Open An OC I'm dying to use, looking for partners! (Mature/Dark themes)


Professional fanboy
This was created for RPN but I thought I'd see if I can find partners here, too. I have an oc I'd love to use with virtually any story or pairing.

Their name's Kurou Tamashi (魂黒う). Everyone knows that's not their real name, but a name they gave themself after being disowned by their parents a few years ago. Kurou had murdered one of their high school teachers after they failed them for the year in a fit of panicked rage, knowing their strict parents would be disappointed and upset. Nearly a year after the incident, they were found not guilty by reason of insanity, and charges were dropped, although they were forced into counselling and put on a whole bunch of meds in an attempt to correct the issues. They stopped taking said meds after their parents kicked her out and they couldn't afford them any longer.

They dropped out of high school senior year. Both their parents, their only family, were found dead in their home, but there was no evidence of a murder. Rather, they died of carbon monoxide poisoning from an appliance left running. They recieved a large sum of money from the court proceedings, and now live in a small apartment by themself.
At 21 years old, they spend their days hanging out around the city, getting into trouble with local gangs, stealing, shoplifting, doing whatever they please. Substance abuse, suicide attempts, and DUIs are common occurrences. They've been depressed and suicidal their whole life, and push everyone away.

Kurou identifies as nonbinary (genderfluid), but is often assumed to be male. As such, they use he/they pronouns.

This story will be set in an unnamed fictional city somewhere in modern-day USA. The city is in a constant state of disrepair, criminals and druggies running wild and stirring up trouble with the local gangs. City police can never seem to keep up, and so most crimes go unpunished. Anyone with a shred of street smarts carry a weapon on them at all times, and don't display any obvious signs of wealth. Heaven forbid you wear your expensive jewelry downtown and get robbed of everything you have two steps out the door.

If you have any character you think could fit into this story, or if you have another story that could easily collide with this one, HMU!

Edit: added more info and setting
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