Gods Among Men Astreas


Active Member
Real Name: Cyrus Lunaro
Alias(es): Astreas
Allegiance: None
Sex: Male
Race: Mutant
Age: 21
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Appearance: Astreas is a tall, broad shouldered man. His mutation permits his body to change from one state to another very rapidly. In one form, he has flowing, dirty blonde hair and his skin is pale. Meanwhile, in his other form, Astreas has black hair and dark purple skin.

Personality: Astreas is very talkative and confident, in his normal form. But when in his dark form, he is a lot more quiet and reserved.

Abilities & Equipment: The only thing Astreas needs is his wits and hands. Trained in advanced martial arts, he can subdue most foes with ease.
  • Metamorphosis: Astreas has the ability to switch between a "Light" form and "Dark" form, each providing it's benefits and weaknesses.
  • Healing: In Light form, Astreas has the ability to channel his energy into other living things and heal them, while making himself weaker.
  • Strength: In Light form, Astreas gains increased strength and jumping height.
  • Leech: In Dark form, Astreas has the ability to leech energy from other living things, healing himself while killing them.
  • Speed: In Dark form, Astreas gains increased agility and speed.
  • Wall Latch: In Dark form, Astreas's skin has velcro-like hooks, allowing him to stick to many surfaces.

Astreas's two forms both have their select weaknesses. In Light form, for example, Astreas is particularly vulnerable to cuts and slashes and he cannot see very well in the dark. Meanwhile, in Dark form, Astreas is hurt by UV rays, making him useless during the day.

Personal History: Astreas was abandoned by his parents after the doctors identified his permanent defect. Soon after, schools all over Metropolis discharged him, calling him "a threat to students and staff".
Astreas didn't know what else to do, so he joined a gang. But, after being arrested and held in solitary confinement for 6 months, Astreas finally found his true calling: to be a super hero.
Occupation: None, yet
Family: None, anymore