A Strange Town

"Wonder what that group of people is there for." Amber wondered quietly. "Hey, Jennifer, look. I can't see whoever very well, but they're wearing some kinda necklace."
“Truth is, once you allow me to do this, considering you had no terms and conditions on that, you have only yourself to blame if I break anything.”

Reaching deeper in the pockets, the girl smiled, probably finding what she was looking for. And lo and behold, when she took it out, she saw her USB. Wanting to search for more, the girl reached inside again. Making a surprised face, the girl yelped when she felt something inside, and pulled it out with haste.

“What is it, sir, did I accidentally activate a taser or somethin-”
She took a closer look at the item.

“Excuse me. Uh, why did you have a live rodent inside your pocket?”
Jennifer stared at the circle with horror, and quickly redirected Amber to a nearby pile of old suitcases, or in theives terms, a good hiding spot.
“Shh..What if they see us? They are busy, and I’m not really sure what would happen if we interrupt them. Wait, listen.”

The people in the middle began to speak, and the room seemed to be a bit darker.
“Oh, Lord Laura, duchess of this village. We pray to be rid of the infidels. For this, we offer you our lives, our children. Anything. Tonight, at the break of midnight, we request you come to us.”

Murmurings of a strange language came from the circle. And the person in the back, although they are hard to see due to the sudden darkness, they began to move, as if ready to take action.

Should the two also begin to take action?
@Alissa Ming
Amber rolled her eyes. She wasn't going to be seen. But then again, Jennifer didn't know what she could do. "We need to move. We have to stop them. This sounds way to much like a magic ritual. And our benefactor isn't here..."