Private An Unsuspected Adventure

"Well... yeah.... Figures...." Kitty looked up for a moment. "I meant more like... the whole place. The world. I didn't ask before hopping through the waypoint...."
"A-Ahh..." Aiden said softly and looked around. "Well, I don't know exactly."

He put walked towards the door that lead towards the cargobay and outside and said; "I was planning on finding out." He scratched his chest.
He didn't know? Kitty cocked her head and followed out of curiosity. He had no idea what sort of a place he'd landed it? What sort of a person didn't–

Nevermind. That wasn't what was important right now. She trailed after Aiden, not planning to take the lead unless she happened to be forced into it. The ship he seemed to know well enough, but out the door? Outside the ship was a mess of tunnels. Kitty was positive he was gonna get lost, and so was she.

But that was part of the fun, wasn't it? Wasn't getting lost for no real reason with a stranger she'd just met exactly what she'd signed up for when she hopped through the isle portal?

Hopefully, it was, otherwise she was going to find herself in a very, very strange situation rather quickly.