this introduction business, I must first declare these words all proper nouns and therefore deserving of my excessive use of capitalization. It wasn't at all that I forgot how capitalization worked at the start of a letter and was too lazy to look it up, nope. Anywho! I assume you're reading this for one of three reasons;
A) You actually snort want to get know me. Ha!
B) You have to. Either because it's your job, or the voices inside your head told you to. In which case, I don't blame you, the voices are very bossy.
C) Sheer boredom and variant wanderings. Congratulations, your random browsing have brought you to me. Here's a :emoji_star2: sticker, feel free to place it in the comments section so I can revel in the attention.
D) Other. Yes I know, I said three reasons, but do you really expect me to account for every variation of fantastical or futuristic means that lead you to discover this letter?

Good. Glad we have that established, moving on to 'the body' of the letter.

Rather than having me dancing around trying to tell you things without actually telling you things while trying to come up with things to tell you while having an internal dilemma about whether or not I should or should not tell you things and which things I can and can not tell you as if I do tell you things it is possible that telling you could cause that one alien empire I pissed off a few years back to find me which could potentially possibly confuse me and everyone reading- wait where was I going with that?

Oh yes the actual information part. I'll try to keep it short and to the point and completely serious.
If you've read this far you can already call BS

My name is Phantom. I have been called Phantom, Elody, Elo, 090, Phant, Phan, Pants, various oc names and of course the Phantastic Supreme Overlord. None of these need any explanation and are perfectly valid pseudonyms for anyone named Phantom to use. I am Nintendo Game Cube, let's go to Blockbuster and what's a VHS in age, which I suppose makes me on the youngish oldish end if you're like me and aren't willing to look that up. Gender is yes and proper pronouns are yes, anything and everything you can think to use are correct. Serious for a second, please do not ask me to clarify on that, it's a sore point and if you press I will probably ignore you. Back to our regularly scheduled program!

I like cats. I collect them. Currently I have three and am looking to increase their numbers. I have four bodyguards, they're covered in feathers, lay eggs and go cluck at the break of dawn. I love my chickens and they are my babies, but as I have learned, they're surprisingly violent, and have brought me more dead things than my cats.

Do I have hobbies? I don't know, do I? Somedays, it feels like life is a hobby that I only occasionally participate in. Though other than existing, I have been known to game, write, fanfiction, roleplay and only occasionally have conversations with the voices inside my head. And though life is not a musical, I have randomly burst into song during the day at probably inappropriate times.

Although you're a random stranger at this exact moment you are reading this, and I have given you very limited information on me, I need you to do me a favor. Think of it as a loan that'll never be paid back. Look up. Use your X-ray vision to look through whatever structure you must if necessary. If your view is not obstructed by intermittent bouts of snow for eight to ten months of the year with drastically fluctuating temperatures, then hope you never have to experience such things. If it is, then here, take this bag of salt, you'll need it eventually.

I suppose now would be a good time to share some personality! I've got loads of it! Obviously I am a perfect paragon that is completely lacking in flaws without any skeletons in my closet. Actually, scratch that about the skeletons, there's definitely a few in there probably between the keys to the Tardis and the coat rack to Narnia, but the polygon still stands. It's a triangle.

In more poetic terms! ahem

zombie, preschooler
possibly insane author
these all describe me

I accept stickers as reward for my magnificent haiku.

Still with me? Congratulations, we're at the good shiz.

Roleplay Information :emoji_raised_hands:

It's a bird! It's a plane! It is... definitely not Phantom.
If you want a fast rapid fire roleplay, then this is not the droid you're looking for. On the very best of days, you may witness the record pace of a whole two posts per hour and at the polar opposite end, you might only get one post a week. There are reasons for this, and the reasons are good reasons.
Length varies from 'is that a really roundabout way to say okay?' to 'would you like to describe how often they're breathing too...' but generally I have the writing fluidity of an eel and will mimic my partner(s).

Speaking of partners, I will mostly do small groups or 1x1s, mostly because I find large groups slightly intimidating, but also strangely too organized yet not organized enough? There's nothing wrong with large scale roleplays, it's just not my cup of tea.

By the way, I have a large soul collection.
On the backs of my tortured souls I CAN CONSTRUCT A MULTIVERSE!!!! muahahahahaha!!!
I have a lot of characters of varying backgrounds and abilities, but will only use one or two at a time, a multiverse can get overwhelming very quickly ya know? Especially with the level of research some of the more complex characters require.

I enjoy taking long strolls through the Science Fiction genre and all the nerdy things that encompasses, but sometimes I enjoy the deep rooted angst of all things apocalypse. The horrors of, well, Horror though also the Urban Fantasy sections will occasionally catch my eye, and if I'm willing to put the effort in, Era or Historical fictions can be loads of fun. Really anything is up for grabs, except Hardcore Fantasy and Modern style roleplays, which I will only do rarely.

For fandoms, I enjoy Ninja Forest Cats, Space Wizards: Identical Men Edition, the Gathering of PoweredFriends (Stanley and Doc versions), Galactic Explorers, whatever catches my fancy that week and MUCH MUCH MORE!

I think that about sums up all the time I have for this letter, but I suppose I must thank you for sticking around this long to reach the end. You've definitely earned my grudging respect, but that's a simple achievement.

Waiting to meet you,


I ran outta steam halfway through roleplay information, so sorry if that section feels a little disjointed. Probably going to sleep on it, then try to fix it at some point in the future.
Hey there Phantom, super nice to meet you. Welcome to STC! We're happy to have you here.

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