Ancient Forest (1X1)

She shakes her head a little. "Just deaths....only deaths." She looks to Red. "I had taken them all out there camping so they could have fun for one last time before they passed. It was a farewell trip."
Red looked up as she looked back at him. "So... it wouldn't have mattered if we had killed them. It wouldn't have mattered whether or not we were there... very reassuring.." The last bit was obviously sarcastic, causing the doll maker to give him one of those glares parents give their kids to remind them to behave themselves. "Sorry. I know I'm not the only reason people die in this world, but the fact that I am one just really rubs me the wrong way. And it doesn't help when I hear that there's no way a death could be prevented or prolonged."
She shakes her head. "I haven't figured out how to stop one yet." She mutters. She had seen her mother's death and she had to live every second trying to figure out when it would happen and how to stop it...She couldn't.

She looks away then back at Red."You aren't a source of death anymore. I am here. Doing what my bloodline has been meant to do."
"So.. for your friends... did you only see the car accident, or did you see us as well?" His curiosity was starting to get the better of him, but his guilt was still nagging at the back of his mind as always.
She shakes her head a bit. "I only saw the accident. I didn't see you at all. Didn't even realize that I knew this place. Just knew I should go there and thought it would be a good trip for them." She says honestly.
"Hm." Red seemed unsure how to respond to this. The doll maker took the opportunity to speak up again. "That's fascinating. If you do learn how prevent the deaths you do, at least some of them, then maybe this could be a benefit to humans. I look forward to seeing what you can do."
She nods a little to the doll maker. " I've tried to avoid doing anything with it...tried to ignore it if anything..." She says honestly.
"Of course. I don't mean to make you feel forced. But if you do ever find a way to possibly prevent a predicted death, tell Red and tell him to let me know. I can at least say that this has my interest, and it is something I'd like to know more about when we can."
She nods a little at his words. "If I ever figure it out...I'll do that." She smiles a little. It wasn't an easy subject for her. She had tried so hard to keep her friends alive as a child and then her mom. It was hard.
He gave a little smile when there was a sudden knock at the door. Even though he didn't know who it was, the dollmaker already seemed nervous. "You two stay here." He directed as he got up and started towards the door.
Sarah jumped slightly at the sudden knock then looked to the dollmaker. Seeing him nervous made her nervous. She looks to Red. "Does anyone usually visit?" She asks curiously.
"I've never seen anyone visit before. It's always been just me and him up until now." Red was nervous, too, since this was out of the ordinary. The dollmaker stayed at the door for a few minutes, exchanging low chatter with whoever was there, before little footsteps came running into the house and the dollmaker returned to the table and laid his head in his hands. "Are you okay?" Red quickly asked. The only response they got was "I am not a babysitter..."
He sighed as he looked back up at them. "An incubus just pawned his child off on me while he was out on some kind of mission."
"He couldn't have gone to anyone else for that?"
"Well, yes, he could've, but..." He paused, seeming unsure how to describe the situation. "Lately I've been viewed as one of the lowest ranking beings in Hell, since I never do anything directly with Earth, and I rarely ever step foot out of this house. Other beings have been trying to take advantage of that by dragging me into things and not caring whether or not I'm busy."
"Well, it could be worse, couldn't it?"
"I suppose."
Just then a little girl looking about 10 years old ran into the room. "Hey! Forget about your boring meeting for a second! What's with all the locked rooms in here?"
"They're locked for a reason. Please keep away from them."
"Aw, boo! You're no fun, are you?"
Sarah blinked a bit again. So others were taking advantage of him? That wasn't good.

Then she tenses a little as the little girl came into the room. She tilts her head as she looks at her. "There are other ways to have fun. Don't need to break the rules to do that." She said.
The girl crossed her arms as she looked at Sarah. "I know I don't need to, but breaking the rules just makes things more fun! And I want to see what's in those rooms!"
"You probably won't find any of it very interesting."
"See, you wouldn't say that unless there was something interesting in there, and you just want to keep me out! All the more reason to try and get in!"
The dollmaker took a deep breath and mumbled under his breath. "There is no reasoning with this child, is there?"
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Sarah arched a brow as she gazed at the child. "Or simply he is telling the truth." She goes over to the child but she froze suddenly as she met the girl's eyes.
Carefully she looked to the dollmaker. "Who is Satiric?"
(Ah, I messed up this one with Blood Handy!)

The girl had a playful and mischievous smile on her face, even as Sarah approached her. At her question to him, the dollmaker looked up in confusion. "What do you mean?"
(Lol it's okay. I figured that's what happened.)

Sarah glanced to Red slightly then back to the dollmaker. She had just seen a death but this one was different and nothing like the ones before. The detail had been so clear.

She looks back at the little girl. "Do you know someone by that name?"
She seemed to get a more serious look on her face at this question, and after taking a minute to think shook her head.