Akashic Arcana Arcadia Mainstreet - A Sudden Appearance

As the full-suited man and robot were taken out of his office, Amatsu got his text response from the Disciplinary Division Commander. He read it over, raised an eyebrow at the personal note, and snapped his ORB shut, stuffing it into his coat's inside pocket. "If they do as I ask, then they have nothing to worry about," he said to nobody in particular. He smirked at how his reputation seemed to be that of a vicious tyrant, and didn't seem to mind. After all, his father has demonstrated on multiple occasions that fear will get results, so long as you have the might to keep the lower classes in line.

With the knowledge of someone having traveled through a rift in time and space, Amatsu had a potential breakthrough to unlock. If he could find out how to replicate what Pyotr and UV had done, it would revolutionize the world of magic in more ways than one. And it would give his family yet another tool to keep themselves at the top of the pecking order. "What an auspicious day... Could this get any better?"
