A short fanfic


New Member
The crisp fall air felt good in Jason's lungs. The trees around the lake so many different colors that Jason no longer remember the name of. As he walked around the perimeter of his lake he thought he heard footsteps behind him. He stopped to listen but all he heard was the familiar sounds of the forest. He took a cautious step forward only to hear the echo once again. Gripping his machete a little tighter, he turned around.
To his shock there was no one there. Living alone never bothered him but this was....
Jason decided to back track, to see if he could find footprints or some indication of some one in the woods with him. Two steps in, he had knife to his throat. On instinct, he grabbed the wrist holding the knife. Jason didn't immediately break the offender's wrist because the knife dropped under the pressure applied. When he looked past the hand, he saw a man dressed in blue mechanic's outfit and white mask.