Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Amarathia City


Adorable Homewrecker
as written by Loreth

The room was deathly silent save for the scratching of quill on parchment and the few muffled groans of the students housed within. Tiered seats like an auditorium rose upward to hold several hundred members of various races, their eyes all intent on the papers before them. Tension was thick and growing thicker as a hovering sand timer drained away precious seconds. Seated at the corner of the instructor’s stage was a heavy wooden desk covered in intricate vine and leaf patterns to create what appeared to be a living flora holding various papers and books. Perched precariously on top of the books was a single tea cup, steaming still, and an hourglass nearly at the end of it’s time.

Pacing back and force across the stage was the instructor herself, dark crimson lips curled into a taunting smile as she called out the final warning. “A few minutes remain, my little darlings. Answer quickly but accurately and if you’re done wait silently.” Pausing at the center of her stage to watch the students sweat and scribble as fast as possible, she unconsciously posed in the single beam of sunlight that made it into the room. Her fiery satin dress hugged her curves, whispering as it trailed a little behind her while the long sleeves fluttered around pale, long fingered hands. The neckline plunged boldly down to expose much of her cleavage and exaggerate her slender form. And overdress of sheer gold draped over her shoulders and floated like a mist behind her as she walked, twinkling in the fading sun.

Savania dressed with her own style, the clothing made by her not inconsiderable skill and designed to show off her tall thin form. Altari elves nearly obsessed with beauty and like many of their women, Savania felt she was the most beautiful of all. Having a room full of various races watching her as she discussed and taught the frost magic she specialized in did little for her ego but times like this she wished that for just once she had accepted the option to join the battle mage college. Listening to the irritating scratch of rough quill on paper, she sighed heavily that misted out then took a deep breath. “Time is up. Stay in your seats and I will collect your papers.”

A collective groan issues through the room as she held a hand up and papers flew to her, shuffled neatly together in order of row. “Excellent. Now, you are all excused for the day. Be here tomorrow sharply to find out your grades and whether or not you will be permitted into my more advanced class.” Setting the large stack of papers on her desk, she watched as the students marched out as though to their deaths after a long hike. A few paused by her desk to say something but she only shoo’d them out with a flick of her wrist. “There is no point in trying to woo me now, you’ve already filled out the test. Let your actions speak for you now.”

Once they left, she sat there and graded the papers quickly, two stacks made for Pass and Fail. Savania was rather proud to see that the Pass pile was much larger then the Fail stack that only held about ten papers. The process of grading was lengthy though and by the time she finished it was nearly evening. Closing and locking the door, she swirled a cape around her shoulders and made her way out of the school and out onto the street for an evening stroll. With the late hour it would be the perfect time, she thought, to enjoy the last of the sunlight dipping beneath the horizon. Climbing up to the wall, the deep red of her clothing standing out like a blood stain on the pristine white walls, Savania found her favorite spot to sit and watch the streets occupants pass beneath her.
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as written by Script and Loreth

"You know as well as I do, my Lady, that the reagents you require are not simple to procure. Were the Academy to have any in storage, I assure you I would-"

A man's voice was audible in the quiet of the evening, as footsteps approached Savania's position. Two figures were rounding the corner of a watchtower on the wall, engaged in conversation. The man who was speaking was likely to be a familiar face to her; Arvel Varentil, head of the Department of Enchantment within the Nasazura Academy and widely considered the foremost expert on alchemy and enchantment magic in Amarathia. He was easy to identify with the lengthy black hair that fell to his waist and the runic symbols he had tattooed upon his forehead and hands. The woman accompanying him was a regal-looking sight, her curling locks of orange-red hair falling over bejewelled earrings, and clad in a long and extravagant dress of black and gold bearing the symbol of a crescent moon.

Arval was mid-sentence when the woman held up a hand to halt him, having spotted Savania. Arval himself followed her gaze before smiling in recognition.

"Ah, Lady Dawnhand! What a pleasant surprise. Are you well?" he inquired. Arval's voice was deep and smooth, sounding at once laced with aged wisdom and filled with youthful strength.

Beside him, the red-haired woman had a smile upon her face, but a perceptive eye might note that it was practically rigid. Clearly, she was displeased with being kept waiting.


Savania gave her characteristic smirk, fingers brushing the red hair from her eye for a moment as she stood. "Ah, good evening to you as well! I'm much better now that the class finished their exam. Down to the last moment again with this group." Pouting a little, though playfully, she crossed her arms over her stomach and sighed. "This batch of students just aren't as good as the last one. To much time day dreaming about cross roads I think."

Turning to his companion, Savania mentally rolled her eyes. ~Another one trying to use the academy for their own advances I'm assuming. Do they never tire of bickering and backstabbing each other?~ To the woman though, Sava offered a small bow with her eyes only just lowered for a moment. "And I see we are graced with another member of the great houses. A good evening to you dear lady. I trust the evening is finding you well?" ~He's brazen, making her wait while he chats with me. I hope he knows what he's doing. That or he intends to enchant her as well as he does everyone else.~


"Well enough, thank you, Miss Dawnhand," the woman replied, "And a good evening to you."

It was telling that the woman refused Savania the honorific of 'lady', a clear sign of disrespect to those versed in the game. Arval's smile didn't falter. "This is Lady Amyra Vardis. We were just discussing a request of hers that she put in with my department a few weeks ago." he explained. Amyra Vardis was a relatively well known name amongst the Academy, though few had met her themselves. She was reportedly a highly talented spellcaster herself, who had declined offers of a position of teaching to remain embroiled in politics, citing that she 'didn't have the time for such erroneous matters'. She wasn't very popular for this reason.

"I'm sorry to hear about your students." Amyra said, "My daughter Erinia speaks highly of your lessons."

Erinia Vardis was a student of the Nasazura Academy, in her early years of study. The girl was talented and intellectual, but like many of the heirs of powerful houses, she had an attitude on her. She considered herself the teaching staff's superior, and danced circles around their authority wherever possible. She too made a habit of referring to Savania as 'Miss' as opposed to Lady.


Tapping a fingertip other dark paints lips, Sava thinks for a moment. "The name certainly sounds familiar but I just can't place that students face. I have so many, you know, that they tend to blur together sometimes." Smiling as sweet as she can, Sava giggles behind her fingertips. "I'm glad she likes the class though. It's quite rewarding, teaching. I have the pleasure of working with so many young minds, ready for molding so that they can best suit their respective houses."

Turning back to her fellow Acadamy Member, Sava gives a quick nod. "But don't let me hold you up from your walk, dear Arvel. A good evening to you, Lady Vardis." Pulling her cloak around herself a little more against the chill air her very presence exuded, she made her way toward the stairs she had climbed before.


"And to you, Miss Dawnhand." Amyra replied with an unflinching smile. If she was annoyed by Savania's lack of memory regarding her daughter, she did not betray it. "Come, Arvel."

The man nodded his head, "Enjoy the rest of your night, Savania. Light knows we could all use a rest after the latest batch of exams." he said, grinning before he turned to continue along the wall, Amyra at his side.

The streets of the Inner Ring still held a fair few passers-by despite the late hour. Patrolling guardsmen and servants on late-night errands were the most prominent amongst them, but the odd noble lord or lady strolled past at intervals, most offering Savania polite nods of acknowledgement. Though she held no official status, professors at the Nasazura Academy were offered at least a measure of respect from the nobility - albeit often a patronising measure.


It took everything Sava had not to sigh heavily as she walked back toward the school, her cloak pulled tight against her instead of flaring out behind her slow steps. ~These Nobles and their Game of Houses. Honestly, there is so much more they could do that would benefit the planet as a whole but instead they spend it squabbling over who gets to be the most important.~ Smiling politely at the various people that greeted her, the mask in place so that her thoughts weren’t on for display, Sava made her way back up to the school. ~At least here I feel like I’m doing something with my life. Never mind how empty that life is, at least I’m doing more then gossiping like an old hag!~

Once within the confines of the academy Savania immediately felt at home. This was her element, her safe haven and here she held control over something more important then titles. It was within these walls that magic was studied and practiced, advancements made that could very likely discover a way to end the Void that creeped upon their doorstep. Her office alone was a sanctuary filled with books on every topic that interested her, scrolls in neat stacks that covered nearly every horizontal surface minus a space on her desk for her teapot.

Settled once again into her favorite chair, her hands began weaving together the magic necessary to both warm her tea and begin lifting books so that she could have several floating around her as she worked. Parchment and elegant quill were pulled from a drawer as she started where her last bit of notes left off. As she worked, Sava hummed quietly under her breath in time with her quill so that the scratchy sound of pen on paper was undertone to her soft voice. In the off chance that a student or fellow teacher wanted to visit she had left her door open just enough so that a spear of light from her large windows cut through the darker hallway.


As Savania was writing, a knock came at her door a few moments before it was gently pushed open. The woman that entered was tall and clad in a set of highly ornate robes, her silvery-white hair tied up in an elegant and extravagant weave. Her face possessed lines of age uncommon to elves, betraying her unusual age (during the blight, it was rare for an elf to survive long enough to approach the end of their natural lifespan of near half a century). She was Tallandra Davindrel, an assistant headmistress of the Nasazura Academy, and a face that Savania would therefore be familiar with.

"Do you have a moment, Lady Dawnhand? I have a matter to discuss that I believe may interest you."


Setting her work aside, Sava gave a polite smile while books took their respective places on her desk. "Of course, of course." ~Maybe shes here to tell me I can finally teach the more advanced magic even though there won't be enough for a full class. Or perhaps she's letting me focus on my research.~ hopeful thoughts filled her head as she stood and offered some tea. "It's lavender like usual but I can make a few other kinds if you prefer."


Tallana took the tea with a smile, sitting across from Savania. She produced a letter from her pocket, "I've received a missive from House Calenor. They're looking for a tutor for one of their sons - Elarin Calenor. Normally I wouldn't bother coming to you with such an offer, I know you have no love for the nobility, but..."

She proffered the letter, pointing to a few lines of detail. "The position is a mobile one. Elarin and a number of his siblings are not within the city, they're out in the frontier towns attempting to reestablish their family's holdings there. It's right on the edge of what the crown considers 'habitable' territory. A dangerous place to be, all things considered. But naturally, it also comes with plenty of time to oneself whilst the lad is occupied with matters of politics, as well as close proximity to areas still tainted by the void."

Tallana gave Savania a meaningful glance, "A good position for one looking to research such things, I should think. Does it sound like something you'd be interested in?"


Her smile turned to a delighted smirk as she was handed the very thing she wanted. "Oh I think I can make due with this position." Sipping at her tea happily, Sava sat back in her seat. "When do I start and where should I report to? I'm assuming his parents will decide the topics?"
as written by Script and Loreth

"It's a fairly straightforward tutoring position - I'm given to understand he knows the basics, but you're to take him through more advanced lessons in accordance with our standard program. The position is available immediately - you'll need to travel to Korvesa and meet with the family at their estate there." Tallana explained. Korvesa was a sizable town a few days' journey from the capital. Prior to the void blight, it was situated firmly within Amarathian borders, but more recently the lands had become contested by centaur clans dwelling on the Aldwardine Plains. Korvesa now sat on the very edge of territory that could be considered Amarathian in this new era, not far from Orwyn Forest.

"I advise you look to hire some guards, or travel with a merchant caravan - the roads still aren't entirely safe." Tallana added, "Lady Patrilia Calenor - the boy's mother - has said she will reimburse any travel expenses upon your arrival."


Nodding as everything was explained, Sava maintained her smug smile. "I am exceedingly grateful for this opportunity." A hand waves over her stack of parchment. "My research has been lacking but this gives me just what I need and a chance to tutor is always appreciated. I feel that working with a few students directly is more beneficial though so few have taken the calling of teacher." A fingertip taps her painted lips for a moment. "And guards or a merchant crew. I will have to see what I can find on short notice since I'm assuming they want me there as soon as possible? It may take a day or so to locate the needed transport."


Tallana smiled. "I'm glad to hear it. I thought you would be interested. As for the delay, you needn't worry. House Calenor is likely too preoccupied with their difficulties on the frontier to worry about you being late, and they will not be expecting you to arrive immediately anyway. As soon as possible is right, though."

The taller woman nodded her head. "Unless you have any further questions, I shall leave you to your preparations, Lady Dawnhand."


"Of course, of course. Thank you. I will see to locating the necessary guards tomorrow then." Standing to escort her guest out, Sava couldn't help but keep that smile in place. ~Finally something I can do besides pace a class room! A chance to use my magic instead of just demonstrating it!~

The room to herself again, she sat back down at her desk and mulled over the building To Do list in her head. Putting quill to parchment, Sava started writing out what she needed and where she could get it while using her magic to organize books she will need as well. A trunk was kept in her office that held the books she used with her students though now those texts were lined along the wall so that the ones she would need to take with her could be stored inside.

"And clothes... I shall need more functional gear and less elegant if I'm going to be that near the Void and centaurs." Tapping a finger to her lips as was her habit when planning, Sava started a second list of outfits to take and a reminder to pick up proper walking boots. By the time her lists were done to her satisfaction, barring any other guests, it would be well into the evening hours before she left for home.
as written by Tiko

The following day...

Scouter hummed a rough tune as he made his way into the city atop his rumbling wagon. He passed pedestrians and other wagons on their way, and the races and animals present seemed a matter of great diversity. Altari men and women walked alongside races and species from all reaches of Aelora that had been drawn out of their mountain safe-holds to this beacon of a new civilization that had risen out of the metaphorical ashes.

The pedestrians grew more dense as he neared the market and he slowed his wagon to a plodding pace to avoid hitting anyone. Bright banners and signs marked booths and stalls where merchants gathered to sell their wares. Everything had a rejuvenated and lively look to it.

In sharp contrast to the more refined nature of the Amarathian denizens, Scouters small caravan had the look of a war-band more than anything. The hubs of the wheels on his wagon were fitted with iron spikes and the wagon itself was enclosed in sturdy spikes of wood that formed a crude but effective cage to enclose cargo - or passengers if necessary. Even the black-coated beasts that pulled the wagon along were outfitted in armor plating over their leathery hide. Heavy set and with cloven hoods, the pair of animals had the look of bulls - though they bore little resemblance to the cows of old that had gone extinct during the Time of the Fall. The skin of their face was almost scaly, and wickedly curved horns were accompanied by a row of spikes that grew along the spinal ridge of the beasts.

Behind the wagon trailed several men atop armored steeds. One might have mistaken the beasts for horses at a distance, if not for a closer look that would reveal the otherworldly glow to their eyes and the furled wings that were tucked in close against their sides. The riders ranged in race and garb, though all of them looked to have been on the road for a while.

Scouter himself was a wolven, and his muzzle of a face was as grizzled and scarred as those of the men trailing after his wagon. A heavy knife was visibly hung from his belt and a quiver of arrows and a bow rested on the bench beside him while swords, spears, bows, axes, arrows, and a wide assortment of weaponry filled open crates and barrels in the back of the wagon.

As the wagon rolled to a stop next to a local armory he twisted in his seat to get a look at the men.

"Pleasure as always, boys," he said with a wolfish grin.

He tossed a bag of coin to the head of the riders who opened it and looked inside before tipping his hat to Scouter and moving off with his men in tow.

With business taken care of the grizzled worgen hopped down off his wagon to start unloading the barrels of weapon from the back. It wasn't long before men from the armory had joined him to lend in getting the wares moved inside.
as written by Loreth

Waking bright and early, as she normally did, Sava finished packing her travel clothes into a trunk with only a few nicer dresses folded in case of a sudden party invite. Those were known to happen and she would rather be prepared then depend on her hostess' closet. As well she had several extra half cloaks and belts, pouches, extra journals and charcoal pencils and other necessaries for a traveling mage. A separate case, much smaller then the trunk, held her various reagents for larger spells and potions which she always kept in good supply. While alchemy was not her strongest skill she could still produce anti-venoms, healing salves and various other useful elixirs if necessary.

A good bit after her breakfast of toast and fruit, Sava was exploring the market place with a list of things she needed to pick up. The bag on her shoulder bore the weight of some travel rations and a few other ingredients but her real goal was a new knife. Her one used for ritual work was in her case of reagents back home but she needed one for combat. She kept up with her blade practice weekly which helped keep her figure and her skill from being rusty but she did not have a blade designed for actual fighting.

Side stepping a group of rowdy shoppers, Sava finally came in sight of the armory that she was looking for. If anyone would know where she could find guards for a trip and a good blade it would be this place. Smiling beneath the hood of her deep red cloak, she waited as a wolven passed before stepping inside. The darker interior and depth of her hood showed the faint glow her eyes gave off, a pale turquoise color until she pulled the hood down to show short cut hair as bright red as her lipstick. Dressed today in a more casual green number that just barely clung to her shoulders with a wide embroidered border of yellows and greens and fell loosely down to her thin waist tied about with a belt that matched her collar.

Coming to the counter, she gave a smile and slight incline of her head. "Good day, shop keeper. I'm in the market for a few things that I think you can help with."
as written by Tiko and Loreth

While Sava was engaged with the shopkeeper she would likely overhear bits of conversation between Scouter and the men helping him unload the crates and barrels from his wagon.

"Riders spotted void wyrms out near Brightwyn Lake..."

"... aren't... extinct yet?"

"...aerie in the morning..."

It was mostly idle chatter, but the mention of an aerie might catch Sava's ear. The Romir Aerie was only about a two days travel from Korvesa if Scouter was headed out that way. There where other aeries that the wingriders of Amarathia utilized for the breeding and rearing of their steeds, but Romir was certainly the closet.


Testing the different daggers shown to her, Sava finally settled on one that fit her small hand perfectly. Giving it a few twirls, she smiled and paid for the blade. "This is perfect, thank you." As he talked about a few different decorative sheathes that she wasn't terribly interested in, her focus snapped to the talk of aeries in the direction she was heading.

~And here I was thinking it would take me all day to find potential guards!~ Her smile brightened a little as she glanced over her shoulder to see the speaker non other then a Wolven who looked to be fully capable of handling himself! In a clear voice, Sava shook her head at the lovely sheathes. "They are indeed lovely but I'm heading out toward Kavesa and would rather not attract unwanted attention. As it is, I'll likely need to either hire guards or seek out a caravan heading that way."


One of the workers who overheard Sava gestured towards the door where Scouter was making his way back out to his wagon.

"Think your ticket just walked out the door, my Lady. That was Scouter, and he runs the supply shipments out to Romir Aerie once a month. That's only a few days travel from Kavesa," he explained. "Best hurry if you want to catch him."

Outside, Scouter was hoisting himself back up into his seat atop his wagon.


"Excellent!" Turning quickly, her cloak fanning out behind her a little, Sava hurried out the door after the Wolven. "Excuse me! Wait!" Catching up to him or his wagon, praying he wasn't getting ready to leave already, she flashed him her brightest smile "May I hire you to take me to Korvesa? It's likely a little out of your way but you will be compensated."


Scouter picked up the reigns and was just about to give them a snap to get the wagon moving when he heard Sava's calls.

He squinted down at her from his seat as she caught up. The grizzled old wolven's vision wasn't quite what it used to be.

"I have a supply run to make to Romir Aerie," he answered. "Korvesa is only a few days out from there. I don't see any reason we can't be pressin' on to there after we make the Aerie. What's your name, Miss?"


Smiling all the wider, she nods quickly. "Lady Savania Dawnhand. If perhaps we could collect my trunks from my home? I'll be tutoring and will need the books I have packed." Drawing a card from her bag, she holds it out to him. "My address. I wasn't quite expecting such a speedy departure so I may need a few minutes to finalize packing. I hope that's alright? It won't be more then a trunk and one bag, I made sure to pack light."


Scouter rubbed at his furry jaw.

"We won't be leaving until tomorrow mornin'," he explained as he jabbed a thumb over his shoulder to indicate the empty wagon. "Need to get the inventory first. How are you proposing your travel accommodations?" he inquired. "My wagon isn't much suited for a Lady like yourself. Will you be bringing a carriage for the trip?"

Large caravans where often forming to make the trips to the outlying cities and towns as people sought out new beginnings beyond the city, and it was likely that there would be others setting out with them as well.


Laughing softly, she blushed a little. "In all my planning I didn't think of that! A little rough travel may do me good if the wagon is easier but I can probably hire a carriage by tomorrow." Another one of her bright smiles and Sava waves her fingers dismissively. "And Lady or not, I am in your care for the trip so I would rather make things easier on you."

~Besides~ she thought to herself ~I wouldn't want to hire a carriage and risk them getting killed coming back to the city. A Wolven will survive far better then any carriage driver I've seen!~


"Best if you go with the carriage," Scouter answered.

Squashing someone into his wagon with him for a several week journey was liable to be rather cramped for the both of them - even without cargo.

"We'll start gathering the wagons at the front gates at dawn, and depart once the sun breaks over the city," he told her. "We should reach the Aerie in about three weeks. From there we can press on to Korvesa."
as written by Loreth

Sava nodded, smiling brightly. "Of course of course! I was hoping you wouldn't be leaving immediately! By dawn tomorrow I can have my arrangements made then." Pocketing the address again, she gave a small nod. "I'll see you bright and early." Giving a quick wave Sava turned and headed off after the next few bits of supplies she would need, her list appearing in her hand.

~Carriage then will still need to be on my list. Knife is acquired, rations acquired... Let's see... Next up will be a few more sets of clothes and then I should be set.~ Pausing outside a nearby tavern, she quirked her lips a little and peeked inside. ~After some tea. I may not get another chance for a few weeks since I doubt a traveling caravan pauses for afternoon tea.~

Pulling her red cloak away from her face as she walked, Sava consulted with her list once more before visiting the different stores she needed. Ordering her things to be delivered that evening, she checked off the last package and headed to her family's home that was tucked away where some of the smaller nobel families where. The biggest difference between her family's manor and theirs was the lack of servants. With no one left but herself she had a few women come to dust and clean once a week but other then that Sava preferred to live alone. Rooms that had once been bedrooms were converted instead to libraries, walls covered in books.

Her main room was her favorite room with it's couches and chairs, floor cushions and thick rugs making everything radiate comfort. Stacked near the front door were her trunks and bags ready to be loaded into the carriage that would be at her door before dawn. Over the course of the evening her other packages arrived and were added to her luggage.

Trail rations, enough for a week for herself, were tucked into her main trunk with a few days stored in her shoulder bag. She liked to be prepared and this would ensure that if the worst happened as long as she grabbed her shoulder bag she would be alright. Extra clothes that were thicker for the colder climate were packed away along with the walking boots and heavier cloaks. She expected as well to have at least once instance where she would need to dress her best so included her favorite dress and jewelry (which she smirked as it hide in a false bottom concealed by magic). A kit to mend clothes sat on top with her embroidery for the long trip to keep it company.

Her things packed and list checked twice to be sure she didn't miss anything, Sava prepared for bed and couldn't help but smile a bit as she nestled deeper into her bed. ~Tomorrow starts an actual adventure! It won't be easy but I pray it will be worth it. Something more then the same lecture year after year...~
Syvil stood patiently within the Sanctuary of Light's Vigil, surrounded by the scenic garden and stone pathways leading back into the temple proper. The soothing sound of trickling water from the nearby fountain offered a pleasant atmosphere, and the sweet floral scent of flowers permeated the air. It was a place for quiet reflection, and Syvil found herself reflecting upon her return to Aelora and her meeting with the Council of Elders here at Light's Vigil.

"Do you know the sacrifice you ask of those who return with you to Valore?"

"I do. Nor would we ask it if the situation were not dire," Syvil had replied. "And is no greater a sacrifice than the ones they made that birthed all we now stand within," she had reminded them somberly.

"Perhaps not... we will weigh the request that you have carried to us and send word once a decision has been reached."

The exchange had been strained and barely cordial, and she had seen the distrust in the eyes of the Elders who looked upon her. Within Valore the void taint she carried within her was a distant concept, and she had been more readily accepted. Unfortunately though, within Aelora the scars of the Void were still born strongly by the land and its people. Those tainted by its touch were pariahs at best.

The Elders' promise to discuss the request had been fulfilled though, and after a weeks time she had received their answer. The sacrifice was too great to send any of their own with her to Valore. To leave would be sacrificing decades of their lives here in Aelora. Family and friends would grow old in their absence as Aeloran time progressed more rapidly than that of Valore. It was simply too much to ask of anyone. Instead she was informed that her request had been put forward to the members of order, and those who volunteered to return with her were free to do so. None would be sent.

The tone of the message suggested it was a formality and nothing more, but still Syvil waited. Surely there would be some among the Order here who would answer the call for aid. She knew the spirit of the Elysian Vanguard burned strong within the Aeloran branch of the Order yet, even if forgotten by some.

Her hope was not in vain. Whispers had already spread through the order and there were those who questioned the Elders. Those who weighed the value of their lives here in Aelora against the people that they owed those very lives to.


Those arriving at the Sanctuary would be met with a daunting sight. The centaur woman, Syvil, was a powerfully imposing figure and the Void taint upon her was unmistakable. The unnatural purple hue of her skin, the massive sweep of her horns that arched back over her head, the blackish-purple veins that adorned her body and the clawed hands all spoke of the mutations that had warped her form. The strength, wisdom, and nobility of the centaur people lay beneath the surface though, and it was reflected within the purple glow of her eyes.
The first to join Syvil within the Sanctuary was a figure perhaps a shade less imposing than she might have been hoping for. At first glance, he appeared to be a boy of no older than sixteen; he was slight and short of stature, and fresh-faced enough to pass as younger still. But if there was one thing that those in the Vanguard learned quickly, it was that judging by appearances was seldom wise. The boy was dressed finely, in a deep royal purple mantle worn over a forest green tunic trimmed with gold, and at his side floated the most obvious indicator that he was more than a mere child. An ornate and elegant spear drifted through the air to his right, seemingly of its own accord. The weapon was of obviously masterful make, its wooden haft inlaid with intricate designs resembling thorny vines and flowers, and its blade of unmarred sharpness and polish.

Kinra was not, in fact, a child. Like most Sylvae, his youth was greatly exaggerated - but unlike many, there were relatively few traits that clearly identified him as inhuman. His eyes, currently a warm and bright amber, were one of those - shifting colour in accordance with his moods, and hinting at a wisdom that spoke of his true age. A wisdom that had, fifteen years ago, seen him rise to the rank of Grandmaster of the Vanguard. The Sylvae Prince of Roses was well known within Light's Vigil and beyond, and though many of the other races found his childlike appearance and apparent whimsy away from the field a little off-putting, those who had served at his side all-but universally acknowledged his prowess.

Spotting Syvil, Kinra smiled to her warmly, lifting one hand in a cheery wave. "Hail, Lady Syvil!" he called, skipping the last few steps to her side. Though her appearance was unnerving, he had known to expect it from the Valoran Grandmaster's reputation, and so he didn't allow it to phase him. That their fellows on Valore had judged her worthy was enough of a vote of confidence for him.

"It's an honour to meet you," he said, craning his neck slightly to meet her gaze, and grinned. "My name is Kinra!"
Waiting. Swirling his thumbs against one another; that had been the temporary solace he found for his life. There was something appealing about simply taking himself aback from those lands who sought him out for the crimes he committed. It was joined with this strange feeling that his arrival at whatever this place was wasn’t a mistake or just a mere coincidence; it was almost as if he finally found a purpose after all those years of running and barely making a living.

Though, there was also this level of nervousness and anxiety he felt at what he met; Outsiders, creatures of the Grand World, or so he called them. His instincts had nearly driven him away at the initial encounter he had with the people of this place. Many experiences and studies and led him to distrust anything that didn’t look anything near human. To say, he almost got himself in trouble by holding a weapon out on the first day. Thankfully, someone who had the appearance of a human had been able to talk him down in taking his actions, which would have had him killed, for what he knew.

The weeks had been shorter than he’d want them to be, feeling as if he should stay in suspension, in waiting forever. However, he heard about something that could not be ignored; an opportunity. This order, as explained, had a greater cause they fought across other worlds, or so he understood… And there was a chance for volunteers to go. The time spent away would be long; long enough to have him be forgotten, to surely be let go of the Inquisition, of the Law. Normally a coward, he would have passed, but there was something appealing to this task, something which had gotten his heart to pound within his chest. A sign of life, that was.

He had gotten ready for this, doing his best to gather his gear. There was little that was noticeable; a rag-tag suit of armor, made of different pieces of steel and leather. It seemed to offer decent protection, though it certainly wasn’t bought in one go, or taken in one piece. Along with that, he had two blades to his belt, which when sheathed, showed no sign of being unique. All this came with the look of a man that could be just anyone of these lands, leaving so very little for him to be noticed by anyone if they had crossed passed. However, it seemed he did stick out a little within this order, given it’s surprising… diversity.

Rayn had made his way where he heard the volunteers were required to show up, walking and stricken with awe at the sights. He had never had the opportunity to be anywhere nice, given his current status in society. The surroundings had distracted him from seeing a horrid entity. Worse, he had felt the oddity before he laid eyes upon it. It was a particular sensation, one reserved to the Void. His approach was halted, seeing none too far, the presence of two… One boy and the imposing creature. His will was feeble, not allowing him to walk forth towards the one he was said to meet. He had heard of the hooved creature being the one he needed to approach, but the taint, clear as the blue sky, was there. Instincts would dictate for him to run. His fingers even unconsciously rested upon the pummel of his sword.

It took a moment, something that felt like minutes, before he could break through these instincts and approach. He was clearly not at ease as he took his steps, the fingers slipping down to grab the hilt. Upon this realization, he let go, out of disappointment of his acts. When he was within a respectable distance, which was further than most would take as ‘respectable’, he just looked up at the creature of the Void, or just touched by it. He went to speak, but nothing came out. His cowardice was showing, his xenophobia was playing with his actions. However, he pushed through his inner fear, speaking with a lack of certainty.

LadySyvil…?” He asked, the older man standing there in discomfort.
Shoes were a luxury that still felt alien to the migrant woman, even after all these years. These were fancier and softer than the wooden blocks she had used to cover her cracked, calloused feet in the past. Each step felt like walking atop a herd of sheep.

Desta kept the thought with her as she traveled down the hallway of Light's Vigil. Every step was also taking her away from Aelora. Even if she had not crossed the portal yet, her resolve to follow her comrades and leave home grew stronger. She felt the strings of home snapping, one by one, letting her go. The only direction she saw was forward.

A long skirt trailed the ground behind her, parting in the front just above her knees to allow an easy stride. The sleeves of her blouse billowed against her skin as she rocked her arms in pace, and every once in a while she rose her hands to feel the fur trimming of her vest. It was a far cry from the scraps of cloth, the cowls, and the rough material that she was accustomed to. The leather straps to her armor were new and stiff but didn't rub against her skin with discomfort. She had a finely crafted pauldron and brace on one arm and little more to suit her agile fighting style. The sword on her belt was a little worse for wear, but it wasn't immediately apparent that she was little more than a soldier for the Vanguard.

Eventually, she found herself in the Sanctuary, suddenly unable to keep her eyes off of the centaur woman ahead. Even the beauty of the gardens surrounding her couldn't take the spotlight. "Hail," she spoke, a thick accent presenting itself. She took a bow. "Lady Syvil, a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. I am Desta."

She bowed again, this time to the Sylvae. "Hail, Gandmaster Kinra. We meet again."

Desta gave Rayn a smile as she straightened, but did not give him the same greeting. He seemed an outsider, no one she had met in the past with certainty, though his face did ring a faint bell.
"The honor is mine," Syvil replied to Kinra. "You have my gratitude, and that of those at Nasazura's Rest both."

To Rayne she offered an understanding smile.

"Be at ease," she told him. "You are not the first to look upon my form with horror. I assure you that I have long conquered the taint within me. My form may be marred by its touch, but my mind remains ever clear and unaffected. Come, step forward and introduce yourself. I do not believe that I recognize you, but that is not unexpected. It has been many years within this realm since I passed through these halls."

As Desta too arrived, Syvil felt a warmth that the call for aid had not gone unanswered.

"And welcome to you as well, Deste," Syvil greeted. "Do more yet come?"

She was hopeful that others would soon arrive, but that these three now stood before her was more than she had hoped for.
Rayn’s nearly impolite stare had shifted to the young boy, just for a moment, to see if his mind was playing tricks… Given the proximity and their comfort near one another, there had to be a common liaison between the two, which would already throw him off. His concentration was sapped from him when someone approached from his side, to which he turned to look suspiciously at first. Human… for what he knew. It was a sign of relief, since she seemed of a mature age.

However, this ease was thrown off, especially with the words used by the woman who arrived. Grandmaster? She looked at the kid when she spoke so… A title like Grandmaster usually symbolized someone of very high status, and this boy seemed to be unfit, to his untrained eye. Was there some kind of sorcery?

He remained quiet with their exchange, that jealousy and envy showing slightly at his bitterness of them knowing each other. This was quickly erased as he was spoken to, ask to be at ease. It wasn’t as easy as simply asking… Even the acknowledgement of his presence by this creature had set alarms in his head. She explained herself, which did nothing to drop his guard. The admittance just meant he knew there was something he needed to look out for.

Rayn opened his lips, eating to slip a few words, but stopped himself. It followed with a certain hesitation, but he answered in fair time. “Call me Rayn.” He knew that some regions of this world would associate him with the rumours that surround him; murder, occultism, Void corruption, and such other things. “And I’m new in this solace Not really within the Order yet.” He wasn’t going to hide it, not that at the least. He preferred to ignore the expression this would cause others, concentrating on what he perceived as a threat. He still kept his fair distance.
"Desta!" Kinra's face lit up with recognition at the human woman's approach, and he bounced on the balls of his feet, clapping his hands together gleefully. "You're coming with us? Yay!" He beamed, forgoing formality and darting into the air to all-but barrel into her for an enthusiastic embrace. "It's been so long since we went into the field together!" He went on, releasing her after a moment and floating back to a more respectable distance, folding his arms behind his back. "I'm going to have to make sure I don't slip back into calling you apprentice..."

The sylvae boy giggled at the thought. It didn't seem like so long ago to him that Desta had been a much younger woman, standing nervously amongst the ranks of the initiates awaiting selection by the order's masters. They'd spent a long while together in the years that followed, before Desta accrued enough experience to graduate to the status of a full Warden, and the stark contrast between the frightened youth she'd been when he first met her and the confident, capable woman she was now still made his heart swell with pride.

He looked then to Rayn, his enthusiasm in greeting Desta having distracted him from properly welcoming the other man, and offered him a warm smile. Upon the revelation that the man wasn't yet a member of the Vanguard, he raised a curious eyebrow, but the smile remained. He would leave it to Syvil to question (or not question) the man's lack of rank within the Order. "Welcome, Rayn. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I hope you've found the Vigil to your liking thus far!" He offered a shallow bow of greeting, an odd-looking gesture from one floating several feet off the ground, then looked back to Syvil.

"Others may yet be on their way, but I know of none for certain," he answered. "But I should think there are many who would welcome the opportunity to give something back to the people to whom we owe so much."
"Unfortunately, I encountered no others on my way here. It is my hope that I only missed them on my way," she told Syvil.

The woman replied to Kinra's greeting in kind, smiling warmly as she wrapped her arms around him. "After all that you have done for me, this is the least I could do, Grandmaster," she chuckled. "I must admit, you haven't changed at all. It makes the nostalgia come easy, even if I'm looking at you from a different angle now." Her grin was teasing, but friendly.

As Kinra retreated, Desta stood back at attention, gazing at her company. A small group, but Desta had hope. She bowed her chin to the stranger. "Welcome, Rayn. I share in the Grandmaster's regards. The Vigil has raised me well. I hope it can do the same for you."
"I myself wasn't yet sworn to the order when I traveled from these lands to Nasazura's Rest," Syvil replied to Rayn. "It would be unwise of us to turn down aid wherever it is offered, and perhaps you will find your place at the end of this path before you."

Meanwhile Desta and Kinra's optimism went unrewarded as no others made their appearance. A sense of solemn resignation settled upon Syvil. Only three would answer the call for aid. Only three of so many.

It would have to suffice.

"I fear no others will be joining us," Sylvil noted. "If everyone's affairs are in order, we will be departing imminently."
Again, the exchange, as absurd as it seemed to the man, made him still envious of such comradery. Rayn should have expected, with the information given, that people who knew of each other would join this task. It didn’t lessen the pain of it; there certainly was no one out there waiting for him. Worse yet, there was still something that didn’t sit right with this kid being “Grandmaster”. There was some doubt now that this Order was serious or organized.

The Vigil has granted some shelter from my past and present. It’s more than I could ask for anywhere else.” Rayn said with little care showing for their greetings. He didn’t even nod back or bow, simply turning to the Void touched who followed about them being the only ones. That’s what it was like when it was volunteers and not paid mercenaries or orders given from above. You did with what you got; something Rayn knew far too well.

For a moment, Rayn wondered about this Void-touched. It showed itself as unhostile, which he still has doubts she was, so there was a possible opportunity for further… research. This voyage might offer more than just sanctuary. “I’ll hope I find a path…” He crossed his arms, standing straight. “I have all my equipment. Can leave in a heartbeat if needed.”
Kinra folded his arms, an unhappy frown crossing his features and his eyes dulling to a disappointed grey-blue. "I suppose many must be occupied on other tasks," he rationalised. "Our homelands remain dangerous places still. A distant problem, coupled with great sacrifice..." The sylvae boy sighed, shaking his head. It wouldn't do to overthink his comrades' absence, nor to devise excuses for them. It was a hefty choice to make, for most.

He turned back to Syvil, offering her a reassuringly cheerful smile. "We shall simply have to be enough, then! I am ready to accompany you at your word, I have all I need with me." He gestured to a small pack upon his back, woven with elegant patterns of foliage and flowers. Like himself, there was more to the small package than met the eye - it led to a small pocket realm filled with his belongings, far more than would have otherwise fit in a bag so small.
"We are few, but... promising," said Desta. "I too am ready to depart, Grandmasters."

Desta placed her hands upon her hips and stood confidently before her party. Her smile was filled with hope.
"Then let us be on our way," Syvil answered.