A Pre - School Roleplay

Billy replied, "Sounds good. I'll make her coffee." He takes a mug from the cupboard, puts it under the Keurig and places Dunkin Donuts coffee in the slot. While the coffee is being made, Billy grabs a glass from the cupboard and pours his mom some orange juice.

Sophie is still asleep, but she is coughing severely. "Hack! Wheeze! Hack."
Billy checked the coffee. It was done. Carefully removing the mug, he turned off the coffee maker. He put in two packets of sugar, and one small package of creamer. He mixed the sugar and creamer in slowly. The end result:

(Thx. :D)
Billy said, "You should, but wait a second." He places the plate on the tray, along with the orange juice and coffee.
Billy turns on the TV and begins to make cereal. There is a show about dolphins on.
Sophie spots her daughter and says, "Gwen, I'm sick... You shouldn't be in here." She begins to cough.
At this, Sophie sits up. "Breakfast? Why thank you. Don't worry about the sickness. In fact, open that book over on my dresser and read me a chapter please." She takes the tray from Gwen and begins to eat. She admires the coffee.