
"Yes!" Spitz blurted a little too quickly barely cutting into Kazesr's words. The glow of his markings on his body brightened a little in his quick excitement before dimming slightly. "I-I uh... I mean yes, I would like that, very much. Us being friends and whatnot." The dragon smiles a wide toothy grin displaying his sharp teeth. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I already have a friend! Way easier than I thought things would be. "The curse...does it hurt at all? Or does it not feel like anything" he asked completely oblivious to what a curse was actually was.
Kazesr’s face lit up, his smile returning as he looked at Spitz in disbelief, “really?!” He exclaimed completely shocked and excited at the same time. His arms which were still crossed against began to hug the plant tighter as he tried to contain his excitement. “Uh I don’t really feel anything from the curse, it kinda only affects those around me” he explained mellowing down a bit as he spoke, the initial excitement wearing off and leaving a warm feeling in his place. He didn’t really know what one did with a friend as even before the accident he had still been more of a loner occasionally hanging out with Zora, who would come over with her mom but besides that this was pretty new to him.
The dragon cocks his head before giving a tiny snort. "Either way, i'm already considered bad news so I can't imagine things getting worst for me." Turning his gaze to the plant his stomach quietly lets out a bit of a grumble. Under normal circumstances, Spitz would've already stolen his breakfast from some unfortunate trader but things were different for the moment. Sure, he could always eat plants to fill his belly, but after some time, he'd begun to acustom himself to more humanly food. "I forgot to eat breakfast is all..." he stated bluntly.
(Omnivore. With an maw as acidic as his, he can eat a lot easily)
Following his gaze Kazesr spotted Spitz eyeing his plant hungrily and he held it tighter, “Why don’t we go to my house, my mum can cook you something to eat” he suggested. “Don’t worry I know a secret way there if you don’t want to be seen.” He added after a moment of thought and standing up he sipped a bit of the dirt off of his pants. “Come on” He said merrily as he started towards the alleys exit.
The word "mum" echoed in his head as the lingering image of his decomposed mother suddenly became very vivid in his mind. Spitz released a hard shudder before trotting after his new friend. "I don't mind being seen, but you seriously think your mom would be ok giving food to someone like me? Like, I could just find something myself if you don't mind waiting a few minutes on me." While the tone of his voice wasn't terribly nervous, there was a sense of worry in it.
Kazesr took no time in responding as he said, “no no no! My mum would probably scold me if I didn’t offer you food” he said with a chuckle not noticing Spitz’s shudder as he was faced the other direction. The two started towards Kazesr’s house which normally if it was just him would be a 5 Maybe 7 minute run but with Spitz it would probably take more 10-15minutes to get there. Kazesr was used to stares it happened all the time to him but now the stares were even more numerous than before, but Kazesr just ignored them, he was good at that, “I hope you don’t mind me asking but aren’t you really small for a dragon? Like I was told they were these huge beasts with claws and fire breath and all that stuff” he said exaggerating his words with large and nod hand gestures.
"Oh,, i've never quite heard it like that before" he giggles. "But uhh, if what you humans say is true about how you tend to look like your parents, then that about answers it. Some are gigantic and others and tiny, but im about in the middle i'd say. My mom was about...hmm." He begins looking around their view before pointing to an tavern at least a story in height(Ten feet). "Maybe two of those stacked on top of each other was I think her height. As for my dad, I don't know. I've never met him... Either way, i'm not that old so I probably still have height within me."
"Also, I don't breath fire...I breath liquid fire, or what your people like to call acid."
“Woah really? That is awesome! Just want to let you know though, I haven’t heard a single person call it liquid fire before” he said with a smile, his more chatty side showing itself as he became more and more comfortable with talking to Spitz. “Most people would categorise me as giant, but you seen my grandpa he was huge” he exclaimed spreading his arms as wide as they could go vertically and saying, “at least three times this tall! My parents on the other hand are pretty short compared to me, but then again most people are” He said with a laugh. A thought suddenly occurred to Kazesr and he quickly asked, “what do you eat anyhow?”.
"A little bit of everything really. I've eaten rocks, metals, bones, plants, even a tree once. But for the most part though, I tend towards the food you humans make. Th-the way all the spices cook and mix taste really nice and it smells good too." he rants hapilly. "Oooh, I think my above all favorite thing i've ever eaten is something called along the lines of sweets or candy. Only tried it a handful of times and it tastes so good. Have you ever had any before?"
“I think I may have some candy in my pockets, and yah I have! I like fruity ones best” he explained, his house now coming into view as he reached into his pocket and pulled out three small wrapped candies each covered in golden foil. “Here you go!” He said unwrapping one of the golden chocolates with carmel in the middle, and offering it to spitz happily.
Zora was extremely confused at the peculiar tongue the already suspicious girl spoke in. She assumed it was a dragon tongue, since Glenklyn reacted to it. Zora's heart was weak. She was never very good with people or their problems. She always wished she could, but she was raised in a family of generally isolated folks. She tried to think of a quick solution to help her. "Nela?" Zora assumed, since she never saw this girl in her life before, that she was possibly the daughter of a trader. The dragons blood may have hinted that they had a trade of smuggling and keeping dragons. "Is she in the town? If someone is hurt I can provide what you may need."
Zora was extremely confused at the peculiar tongue the already suspicious girl spoke in. She assumed it was a dragon tongue, since Glenklyn reacted to it. Zora's heart was weak. She was never very good with people or their problems. She always wished she could, but she was raised in a family of generally isolated folks. She tried to think of a quick solution to help her. "Nela?" Zora assumed, since she never saw this girl in her life before, that she was possibly the daughter of a trader. The dragons blood may have hinted that they had a trade of smuggling and keeping dragons. "Is she in the town? If someone is hurt I can provide what you may need."
The strange hooded figure who stood, adding to the crowd, startled her. Lord. The whole village is here. Zora didn't function in large groups of people for very long, and tried to keep as steady of a head as possible, not quite sure if it showed. She dug through her satchel and brought out a handkerchief to hand to the worried girl covered in blood. "You hold on to this. It's an infused cloth and may sooth you."
Sitting up on his haunches and taking the candy, Spitz pops it into his mouth and a subtle yet noticable hissing sound is made followed by the faint smell of somthing burning. "Ahhh, yes. That's the good stuff...." Shortly after, Spitz buts his muzzle into Kazesr's hand with the other candies and attempts several times to nip and bite at the wrapped goods. The dragonet was already hungry so giving him a small taste of his favorite treat made him quite desperate for more.
“AoH woah calm down, nearly took a finger there!” He chuckled yanking hs hand back and unwrapping the other two and handing them over. “We are almost to my house, so you won’t need to worry! Besides at home I know I have at least five more candies stashed around” Kazesr said with a wink and a smirk. Slowly approaching his door step he opened the door and walked inside calling out, “HEY MUM, I BROUGHT COMPANY! COUKD YOU MAKE LUNCH?” He asked and from one room over another voice, this one belonging to his mother called back, “SURE THING! GO PUT THE HERBS IN MY ROOM FIRST” she called back.
Spitz tastes the air as he enters the house noticing the slight change in both temperature and humidity. "It feels nice in here...and it smells good too..." The dragon's tail raises once again and sways back in forth in nervousness as he begun to think of the possibilities of what could go wrong. What if she doesn't want to cook for me and shoos me out? W-What if she doesn't let me be friends with Kazesr... Spitz wanders about the house as the sense of nervousness washed over him.
Melany was surprised when the dragon didn’t seem to understand her. But what was even more surprising was the reaction of the girl. Melany looked nervously at the cloth the girl handed to her unsure if she should take it. She sounded honest but still she didn’t really trusted it. She was happy to hear she may could help. “no, no she is in the mountains” she softly answered the girls question. Realising the girls question probably ment that she thought Nela was human so she added nervously "Nela is a dragon" She looked a bit better at the last person who walked in. She didn't regonised him either. Not that she expected to regonise him.
Guiding Spitz to his room and walked to his bed and pulled out a small satchel filled with the golden goodies. “Here you go!” He said with a smile opening the satchel and dumping the candies on the floor in front of Spitz. At this time he mom walked into the room his good arm carrying a plate filled with potatoes, eggs, and ham that she had heated up from breakfast. “Oh my! It seems you’ve made quite the friend” she exclaimed with a smirk as she spotted Spitz. Setting down the plate of food she picked up the potted plant and the two bags of herbs before leaving the room.
Zora was confused when told that Nela was in the mountains, and even more so when she was told that Nela was a dragon; but quickly, without wasting anytime to help this girl, Zora asked another question. "How is Nela hurt?" While asking the question, she immediately began gauging the soonest they'd reach the mountain if they went back to town to grab what they needed and return.
Spitz was in too much of heaven to pay any attention to Kazesr's mother as she walked in and out of the room. The dragon took bite after bite after bite, making quick work of the pile of sweets. His glowing aqua-green tongue slides out of his maw and begins licking away at anything left wether it be the wrapper or the candy itself on both his paws and muzzle. Nothing was left on the floor where the heap once was, only small groves in the floor that his acidic tongue and spit had created. "That was nice.... Thank you for that...for this. F-For all of this, I meant." Thank you rang through Spitz's head as that might've been the first time he's ever really thanked a human for anything. Come to think of it, Kazesr is the first one amongst the folk to ever really look past his scales and all other unnatural features the dragon and see that he was just simply trying to survive really. "Your mum, how come she isn't worried about me or anything?"
“Well the thing is, my mum used to tell me about her dragon friend when I was little. She told me he was small like you but he was red not blue.” He explained grabbing the plate and taking a large bite of the potatoes. “I always thought she was making it up, but maybe she wasn’t, besides my mum is pretty chill.” Kazesr said between a mouth full of food. Kazesr took another bite of food before realising he hadn’t offered any to Spitz and setting the plate down he said, “Here you’d better take some before I eat it all!” He joked. He had always loved his mums cooking as she was very skillled at it, and even the loss of her arm couldn’t deter her from doing it.

Glenklyn paused listening to the girl’s story, his defensive posture lowering as he mulled it over in his mind. The idea that she was friends with a dragon who was hurt, rather than her having attacked one made much more sense to him. And like most dragons he had extremely sensitive hearing and listening to her heart beat she confirmed the girl was telling the truth. His posture relaxed almost immediately and he listened intently to the them talk.